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Pretentious Fi


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hey, you can start a thread on hating Ti all you want, but I already have a thread on Fi doms making me feel inadequate started last year... I'm WAY ahead of this ;)

Lol, I did my NeTi hating already earlier this year, so no thanks. Also, I got over it. It's not worth it and NeTi has it's perks and I enjoy watching from a safe distance. I realized also it's not as evil as it looks nor something to run scared from. Just hoping you'll do the same with NeFi ;)

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Lol, I did my NeTi hating already earlier this year, so no thanks. Also, I got over it. It's not worth it and NeTi has it's perks and I enjoy watching from a safe distance. I realized also it's not as evil as it looks nor something to run scared from. Just hoping you'll do the same with NeFi ;)

oh, you guys are fascinating- you possess the function that I just can't fathom... I just prefer to keep my not using of it- and I've had Fi doms in the past who tried to make me sit and introspect into my feelings- which usually ends up with me pondering if eating a bag of baby carrots will kill me of vitamin A poisoning instead. :shock: Its like someone trying to get me to speak Farsi or something- it does not compute :blush:

I admit- I always secretly fear that Fi doms think that I'm totally shallow- just like Fi doms have bitched that they think that Ti doms think that they're dumb :doh:


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I might be pretentious but then again you probably are aswell so really it doesn't matter. HAH!

p.s. I'll actually read the thread later. see I'm being super pretentious right now because I think my say is so important I don't need to check and see if anyone else has said the same thing, because there's no possible way anyone else would have said the same thing.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
oh, you guys are fascinating- you possess the function that I just can't fathom... I just prefer to keep my not using of it- and I've had Fi doms in the past who tried to make me sit and introspect into my feelings- which usually ends up with me pondering if eating a bag of baby carrots will kill me of vitamin A poisoning instead. :shock: Its like someone trying to get me to speak Farsi or something- it does not compute :blush:

I admit- I always secretly fear that Fi doms think that I'm totally shallow- just like Fi doms have bitched that they think that Ti doms think that they're dumb :doh:

See, now this kinda post is likely to gain you a lot more understanding from Fi-doms and make them go easy on you than your original post which smelled of rejection and fear and could be misinterpreted as disdain ;)

Ti personally gives me a head ache, goes too abstract too quickly and makes me feel lost in a maze that i cannot escape from. I imagine you guys probably feels like being in the way of a hurricane and running for your lives...of course, I'm merely guessing now :devil:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
See, now this kinda post is likely to gain you a lot more understanding from Fi-doms and make them go easy on you than your original post which smelled of rejection and fear and could be misinterpreted as disdain ;)

oh, but ranting illogically is so FUN sometimes! Writing that post warmed the cockles of my heart and made me want to go to the patio and dance for joy until I looked at the patio and realized it was under a few inches of snow!

ENTPs seem to enjoy ranting about topics that they might not even deeply care about, other types take it seriously... we all need a disclaimer that says "do not take the above post seriously- the ENTP author is just having fun! Next minute it will be another type in the crosshairs"


New member
Nov 21, 2008
My pov; how I perceive when Fi is pretentious....

I have met people who were Fi dom or aux (or for whom Fi is quite relevant), and the differences between those whose Fi I can swallow, and even admire, and those whose Fi irks me because of its sanctimonious attitudes are outlined as follows:

(I'll call it good Fi, GF, and bad Fi, BF) - note, I'm a Ti user, so it's the perception of an NeTi on Fi.

- GF is when the person sees that their Fi is not just squarely the fault of the other who induced it in them, but, also they, themselves, have a huge part in it, in how they processed, and how they navigated their Fi.

As such, BF is when the person places the blame of the negative feelings induced in their Fi squarely on the source/trigger of that Fi, the other, and, holds strong to their righteousness to feel Fi any way they damn well please.
This gives rise to repeated attempts to either garner sympathy, play the victim card, defensiveness, which is often passive-agressive, and clear cut, I refuse to engage with you because the fault is clearly all yours....because I don't want to get hurt again. These people fail to realise that the hurt felt by them is not only the giver of the hurt, but how the receiver took it in. They only acknowledge the former, and the latter gets a free pass.

- GF is when the person can separate the criticism of an idea with the criticism on the person, and willing to meet halfway to clear up the difference of an attack on an idea versus an attack on a person, rather than retreating backwards, and saying, "I don't like you because you made me feel this way." (BF)
Such displays of BF is grossly unfair because I, at least, didn't say I don't like you, but your idea, so for them to react to my whole being makes it feel as if it's an unfair retaliation.

- appeasing the Fi, there seems to be an extra effort that I need to make for those with BF, like prepping them for me, me approaching them, before I can even approach. And, I need to not only concern myself with my approach but keep on appeasing the Fi and making sure it's okay so that it continues to engage with me.
GF, on the other hand, does not need to be appeased. It is confident in itself, it can poke fun at itself, it can critique itself, it sees itself with flaws that, rather than being defended, should be open to other's evaluations. It's approachable, rather than prickly and thorny, and it doesn't selfishly ask that you pamper it first before you earn the ranks to speak to its being.


for those that wanna critique Ti, there's another thread, so please give me feedback on my ^ perceptions of Fi here, not, 'but it's YOUR Ti'.......go to the other thread to discuss that.



Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
Even as an Fi dom, people who use the victim card and passive agressiveness piss me off. Now I can be passive agressive but I also learned that from my parents and I try not to be but old habits die hard. I realize I have my values but at the same time I realize not everyone's going to share those and I don't see the point in me getting upset about it. I do get upset if my values are misunderstood, you don't have to agree but it's really fucking annoying when you think I'm one way when I'm not.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Q, don't forget that comparing it back to your Ti isn't meant just to whine, but to give you a clue as to how it works for both of us as Ti and Fi tend to be very similar in how they respond things. Because Fi is so hard to translate, I find myself always trying to compare to Ti as people seem to understand that better.

I agree with your post though for the most part :)

Whatever: oh I realize that that's the case with ENTPs. You guys do remind us to never take ourselves too seriously. Unfortunately for you, I saw an opportunity to use you as an example of what was going on between Fi and Ti users :devil:
Also, you kinda did it in a sensitive thread...which can easily make your post misunderstood. Sorry sista ;)


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Unfortunately for you, I saw an opportunity to use you as an example of what was going on between Fi and Ti users :devil:
Also, you kinda did it in a sensitive thread...which can easily make your post misunderstood. Sorry sista ;)

Huh? Where was I used as an example?

What sensitive thread? This thread?

I'm so confused......:huh:


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
LOL, no Q, that part was for Whatever ;)

And yeah, this thread is an emotionally charged one, haven't you noticed? :alttongue:

The Outsider

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Ok, I don't really get it- I don't understand WHY people want to revel in their negative feelings and claim that it feels good- it's like dumping salt in a cut or something!

Feels good man.

Not to mention, claiming depth generally seems like behavior that someone who was REALLY deep wouldn't do...

Never seen a single Fi user doing that.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Whatever: oh I realize that that's the case with ENTPs. You guys do remind us to never take ourselves too seriously. Unfortunately for you, I saw an opportunity to use you as an example of what was going on between Fi and Ti users :devil:
Also, you kinda did it in a sensitive thread...which can easily make your post misunderstood. Sorry sista ;)

Oh- I didn't bother reading any other posts before posting- the thread was too long (I will if its shorter sometimes!). No concerns though- I'm a cockroach- I've gotten good at explaining after saying something inflamatory by this point in my life! :laugh:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Well, there are morons in every type. Nothing to do with Fi.

oh, get your panties out of a bunch, it's only a post in a thread :tongue:

and read further- I was posting for the hell of it!


ugh... I hate snow days!


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
oh, get your panties out of a bunch, it's only a post in a thread :tongue:

and read further- I was posting for the hell of it!


ugh... I hate snow days!

I like my panties in my anus it makes my fantasy of me being a gay man more complete :yes:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant

ms chickenz, you are the greatest :wubbie:

hehe... anus...

the state i am in

Active member
Feb 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
IFi is not something small-talkish like a personal memory of how 'little me' felt in this or that situation. It's as objective and rational as Ti and there's no way around its compelling, wordless force once activated. It's got nothing to do with a subjective narrative about my shifting emotions. It's a value system.

what do you think Fi IS? what mechanism does it have for judging? what does it look like? how does it learn? what gets remembered/stored?

4. I, as an ENFP using Fi, would get angry. The emotion of 'anger' that I feel towards holy lies is not 'personal', it's just the urgent inner alarm bell of the Fi-system making me instantly aware that something universally and objectively unacceptable is going on and I need to attend to it.
(For an ENFP this 'tending to it' could take time, getting perspective using Ne-links, streamline by Te-analysis the initial warning from Fi's complex valuesystem. And preferably add some Si-details, so I can quote that damn research paper too...!)

you are also Ne first and foremost. so your universalizing is more jacked up than an Fi dom. you merge with more shit and identify with more, just more extroversion, more merging with whatever perceptions you experience. when Ne is on, Fi identifies the perceptions with its inner feelings/moral truths, but when it's more inward focused, there's more energy invested in sorting out whatever defense breach has occurred according to e4 or e9 and sifting thru/rehearsing the past (Si).

i do like your point, however. and this seems to illustrate the "good" vs "bad" Fi vs the "correct" vs "incorrect" Ti. what makes something good or bad? how do you know? why do you know? what are you remembering? what does truth feel like? how is it reasoned? where does logic fall in the process (afterwards? after the physical resonance, feeling-complex, etc)? i used to think that Fi was vaguely judging a wider web of things, but i can't understand what kind of pathway it would be, how it would reason, revise, steadily improve its understandings in that way of looking at what it does. if it just stores all feeling tones and remembers them all and their loose connections, and then some how it calculates the weights, the good/bad cost analysis, etc?


Allergic to Mornings
Apr 26, 2009
Fi is EVIL!!! It is the Maleficent of all functions or something! The function of emo kids and wannabe poets (poetry, the only artistic endevor that I genuinely detest) and all the other elements of society that make my heart want to wilt and wither and hide :sick:

Perfect. That's exactly the image we like you to have of Fi -- an easily provoked giant in the field of cognitive functions :devil: Muahahahahaha instead of the easily perturbed, sensitive thing it is

Ok, I don't really get it- I don't understand WHY people want to revel in their negative feelings and claim that it feels good- it's like dumping salt in a cut or something! Not to mention, claiming depth generally seems like behavior that someone who was REALLY deep wouldn't do...

Ok- that was fun! :)

The lovely thing about Fi is that it works as an amplifier. It amplifies positive and negative emotions - feels both deeply. Sometimes amplifying them is useful - it forces you to examine them and sometimes it's not - simply reveling in that negative emotion like a drug. Depends on the user and the circumstance.

Had fun, didn't ya? Sure you don't want to sit down with a bunch of us and examine your feelings now? Why did you find this fun? Are there incidents from your childhood that would explain why this type of fun-poking could be viewed as enjoyable by one....oh, so much fodder.... :rofl1:

I admit- I always secretly fear that Fi doms think that I'm totally shallow- just like Fi doms have bitched that they think that Ti doms think that they're dumb :doh:

I've never had that problem with Ti doms. It's more people being dismissive of others due to buying into a stereotype and associating a function with having mastered an area of human activity thinking/feeling/snorting etc...

I have met people who were Fi dom or aux (or for whom Fi is quite relevant), and the differences between those whose Fi I can swallow, and even admire, and those whose Fi irks me because of its sanctimonious attitudes are outlined as follows...

Yep. People need to take responsibility for their feelings. I agree. That defines emotional maturity.

P.S. I enjoyed the GoodFi and Bad Fi - mad me think of an episode of Law and Order with you on the "wrong side" of the table with GoodFi and BadFi taking turns with you. So bad and yet so funny. :cheese: