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My Si-Fe Checklist


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Recently I believe I have been letting my dominant functions get out of control and my tertiary and inferior go completely unconscious. Not a pleasant experience, let me tell you. As a perceiver, you begin to look for "the perfect wave" in surfer speak, and let way too many decent ones pass. I became very unconscious of my emotions and started going crazy. So I think I need to consciously implement certain minimums in my life to stay humble and out of the clouds.

Si: Believe it or not, I had BIG trouble doing all of these things in recent months. Seriously, I am a wreck right now. I have been living on maybe 1 or 2 showers a week, eating nothing but candy, living in filth, going to bed at 9 AM, waking up at 6 PM, and napping sometime between. The only thing I did a decent job of keeping up with was my dental hygiene. That is an absolute with me.
  • Take shower daily, keep nails clipped, hair cut, smell nice, etc.
  • Keep house clean - spend 20 minutes a day cleaning and every once in a while, do a more thorough clean.
  • Brush teeth twice a day, floss once.
  • Exercise in moderation, roughly 30-60 minutes 3 or 4 times a week, with cardio and strength.
  • Keep reasonable sleep hours. Try to avoid big daytime naps. Don't lay around in bed awake for hours.
  • Eat substantial meals, snacks in moderation. Try to eat breakfast.
  • Keep a daily planner.
  • Keep a minimal daily log.
  • Pay bills on time.
  • Have a few hobbies and special interests.
  • Don't spend excessive time on computer or watching TV.
  • Look semi-presentable. No wrinkled clothes, no stains, nothing insanely casual.
  • Procrastinate less.
  • Try to finish what you start.
  • Have hobbies, work on them consistently.
  • Maintain stability, appreciate the past instead of pretending it doesn't exist. Setting anchor in my community, etc.
  • Don't be afraid to fit in and do what other people are doing.. follow major trends in society like going to college etc.

Fe: This one is really the hardest for me, although Si is very hard too. I wish I could talk to people more easily. I hope improving Si will at least provide a foundation for that.
  • Greet people, ask how they are doing. Introduce self if appropriate.
  • It is ok to ask people small talk questions. If they aren't interested in talking, it is ok to stop.
  • Try to remember birthdays and holidays.
  • Let people know what you are feeling if possible
  • Keep in touch with friends and family, go to social functions and participate in activities with friend and family if you have nothing else to do.
  • Avoid insulting people (especially for liking sports, religion, country music, dumb political views, etc.) or overanalyzing them and making harsh judgments.
  • Try to keep up with culture.. skim the news once in a while, and try to watch a popular TV show or movie.
  • Make an effort to meet and get to know new people
  • Don't ignore texts.
  • Try to be friendly to relatives (lol)
  • It is ok to uphold some traditions like going on occasional dates or participating in ceremonies
  • Try to participate in group conversations instead of sitting in and silently judging people
  • Ask for others' input
  • Try not to be weirded out by babies, children, and the elderly.
  • Offer to lend a helping hand, and don't be afraid to ask others for help.
  • Give to charity.
  • Showing appreciation
  • Avoid sensitive subjects in conversation.
  • Talk about what you did that day, even if not particularly profound.
  • Make sure everyone is included.
  • Befriending neighbors.
  • Give the occasional sincere compliment.
  • Offer people drinks and food if they come over.

Now for some Do Nots with Ti and Ne:
  • Do not spend excessive time reading informational text with the intention of "unifying" life, esp. if chores aren't done!
  • Watch out for going into la-la land with religious, scientific, or some combination thereof theories.
  • Watch out for sitting and analyzing people too much while you could be doing something.
  • Watch out for thinking everyone is wrong about everything.
  • Try not to get out-of-context for its own sake with tastes
  • Catch self when sitting and thinking about strategies when could be doing other things.
  • Don't spend excessive time on the internet or forums, especially if you find yourself getting into heated arguments or refreshing the page every 5 seconds looking for new replies.
  • Do not become a know-it-all, always remember there is vastly more to learn in life.

And with that... maybe I'll go back to the pool for a bit. Things to think about! Give me your thoughts on this.
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No moss growing on me
Jun 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Day 2. Have been doing an exceptional job of this so far. Also find that my mood is 1000% better than when I was just lying around in my own filth all day. Who would have thought? I am a bit nervous about not doing things right or doing the wrong thing, but this is still a massive improvement.

I also added a few things to each list.

Changes I've seen so far:
1. My apartment looks really nice. Also did 4 loads of laundry.
2. I went to the gym and worked out, felt good, didn't talk to anyone but at least saw people
3. Went and visited my neighbor and made conversation with her, was less mopey and depressed.
4. Went to the pool both days. Today, talked to quite a few people I hadn't seen in a while.
5. Ran errands and got some necessary items I'd been lacking for a long time.
6. Read, not skimmed, some good articles on science, the news, and investing.
7. Read a book.
8. Practiced my guitar and learned some new stuff.
9. Apologized to people I flipped out on, made plans to visit my parents on the fourth of July.
10. Ate a few real meals.
11. Woke up to my alarm, only snoozed a couple times. Also took a powernap midday and didn't fail to get up after alarm went off.
12. Started keeping an agenda/to-do list.
13. Started a daily log - limited to 1 page/day, as I have a tendency to never feel finished with analysis.
14. Didn't spend excessive time on internet.
15. Thought about career options. Am beginning to think I want to be a chemist.

Overall I still feel wobbly, like learning to walk, but hopefully this continues. Will try to update.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Keep up the good work.

I should probably get out more myself.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Day 4:

Going strong. Apartment is almost completely clean. I've been re-establishing several friendships and have seen a lot more of people that I'd been ignoring. I've exercised every day, practiced guitar, and learned some Spanish too. My life is back on track. I am thinking about going back to college to become a chemist.

I got in a couple fights with people when I was at my lowest point, and I hope those things mend. Truthfully it was a terrible thing but I needed it to happen or I never would have known I needed to change. So I've changed.. just hoping I get those 2 very important people back.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Btw, MBTI is actually helping me out a lot here. It helps to know more about who I am and what I lack. I still could have done it without it, but I would be a lot more lost. Knowing that I need to work on Si and Fe specifically really helps.


You have a choice!
May 15, 2009
Good luck :) Sounds promising!


New member
Jun 25, 2008
This is going extraordinarily well. Both functions, Si and Fe, are working in my favor quite nicely. For instance, the other day I got new neighbors across the hall. Already well-groomed and apartment clean, I went out and pretended to casually notice them in passing and asked if they were moving in, offered to help. They were friendly, but politely declined.

The next day, I went to the pool because I knew I needed to try to socialize a little. They just so happened to show up for a bit, and I was able to get to know them a little better and make some vague plans with them, like sharing my wireless internet so we could cut some costs together. Later on, one of them knocked on my door and came in for a bit to get the password, and of course my apartment was nice and clean and I was fully prepared for the interaction.

This is indeed the reason I have abruptly disappeared from TypoC, not that I think anyone would have noticed or anything.

Also, Ti and Ne are working better than ever now, too. Like way better. I read SO much... in a typical day, I read from like 5-10 sources, from cracked.com, to wikipedia articles on science and history, to Robert Greene, to Orson Scott Card, to Yo, Robot (the Spanish version of I, Robot.. because I am learning Spanish). I have also been practicing guitar consistently and eating much, much healthier food. I've even been devouring TV shows and movies, in an effort toward cultural literacy. My emotional state isn't perfect, but it is astronomically better than it had been. In fact, I would say that currently I am fairly happy.

Particularly fascinating, I have begun keeping a pocket sized notebook with me and recording thoughts and occurrences throughout the day and then reviewing them before bed and periodically at other times. I wake up, I jot down a quick note about the dream I had. I read something, I make some notes about it. I meet and talk to someone, I record some of the more salient topics we spoke of or things I think I might want to remember. Hell, I even write down people's license plate numbers. It's kinda fun to be so organized.

Perhaps most importantly, although I tend to forget it or see it as a burden at times, is all the improvement to my social life. It is still far from where I'd like it to be, but it is moving in the right direction. I am straight with my family now, I have rekindled and even deepened some old friendships, and I have started a few new ones as well.

I'd like to see others attempt to do their own version of this sort of checklist, whether they are INTP or something else. Good ground for new ideas.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Glad to see things are going well for you. This kind of makes me want to start my own Te-Si checklist. :rly???: It makes me happy to see how much good MBTI can provide for someone.


I'd like to see others attempt to do their own version of this, whether they are INTP or something else. Good ground for new ideas.

I posted this before I saw this last part of your post. So you're definitely going to see some more of these in the future. :D


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
This is a great thread [MENTION=4489]zago[/MENTION] you have inspired me to maybe do the same but with my opposite functions of Ne+Ti.

What would you say is a checklist for those?


New member
Jun 25, 2008
This is a great thread [MENTION=4489]zago[/MENTION] you have inspired me to maybe do the same but with my opposite functions of Ne+Ti.

What would you say is a checklist for those?

Honestly it is a bit hard for me to say. I think this is because it has to come from the perspective of someone who knows what they are lacking. Ti and Ne were never something I had to worry about much because I take care of them naturally without having to feel like I am forcing myself to. I could actually be blind to the ways that an ESFJ neglects Ne and Ti. I could give it a shot, though.

The idea, though, is to establish a few "minimums" that are fairly obvious. It is entirely possible that you already do these things, though. Any regular person who isn't depressed pretty much takes care of what they need to take care of, but there is always room for at least some improvement.

Something else to take note of, though, is that when a person is depressed, even their dominant functions start to function like inferior ones. An INTP can lose control of Ti-Ne and start coming up with and living by insanities.

For Ne, I might say things like
  • Maintain a creative hobby, like playing an instrument
  • Be open minded to new things others are trying to introduce you to, try to immerse yourself in them instead of rejecting them immediately.
  • Discover new music, TV shows, and movies on your own, even if they are weird.
  • Do or read something off-the-wall

For Ti...
  • Notice when you are engaging in "magical thinking." Try to avoid assigning supernatural significance to coincidences and other mundane events in your life as a way to rationalize inaction or self-indulgence.
  • Read up on some different philosophies - break free of your religion and try to gain a truer understanding of the big picture.
  • Remember that when you meet people with different beliefs, you should try to be open minded and understanding rather than judgmental and combative.

Honestly I think I am on the right track but this is surprisingly hard. Again, these are things I have always done automatically and to make the list, I have to envision SFJ types I've known and what some of the things they could have done to improve would have been. Generally if they have inferior Ne they are close-minded, somewhat prude, and at times lacking in imagination and creativity. If they have inferior Ti, they can get overly dogmatic with their religion and even begin to excessively add to it their own little interpretations that tend to work for them and against people they disagree with.

Or both. In my experience, the tertiary requires a little simple effort to maintain but can easily be neglected, and the inferior requires more effort and actually seems fearsome, like something the person doesn't know if they are capable of achieving. I figure, though, that if the first 3 are in good working order, that makes the 4th easier to contend with and at least set some simple minimums for. That's the point of my checklist, anyway.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Honestly it is a bit hard for me to say. I think this is because it has to come from the perspective of someone who knows what they are lacking. Ti and Ne were never something I had to worry about much because I take care of them naturally without having to feel like I am forcing myself to. I could actually be blind to the ways that an ESFJ neglects Ne and Ti. I could give it a shot, though.

The idea, though, is to establish a few "minimums" that are fairly obvious. It is entirely possible that you already do these things, though. Any regular person who isn't depressed pretty much takes care of what they need to take care of, but there is always room for at least some improvement.

Something else to take note of, though, is that when a person is depressed, even their dominant functions start to function like inferior ones. An INTP can lose control of Ti-Ne and start coming up with and living by insanities.

For Ne, I might say things like
  • Maintain a creative hobby, like playing an instrument
  • Be open minded to new things others are trying to introduce you to, try to immerse yourself in them instead of rejecting them immediately.
  • Discover new music, TV shows, and movies on your own, even if they are weird.
  • Do or read something off-the-wall

For Ti...
  • Notice when you are engaging in "magical thinking." Try to avoid assigning supernatural significance to coincidences and other mundane events in your life as a way to rationalize inaction or self-indulgence.
  • Read up on some different philosophies - break free of your religion and try to gain a truer understanding of the big picture.

Honestly I think I am on the right track but this is surprisingly hard. Again, these are things I have always done automatically and to make the list, I have to envision SFJ types I've known and what some of the things they could have done to improve would have been. Generally if they have inferior Ne they are close-minded, somewhat prude, and at times lacking in imagination and creativity. If they have inferior Ti, they can get overly dogmatic with their religion and even begin to excessively add to it their own little interpretations that tend to work for them and against people they disagree with.

Or both. In my experience, the tertiary requires a little simple effort to maintain but can easily be neglected, and the inferior requires more effort and actually seems fearsome, like something the person doesn't know if they are capable of achieving. I figure, though, that if the first 3 are in good working order, that makes the 4th easier to contend with and at least set some simple minimums for. That's the point of my checklist, anyway.

Thanks I'll give it some thought. I am particularly guarded against 'magical thinking' as you pointed out.

As for trying new things, I might be getting there, a few years back I would never have taken the chances I have lately, I've always had an interest in what could loosely be called strange or weird though. Nothing supernatural like fatuous ghost docu-bleh's but unusual films and obscure fiction I do love. However I am trying to translate this more into a way of thinking.

I recently started watching animations done by Don Hertzfeldt and I enjoy the humour and irony in his works:

This is one of the more humourous:

I may be somewhat atypical for an SJ though, however this is not a source of pride or uniqueness, it's just something that is.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Thanks I'll give it some thought. I am particularly guarded against 'magical thinking' as you pointed out.

As for trying new things, I might be getting there, a few years back I would never have taken the chances I have lately, I've always had an interest in what could loosely be called strange or weird though. Nothing supernatural like fatuous ghost docu-bleh's but unusual films and obscure fiction I do love. However I am trying to translate this more into a way of thinking.

I recently started watching animations done by Don Hertzfeldt and I enjoy the humour and irony in his works:

I may be somewhat atypical for an SJ though, however this is not a source of pride or uniqueness, it's just something that is.

Tertiary functions provide some good stuff that even dominant or auxiliary users miss. It's got it's own unique flavor, when being used well.