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What's my type?


New member
Dec 31, 2021
Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?

It did, my parents are catholics but they are not very active on it, and weren't much strict about it either. I got baptized when I was young, went to church a few times, we would do some religious rituals like lightening a candle every year and I still ask for their blessing every night before sleeping, but more because I think it's a way to show care, I'm not religious at all. I didn't care about religion and I went to catholic classes for a few weeks, then I just stopped and my mom didn't mind. I doubted catholicism since young, and despite engaging with it's practices I consider myself to have never followed a religion. I told my parents about it, and my mom was a bit scared, but then she got used to it.

What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?

Well I don't work now but I'm on university, and I'm doing Aesthetics! I don't know if it's called like this in english speaking countries- but I study Beauty basically, makeup, hair, skin and muscular treatments, procedures etc. I do like it a lot! I'm soooo excited for us to get over the theory part and jump to practice! I've been interested especially in colors and hair for a long time, that's why sometimes I hair style for my friends and family (and I do my own too). I also enjoy procedures so much, I don't know why, but I thought of being a surgeon too and I highly consider working with dentristy too in the future.

If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?

Bad. Bad bad bad I am frightened of being alone. Even some hours alone gets me extremely anxious, also when I'm alone sometimes my thoughts get dark and I hate it- company keeps me calm and also increases my productivity. I'm always more energetic after talking with people. So, lonely for sure. But just so I'm not too dramatic about this, I probably can endure a day.. it wouldn't be the best, but I'd occupy myself with other stuff to get distracted (like games and typology). ALSO if my cats are with me, it's easier. But since you said alone, I'm OF COURSE considering my cats too c:

What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?

I think I'm quite versatile in this area. I like indoors and outdoors activities very much! Like, playing cards and games is a fun plan, and also going out, shopping, driving, I like skateboarding, and other sports too I just like joining people in such activities, so it could be anything! Tennis, running, idk. Going out to eat and OMG going to the beach or the pool, are all activities I much enjoy. I'll try not to list them all- but it's tempting to think.

How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?

I'm quite curious? I don't go berserk about it though, like searching the whole internet for random topics just to learn, or questioning every single thing in front of me. I do always try to look behind what's obvious though. Sometimes weird questions get to my mind, even if not often, sometimes I only ask them because I want to make someone else smile though lol I would say I'm more wise or intelligent than curious. I do not believe things easily, and I think it is very important to keep a critical mind, and notice your own personal biases, which I believe to be undesirable. There is nothing in particular I'm curious about, it depends. But I guess sometimes I notice myself being caught up in information regarding the universe, it can be due to my anxiety though- I'm very fearful of death and the unknown (where do we go after we die? is there any meaning to things at all, if we are gonna lose it sometime? if they are going to be destroyed?) those kinds of questions usually start my existential crisis

Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?

I enjoy taking leadership only when I feel confident and prepared for what I'm doing and that's... very rarely lol. So usually leadership stresses me more than I enjoy it. There are some good times, but then it bothers me to be in a position where I'm the one who does the decision making, I feel uncomfortable showing others my preferences sometimes, and I'm more comfortable if they themselves say to prefer that thing, so I can agree with it. I tried to find out why I act like this, if I'm scared of being judged, but I've always been quite inhibited about personal preferences. For some things, I express myself however I want, and for others, I act like this. I don't get it.

Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?

Kinda? I do ignore my surroundings and so I can be forgetful and trip over things, or get hit. But, I was very praised when young for my arts, and I also have done some paintings, which my family praises a lot. It's not that difficult for me to learn dance choreographies too, so maybe I'm quite coordinated. I enjoy working with my hands! But sometimes it's hard for me to get in the mood, and I procrastinate a lot (that U in Big Five ain't for nothing). Some details of my cosplays are also handmade by me.

Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particularly artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.

I think it would be weird to say no now- but personally, not much. I believe there are people more creative than I, who are very subjective in their art, I generally just do little things I like, it's not very creative work. I enjoy mostly manga/manhwa, anime, games and paintings! I do like music too, but I know too little about it. Actually, I just listen to the songs I like, sometimes I don't even know who is singing, and it's like, a song I heard dozens of times!

What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?

I cherish the past, and I enjoy looking back and remembering everything I went through, though I hardly remember any details, and my memory sucks lol, I'm very grateful when I have friends near who can help me recall all the wonderful stuff! I believe what is done is done, we can't go back, so we shouldn't torture ourselves with the past. I can remember my misfortunes and embarassing moments with a smile and acceptance. The present is precious. It's the most important thing we have. I won't say I do much justice to these words, as I waste time a lot doing nothing really productive, but I believe there is no happiness compared as to when you feel yourself completely in the moment, removed from anything else, and enjoy the breeze of the air, or the silly conversations going around. The smile in people's faces, realizing how precious that moment is, and how fortunate you are to be able to enjoy it. The future, I don't know how to describe my relation to it. I can say most of my anxiety is directed to it. I'm afraid I won't be able to guarantee a good future for myself, and I try to take care of mine and others decisions regarding what to do and what paths to take. I'm greatly emotionally intuitive, and so I usually am good at giving advices and realizing the cautious path, prioritizing it. I like to look at the future with optimism and an open mind, and so I try to keep this dispositon the most, despite my fears!

How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?

I consider my availability, if I don't have anything else at hands sure why not. But I don't like much when people request a lot of super easy things they could have done themselves to others. Because if you can do something... why would you bother other person with it instead of doing it yourself? If I decided to help them, it's because... I realized they needed help? Or sometimes I realize they don't even need it, but end up doing it anyway to avoid useless discord

Do you need logical consistency in your life?

I don't know how much I need it, but I do appreciate it. When someone's thoughts are too inconsistent I usually notice it and try to counter it, so as to prevent misconceptions. I try to approach new ideas unbiasedly, instead of judging it quickly.

How important is efficiency and productivity to you?

It should be more important in my hierarchy, to be honest... I'm guilty of sacrificing productivity. I either postpone too much doing something, or I start doing it and take annoying paths instead of the most practical one. I get distracted too easily, and run away from my responsibilities (chores, or university works for example) till I can't anymore

Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?

A bit. It's almost entirely indirectly though. To avoid them from commiting mistakes, or hurting others, I usually take the role of manipulating the conservation's rhythm from the shadows (uuuuu). I'm also very sweet in general. Some people have a soft spot for me, that sometimes can be a great weapon to work things out - believe me or not! Some problem someone would try to fix forcefully or yelling, I respond with diplomacy and kindly, and it usually works.

What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?

Gaming: I enjoy it because
I mean it's fun! The competition, getting stronger, seeing your progress, meeting people and playing together, the beautiful animations and storylines, everything basically

Anime/Manga/Manhwa: The storylines and animations. The soundtracks!!!! The voice actors' dedications... it hooks me more than movies with real people I swear!

Dancing: The great, probably my main hobby (though is also needing of more dedication, I've been very demotivated lately). I love dancing, seeing your progress, it's also something which I can focus on more visually, like my own visual, expression and body so it's somehow satisfying, especially dancing with others is so fun.

Painting: Relaxing (which is unusual and nice for me), seeing the work you idealized in your head being brought to reality through your own hands!!! Feels nice, I get very proud of it and sometimes I get so excited I can staaare at my work for hours lol

Skateboarding: I NEED to put more effort into this one!!! Cause I really enjoy it. I bought a whole protection kit because I want to fall and go through all the process but I also do not want to get hurt *heart*

What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?

I learn more when it is something interesting, I have a huge block for subjects I have no interest on (chemistry...). I struggle to learn when there is not much instruction, when I have something else more interesting on my mind and I can't concentrate... My learning style is one where I can visualize the concept and apply it on many cases, ex. a mathematical formula. You understand how it works and once you recognize a question needing such solution, you apply it and find a definite answer. Explaining is not a strength of mine. I can talk things from my head, trying to explain a concept, but it would lack synthesis and talk much more than needed as I'm doing right now in this answer. I like anticipating things, like on chess. That's why math is much more fun than biology for example. I prefer classes involving logic and physical senses I guess.

How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?

Wing projects and improvise as I go.

What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?

Professionaly: I hope to reach financial stability, doing some work that is not too restrictive and tiring, and allows me to spare some flexibility. Last thing I want is a life defined by work!

Personally: I hope to grow as someone who can be proud of my accomplishments, who knows she is not alone and have amazing friends and family, I want to be able to show gratitude for my parents who did a lot of sacrifices for me, and my happiness. I want them to be happy. And of course, I want me to be happy, healthy and free.

What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?

I fear death, being alone, dependency, I fear not being able to reach that steady future I mentioned. Having people depend on me like they can't live without me is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable to follow my desires without taking into account how other people will feel. I do not like rude people, and inconsequential behavior. Injustice and lack of gratitude. Also I hate being in a negative mood, I start criticizing me when I throw a tantrum, I don't think that kind of attitude is good so I feel ashamed. I try to hear people out and help them on theirs, but it took a lot of time for me to begin opening up to others more easily, without feeling like they don't want to hear it. Nowadays, I'm surprised at how I sometimes overshare actually lol

What do the "highs" in your life look like?

When I'm happy and the people around me are too, everything is going well, I'm in control of my responsibilities and don't need to worry so much about things going wrong. I'm able to balance my projects and relations, and have lazy time!

What do the "lows" in your life look like?

The mental health of my loved ones is deteriorating, everything is messy and a disorder, I begin to feel powerless and exhausted, I can't find motivation to do anything I like. I don't reach out for people, get overly anxious and sensitive, can get angry at minor issues, don't feel like I have control over my life.

How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?

Half-half I'd say, I pay attention to other people, but not much my surroundings. When I daydream, I still am able to snap back to reality like when someone calls me, but I can be really oblivious to the colors of things, names, dates, I can forget what I was just talking about, or how someone looked like. A blank, empty room. I would think about that room in front of me, what I feel about it, how exquisite of an experience that is. I'd be fascinated by the color. Maybe stand up, dance, hum, roll around (since the walls and floor are the same color... that'd be fun), scream? laugh. Then after some time, maybe I'd start thinking about life and the future and start getting scared and wanting to go out lol

How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?

Hahahahaha long. I can ruminate a lot. And at such moments, I don't think I can trust myself much, but it's hard to let other people decide too. I want to choose an option that will be best for everyone but many times I don't know which one that is and that is sooo exhausting. I don't want to regret anything, and make bad choices. I change my mind if a better option shows up, and sometimes I give up for something else.

How long do you take to process your emotions?

I don't know...? I don't think I process much of my emotions, I tend to go with them and the figuring out happens too unconsciously for me to tell

How important are emotions in your life?

They are very important, a way for us to feel connected and express ourselves. I'm quite sensitive and treat others kindly and try for each situation to end well and happily

Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?

Yes T_T very often I answer others in an affirmative manner when it doesn't coincide with what I think inside. I generally don't lie or conceal my opinions though, I am evasive and can get silent when my opinion contradicts the general opinion, but if asked, I'm sincere and explain my point of view the best I can. If they aren't convinced, it's okay, but I'm not changing what I think unless I'm convinced otherwise. But I do tend to use accomodating expressions

Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?

I'm not much of a rule breaker... I've been more of a nice kid since young, I didn't cause much trouble for my parents, teachers, and adult figures. But I'm also not a stickler for convention, I like questioning things and I keep an open mind. I don't respect rules I believe to make absolutely no sense. And if I break them, I don't feel bad at all if I'm sure on what I'm doing. I believe authority should be challenged, we need to do so or else we become oblivious and can be taken advantage of, I don't think authority knows better.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?

I enjoy taking leadership only when I feel confident and prepared for what I'm doing and that's... very rarely lol. So usually leadership stresses me more than I enjoy it. There are some good times, but then it bothers me to be in a position where I'm the one who does the decision making, I feel uncomfortable showing others my preferences sometimes, and I'm more comfortable if they themselves say to prefer that thing, so I can agree with it. I tried to find out why I act like this, if I'm scared of being judged, but I've always been quite inhibited about personal preferences. For some things, I express myself however I want, and for others, I act like this. I don't get it.

Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particularly artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.

I think it would be weird to say no now- but personally, not much. I believe there are people more creative than I, who are very subjective in their art, I generally just do little things I like, it's not very creative work. I enjoy mostly manga/manhwa, anime, games and paintings! I do like music too, but I know too little about it. Actually, I just listen to the songs I like, sometimes I don't even know who is singing, and it's like, a song I heard dozens of times!

What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?

...I'm greatly emotionally intuitive, and so I usually am good at giving advices and realizing the cautious path, prioritizing it. I like to look at the future with optimism and an open mind, and so I try to keep this dispositon the most, despite my fears!

Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?

***A bit. It's almost entirely indirectly though. To avoid them from commiting mistakes, or hurting others, I usually take the role of manipulating the conservation's rhythm from the shadows (uuuuu). I'm also very sweet in general. Some people have a soft spot for me, that sometimes can be a great weapon to work things out - believe me or not! Some problem someone would try to fix forcefully or yelling, I respond with diplomacy and kindly, and it usually works.

What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?

Gaming: I enjoy it because
I mean it's fun! The competition, getting stronger, seeing your progress, meeting people and playing together, the beautiful animations and storylines, everything basically

Anime/Manga/Manhwa: The storylines and animations. The soundtracks!!!! The voice actors' dedications... it hooks me more than movies with real people I swear!

Dancing: The great, probably my main hobby (though is also needing of more dedication, I've been very demotivated lately). I love dancing, seeing your progress, it's also something which I can focus on more visually, like my own visual, expression and body so it's somehow satisfying, especially dancing with others is so fun.

Painting: Relaxing (which is unusual and nice for me), seeing the work you idealized in your head being brought to reality through your own hands!!! Feels nice, I get very proud of it and sometimes I get so excited I can staaare at my work for hours lol

Skateboarding: I NEED to put more effort into this one!!! Cause I really enjoy it. I bought a whole protection kit because I want to fall and go through all the process but I also do not want to get hurt *heart*

What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?

Professionaly: I hope to reach financial stability, doing some work that is not too restrictive and tiring, and allows me to spare some flexibility. Last thing I want is a life defined by work!

Personally: I hope to grow as someone who can be proud of my accomplishments, who knows she is not alone and have amazing friends and family, I want to be able to show gratitude for my parents who did a lot of sacrifices for me, and my happiness. I want them to be happy. And of course, I want me to be happy, healthy and free.

How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?

Hahahahaha long. I can ruminate a lot. And at such moments, I don't think I can trust myself much, but it's hard to let other people decide too. I want to choose an option that will be best for everyone but many times I don't know which one that is and that is sooo exhausting. I don't want to regret anything, and make bad choices. I change my mind if a better option shows up, and sometimes I give up for something else.

How important are emotions in your life?

They are very important, a way for us to feel connected and express ourselves. I'm quite sensitive and treat others kindly and try for each situation to end well and happily

Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?

Yes T_T very often I answer others in an affirmative manner when it doesn't coincide with what I think inside. I generally don't lie or conceal my opinions though, I am evasive and can get silent when my opinion contradicts the general opinion, but if asked, I'm sincere and explain my point of view the best I can. If they aren't convinced, it's okay, but I'm not changing what I think unless I'm convinced otherwise. But I do tend to use accomodating expressions

Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?

I'm not much of a rule breaker... I've been more of a nice kid since young, I didn't cause much trouble for my parents, teachers, and adult figures. But I'm also not a stickler for convention, I like questioning things and I keep an open mind. I don't respect rules I believe to make absolutely no sense. And if I break them, I don't feel bad at all if I'm sure on what I'm doing. I believe authority should be challenged, we need to do so or else we become oblivious and can be taken advantage of, I don't think authority knows better.
I can get some Fe-dom traits in there, especially the part about manipulating opinions from the shadows and also the part about respecting authority indicates a J type. You say you are energized by being around people so you must be an extravert.

I am leaning towards ENFJ cause you seem to be concerned more about existence and life and death rather than your looks, your dancing and skateboarding may also be explained by ENFJs' tertiary Se function.

I see that you typed yourself as enneagram 3, which I personally associate Fe-dom types in MBTI too, so that fits as well.

Just for further confirmation:
1) Can you name a few movie, tv show or anime characters that you particularly identify with, and mention the positive and negative qualities you identify with them for?
2) Are you particularly interested in novels such as the Alchemist, Love in the time of Cholera, My sweet orange tree? Or can you name a few books/authors that particularly stand out to you?


New member
Dec 31, 2021
I can get some Fe-dom traits in there, especially the part about manipulating opinions from the shadows and also the part about respecting authority indicates a J type. You say you are energized by being around people so you must be an extravert.

I am leaning towards ENFJ cause you seem to be concerned more about existence and life and death rather than your looks, your dancing and skateboarding may also be explained by ENFJs' tertiary Se function.

I see that you typed yourself as enneagram 3, which I personally associate Fe-dom types in MBTI too, so that fits as well.

Just for further confirmation:
1) Can you name a few movie, tv show or anime characters that you particularly identify with, and mention the positive and negative qualities you identify with them for?
2) Are you particularly interested in novels such as the Alchemist, Love in the time of Cholera, My sweet orange tree? Or can you name a few books/authors that particularly stand out to you?
Thank you so much! Actually, regarding enneagram Sp6 and So7 are the types I relate the most, and I currently self-type as 6w7 sp/so 692!

1) So I had saved some of them already, I'll list the relatable points! Also beware possible spoilers for each shows/characters

- Miya Chinen (SK8 the Infinity)
He was ignored by other classmates when young because he was talented in skateboard, for which he developed abandonment issues. It wasn't his purpose to make people distantiate for him, he just wanted to follow his passions and couldn't contain others' envy. He ended up alone, and grew to be really competitive about his hobbies. Something similar happened to me, I used to get high grades at school and the school decided to advance me one year and I couldn't get along with the other classmates because of it, I couldn't get rid of my weird more geeky interests either and for a time I thought I was going to be alone because of it. He also has a liking on video-games and cats, and it seems he relied on it as to not feel so lonely. Later he met Langa and Reki and began to break his shell and became more friendly, and that's what happened to me too. There was two very important people whose presence made me gain courage to talk more to others, and to see my interests as something that could make me connect with other people too.

- Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3)
He avoids showing others his fears, despair and insecurities, he makes a show out of his personality and many times is trying to get others in the right track from the shadows. I relate to him as that he is competitive, playful, he loves games and does not give up on one, but also he despises the killing game, for forcing them into a playing a game they did not chose to, he despises violence and had an organization that did petty crimes, and explicitly denied violence. I also believe trepassing other person's freedom is one of the worst things one could do. Denying them the chance to exist, live, try and error is awful. He ends up dying for the sake of stopping the killing game, but he was utterly scared both of dying and killing. I relate some of my fear of death on his character.

- Rapunzel (Tangled)
When I was young my family had this nickname for me, Rapunzel. I loved her stories, I knew the book one and the Barbie one, the Disney adaptation wasn't a thing yet. I had a long hair and didn't go out of my house much. My parents were over-protective, and so they always told me there were many dangers outside, and didn't allow me to join other kids on many activities. I remember crying because I wanted to see my friends but my mom wanted me to stay at home. It was difficult for me to rebel, and I would feel bad to confront her, so sometimes I would just give up. That's why I found so many things to do by myself, little hobbies from surfing the internet to drawing, which is kinda what Rapunzel would do to not feel bad about it.

- Barbara (Genshin Impact)
I relate to her dedication to uplift other people and fulfill her role. She believes it is not ok to show her worst self in front of others, so even if she doesn't feel very confident she tries to be an example to other people in Mondstadt. At the start when she wanted to become an idol, people didn't welcome that idea and thought she was better of doing something else. It reminds me when I first started dancing, and I heard many people say it was silly and I should do something more rentable. Later, she convinced others of the positive influence of her work, which is kinda what I did too. Also, some of her insecurities with height... I'm quite insecure for being short, and I wanted to be taller, but that's a minor fact.

- Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
I relate to her massively, but I'll try to sum- she was bullied and an outcast when young, but still didn't blame her classmates, which is something that happened to me. We didn't reach out for help, instead we coped with it. She hides a lot of her fears and insecurities. We are scared of losing the people we love. She is very grateful for her mother, and so wants to work and be independent out of respect. She speaks politely, is sometimes overly apologetic and passive, which is things I suffered from to. Above everything, we want to be considerate and kind. She tries not to be judgemental and know the truth, who a person is really not what other people make them out to be. She does not want to weight on others, and so is scared or subconsciously avoids what she wants, and sometimes can't even figure it out, I'm the same. When she had to move back, she ignored completely the fact she didn't want to go and just did what she was supposed to, only admiting to it on a breakdown. After holding things so much, she tends to breakdown crying. Sometimes my family were very concerned for me, because I wouldn't show my frustrations at all, and everything would come up at once. Like her, I also befriended the people in my class that suffered the most judgement, and had doubting behavior/choices, but I loved them with all my heart. They would also open up to me quite often, it is something frequently mentioned in the show that Tohru has a quality that makes people want to go after her for help and reassurance, and that's also the role I played throughout my life.

- Athanasia de Alger Obelia (Who Made Me a Princess)
After waking up in a fairy tale book, Athanasia finds out she got reborn as the princess in the history, whose fate is getting killed by her father on her 18th birthday. I relate to her being a witty kid, who can handle advanced subjects and has an emotionally intuitive perception. When she met her father, she did her best as to not being punished and avoiding her fate, she fighted with her best weapon: her warmth, sunny personality and loveliness. Those traits of her later makes others lose their guard and see her as someone to protect. I also typically use those traits as to get along with other people, and in my family especially this is a side of me they know very well. As I mentioned before, in times someone would yell or act rudely, I generally choose to talk sweetly as to convince other people and bring everyone to an understanding. Also like her, I have a huge soft spot for my parents and do want them to be sad ever.

- Venti (Genshin Impact)
I relate to his playful nature, his philosophy of freedom, believing everyone should be given a choice and despising authority. He rejects his position as an archon, for he does not want to lead. He is also surprisingly emotionally intuitive and notices how other people feel. He is hurt for the loss of his dear friend, but acts to rationalize it — in a way I also do — and forget/repress his pain. He tends to merge with the ideals or the personality of people he is fond, as I'm also guilty of doing. We generally tend to laugh things of and just like him, people often see me as having no problems at all, and being a content person because of it.

2) I'm not much of a book person, so I don't know these works- and I don't think there are specific names that I could mention, sorry
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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Thank you so much! Actually, regarding enneagram Sp6 and So7 are the types I relate the most, and I currently self-type as 6w7 sp/so 692!

- Miya Chinen (SK8 the Infinity)

- Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3)

- Rapunzel (Tangled)

- Barbara (Genshin Impact)

- Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)

- Athanasia de Alger Obelia (Who Made Me a Princess)

- Venti (Genshin Impact)

I've only seen Rapunzel among these, I've checked the others on youtube. They all seem like feminine characters with shining sunny personas. One of the characters was a healer in a game I guess. They don't seem to be overly concerned with how they look but want to make others feel comfortable and accepted, due to which they are drawn to you.

For the time being I would go with ENFJ. As for enneagram my unorthodox personal understanding requires Fe-doms to have enneagram 3 as their highest enneagram score.

You can check below enneagram diagram to see which traits are associated with each enneagram type. I like the description for enneagram 6 (trooper) on the 1st diagram better than the 2nd, and the enneagram 3 description (motivator) on the 2nd one better than the 1st.

Also you should note that Enneagram 2, 3, 4 are considered the heart triad, 5, 6, 7 are considered the head triad, and 8, 9, and 1 are considered the gut triad. If you identify with 6 the most, that would mean you place more importance on your head than your heart and gut/instinct when deciding on things.

However, I understand you listen to your heart first and then your gut/instinct when relating to others. That would mean your strongest score should be of the heart triad, followed by gut triad and the weakest would be of the head triad.

There are lots of old tests in the test section of the forum as well that you can check to get more insight into your personality and pinpoint your type.



New member
Dec 31, 2021
I've only seen Rapunzel among these, I've checked the others on youtube. They all seem like feminine characters with shining sunny personas. One of the characters was a healer in a game I guess. They don't seem to be overly concerned with how they look but want to make others feel comfortable and accepted, due to which they are drawn to you.

For the time being I would go with ENFJ. As for enneagram my unorthodox personal understanding requires Fe-doms to have enneagram 3 as their highest enneagram score.

You can check below enneagram diagram to see which traits are associated with each enneagram type. I like the description for enneagram 6 (trooper) on the 1st diagram better than the 2nd, and the enneagram 3 description (motivator) on the 2nd one better than the 1st.

Also you should note that Enneagram 2, 3, 4 are considered the heart triad, 5, 6, 7 are considered the head triad, and 8, 9, and 1 are considered the gut triad. If you identify with 6 the most, that would mean you place more importance on your head than your heart and gut/instinct when deciding on things.

However, I understand you listen to your heart first and then your gut/instinct when relating to others. That would mean your strongest score should be of the heart triad, followed by gut triad and the weakest would be of the head triad.

There are lots of old tests in the test section of the forum as well that you can check to get more insight into your personality and pinpoint your type.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate the help! 🥰 I'll be considering ENFJ now