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The Main Reasons Human Beings Are Not Reaching or Achieving Their Potential.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“I have often ask an open ended question. What is one good barometer of good mental health. A lack of triggerability. These dynamics are prevelant in any interpersonal conflict. They all tied and are bound together ininistrictably.

1. Cognitive Dissonance
2. Cognitive Distortions
3. Emotional Reasoning (a cognitive distortion)
4. Projection
5. Judgment
6. Only in a dictionary use and not as an insult, a sense of being right. I am right, they are wrong and I have every right to demonize them.
7. In reality you are protecting your sense of self and as yet mature enough sense of being. If you know who you are and what’s you stand for, you don’t have to prove yourself to anybody. Especially if they are coming at you from a clearly triggered position.
8. If you get in an arguement to prove your point and use negative subjective language, then you are not being objective and cool headed.

You are defending a fragile ego, one that is not psychologically, emotionally or spiritually mature enough to disengage. You can’t reason with someone who is clearly triggered, using cognitive distortions and attacking you with insults.

I have a saying, “It takes two irrational people to have an argument. One is metaphorically beating their head bloody and senseless on the North Wall. The other is senselessly beating their head bloody on the South Wall.

Neither is using Active Listening Skills, such as validation, feedback or reflection. They are only merely repeating their argument over and over again all the while getting more heated.

It’s akin to pouring gasoline unto a fire. In a real discussion, their is use of objective facts and use of human reason.” LightSun


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Emotional Reasoning is just one of the most pervasive elelemts in the human psyche. In the name of love and self justification and felt superiority in culture human beings have done the most heinous things imaginable to one another.

In the name of love, and a feeling of being right and justified, Native Americans were brutalized. What the Nazi regime did to the Jews and other minorities were all justified and rationalized.

Now the culprits of the worst of these autrocities had generally loved ones and children who they loved. All at home, while they were attributing atrocities. They compartmentalized, rationalized and denied the full horror of their actions.

I am definitely not picking on religion. But, their were many German people who went to church. That did not stop the insidious of their often atrocious actions.

What happened in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could conceivably come about again in the future. We are not immune.

I have written that, “Just because I passionately believe, think and feel that I am in the right, does not necessitate that it is the truth. Not unless it can be proven by hard scientific methodology research conducted in the here and now and the results are replicated.”

Mich of what we believe in are really societal, peer and parental expectations driven into our unconscious schemas at a very early young age. Most of our data is mere opinion.

The only objective facts are those agreed upon by the scientific community such the distance between the sun and earth is amount of miles.

It is a continual process of seeking to attain one’s truer, deeper gifts. In discovery of one’s true self, one outgrows outdated ego and worldly concepts. It is an ever ongoing adventure. I don’t think even the Buddha actually became fully realized.

Once one discovers one’s gift it is a balancing act of being in a state of ‘flow’ doing what you were genetically predisposed and or made for and juggling one’s life’s responsibilities.”

I wrote metaphorically and with much allegory. “On my path of self actualization, in this life with the gift of insight, I have continued to grow both in depth and breadth of myself, others and the world we live in.” LightSun


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Active member
Feb 5, 2015

The Main Reasons Human Beings Are Not Reaching or Achieving Their Potential.

Human potential, For most people it means getting though the day engaging socializing and prospering. Paying bills putting food on the table and balancing work and play.

Most people have forgotten then they separated from essence and began developing their three instincts. The discomfort of the loss of the trinary of all three instincts working in unison bias free is not a working flowing memory for the majority of people. Reaching the ideal and re-establishing that primary phycological state with a full heathy ego is a practice most have now conches desire for.

If we as a culture seek to reach or idea human potential we would teach about the human condition as a core primary subject in primary school like we teach math and other core subjects.

The truth is we do not prepare and guid or kids long the way as they evolve through the maturation process of childhood development. In saying that we prepare or kids to be good people and productive and knowledgeable adults.

I can tell you that a child could learn to reactivate their heart and balance the three instincts by the age of ten. A young adult could have a working understanding of human condition by the age of sixteen if sequential educated about the subject matter of phycological influences they are naturally process as they develop along their path of maturation.

The three instincts and eighteen egoic mindsets we all practiced testing when we were in grades 3, 4, and five. But when we entered the class room not a work was spoken about the phycological forces we were actively tempering with self and our pier. It was get your books out we are going to study science math or English or social studies or draw a picture of a fish or hill with a tree. We were not treated as little people with adult minds as in Transactional Annalise ( Child, Parent, Adult). I suspect out of tradition the role of guide and educator was left to religious instruction and our parents. I know my mother was a money making machine but when it came to knowledge about the human condition all she new is how to get along with people and how to manipulate people to maximise her personal wealth. Getting back to essence was not not apart of her now how to do mindset. And my priest or priests over the years teach ed about the human condition and the phenomenon love the active heart in a impersonal distant confused manner that hid the real nature of the subject matter in stories and metaphors and diluted example. Diluted because the body of the church seemed not to clearly understand the human condition satisfactorily.

So a love of god and authority and hard work seemed to be the teaching when I was of school age.

The main reasons we don't reach or achieve our potential is because it is not and was not mirrored to us. To reach the level of Liberation and actualise higher emotion and higher mind or social system the State needs to begin with the end in mind and draft a curriculum that values the goal of education young girls and boys to reach their phycological potential.

A smarter person than me would word it with the right language better language but I think I have pot my argument forward clearly enough to be understood.

All good things happen in good time. Things progress in steps and perhaps in our collective evolution we are not yet ready to amend the was we educate our young in a manner that would lead to self actualization. Perhaps we need to evolve further other priorities like technology and global political cohesion. I thing the only people who can know for shore are the social engineers who are charge with the responsibility of reframing and influencing and shaping our respective national psych's.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
In short, why we as humans don't reach our maximal human potential because the way we have organized our human activity in a way that has gotten disconnected from human needs.

Instead, most activity involves playing status games due to insecurity about falling to "the bottom" of society.

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
What even is maximal human potential? Touching the stars, or managing not to swallow our own tongues as we toil for the god machine within which we dwell and suffer, breaking our bodies and spinning out our minds on the madness of more?

Tennessee Jed

Active member
Jul 24, 2014
“I have often ask an open ended question. What is one good barometer of good mental health. A lack of triggerability. These dynamics are prevelant in any interpersonal conflict. They all tied and are bound together ininistrictably. [...snipped]

I agree with LightSun. But I think that the issue is best understood through the viewpoint of a person's dominant cognitive function.

Cognitive functions
Each dominant cognitive function has its own "prism" or set of principles that it uses to view the world. Just a couple easy examples:

--Fe views the world through the prism of "social consensus": What's best for humanity is whatever achieves the greatest social consensus. Fe-Dom usually values things like compassion, sentimentality, empathy, etc.
--Si views the world through the prism of "good versus evil" (a principle called "sacralization"): What's best for humanity is to parse good from evil and follow the good. Si-Dom often tends to value rule-based institutions like religion, military, police, etc.
--Ti views the world through the prism of "universal ethics": What's best for humanity is to find a single abstract universal ethic that can serve as a principle to guide society. Ti-Dom usually focuses on things like philosophical or political or scientific principles (socialism, capitalism, libertarianism, etc.)
--And so on for the rest of the cognitive functions. At the end you wind up with 8 such "prisms," because there are 8 cognitive functions that can serve as dominant functions.

So what happens? The socialist Ti-Dom pushes for socialism as the cure for what ails humanity, the Catholic Si-Dom pushes for Catholicism as the cure for what ails humanity, the sentimental Fe-Dom pushes for compassion and sentimentality as the cure for what ails humanity etc.

Given such a cacaphony of "prisms," how do you handle them? Well, the governing principle should be the following: Each such cognitive "prism" is valid, but no one cognitive "prism" is more valid than the others.

Healthy point of view
Remember that each cognitive "prism" is valid, but no one cognitive "prism" is more valid than the others. So a healthy point of view is governed by the concept of "pluralism." That is, we acknowledge that we are all motivated by our own separate "prisms," so we try to work out a way of life that makes room for all these various "prisms" to operate together. Basically this is achieved through the concept of "pluralism." See the following link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluralism_(political_philosophy)

UNhealthy point of view
Remember that each cognitive "prism" is valid, but no one cognitive "prism" is more valid than the others. So an UNhealthy point of view is one where one person insists that their "prism" should dominate over all the rest. Each person pursues their "prism" to the exclusion of all the rest, with the result that they become overly extreme and "one-sided." Jung said that "one-sidedness" is where neuroticism kicks in. (In essence, Jung says that neuroticism is what happens when you emphasize your dominant function to such a degree that you deny and demonize all your other non-dominant functions.) And the result is what LightSun describes: Touchiness, fragile ego, demonizing anyone who believes differently from you, etc. This is where you get political extremism in all its various forms: The insistence that there can be only one way of doing things.

To sum up
--Healthy = pluralism, insofar as pluralism acknowledges that all "prisms" (dominant cognitive functions) are equally valid and no one "prism" is more valid than the rest. So room has to be created in society for all the various "prisms."
--UNhealthy = one-sidedness, insofar as one-sidedness denies the validity of any other "prism," and runs to extremism and neuroticism by virtue of insisting that there can be only one way of doing things.

Any one individual can achieve their own "personal maximum potential" by observing pluralism in their own life, that is, by remaining open to multiple points of view and respecting the validity of other "prisms" while still pursuing the "prism" that suits themselves best. Such a viewpoint allows them to operate in a variety of environments and get along with all kinds of people, which is the starting point for "achieving maximum potential."

And then society can achieve its maximum potential by engaging in political pluralism in order to allow maximum freedom so that everyone has the best potential for their own "pursuit of happiness" based on how they choose to define "happiness" according to their personal "prism." (While still acknowledging the rights and "prisms" of other people in the process.)

Again, see the following link for a description of pluralism and how it operates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluralism_(political_philosophy)
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
The main reason ime involves lacking in one or more of the following three: opportunity, grit, strong ego.

Opportunity takes different forms. A person can fail to reach their potential due to lack of opportunities, missed opportunities or inability to create opportunities. Lack of opportunity pertains to circumstances, missed opportunity pertains to individual choice, and inability to create opportunity pertains to a lack of strategic planning.

Grit/intestinal fortitude involves strength of character. That's getting up every day and busting your ass. A person can't reach their fullest potential simply relying upon inborn talent if they have any. That's just opportunity.

A strong ego is important for doubling down in tougher times. The curveballs life throws range from bad to worse. A drunk driver decides to take a right instead of a left and ends up driving head on into your car and leaves you permanently injured. Death starts to creep into the organs of the body, and the doctor comes with bad news. The market crashes and tanks your investments. A depression hits and puts you out on food rations. You have to bury two kin within the same week. Then for good measure creditors come out of the woodwork and bills start to pile up. You see things the eyes were not meant to see. Strong ego pushes through (keeps these things outside its boundaries)... stronger the ego the less blown off course
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failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
We weren't raised in the correct environment to stimulate potential in other environments.


We are all born genetically different, not everyone is supposed to make it (hence families used to be huge), because those with the mutation, will only thrive in an environment where their mutation/difference excels. In today's modern world with high life expectancy, we are suppose to "thrive" when we are biologically and mentally not ready or created for it in the first place. Now we are born into smaller families with less human interaction, robbing us of the mental stimulation we were supposed to have when we were young. These very people are now the ones struggling to "cope" with modern civilization because the expectations are there. Apparently everyone should just "figure it out" or magically work and things will change. You are not allowed to commit suicide, to exit this world when you were given a bad hand. We should just "accept" how things are and be OK, shut up and move on comes to mind. Then those that fight for change, well, ironically use fire to fight fire. Those that didn't have access to the necessary tools at a young age, are now in the crossfire of it all. Dignitas should be open to everyone, not just people with life threatening physical illnesses. Let those with the difference allow to exist in their own space or exit all-together.
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My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
Another thing I thought about, that at least could hurt me, is the tension between wanting "success" and feeling like I would be "trapped" in it. I suppose this a specific version of cognitive dissonance.

Experience has taught me the shining goal for which I do a bunch of work is actually not as great as I hoped, and then I also remember a feeling like I am now actually trapped in the "trappings of success". This memory and pattern of memory serves to demotivate me before I even start. But I suppose, I can always leave once the success is achieved.

Put another way, I have "climbed the wrong ladder" too many times to not be hesitant about climbing another one.

Or put in yet another way, based on the lyrics of one of my wife's favorite pop songs, I don't want to play stupid games to win stupid prizes.

Ultimately, I want to work on things that objectively make the world more prosperous while still keeping my family living comfortably. I am little sick of how big corporations (especially Big Tech) co-opts all the impulses of people to do such things, just to exploit 90% of the world's population to enrich the top 10% of the world (which they are willing to make people like me part of, but still).

The Cat

Offering FREE Monkey Paws down at the Crossroads..
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
Because human potential cannot be reached in isolation. People are evolutionary and spiritually designed to be social creatures. Working together as a team, unit, flock or society or what have you:
People helping people helping people helping people. <---This is the key to do the doors of success and potential.
You can't reach your potential or help anyone else reach it if your following bad advice from billionaires who damned sure don't want to see you live up to your potential. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is trying to sell you on something that goes against evolution, and spiritual philosophy.

Neither Nature nor technology works as a solo act and people are a part of both.


New member
Sep 22, 2023
“Emotional Reasoning is just one of the most pervasive elelemts in the human psyche. In the name of love and self justification and felt superiority in culture human beings have done the most heinous things imaginable to one another.

In the name of love, and a feeling of being right and justified, Native Americans were brutalized. What the Nazi regime did to the Jews and other minorities were all justified and rationalized.

Now the culprits of the worst of these autrocities had generally loved ones and children who they loved. All at home, while they were attributing atrocities. They compartmentalized, rationalized and denied the full horror of their actions.

I am definitely not picking on religion. But, their were many German people who went to church. That did not stop the insidious of their often atrocious actions.

What happened in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan could conceivably come about again in the future. We are not immune.

I have written that, “Just because I passionately believe, think and feel that I am in the right, does not necessitate that it is the truth. Not unless it can be proven by hard scientific methodology research conducted in the here and now and the results are replicated.”

Mich of what we believe in are really societal, peer and parental expectations driven into our unconscious schemas at a very early young age. Most of our data is mere opinion.

The only objective facts are those agreed upon by the scientific community such the distance between the sun and earth is amount of miles.

It is a continual process of seeking to attain one’s truer, deeper gifts. In discovery of one’s true self, one outgrows outdated ego and worldly concepts. It is an ever ongoing adventure. I don’t think even the Buddha actually became fully realized.

Once one discovers one’s gift it is a balancing act of being in a state of ‘flow’ doing what you were genetically predisposed and or made for and juggling one’s life’s responsibilities.”

I wrote metaphorically and with much allegory. “On my path of self actualization, in this life with the gift of insight, I have continued to grow both in depth and breadth of myself, others and the world we live in.” LightSun
Simply Psychology (website) had information on Self-Actualization, as well as Psychology Today (Beautiful Minds), although outdated. I think you'd be interested.


New member
Sep 22, 2023
For Psychology Today, you have to type "Beautiful Minds" in the search bar on their writings page, not "find counsellors" page.
Meant- has*


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Another thing I thought about, that at least could hurt me, is the tension between wanting "success" and feeling like I would be "trapped" in it. I suppose this a specific version of cognitive dissonance.

Experience has taught me the shining goal for which I do a bunch of work is actually not as great as I hoped, and then I also remember a feeling like I am now actually trapped in the "trappings of success". This memory and pattern of memory serves to demotivate me before I even start. But I suppose, I can always leave once the success is achieved.

Put another way, I have "climbed the wrong ladder" too many times to not be hesitant about climbing another one.

Or put in yet another way, based on the lyrics of one of my wife's favorite pop songs, I don't want to play stupid games to win stupid prizes.

Ultimately, I want to work on things that objectively make the world more prosperous while still keeping my family living comfortably. I am little sick of how big corporations (especially Big Tech) co-opts all the impulses of people to do such things, just to exploit 90% of the world's population to enrich the top 10% of the world (which they are willing to make people like me part of, but still).
I have yet to encounter a head of a corporation that isn't somewhat sociopathic. Tech heads seem to be the same, except people continue to call them "socially inept" or "on the spectrum" to cover up for how fucking evil they actually are. I use to think the people who defended them were simply misguided but in reality those people are apologists for this kind of behavior overall. Not just the person. Makes them even worse.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Ultimately, I want to work on things that objectively make the world more prosperous while still keeping my family living comfortably.

This is what I'd like to do, or at least something that I think isn't too harmful. Who will pay me to do it, though? It's been made clear to me by some of these places that they aren't interested in having me. The tricky thing people don't talk about more (probably because it's too depressing), is that we're all stuck within this greater economic system. Unless someone is going to pay me so I'm not out on the street, I can't necessarily afford to stick strictly with my ideal. In ways similar to this, I think economic necessity really hems a lot of people in.

I think if I was sociopathic, I'd probably have a job by now.
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