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cat and mouse


a white iris
Jan 26, 2008
Mind game. Elfie wants to play.


Suppose you are a top criminal wanted globally. Third in the hierarchy in your crime cartel. Having masterminded many crimes internationally. For 5 years you had managed to evade detection. Unfortunately you were caught, and placed in prison.

You made friends with your guards. You convinced them you were reformed.

One year later, you managed to escape, while on a toilet break. You had used the excuse you wanted to visit the loo. And took that chance to escape. Circumventing your guards, any CCTVs, and perimeter fences of your jail.

There is a massive manhunt out for you now in the country.

You were previously described as "ruthless, an escape artist."

Your only routes out are to one of two other countries, where you have sympathisers. To stay within the country would mean certain death.



1) What type of personality are you?

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur?

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?


Boring old fossil
Nov 2, 2007
Mind game. Elfie wants to play.


Suppose you are a top criminal wanted globally. Third in the hierarchy in your crime cartel. Having masterminded many crimes internationally. For 5 years you had managed to evade detection. Unfortunately you were caught, and placed in prison.

You made friends with your guards. You convinced them you were reformed.

One year later, you managed to escape, while on a toilet break. You had used the excuse you wanted to visit the loo. And took that chance to escape. Circumventing your guards, any CCTVs, and perimeter fences of your jail.

There is a massive manhunt out for you now in the country.

You were previously described as "ruthless, an escape artist."

Your only routes out are to one of two other countries, where you have sympathisers. To stay within the country would mean certain death.]



1) What type of personality are you?

INTJ/INFJ/INTP/ENTJ/ENFJ - my camouflage usually reflects the observer. ;)

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur?

Well, I enjoy careful execution of detail, but I have to reconcile the likelihood that spontaneity would probably be the scent of the hour.

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)

The initial stages would likely reside on an internal watch, but later events (those dealing with the length and quality of my escape) would likely rely on others.

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?

Security is as tight as the template for which it is designed. Realize the template and you've a gameplan for success.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Fun fun... it is important to note that this mouse can't do any of the following. But hey she can pretend that she can.

1) What type of personality are you? ENTP

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur? No mouse escapes from high security prison without planning. Take the time to map out possible route of escape and hidey holes. In the end, it ended up being easier to escape on transit.

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)
Under constant high security alone? Mouse is not that foolish. Afterall you only get one attempt. It is possible, but lady luck will not be in your favor.

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?
They're looking for mouse... so be not mouse. ;)


a white iris
Jan 26, 2008
Fun fun... it is important to note that this mouse can't do any of the following. But hey she can pretend that she can.

LOL. yes mousie, that's the whole idea, to pretend. Ludere. To play. Elfie wants to play!

Think! To think is to play.

other answers?

Open to discussion, too. Or if more information is needed. :yes:


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
Mind game. Elfie wants to play.


Suppose you are a top criminal wanted globally. Third in the hierarchy in your crime cartel. Having masterminded many crimes internationally. For 5 years you had managed to evade detection. Unfortunately you were caught, and placed in prison.

You made friends with your guards. You convinced them you were reformed.

One year later, you managed to escape, while on a toilet break. You had used the excuse you wanted to visit the loo. And took that chance to escape. Circumventing your guards, any CCTVs, and perimeter fences of your jail.

There is a massive manhunt out for you now in the country.

You were previously described as "ruthless, an escape artist."

Your only routes out are to one of two other countries, where you have sympathisers. To stay within the country would mean certain death.



1) What type of personality are you?

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur?

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?
I'm not that great at these kind of games, but my impression is that P types are much better at the type of behavior you described, than J types. They seem to be able to be flexible and play the cards they have in their hand rather than waiting for the "right or perfect" hand.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
To think is to play.
You have just divulged volumes to me!

It's totally off topic and has more to do with understanding myself better, than anything else.


Jun 21, 2007

1) What type of personality are you? INTJ

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur? 2 years in the planning.

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)Definitely help and escaping alone imo would result in failure. Must have right people in place for a successful getaway.

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security? Complete makeover (possibly altered gender) with new identity paperwork. If you have enough money you can certainly buy a new identity!

Cool thread. Reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption and I believe that Andy Dufresne was an INTJ.


New member
Aug 10, 2007

1) What type of personality are you?
Either INTP or INTJ (I seemingly use Ni and Ti equally well)

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur? My escape would have been planned ahead of time in meticulous detail, taking into consideration scores of possibilities regarding what could go wrong, and planning accordingly, thus remaining very flexible.

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)

Without. Other people are too unreliable to be trusted.

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security? [/QUOTE] First, I would completely change my appearance and identity. Then, I would remain in utter seclusion for a while. Finally, I would swiftly get out of the country as any non-criminal would (taking into consideration that my identity has been changed), yet with an added sense of vigilance and caution.


a white iris
Jan 26, 2008
I'm not that great at these kind of games, but my impression is that P types are much better at the type of behavior you described, than J types. They seem to be able to be flexible and play the cards they have in their hand rather than waiting for the "right or perfect" hand.

aw. c'mon INTJmom. considering that quite a lot of the responses suggested INTJ..... :D

it's fun. getting into the minds of others. no right or wrong answer. i'm collecting data. so i do need more answers. :)

thanks to the rest for answering!

let's wait on....

Point to add: Consider the shadow. Held in prison for one year, on the run for the 5 years before that. Wouldn't one's shadow appear?

PS: pls feel free to add on/debate other responses as well.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
The art of shadow is in confusion. Divide and conquer. Always do the unexpected. For a shadow to show its shadow is death to the shadow. You cannot afford to let anything show through... not even a shadow. A good shadow is a excellent actor. Shadow mouse do not look like a mouse. Actually it would be easier to be not mouse while in prison. That way mouse can be more like mouse while on the run.

Edit: This reminds me of the anime "Mouse"... it's a horribly perverted series though... makes mousie laugh. :dry:


~dangerous curves ahead~
Nov 15, 2007
1) What type of personality are you?
ENTP, under the guise of an ISFJ.

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur?
You plan and watch and wait. Moment comes, go for it. Action, reaction. Time for each.

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)
Perhaps not with the overt help; but occasional lapses, lulls in consciousness of the guards, misplaced trust which I'd have been cultivating for the last years, would help me.

Charm is a powerful weapon under the guise of meekness. That is the ENTP with the ISFJ shadow. The game of underestimation.

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?

Little details. There is always a way to game the system.

Or perhaps, a conspiracy. One is let loose to catch a bigger fish.

Edit: An underdeveloped ENTP cannot focus. But one who has developed his tiertiary Fe, and auxilliary Ti, would be be difficult to deal with.


a white iris
Jan 26, 2008
The art of shadow is in confusion. Divide and conquer. Always do the unexpected. For a shadow to show its shadow is death to the shadow. You cannot afford to let anything show through... not even a shadow. A good shadow is a excellent actor. Shadow mouse do not look like a mouse. Actually it would be easier to be not mouse while in prison. That way mouse can be more like mouse while on the run.

Edit: This reminds me of the anime "Mouse"... it's a horribly perverted series though... makes mousie laugh. :dry:

exactly. which of the shadows is most useful in a game of cat and mouse?

in a game of cunning.

it isn't just the type. it is the interaction with the shadow, too.

no one right answer. play on. :yes:

Edit: this forum has an advantage. We know our types. Look within.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1) What type of personality are you?

ESTP! :)

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur?

decided 10 minutes ago after realizing that everything on tv is reruns and I'm bored

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)

come on... you know that by this point the guards WANT to help me :jesus:- I would have been so continually nice to them during my stay just because I may get bored with the free food and cable and decide to leave! ;)

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?

dig up my stash of loot and bribe boarder security with more money than they'd make in a lifetime of guarding the boarder! :devil:


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
If mouse tell you her shadow... then the game is spoiled... Oh very well!

You need to understand the system. That takes observation skills, paying attention to the "irrelevant" details. Noting schedules, habits. To see patterns requires N... to notice all the details requires Se. Since you can only be dominant of one or the other, N will serve you better.

Understanding the system of the changing of guards, routine in jail life requires Ne. Knowing how the unseen works might require Ni. Once you've figured out the patterns, you can model the system and make predictions. Predictions for probability assessment. No matter how good securities are, it is human to err. Move when you spot sufficient deviation from the pattern (that you're pretty certain arise from error). Moving when the opposition is making deliberate changes gives you toasted mouse.

System on balance... see a slight disturbance to the balance? Indirectly tip it some more... then run amidst the confusion.


~dangerous curves ahead~
Nov 15, 2007
interesting concept,

1) a leader. - personality in full force

2) same leader captured. Has to escape. Is this the shadow in operation, or the self?

What shadow is optimal for escape, which self would be the best charismatic leader who could convince men to die on his behalf?

I still say ENTP-ISFJ.

the ISFJ would have the motivation to escape - fulfilling a duty. Perfectionists.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Oh right... thanks Ae... the front. Be mild... the harmless prisoner...

Shadow of ENTP is ISFJ... duty to escape?

Hmmm INTJ with ESFP might also work... but I don't trust the INTJ to escape safely if stressed for too long. (INTJ mastermind, ESFP friendly and harmless prisoner)

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
;) but combine an apparently friendly harmless prisoner with the ability to mastermind an escape and you have an excellent manipulator who could convince the guards to let them go! :)

prison guards are people too! :yes:


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
aw. c'mon INTJmom. considering that quite a lot of the responses suggested INTJ..... :D
They have far too high opinions of INTJs. :smile:

it's fun. getting into the minds of others.
This is actually very much of a beloved INTP pastime.

no right or wrong answer. i'm collecting data. so i do need more answers. :)
As long as nobody comes along and tells me how stupid my answer is, I think the guy is an ISTP, INTP, ESTP or perhaps ENTJ, or ESTJ, in that order. It's one thing to be mentally capable of conceiving of such a plan, but it's another to have the physical finesse to carry out the plan.

thanks to the rest for answering!

let's wait on....

Point to add: Consider the shadow. Held in prison for one year, on the run for the 5 years before that. Wouldn't one's shadow appear?

PS: pls feel free to add on/debate other responses as well.
As far as the shadows go, I see them only as being good for doing "stupid" things, not for the benefits as when they are primary.

Interestingly, myself and someone else here thinks the person is the same type as their spouse. My husband is ISTP. Funny how the types we admire comes into play here.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
Mind game. Elfie wants to play.


Suppose you are a top criminal wanted globally. Third in the hierarchy in your crime cartel. Having masterminded many crimes internationally. For 5 years you had managed to evade detection. Unfortunately you were caught, and placed in prison.

You made friends with your guards. You convinced them you were reformed.

One year later, you managed to escape, while on a toilet break. You had used the excuse you wanted to visit the loo. And took that chance to escape. Circumventing your guards, any CCTVs, and perimeter fences of your jail.

There is a massive manhunt out for you now in the country.

You were previously described as "ruthless, an escape artist."

Your only routes out are to one of two other countries, where you have sympathisers. To stay within the country would mean certain death.



1) What type of personality are you?

2) How did you manage to escape? Planned, or on the spur?

3) With help, or without? (Would it have been possible to escape alone?)

4) How would you escape out of the country, given the tight security?
1. I am a Nocturne with a King James Bible. Jamie is a beauty.

2. Plan I > Plan II > Plan III > on the spur. Keyword elasticity.

3. Dingling dangling sound.

4. Money makes the world around. Dingling dangling sound. (Third in the hierarchy..)


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
If mouse tell you her shadow... then the game is spoiled... Oh very well!

You need to understand the system. That takes observation skills, paying attention to the "irrelevant" details. Noting schedules, habits. To see patterns requires N... to notice all the details requires Se. Since you can only be dominant of one or the other, N will serve you better.

Understanding the system of the changing of guards, routine in jail life requires Ne. Knowing how the unseen works might require Ni. Once you've figured out the patterns, you can model the system and make predictions. Predictions for probability assessment. No matter how good securities are, it is human to err. Move when you spot sufficient deviation from the pattern (that you're pretty certain arise from error). Moving when the opposition is making deliberate changes gives you toasted mouse.

System on balance... see a slight disturbance to the balance? Indirectly tip it some more... then run amidst the confusion.
Mouse will clarify for elfie...

You want an NT for logic... the stereotypical escape artist type that can weasel his or her way out of anything would be ENTP (Ne Ti). However jail break from a top security prison requires a great deal more planning and in depth understanding of how the system as a whole works (people dynamics, hierarchical structure in the prison, security check points etc). Ne from the ENTP in this case might not be the best for in depth analysis like Ni does (INTJ or ENTJ). Doing the unexpected truly belongs to the N dominant... hence I picked ENTP vs INTJ as oppose to INTP and ENTJ... although there's always more than one way of escaping.

Hell... if you have enough bribe money as wildcat indicated... you can bribe your way out from jail and out of the country if corruption is rampant in the said country. :devil: This way no master planning involved. Just got to know who's bribe-able and will stay brought for long enough to let you escape.