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what am i...


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Trying to find myself amongst all these letters, want advice!
Id describe myself as...

someone who enjoys vague ideas, and conceptual art. Impulsive in actions, but philosophical. Values knowledge and experience over anything, loves to travel. Normally considered to be laid back and passive with relationships, not a fan of conflict. Always inquisitive, enjoys a good conversation about politics/conspiracy/etc. Has a lot of passion, but is very flightly and easily distracted by everything. Really excels at coming up with ideas, but never finishing them-(details suck). Doesn't connect with animals, loves nature. Has a very close group of friends, prefers small groups of conversation, but needs alone time, tends to be loud and doesn't have a problem speaking to strangers.. Infatuated with music, but not interested in making it. Always wants to start a revolution. Hates fiction books.

ENTP? INTP? i dunno. :/ heeeeeelp.
Trying to take advantage of this profiling thing, as i am struggling deeply with career choices...


Jun 26, 2008
Trying to find myself amongst all these letters, want advice!
Id describe myself as...

someone who enjoys vague ideas, and conceptual art. Impulsive in actions, but philosophical. Values knowledge and experience over anything, loves to travel. Normally considered to be laid back and passive with relationships, not a fan of conflict. Always inquisitive, enjoys a good conversation about politics/conspiracy/etc. Has a lot of passion, but is very flightly and easily distracted by everything. Really excels at coming up with ideas, but never finishing them-(details suck). Doesn't connect with animals, loves nature. Has a very close group of friends, prefers small groups of conversation, but needs alone time, tends to be loud and doesn't have a problem speaking to strangers.. Infatuated with music, but not interested in making it. Always wants to start a revolution. Hates non-fiction books.

ENTP? INTP? i dunno. :/ heeeeeelp.
Trying to take advantage of this profiling thing, as i am struggling deeply with career choices...

The hating of non-fiction seems a little absurd for an INTP, but I guess it's possible since we're all individuals.


Minister of Propagandhi
Aug 3, 2008
The hating of non-fiction seems a little absurd for an INTP, but I guess it's possible since we're all individuals.

Yeah that threw me off.

Because you don't like non-fiction and say you have lots of passion I will guess INFP.

But you really didn't say enough to take an accurate guess at T/F in that paragraph.


Jun 26, 2008
Oh, haha. That changes things a bit (though now that I think about it, hating fiction isn't all that INTP either...). Whatever, individual preferences are what they are.


Jul 29, 2008
Between which types are you debating? ENTP and INTP, right? You may consider some F. I doubt it, but check that out just in case.
Anyway, my two cents go for INTP.


Apr 23, 2007
I say ENTP. It's very common for ENTPs to think they're borderline E/I (needing alone time to indulge an introspective bent, preferring quality conversation with one or a few people to the energy of a larger group etc.), and the following says ENTP to me:

someone who enjoys vague ideas (...) Impulsive in actions (...) Values knowledge and experience over anything (...) Always inquisitive (...) but is very flightly and easily distracted by everything. Really excels at coming up with ideas, but never finishing them-(details suck). (...) tends to be loud and doesn't have a problem speaking to strangers.. (...) Always wants to start a revolution.

Also, your wanting to interact to determine your type instead of/before studying MBTI further speaks to ENTP.

I understand why some of the others are suggesting you reconsider T/F, but personally I'll buy ENTP. Your conflict avoidance is IMO the only strike against T in what you write, and that's not enough to detract from the overall impression which to me is consistent with ENTP (including your unfazed reaction to Edahn's insult).


New member
Oct 19, 2008
I say ENTP. It's very common for ENTPs to think they're borderline E/I (needing alone time to indulge an introspective bent, preferring quality conversation with one or a few people to the energy of a larger group etc.), and the following says ENTP to me:

Also, your wanting to interact to determine your type instead of/before studying MBTI further speaks to ENTP.

I understand why some of the others are suggesting you reconsider T/F, but personally I'll buy ENTP. Your conflict avoidance is IMO the only strike against T in what you write, and that's not enough to detract from the overall impression which to me is consistent with ENTP (including your unfazed reaction to Edahn's insult).

Who says being a dork is an insult? :)

I did "do my own investigation" on trying to figure out my type, but each time I took the test, I get a handful of varying responses. This was last resort, and still I am not sure about the diagnosis. It's been interesting hearing the responses never the less...


Apr 23, 2007
Who says being a dork is an insult? :)

The dictionary...? :)

thefreedictionary.com said:
dork (dôrk)
1. Slang A stupid, inept, or foolish person (...)


Noun 1. dork - a dull stupid fatuous person

But perhaps this is one of those occasions where I should wave my not-a-native-English-speaker flag...? :confused:

I did "do my own investigation" on trying to figure out my type, but each time I took the test, I get a handful of varying responses. This was last resort, and still I am not sure about the diagnosis.

I see that my wording was ambiguous:

Also, your wanting to interact to determine your type instead of/before studying MBTI further speaks to ENTP.

I didn't mean that you hadn't studied MBTI at all and that that was further evidence of ENTP; I meant that your wanting to interact about your type before further studying MBTI was evidence of ENTP. Which type descriptions have you read? I recommend enspiredprofiles (although as of this writing the site is down) and personalitypage (for determining ENTP/INTP, anyway).


✿ڿڰۣஇღ♥ wut ♥ღஇڿڰۣ✿
Apr 24, 2007
you could try this link i found to see if it helps you decide.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I definitley wouldn't count out ENTP as a possibility- I'm pretty remarkably antisocial for being an extrovert, but I don't doubt my extroversion in the least. :)

I'd definitley take a deeper look into the difference between the types and what functions make them up and such before ruling anything out.


now! in shell form
Jun 6, 2008
I definitley wouldn't count out ENTP as a possibility- I'm pretty remarkably antisocial for being an extrovert, but I don't doubt my extroversion in the least. :)

I'd definitley take a deeper look into the difference between the types and what functions make them up and such before ruling anything out.

Went to the site and got all excited that they were going to help me settle 100% on either I or E, then read this:
For ENTP the most important preferences are Extraverted Intuition. Your 'dominant function' is Intuition, oriented towards the outer world. You promote exploration of new and better ways of doing things, to uncover hidden potential in people, things or situations. You break new ground, and are often looking one step beyond the current situation to pursue unexplored avenues, until all the possibilities have been exhausted. You often challenge the status quo and experiment with the introduction of change, to see if the situation can be improved or new potential uncovered.

For INTP, however, the most important preferences are Introverted Thinking. Your 'dominant function' is Thinking, oriented towards the inner world. You provide explanation of how and why things happen. You bring structure and organisation into the inner world of ideas and understanding. You analyse things, formulating hypotheses and explanations of how they function. You gather evidence to assess how true those explanations are. You produce mental models that replicate how particular aspects of the world work. You try to understand the full complexity of any situation.

which sounds helpful but is not definitive if you think you do both.
With any luck, it is more helpful to naymornings.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Ahh taht was wonderfully helpful.
"You promote exploration of new and better ways of doing things, to uncover hidden potential in people, things or situations. You break new ground, and are often looking one step beyond the current situation to pursue unexplored avenues, until all the possibilities have been exhausted..."

Something about INTP just didn't seem right to me, I am so much more creative than the sort of science loving INTP profile, though I admit that the "knowledge" above all us rings very true for me. I am starting to realize that tying down what I am might be a sort of winding and endless passageway to follow so to grasp the best understanding of myself. No simple Q and A's are bound to truly suffice. boo...

I stumbled upon this book on the struggles of being an introvert in an extrovert world, i was curious to what your responses to it might be...

THE INTROVERT is preoccupied with his inner thoughts, and feeling, and phantasies. This is his private life. It is very important to him, and it is very important to him that it be private. Anything which threatens this privacy of his mind, or his person, or his place of living, disturbs him, so that he reacts with anxiety.
INTROVERSION IN THE GIRL (before was “in general” I suppose)
There are other factors which apply more particularly to the introvert girl. … She is wistful, she yearns, but she does not know what it is that her soul desires. … Her dormant eroticism provokes ideas of wanting to know. “If only I could know, if only I could understand things.” This is a product of her subjectivity. It is more than a thirst for sexual knowledge; it is a hunger for the Great Understanding. It concerns more than knowledge of sex, of life, of creation, of God. It is an abstract which embraces all understanding. … She is wistful, and with it she is pensive. Her thoughts prove the depths of uncertainties, and her feelings flow this way and that. Now it all seems imponderable, and a wistful melancholy overtakes her. Now, there is a glimpse of the great truth, and her heart burns with an inner ecstasy. … With her thoughts searching for the Great Understanding, mundane matters of everyday living recede in importance. … This wistful sadness, this apparent melancholy which so often surrounds the introvert, is not the cloud of true psychiatric depression. It is that vague mistiness which comes between the introvert and the things around her. The world is seen only in shades of grey and the colour that would stir the emotions is lost in the enveloping mist. … The mist between herself and the rest of the world takes the colour from it. It also takes the sharpness out of it. It cushions her feelings, as it were. That which was mistaken for sadness is really indifference of apathy.
(back to the "in general" part again...)
He has a rather greater awareness than others of the forces which are pulling him this way and that. However, these forces are usually vague and ill defined. The introvert has no clear goals. There is no plan of life, such as others envisage, with its immediate and remote objectives, all to be attained in turn. The adolescent introvert is inclined to drift, but among the host of currents which bear upon him, there are two fairly constant forces. There is the positive force of his idealism, which tends to drive him forward; and there is the negative force of his inner tension, which tends to turn him back. He swerves away from any course of action, or mode of behaviour, which threatens to increase his state of tension. The general inhibition of his introvert personality damps down the effect of both these forces, and provides an inertia which works against change of any kind. … He has a special interest for the abstruse, particularly metaphysics, the occult, the supernatural, and unorthodox religious writings. … He is inclined to read philosophy, especially modern philosophy. … Existentialism is a favourite topic…. The introvert is aware of his lack of emotional warmth, and he is also aware that others notice it. … There are the times when he just sits, when he just sits and dreams, and phantasy takes him far away. … In the first place, it means that he grows into his early twenties without having had the usual experience of boy and girl friendships. As a result of this lack, he enters young manghood without having had sufficient experience to develop normal emotional responses to situations with girls. ... He meets others who are interested in the same hobby. They discuss matters of common interest. The exchange of ideas is really of little importance, but the situation provides the introvert with the all-important emotional contacts. …
About three quarters of our population is extroverted and tends not to understand introversion. … Introverts respond to, but seldom initiate, contact with others.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
There are other factors which apply more particularly to the introvert girl. … She is wistful, she yearns, but she does not know what it is that her soul desires. … Her dormant eroticism provokes ideas of wanting to know. “If only I could know, if only I could understand things.” This is a product of her subjectivity. It is more than a thirst for sexual knowledge; it is a hunger for the Great Understanding etc etc



New member
Oct 19, 2008
I think I am an ENTP now after i've given it a few good days of thought, some of those resources were really helpful in deciding. :) I do find my upmost appreciation /obsession with aesthetics strange for either type though..