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Your Fitness Journey and Progress


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Another thought that maybe some others can relate to: What motivated me to get myself back on track was thinking about my vision of the person I wanted to be, how I wanted to act, and how if I were in the body I wanted I would get to express that person without inhibition. I've been there before, and I was starting to feel like I wasn't myself. I truly do feel like your physical body is tied to the freedom of the self.

What got you off the track in the first place?


Active member
Dec 9, 2017
Instinctual Variant
What got you off the track in the first place?
Initially, having my routine thrown off by a trip, which also threw off my nutrition, so I was in a downward spiral, followed by recovering from being sick. My time off decreased my strength and caused me to become discouraged when I tried returning to my routine, and I had to build my way back up, but at that time I was also feeling overwhelmed due to having scattered priorities in my life, which gave me anxiety towards exercise where I'd become obsessive about fitting workouts in, and I started to really dislike working out because of the pressure combined with my decreased strength, so I thought I could get away with working out less, but physically when I did it felt more stressful on my body than if I had just pushed through the discomfort to get back to where I was, I guess because I wasn't stimulating my muscles enough to adapt and grow.

Although, I wonder if my body having that rest allowed it to become unadjusted enough so that the shock of new stimulus/increased volume helped to spark more growth, like when people switch between hypertrophy and strength phases or between different workout styles.
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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Initially, having my routine thrown off by a trip, which also threw off my nutrition, so I was in a downward spiral, followed by recovering from being sick. My time off decreased my strength and caused me to become discouraged when I tried returning to my routine, and I had to build my way back up, but at that time I was also feeling overwhelmed due to having scattered priorities in my life, which gave me anxiety towards exercise where I'd become obsessive about fitting workouts in, and I started to really dislike working out because of the pressure combined with my decreased strength, so I thought I could get away with working out less, but physically when I did it felt more stressful on my body than if I had just pushed through the discomfort to get back to where I was, I guess because I wasn't stimulating my muscles enough to adapt and grow.

Although, I wonder if my body having that rest allowed it to become unadjusted enough so that the shock of new stimulus/increased volume helped to spark more growth, like when people switch between hypertrophy and strength phases or between different workout styles.

I have that kind of fear as well that if I start missing workouts too often, I'll get into a rut and put on weight and then it'll be much harder to get back to the same level of fitness.

Every workout day, I have a battle of wills going in my head, I get depressed and need to push myself into going to the gym. Once I am there though, it becomes much more easy. I like running better as it is outdoors.

Glad you are back on track.


Active member
Jan 1, 2022
I've progressed far on my fitness journey. I am recently running hill sprints to improve my heart's ability to pump blood through my body. I am running 2 minute hill sprints for 4-10 sets once to twice a week.

In addition I have a weight lifting regiment. I attribue my motivation to my imagination.

During my runs I imagine I must get back to the village and warn the people of the invaders, and if I fail, everyone, including my family, will die. I believe this to be real in the moment and it really works. My entire physiology changes and I turn into a wolf. It also helps to have good music to help amplify the imagination such as this..


Kingu Kurimuzon

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I’m at about 185 lbs. Starting weight when I began was 225. I am a medium framed ((ecto mesomorph subtype) just shy 6 feet, so I could probably lose another 20 to 30 pounds.

cutting by under eating smaller portions and doing short but intense daily cardio (2000 meters on row machine, but I’m amping it up soon). I drink only water and coffee now and have entirely cut out alcohol, but I still smoke a lot of weed. I also do light weight training and lots of sit-ups. Sometimes I go for runs but it’s harder on the body. The hardest thing about cutting is mustering the energy to work out.

I haven’t decided if I will bulk or keep a leaner build. It will depend on how I feel and look once I’m at an ideal body fat level. I’ve always thought leaner fit me better. I would rather have a Brad Pitt Fight Club physique than a Jason Momoa tank body.

getting more attention from ladies everywhere I go. Including co workers who s treated me as invisible before. It is surreal. It’s not why I started this, but if there were ever a reason to continue…
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Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
I feel like a failure. I keep telling myself I want to be healthier, but I keep giving in and trying some funky new snack I see. I crave something sweet, so I just tell myself I have something small only to remind myself I ate a donut since the manager brought some in. I've been able to control myself before, why am I not able to now? Especially since food isn't even that pleasurable anymore.


Active member
Jan 1, 2022
I absolutely love seeing people defy stereotypes about age.

I am not old per se, but I find the older I get the more I realize that the pain I thought that was from getting old was really from doing things that I should never have done.

For instance, I used to squat 450lbs in highschool. I became depressed when i couldn't squat cause it would induce back spasms but I realize that physiologically, because my legs are so long and because of my proportions I cannot anatomically squat without activating my lower back, even with perfect form.

I replaced the squats with conentrated leg curls and upside down leg press machines and I am running ten minute miles at 215lbs of weight which is good for someone over 35.
I feel like a failure. I keep telling myself I want to be healthier, but I keep giving in and trying some funky new snack I see. I crave something sweet, so I just tell myself I have something small only to remind myself I ate a donut since the manager brought some in. I've been able to control myself before, why am I not able to now? Especially since food isn't even that pleasurable anymore.
when I get into a rut I just try to be better than I was the day before by a little. I find if I try too hard to avoid everything I swing the other way. So if you have a donut usually, cut it in half, or if you want to try a new snack, by it and it eat one.

Are you working in any routines?


Active member
Dec 9, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I feel like a failure. I keep telling myself I want to be healthier, but I keep giving in and trying some funky new snack I see. I crave something sweet, so I just tell myself I have something small only to remind myself I ate a donut since the manager brought some in. I've been able to control myself before, why am I not able to now? Especially since food isn't even that pleasurable anymore.

As someone with a tendency to fall into binge eating and who loves sweets, there are a few things I've noticed. Sugar addiction ramps up the intensity of cravings and your body's hunger signals become out of whack, so you're often insatiable even when you're eating a ton of high-calorie food. After a few days of eating differently (in a way that's sustainable for you), your body won't have that strong need for junk food where you're constantly thinking about it, and you will become satisfied on way less food as long as you avoid major triggers, because once you put that donut in your mouth, you'll likely feel as if you've failed and lose control. I've broken my sugar addiction many times and it usually takes about a week to get back on track. Some strategies that have helped wean myself off of junk food are 1) giving myself a sugar allowance (25g/day for women) so that I don't feel restricted and can make conscious decisions about what is worth eating 2) making sure that everything I do eat is enjoyable or has ingredients I like (like dark chocolate chips :p), and 3) replacing high calorie/sugar/sodium junk food with healthier versions/recipes. Chocolate protein powder is one thing that saved me when I started losing weight because I could make so many different things with it.
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Kingu Kurimuzon

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I feel like a failure. I keep telling myself I want to be healthier, but I keep giving in and trying some funky new snack I see. I crave something sweet, so I just tell myself I have something small only to remind myself I ate a donut since the manager brought some in. I've been able to control myself before, why am I not able to now? Especially since food isn't even that pleasurable anymore.
Channel your love of food into finding creative, healthier, exciting dishes and recipes. If you have one of those Asian Markets nearby, they sell plenty of fun snacks that are often healthier than Western prepackaged snacks. If your body can handle it, you could become a runner. I know runners who basically eat whatever they want and can maintain a healthy body by running every morning.

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
Channel your love of food into finding creative, healthier, exciting dishes and recipes. If you have one of those Asian Markets nearby, they sell plenty of fun snacks that are often healthier than Western prepackaged snacks. If your body can handle it, you could become a runner. I know runners who basically eat whatever they want and can maintain a healthy body by running every morning.
Thank you. Yeah, I don't think it's even the junk food aspect. I mean, I'm not going to lie I do like it, but it's the fact that it's the novelty of it. If I see like, hot dog flavored cheetos or whatever then it's hard to resist cause it's well, a hot dog flavored cheeto. I love healthy food as well, cause I like all the food. The Asian market is a good idea though, we don't have any of those specifically around here but there's this Thai restaurant that has a snack section inside so it's worth checking out. Also, my OCD makes me HATE wasting food, which sounds like an excuse I guess but like if I see food that's been around for a bit I get very anxious about throwing it out. And guess where it goes? Ahhh. But I'm a sucker for pistachios when it comes to healthy snacks, trying new flavors of greek yogurt and hummus, new flavors of coffee(the coffee itself), odd fruits and vegetable, oranges/peaches. So why the heck am I like this? I've probably become lazy...


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Thank you. Yeah, I don't think it's even the junk food aspect. I mean, I'm not going to lie I do like it, but it's the fact that it's the novelty of it. If I see like, hot dog flavored cheetos or whatever then it's hard to resist cause it's well, a hot dog flavored cheeto. I love healthy food as well, cause I like all the food. The Asian market is a good idea though, we don't have any of those specifically around here but there's this Thai restaurant that has a snack section inside so it's worth checking out. Also, my OCD makes me HATE wasting food, which sounds like an excuse I guess but like if I see food that's been around for a bit I get very anxious about throwing it out. And guess where it goes? Ahhh. But I'm a sucker for pistachios when it comes to healthy snacks, trying new flavors of greek yogurt and hummus, new flavors of coffee(the coffee itself), odd fruits and vegetable, oranges/peaches. So why the heck am I like this? I've probably become lazy...
I doubt that it's laziness. Probably more that some need, other than nutrition, is being met by those foods. Maybe reflect on what those needs might be... Comfort? Adventure? Distraction? Control (ocd)? Then think of non-food related ways you could meet those needs. Are there ways you used to meet them that you're not doing anymore?


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
Day three of fasted cardio. My legs started hurting in a weird way so I cut it short. It's like God made a morning just for me though.


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
Day 4: got bandaids patched foot, put on socks, and my good shoes. No more leg pain this morning, beyond the usual gripes and grumbles.


Meat Tornado
Apr 13, 2009
Day 5: took me a little longer than usual to get off my ass and get moving this morning. Once I was out there an old and very bad sports injury started acting up a little so I had to cut my route a little short. Still good though.