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Personality Types Under Stress


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
That's such a copout. Everyone has a fear of failure to some degree. But if people are capable of overcoming their fear of failure, it's no longer a major issue aka stress point. Understand?

You don't understand. What ENTJ wants? Success. What is the root for tree of success? Failure. Failure is our deepest roots and every single cell in our bran screaming for even thought failing something. You are Te-Ni what do you expects to be your fear? Everything what has association with failure stimulates your brain like escalators going down... :cry:


Aug 6, 2010
You don't understand. What ENTJ wants? Success. What is the root for tree of success? Failure. Failure is our deepest roots and every single cell in our bran screaming for even thought to fail something. You are Te-Ni what do you expects to be your feer? Everything what has association with failure stimulates your brain like escalators going down... :cry:
Here's a link to Enneagram 3.

Type Three — The Enneagram Institute


Active member
May 5, 2007
You don't understand. What ENTJ wants? Success. What is the root for tree of success? Failure. Failure is our deepest roots and every single cell in our bran screaming for even thought failing something. You are Te-Ni what do you expects to be your fear? Everything what has association with failure stimulates your brain like escalators going down... :cry:

Have you considered counseling? This obsession you have with fear of failure could be addressed in a professional setting.


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant

No, this is classical don't trusting your aux Ni. Dom Te sees consequences of things and what will happen if vision of Ni is wrong? This is not ISTP when Se can easily pick new curse leading by Ti try and fail...oooups This works , oooooups this don't work , this is useful nah...this not useful. Te have a responsibility to their action and words and if something dom Te hate is when someone is totally uncontrolled. This trait of dom Te have a large scale when Te-Si literally fear of when something or someone is unpredictable! In Te-Ni this fear is manifest as fear of future things like you don't have a control over your future! You live just your routine meaningless life ruled by Te , in fear that you cannot accomplish your dreams just because you don't trust your Ni anymore. So in case of stress you move on, but your life doesn't. :cry:


Aug 6, 2010
No, this is classical don't trusting your aux Ni. Dom Te sees consequences of things and what will happen if vision of Ni is wrong? This is not ISTP when Se can easily pick new curse leading by Ti try and fail...oooups This works , oooooups this don't work , this is useful nah...this not useful. Te have a responsibility to their action and words and if something dom Te hate is when someone is totally uncontrolled. This trait of dom Te have a large scale when Te-Si literally fear of when something or someone is unpredictable! In Te-Ni this fear is manifest as fear of future things like you don't have a control over your future! You live just your routine meaningless life ruled by Te , in fear that you cannot accomplish your dreams just because you don't trust your Ni anymore. So in case of stress you move on, but your life doesn't. :cry:
Reconsider your type.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
I mean INTJ and ENTJ. :dry:

“I think to most ENTJs we fear failure more than anything else. We have high standards and won’t accept anything less than perfection in many cases. Not meeting my potential or living a meaningless life is something I worry about a lot.”
– Jennifer, an #ENTJ

Not meeting potential is not the same as failure. Every ENTJ I know can justify anything - including a failure. Failure is absolutely not the biggest fear of an e8 either.


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Not meeting potential is not the same as failure. Every ENTJ I know can justify anything - including a failure. Failure is absolutely not the biggest fear of an e8 either.

“I think to most ENTJs we fear failure more than anything else. We have high standards and won’t accept anything less than perfection in many cases. Not meeting my potential or living a meaningless life is something I worry about a lot.”
– Jennifer, an #ENTJ

Under stress:
Feeling helpless, and lacking confidence, they resort to completing simple, meaningless, repetitive tasks (i.e. cleaning, counting, inspecting ) in an effort to avoid a growing sense of failure. By avoiding ineptitude at all costs, their competence and ability are never fully tested. Ironically, these all-consuming distractions are the very behaviors that prevent ENTJs from fulfilling their basic need for achievement and improvement.

If you careful read you will see what is ENTJ greatest desire. Fear is coming for those what we seek in life.

We are not talking about E8. :dry:


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Reconsider your type.

I know what is biggest fear of 8 but this fear is on ENTJ is reflective as "fear losing control over your future" Te-Ni and as Te is result oriented! What is result of fear of future in one word. Mmm? Failure. Case close.

I am not here to try. I hate trying. I am here to win! ;)


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
ISFP 4w5 hanging on to a "Te grip" for dear life.

No, I am not dom Fi. I know dom Fi users. I just read what is wrritten and then someone says: "NO this is not true!" I just want to prove you why this is true! :)

Now, before jumping careful read this bellow and beginning of conversation and name of thread also check out... . ;)


ENTJs can get ahead of themselves and jump to conclusions in their effort to get things done. They may need to be reminded to take the time to listen to other points of view. Being tough-minded, ENTJs have a tendency to ignore their own and others’ feelings. With a burning desire to achieve — and a constant eye on how current decision will effect end results — ENTJs may become overly argumentative when obstacles get in their way. Small talk and casual conversations appear frivolous and without merit when projects are at hand. This, along with the NT's nature of being impervious to social conventions and customs, can cause others to feel affronted.

When ENTJs sense that they are losing control, they feel an increasing need for completion. If stress continues, they become distracted by a compelling "got to" and "have to" state of mind. Their need to master a situation then becomes misdirected and they engage in compulsive behaviors that preoccupy their attention and time. Feeling helpless, and lacking confidence, they resort to completing simple, meaningless, repetitive tasks (i.e. cleaning, counting, inspecting ) in an effort to avoid a growing sense of failure. By avoiding ineptitude at all costs, their competence and ability are never fully tested. Ironically, these all-consuming distractions are the very behaviors that prevent ENTJs from fulfilling their basic need for achievement and improvement.

Digital Lion

New member
Nov 14, 2017
No, I am not dom Fi. I know dom Fi users. I just read what is wrritten and then someone says NO this is not true. I just want to prove you why this is true! :)

Now, before jumping careful read this bellow and beginning of conversation and name of thread also check out... . ;)

Sorry, didn't read.

I'm of the mind that when someone is something, it tends to speak for itself; "bells and whistles" aren't required.

Call me a cynic but I'm a bit suspicious of people too eager to project a certain aura or image.

Something about you triggers my Spidey sense--could be due to you frequently saying stereotypical "ENTJ" internet meme shit like this:

I am not here to try. I hate trying. I am here to win! ;)

Just strikes me as a bit too "try hard." I mean, just look at the 2 more evident ENTJs in this thread: one doesn't even list himself as an ENTJ and another has an adorable kitten in their avatar! And yet they naturally emit more actual "ENTJness" in one post than you seem to do in virtually all of yours....

Just something to think about! :D


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Sorry, didn't read.

Just strikes me as a bit too "try hard." I mean, the 2 more evident ENTJs in this thread don't even list themselves as ENTJs and one of them has an adorable kitten in their avatar and yet they naturally emit more actual "ENTJness" in one post than you seem to do in virtually all of yours....

Just something to think about! :D

Healthy ENTJ is hard-worker machines without doubt and can easily move on but what is happening when ENTJ is under stress? Fi is screaming like Fe on IxTP.
Did you that ENTJ as dom Te possess highest EQ? :D


Digital Lion

New member
Nov 14, 2017
Healthy ENTJ is hard-worker machines without doubt and can easily move on but what is happening when ENTJ is under stress? Fi is screaming like Fe on IxTP.
Did you that ENTJ as dom Te possess highest EQ? :D

Even if true, that refers to ENTJs. However, I'm talking about you.


Sep 29, 2016

ENTJs can get ahead of themselves and jump to conclusions in their effort to get things done. They may need to be reminded to take the time to listen to other points of view. Being tough-minded, ENTJs have a tendency to ignore their own and others’ feelings. With a burning desire to achieve — and a constant eye on how current decision will effect end results — ENTJs may become overly argumentative when obstacles get in their way. Small talk and casual conversations appear frivolous and without merit when projects are at hand. This, along with the NT's nature of being impervious to social conventions and customs, can cause others to feel affronted.

When ENTJs sense that they are losing control, they feel an increasing need for completion. If stress continues, they become distracted by a compelling "got to" and "have to" state of mind. Their need to master a situation then becomes misdirected and they engage in compulsive behaviors that preoccupy their attention and time. Feeling helpless, and lacking confidence, they resort to completing simple, meaningless, repetitive tasks (i.e. cleaning, counting, inspecting ) in an effort to avoid a growing sense of failure. By avoiding ineptitude at all costs, their competence and ability are never fully tested. Ironically, these all-consuming distractions are the very behaviors that prevent ENTJs from fulfilling their basic need for achievement and improvement.

One word: depression. :cry:

99% accurate.

Small talk and casual conversations always appear frivolous

Sorry, didn't read.

I'm of the mind that when someone is something, it tends to speak for itself; "bells and whistles" aren't required.

Call me a cynic but I'm a bit suspicious of people too eager to project a certain aura or image.

Something about you triggers my Spidey sense--could be due to you frequently saying stereotypical "ENTJ" internet meme shit like this:

Just strikes me as a bit too "try hard." I mean, just look at the 2 more evident ENTJs in this thread: one doesn't even list himself as an ENTJ and another has an adorable kitten in their avatar! And yet they naturally emit more actual "ENTJness" in one post than you seem to do in virtually all of yours....

Just something to think about! :D

By that do you actually mean stereo typically ENTJ? Because PerC is full of them and they seem horribly unhealthy and God-awful obnoxious.


New member
Sep 10, 2015
Instinctual Variant
By that do you actually mean stereo typically ENTJ? Because PerC is full of them and they seem horribly unhealthy and God-awful obnoxious.

I agree.

Digital Lion

New member
Nov 14, 2017
By that do you actually mean stereo typically ENTJ? Because PerC is full of them and they seem horribly unhealthy and God-awful obnoxious.

1.) lol Well how are you defining "obnoxious?" Because what constitutes "obnoxiousness" is relative. I'm talking more in the vein of being succinctly efficient, straight to the point/no bullshit/matter-of-fact, assertive, informed, knowledge driven, acerbically clever and witty, etc.... Personally, I'm not offended or bothered by any of the aforementioned traits; in fact, I'm refreshed by them. And FWIW, I've seen you display these very behaviors and you don't "vibe" inauthentic and all that "obnoxious" to me.

2.) Generally speaking, there will always be those who genuinely embody the stereotypes (they tend to be rooted in some degree of truth) without putting on any additional airs because that's simply who they are, right or wrong, good or bad. But then there are those who seem to defy credulity in rather heavy handed and performative ways that, to me (a human bullshit detector and world class bullshitter > blame Fe), can come off a bit...forced...a la routinely reciting cliched ENTJ "catchphrases" while wearing the internet archetype like a cheap, ill made, designer knockoff they like to show off at almost every chance they get, whether anyone asked to see it or not. "Look at me in my (molting, faux) mink!! :hi: Ain't it majestic??" Not to mention, their often dubious, unsubstantiated claims and pronouncements concerning their ability to style others. Wanna further kill the fashion metaphor? The suit doesn't make the man, the man makes the suit. And even the real thing can look pretty fucking tacky if it isn't tailored properly. Ok, I'm done.

3.) And on PerC, "unhealthiness" is damn sure not restricted to type. Imposters, wannabes, and barelyhaveaclues of all types abound there.


Aug 6, 2010
For ENTJ fear of failure is one of greatest. Failure for us is impossible. According to Jung highest tree has a deepest roots which means if you have an ability to be on highest heaven you must first visit deepest part of your hell and conquer it. :)

Sorry, perfectionism is XNTJ trait.

Excerpt from your cited article said:
MBTI Test ENTJ Types don’t often weigh the consequences or possibilities of other options when making decisions, meaning that they can rush into something without giving it enough processing time. Similarly, the ENTJ Type tendency to rush into something can mean that they fail to develop a timeline for their choices or decisions, making them less than concrete. They also can look at information only in broad terms without noticing significant details that could have a much larger impact than the ENTJ realizes. By slowing down and taking into account the consequences of their actions, as well as by picking their arguments carefully, the ENTJ Type will be more approachable and organized, both in the workplace and in their personal lives.

Can you explain how what you've stated in the above two quotes, aligns with the excerpt that I've pulled from your cited article?


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Can you explain how what you've stated in the above two quotes, aligns with the excerpt that I've pulled from your cited article?

I think because ENTJ are sort of risk taker and enormous challengers we can overcome our fear of failure so we have a tendency to sometimes jump into things but still when I have to done something I will never done for sake to be done.

MBTI Test ENTJ Types don’t often weigh the consequences or possibilities of other options when making decisions,




ENTJ are Gamma (they value Te Ni Se Fi) so they like to do things (Se) with meanings (Fi) not just "do things for fun or whatever" as Beta (value Ti Se Ni Fe) and main reason why ENTJ jump sometimes is because of ter Se and Te-Se loop. (note Ti-Se is ISTP) and then refocused again with Ni. When Ni is in focused and well developed they are observant and strategic like INTJ. Now, my tritype is 854 so this will explain a lot of things because this 8 can look like to others as 4 or 5 , be more observant then usual ENTJ but because of this for me is much more easy then others to develop my Fi.

This is ENTJ inf Fi
Although incredibly driven and intelligent, there are certain actions that ENTJ Types should take in order to augment their emotional intelligence. For example, discovering how their own emotions direct their behavior and actions is extremely important for an ENTJ Type’s personal emotional growth, as it will allow them to put themselves in another’s shoes when one of their peers is feeling similarly. Furthermore, investing some of their time into the feelings of others and learning to empathize with them will greatly impact their emotional intelligence for the better, allowing them to connect with others on a more personal level


Aug 6, 2010

ENTJ are Gamma (they value Te Ni Se Fi) so they like to do things (Se) with meanings (Fi) not just "do things for fun or whatever" as Beta (value Ti Se Ni Fe) and main reason why ENTJ jump sometimes is because of ter Se and Te-Se loop. (note Ti-Se is ISTP) and then refocused again with Ni. When Ni is in focused and well developed they are observant and strategic like INTJ. Now, my tritype is 854 so this will explain a lot of things because this 8 can look like to others as 4 or 5 , be more observant then usual ENTJ but because of this for me is much more easy then others to develop my Fi.

This is ENTJ inf Fi
A non sequitur that doesn't address the blatant conflict between your posts and your citation. ENTJs value logic and logical consistency.