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Blame: Do you take personal responsibility for your own emotions or do you blame others and life for your emotional discomfort?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Ignorance may or may not be bliss. The ignorance of these individuals however is like a shock wave against others in society.

There are some people one can not have a rational discussion and conversation. There are blamers in life who blame other people and life for their emotions.

Not knowing, first they are triggered. They are secondly projecting unto people and society their own unconscious issues.

They are oblivious that is their own unfinished business, unresolved conflict, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound which causes them their emotional distress.

As long as they continue to act out on their own triggers, they will never heal. They may indeed die in an oblivious state.

This is not psychological, emotional, or spiritual maturity. Nor is it taking self responsibility.

I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of other people or the situation.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Ignorance may or may not be bliss. The ignorance of these individuals however is like a shock wave against others in society.

There are some people one can not have a rational discussion and conversation. There are blamers in life who blame other people and life for their emotions.

Not knowing, first they are triggered. They are secondly projecting unto people and society their own unconscious issues.

They are oblivious that is their own unfinished business, unresolved conflict, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound which causes them their emotional distress.

As long as they continue to act out on their own triggers, they will never heal. They may indeed die in an oblivious state.

This is not psychological, emotional, or spiritual maturity. Nor is it taking self responsibility.

I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of other people or the situation.” LightSun
6. No one can make you feel a negative emotion. Again, not unless it fits on of these. (A) Extreme physical pain (B) A fight or flight situation, or (C) You engage someone or something that is anti-ethical to everything you stand for.

Otherwise it is your own unconscious conflicts, unresolved issues, emotional baggage or an unhealed aspect of a psychic wound.

If a person is not acquainted with these two aspects of projection and trigger, they will continue to lash out outwardly.

7. For those who blame reality and other people for their own emotional discomfort they are unaware that it is their own hidden blind spot which has been triggered.

8. In a philosophical sense they are blindly reacting and lashing out at reality as unto a projection screen at a movie theater. They are reacting against illusions from their own mind based on their own unconscious issues.

9. Those who blame reality and lash out based on their triggers will never grow philosophically, emotionally, or spiritually until and unless they take responsibility for their own thoughts and inner feelings.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Projections change the world into the replica of one’s own unknown face.” Carl Jung

“Exactly there are many truths. Two simple ones if they could be assimilated by society could propel society forward. Only though if they take personal responsibility for their internal universe.

One universal truism is that we Homo Sapiens are a projective species. We project our unconscious beliefs unto other people and situations.

This is the dilemma. All of us are molded by societal, peer and parental expectations, values, norms, mores, ideals and values since birth.

It gets incorporated into our underlying unconscious cognitive schema which makes up our ‘autopilot’ or our underlying belief system.

This is for the wise. To change another would be tantamount to changing their hard drive or rather their genes and genetic predisposition.

In addition it would be to rewire the software of another completely different and unique individual of their parenting, schooling and indeed their entire life experiential lessons while walking the path of life.

We are as in the Hubble Telescope. We each have a different lens to view reality based on our hard wire and soft ware.

These are merely only our perceptions and not ultimate reality. Most of what we know is mere subjective opinion.

The second truth and this comes from the cognitive based psychological fields of CBT: Cognitive Behavior Therapy and REBT: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Every negative felt experienced reality has an underpinning with cognitive distortions and or irrational beliefs.

It manifests as a trigger. I have an analogy. Our emotions are like the check engine light of our car.

1. If we have a negative emotion we are triggered. 2. Their are distortions in the thought process.

3. These hidden unconscious triggers are a blind spot of awareness.

4. Underneath is your own unfinished business, unresolved conflicts, emotional baggage and an unhealed aspect of a psychic wound.

This is universal. The amendments would be these three parameters. 1. A person experiencing extreme physical pain.

2. A person is in a fight or flight situation. The third is if we are confronted with something so anti-ethical to our moral sensibility.

Examples would be having a negative emotion over murderers, Hitler, Rapists, etc. The point is you do not allow your emotions to act emotionally and in an irrational sense. Hold those accountable but remain objective.

If people would acknowledge this truth and take action accordingly we could transform society from within.

This is my vow. I am responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the person or the external situation.

I will not repay negative energy with negative. In psychology this is negative reinforcement. For those coming from a completely blatant irrational stance, their is no useful reasoning with them.

The person pouring a type of a pollution on their fellow man and reality are those who blame others and reality for their own emotions.

They are in a philosophical sense projecting an illusion of their own unfinished business unto a real world situation or person.

These the blamers who don’t take responsibility will never heal from their psychic wound. They will continue to be triggered by this sore spot.

This will not change unless they take responsibility. Those that don’t will never grown emotionally, spiritually or psychologically.

All the sayings, “Take the High Road” would be prudent. I as every person alive has blind spots in my overall awareness.

I hope to continue to evolve by being cognitively mindful and responsible for my self in entirety, having an open mind, being tolerant and respectful of others with beliefs dissimilar from myself.

In my path following the tenets I continue to grow both in depth and breadth of my understanding of self, others and the world we live in.

I respectfully apologize if I have ever strayed to strive to be humble and have an open, inquisitive and curios mind.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves.” Fredrich Nietzsche

“ I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the person or the situation.

I am cognizant that no one can make me feel a negative emotion. They can only trigger what’s within.

In that case it is my responsibility and I will not be as pollution by venting or lashing out at external situations or people. I will not blame. I will be self responsible.” LightSun