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[ISFJ] Where my ISFJs at?


New member
Mar 29, 2008
ME! I'm an ISFJ! And this is my first post! So, is this like a thread to talk about ISFJs? Because you got a in-house ISFJ gal right here!!


New member
Mar 29, 2008
I didn't mean to sound dismissive Jae Rae, and I did say it wasn't my opinion but just a random thought I had come to me, which I expressed to see what others would make of it, since I didn't make much of it myself. That's the way Ne dominants work... :mellow:

I wasn't saying "no ISFJ's use computers and they're all useless bimbos". I'm just saying that each type has higher probabilities of certain inclinations, and taking the function order that's given for ISFJ, it seems more likely that they would

a) be female (thereby, not exactly excluded but less encouraged by society to take part in 'sciences'), which is true of any F type (true as in a truly higher probability, not 'always the case')

b) prefer to stick to what they know, rather than try new things,

c) be apprehensive of trying something new without supervision from someone who knew the territory - both natural aspects of having Si as a dominant function.

d) as introverts, be less hungry for human interaction than their extraverted Feeling and SJ cousins, and therefore less likely to put the effort into overcoming an apprehension towards the unknown and a general lower level of confidence with improvising, to participate in Internet communities

e) as introverted feelers, be more likely to have a few RL close friends that are all the social life they want and need, as opposed to introverted thinkers who often find social bonding and making friends more difficult and/or have even less need for it (even if they only think they have less need for it).

I hope this clarifies to you that I wasn't generalizing or dismissing, but just extrapolating from the theory of MBTI and the function attitudes. Even so I still want to labour the point that this is ALL it is to me, and not my own personal opinion. I have no opinion on the matter, as I don't have enough info to make one.

edit - and yes, the ISFJ I know is exactly as tech-savvy as she needs to be. That is, she knows how to operate the computer system in her office in order to do the things that her job entails; she can use her cellphone, or the features of it that are of use to her. But if I were to ask her how to do something that's never come up in her line of work, or that she'd never thought about before, I know for certain (and from experience) that she'd be more likely to say "Well, I don't know, you'll have to ask someone else" - she'd be able to tell me exactly where to find the information, but she wouldn't say, "Well, I dunno, but let's see, if you open the... and click on... then it should... oh wait, hang on, no, okay let's try... ah, that's it", she wouldn't just improvise and figure it out on the spot, like I do all the time.

That's not prejudice, that's simple type theory. Si is a 'stick to what you know and work outwards slowly' function, whilst my dominant is Ne, which is a 'dive right in and figure it out as you go' function. My head is choc-full of info that I've never had any personal need of and possibly never will, from times when I've just tried and tested and experimented 'just to see'. I never know 'just as much as I need' - within minutes of the supervisor turning their back, I'm tinkering away and figuring out more stuff because I'm quite simply, insatiably curious.

Erm, hi. Ah...well...I am a true ISFJ inside out. (READ MY PREVIOUS POST!) First, I like to say I hope I do not offend you or anything. Well, I gotta ask you something, is your post referring to adults or something? Because nowadays, everyone is tech-savvy (ISFJ or otherwise, female or otherwise, introverted or otherwise...ok...you get my point.) I hope you can explain to me because I'm a little lost here about your post...hope I haven't offended you.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
I'm an ISFJ too!

First, MC2456 your apologetic attitude sounds a lot like mine. :) I'd also like to note with your point that ISFJs have a powerful motivation to learn something if it pleases or is useful to someone close to them. I became great with computers because my family used me as the tech support on nearly everything. Once I got rewarded for it a few times I learned a lot more about how to use technology.

Second, IMHO the reason that ISFJ's don't participate in these boards that often is also because they have no real motivation to do so. I have visited this board a couple of times, but this is the first time I have ever posted. Why did I decide to register and post? Simple, I thought I might be able to help you guys with any questions you might have about ISFJs. Otherwise, I'd have no motivation to do so. Random discussion about other types doesn't interest me all that much unless it relates to someone I know. (The self absorbed attitude there bothers me, but it is true.)

Third, the main reason that I became interested in the MBTI was to help with an identity crisis I had a few years back. My parents were really laid back with my career choice and all I wanted was someone to tell me what I should do. I frantically researched a lot about types that sounded close to me in a hope that the MBTI (authority) would tell me what to choose. Reasoning and intuition are not my strong point, and it took me nearly 7 years to figure out my type. I actually didn't start to realize it until I used my vast store of knowledge about the MBTI (Si at work) to note my preferences in day to day activities.

Also, this latest burst in research has been in an effort to help understand my strengths and weaknesses to help at work. I've been using it to help understand the differences between my boss and I so that I can increase his satisfaction with my work (Fe.)

Oh and my hobbies are...

Taking a walk and listening to music in solitude, hiking, helping on my grandfather's farm, reading (usually non-fiction), and going to breakfast with friends.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Another ISFJ here. I have to agree that we’re quiet bunch when it comes to online forums. We may join boards like this but without any motivation to jump in a little and converse we don’t exactly stick around. It’s good to see that there are some of us still lurking about though.


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm ISFJ and I doubt there's many of my type on here haha

Yeah, just a few. We "S's" in general are pretty rare around here, but the good part about that is that the N majority hangs on our every word. :D


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Do any ISFJ's here have ISFJ friends? I am yet to meet another one.


No moss growing on me
Jun 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Do any ISFJ's here have ISFJ friends? I am yet to meet another one.

In person, yes just a couple. I get along great with them.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
I'm an ISFJ too!

First, MC2456 your apologetic attitude sounds a lot like mine. :) I'd also like to note with your point that ISFJs have a powerful motivation to learn something if it pleases or is useful to someone close to them. I became great with computers because my family used me as the tech support on nearly everything. Once I got rewarded for it a few times I learned a lot more about how to use technology.

i got into computers because my brother was all into computers. i took 3 years of computer applications in high school and have built one or two in the last 10 years.

Second, IMHO the reason that ISFJ's don't participate in these boards that often is also because they have no real motivation to do so. I have visited this board a couple of times, but this is the first time I have ever posted. Why did I decide to register and post? Simple, I thought I might be able to help you guys with any questions you might have about ISFJs. Otherwise, I'd have no motivation to do so. Random discussion about other types doesn't interest me all that much unless it relates to someone I know. (The self absorbed attitude there bothers me, but it is true.)

i'm pretty much the same. i like reading about isfjs because i am one and intps because that's what my boyfriend is. i'm also trying to figure out what type my son is, although he may be too young to pin down for sure, he might be an sp.

Third, the main reason that I became interested in the MBTI was to help with an identity crisis I had a few years back. My parents were really laid back with my career choice and all I wanted was someone to tell me what I should do. I frantically researched a lot about types that sounded close to me in a hope that the MBTI (authority) would tell me what to choose. Reasoning and intuition are not my strong point, and it took me nearly 7 years to figure out my type. I actually didn't start to realize it until I used my vast store of knowledge about the MBTI (Si at work) to note my preferences in day to day activities.

Also, this latest burst in research has been in an effort to help understand my strengths and weaknesses to help at work. I've been using it to help understand the differences between my boss and I so that I can increase his satisfaction with my work (Fe.)

hmm... i need to figure out how to make mbti work for me at work. i tried to get my boss to take an online test, but she hasn't yet. :(


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Hi Everyone! I'm new here and this is my first post! I just found out a few days ago that i am a ISFJ...before then i never heard of MBTI. After i took my test,it took me to other pages to tell me all about me lol...i was so shocked...i swear its my autobiography! Anywho,it said on there that only 9% - 14% of people in the USA have ISFJ...so...this may be the reason u don't see us all over the place...i believe there is not very many of us out there! Not sure about the rest of the world,since there was not anything said or listed about that.

If ur wondering how i ended up here is because i am on the search...i never met another ISFJ that i am aware of...and i feel really alone in the world...but i know there has to be someone out there that thinks kinda like me or sees things kinda like i do...i can't be the only one!!!! Oh God,at least i hope i'm not the only one...cuz its getting a bit lonely in this world lol.

Ok...so i better make a somewhat copy of this...or just copy and paste it to the intro part of this site...so peeps will know someone else joined the bandwagon!

Oh...i'm female and 37 yrs old...incase anyone is taking statistics around here...but i'm sure there is a thread on that as well,...or a poll...lol

Nice meeting u all! :hi:



New member
Sep 21, 2008
I'm an ISFJ too!

First, MC2456 your apologetic attitude sounds a lot like mine. :) I'd also like to note with your point that ISFJs have a powerful motivation to learn something if it pleases or is useful to someone close to them. I became great with computers because my family used me as the tech support on nearly everything. Once I got rewarded for it a few times I learned a lot more about how to use technology.

I second this big time. I must have built over 20 computers for people ever since I started 6 years ago. I'm no stranger to troubleshooting either and have a massive treasure of knowledge built since I first started tinkering around 10 years ago. It's a mistake to think I could ever be in an actual tech position as a job though since I always make the deal a personal thing and to become a professional with something I just regard ultimately as a tool could work but I would not be happy. Regardless my expertise does not delve much into anything beyond the surface with computers such as programming so I believe really any type can fall into using a message board, perhaps other ahem more mature ISFJ's might have no need to fall into such a thing. :unsure:


IRL is not real
Aug 21, 2008
Instinctual Variant
It'd be nice to have more SFs on the forum in general. We really don't see a lot of them. We're kind of picking up the slack in ISTJs, but we still are very low on ISFJs, ESFJs, and ESTJs.


No moss growing on me
Jun 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hi again!! :hi:

I hope more ISFJ's stick around here. I'm getting lonely! :(


New member
Oct 29, 2008
Hi. I'm an ISFJ male. I took the personality test two days ago and was not shocked to be cast as a "nurturer". I don't think its surprising that low numbers of ISFJs post on forums. I know that I can meticulously read through forums for hours, but I won't tend to post unless it is a key priority or an important enough subject, evoking strong emotion or thought. Possibly there are other ISFJs like myself with much time spent roving forums but little time spent posting.

What I like about the ISFJ in me - allows me to be a good listener and on guard towards injustice, caring that people are treated fairly. I become personally bothered if I see someone else mistreated. I appreciate how I choose only a few people to share deep emotions with.

What's not so hot about my ISFJ - I don't have thick skin. Actually, it ripped in grade school. I had to order a new one:) Tough little buggers, those kids are. A lack of assertiveness is bothersome.

Overall, I'm thankful for my personality, but like any other type, I want to maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.

Jack Flak

Jul 17, 2008
Overall, I'm thankful for my personality, but like any other type, I want to maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.
An excellent strategy. This is why I don't care about anything or anybody.