1) A hell of a catch 22. Old governments and economic systems are the problem.
What is nothing unfixable. Pushing the elites out with violence that you are arguing for was tried in a number of countries in modern era and in general it led into more misery and the society went completely off the track. Plus here we had one ultra rich dude that made a company that is something like 20% of GDP and the people simply boycotted him, until he went bankrupt. After which he was arrested since it became obvious what kind of a scam all of that was. Therefore there are ways how to do this without rocking the boat even harder.
2) I am saying that regardless of how extensive and effective education is, it will not matter. Think about how many times you have clashed with teachers growing up, and apply that to serious problems. That is implying education hasn't been focused to support the very destruction you are against. Education is highly unreliable due to corruption and lack of the ability to actually teach. Not everyone understands what they are taught.
For the third time I am talking about genuine education. Not a high school in a ghetto (that is not education).
Without education people can't even begin to understand the environmental problems they are actually facing and that basically guarantees failure. Dumb people wouldn't build everything we need and they wouldn't do it in time. Although media also have to be cleaned up since you can't allow that the spew every single day crap into the air. After all more educated people are less likely to even watch TV crap in general.
3)Using developed and clean energy, requires a preset of development to begin with. You cannot just start with green energy, it is not cost effective for growing nations when money means the difference between life and death. It is technically geo-economical suicide to try to go green from the start. The repairs for modern day green energy is absurd cost wise. Most 3rd world nations can manage is a fucking dam. Let alone solar power, or reduction of C02.
You obviously didn't listen or you just don't want to hear. Technology can be produced in rich countries and deployed in the poorer ones. Or it can be produced in poor ones to some degree since not everyone there is an idiot. After all this is exactly where education comes in. Poor countries are poor exactly because of lack of education and problems with the rule of law. Once you fix that you can have sustainable development. Which isn't necessarily in just building huge cities and trying to mimic developed countries.
To be honest you are from the country that is greatest contrarian towards moving away from fossil fuels, so I don't think you have the full picture. After all mass development with fossil fuels is even more unsustainable than going green from the start. Especially since green energy often comes to the exact location, so you don't have to build huge infrastructure regarding electricity. What makes things easier in poorer countries.
4)In what world does development not equal creating more room for industry and agriculture? Have you calculated how much room it takes to create an area to sustain a certain population based on agriculture alone? Are you aware of the deficits to a service economy only? Societies based around tourism and natural beauty do not last long before they are overrun by people trying to make a living there. Remember, with "Green energy", you are not proposing just to a few people. But the entire world. How will these small nations buy expensive lithium and cobalt? How will these small nations afford to make the transition from coal to battery power and or solar/wind that doesnt even work in all areas of the world? All of that requires huge sums of money they do not have.
In the world where money doesn't get to decide everything. You are watching all of this through the lenses of anarcho-capitalism and that isn't the path of everyone on this planet. Actually the less people live like this the faster all of this can be sorted out. Plus I am not just proposing solar and wind, I am also proposing plenty of hydro energy, biomass, geothermal energy, more efficient machines and housing that spend less energy, less transportation and global trade ... etc. Plus I would dare to have some nuclear energy as a back up. However the fossil fuels have to go away completely.
After all the prices are kinda relative thing. If you build a factory of assets and infrastructure that protects environment in a poor country they will produce it at pretty low costs (what makes it locally more affordable). Especially if it is state run and therefore it doesn't need to pay taxes, shareholders or advertising. What greatly lowers the cost. After all that is how many things work in my part of the world and that is why we have various affordable benefits.
The melting of ice is the absolute least concern in terms of what we as a race can do for the environment. It isn't the first time there has been a frosting and defrosting of the world either. We are technically still on the end of an ice age. And regardless of what we do, Earth is still gonna change.
And this is exactly why you need education. So that you don't type these kinds of silly things. Especially since today there are a number of differences between now and changes in previous geological eras. The most obvious ones are huge coastal cities. Therefore when before sea level was going up and down that wasn't the problem. However now when you have hundreds of static large cities on the coasts the changes are no longer a trivial problem. Especially since what will cause such social-economic disruptions that any effort to preserve the environment will be heavily disrupted. After all rebuilding all those huge coastal areas further inland evidently isn't going to help the environment. Therefore you need to have measures that at least try to keep things as they are. Plus you skipped the sea acidification problem that is caused by mass releasing of CO2 into the environment, which threatens to collapse sea food chains globally. Climate change simply isn't the only problem with CO2. There are more of them.