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8 Colors of Fitness - MBTI Test


New member
Mar 3, 2010

Amazon.com: The 8 Colors of Fitness: Discover Your Color-Coded Fitness Personality and Create an Exercise Program You'll Never Quit! (9780979562501): Suzanne Brue: Books

Green Efficient

Fitness Color: Greener than Green, Nature Beckons
Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Greens are highly attuned to and observant of the physical world around them. Their profound attention to detail and their outstanding orienting skills influence all aspects of what they do and when they do it. Minimalists at heart, their demeanor is understated, quiet, and unobtrusive. In groups, Greens tend toward the background, preferring others to take the lead in social interactions.

With their reserved demeanor, they are quiet observers of the physical world. Nature is their nature. Their natural physicality inclines Greens to maintain a baseline of fitness, which they prefer to do outdoors or through activities of daily living, such as yard maintenance, parking a mile from their office, or using the stairs instead of elevators.

Incorporating a regimented training program into their lives is unlikely to happen without a specific purpose—such as getting in shape to fully enjoy a favorite outdoor activity, or achieving a prized goal, like being part of a climbing or backpacking expedition. In these cases Greens will use gyms and equipment to increase their stamina for an outdoor challenge that is important to them.

When they are training for such a challenge, Greens have clear cut objectives. Many say that the preparation process—including assembling the gear, analyzing risks, or preparing for climatic changes—is interesting and exhilarating. A fitness center or trainer who could provide information relating to these training goals would add value.
Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Too much inside time is stressful for Greens. Getting outside gives them an opportunity to clear their minds and wrestle with the energizing and calming challenges of nature. Almost any outdoor environment will do. Fitness centers with equipment and training options on outside decks (or at least with a window view) provide special appeal to Greens.

Greens have a significant preference for training by themselves. Training alone minimizes the need for coordination and advance planning with other people, allowing them to catch the moment as it arises, without checking with anyone else. It speaks to the casual and flexible world that Greens prefer. They will likely prefer to arrive at the gym dressed for their workout, avoiding wasted time or interactions in the locker-room.
Green Efficients (ISTP)

* Greens Efficients are practical and analytical. They will make use of a personal trainer who challenges them, holds them accountable, and doesn’t talk too much.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Efficient Red

Fitness Color: Roaring Reds, Now!
Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Reds love to be where the action is. They experience life through their senses, craving stimulation and adventure from the physical world. Physical activity is a lifestyle for Reds, and they can’t get too much of it. They have a robust and playful nature and love games, sports, contests and competitions. With their quick reflexes and in-the-moment attention, Reds are drawn to fast paced activities that involve speed and thrills and that demand quick reflexes—such as basketball, tennis, or mountain biking. Reds are fully engaged in the moment.

Their personalities are casual and spontaneous. They prefer to go with the flow and stay open to opportunities as they arise. Sporting get-togethers are open and flexible; seamlessly set up with no pressure. For Reds, “be prepared” is not a simple maxim; it’s a way of life. The trunk of their cars may look like a sports-equipment swap meet. They prefer having their gear at the ready to take advantage of any opportunity which may arise.

Goal oriented, Reds are hands-on people who enjoy frequent-short term victories and intermittent competitions. Reds typically find exercise in and of itself to be tedious. Reframing exercise as “training” is much more effective. Training to stay in shape for a sport or goal provides a focus that helps them push through an otherwise boring routine. And, of course, everything is more fun with other people.

Environment and Interpersonal Connection

Playful, enthusiastic and people-focused, Reds enjoy interacting with people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures and have a knack for stimulating others to enjoy themselves. With few exceptions, Reds prefer physical activity with others—it’s a favorite way to connect with people. When it comes to indoor activities at the gym, being with others combats boredom. Often they will arrange to meet and train with friends at the gym, or, with their outgoing nature, find others to connect and train with once they’re there.

Solitary, indoor, routine exercise alone is too confining for Reds. It doesn’t provide enough variety, challenge, or opportunity to use the skills Reds enjoy most. If they must exercise alone, they’ll watch TV or listen to their favorite music on their iPods to keep themselves going.

Red Efficients (ESTP)
Reds Efficients enjoy high energy, fast-paced training sessions. They look for trainers who provide specific and concrete feedback so they can make corrections in the moment. Red Efficients employ a trainer to prepare them for peak performance and competition with others.
Red Harmonies (ESFP)
Reds Harmonies enjoy high energy, fast-paced training sessions. They look for trainers who provide specific and concrete feedback so they can make corrections in the moment. Red Harmonies appreciate trainers who encourage friendly competition and camaraderie with others.

Walking Tourist

it's tea time!
Nov 11, 2008
It said that I am a Red Efficient.
OK, the description for personal training is, undoubtedly, accurate.
I doubt that I'm an ESTP, though.:wubbie::hi::workout:
I use way too many emoticons....;)


Oct 5, 2009
This woman has also written a book:

The 8 Colors of Fitness

You can see sample pages online if you have an Amazon account. I browsed through it a few months ago.

The 8 colors are based on the I/E, N/S and P/J preferences. For example, INPs are "saffron". She says T/F doesn't make as much of a difference, but she does talk a bit about the differences between the T and F versions of each "colour".

If anyone wants to just read their colour profile without taking the test, you can find them listed here , under "The 8 Colors" on the left.

Her groupings are:
ISJ: Blue
ESJ: Gold
ESP: Red
ISP: Green
ENP: Silver
INP: Saffron
INJ: White
ENJ: Purple


Energizer Bunny
May 18, 2010
Fitness Color: Saffron Seeking, Making Workouts into Play

Motivation, Approach, Focus

Saffrons prefer an easy-going and casual lifestyle and are attracted to easy access to exercise that requires minimal process or advance planning. Keeping plans to a minimum provides more opportunities to enjoy the kick they get when life hands them the unexpected. For them, serendipity provides an extra measure of enjoyment and fun. Though Saffrons appreciate being physically active, imposed routines and schedules that limit their flexibility to engage on their own terms soon become burdens that inhibit rather than encourage physical activity.

Although their outward demeanor is relaxed, inwardly Saffrons can be intense. With a challenge in front of them, they apply themselves to the task with quiet commitment. Competitive—with themselves more than others—Saffrons are engaged in setting difficult and often physically demanding goals. Physical pursuits are in fact a great balance to their intensity, providing a cleansing relief from constant inner analysis, debate, and searching.

Independent, and often perfectionists, Saffrons are drawn to activities that require a high level of performance. Boredom can be a concern for Saffrons, and they find satisfaction in physical pursuits that push them to higher fitness levels.

Saffrons maintain physical activity by finding elements of challenge, fun, freedom, and flow. They love creating a rhythm and keeping it going. Convenience is an important consideration—many Saffrons say it’s essential for making physical activity appealing. Every step they must take on the way to exercising is another opportunity to get off-track, so the fewer decision points between the idea and its execution, the better. With their intuitive natures, Saffrons can easily make the mind/body/soul connection and might be attracted to exercise with that as a component.

Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Saffrons lean toward outdoor settings for most of their cardio activities, enjoying the freedom and flexibility the outdoors provides. Although they might go to the gym for some of their cardio, many report their gym visits have a particular purpose, like lifting weights, for example. With their attraction to movement and flow, many Saffrons enjoy group fitness classes, if the music is to their liking and it’s fun!

Saffrons enjoy exercising alone—and with others, as long as the interaction is not demanding or confining. For instance, they might enjoy light banter with a running partner. It’s not unusual for Saffrons to train for a marathon with a family member or friend, but it won’t happen if there’s much to-do about dates and schedules ahead of time. Arrangements must be convenient and relaxed. Because Saffrons rarely consider themselves as part of a group, they deal better with a few like-minded people, rather than an organized gathering. For the same reason, Saffrons often choose unusual sports or activities, e.g. Ultimate Frisbee, Taiko drumming, or bouldering.

Saffron Efficients (INTP)

Saffron Efficients will seek trainers primarily when they want to learn specific skills or improve their performance in a particular area.

Saffron Harmonies (INFP)

Saffron Harmonies seek to partner with trainers. It is important that the trainer understands and is aligned with their values.


Senor Membrane
May 22, 2008
Fitness Color: Saffron Seeking, Making Workouts into Play
Motivation, Approach, Focus

Saffrons prefer an easy-going and casual lifestyle and are attracted to easy access to exercise that requires minimal process or advance planning. Keeping plans to a minimum provides more opportunities to enjoy the kick they get when life hands them the unexpected. For them, serendipity provides an extra measure of enjoyment and fun. Though Saffrons appreciate being physically active, imposed routines and schedules that limit their flexibility to engage on their own terms soon become burdens that inhibit rather than encourage physical activity.

Although their outward demeanor is relaxed, inwardly Saffrons can be intense. With a challenge in front of them, they apply themselves to the task with quiet commitment. Competitive—with themselves more than others—Saffrons are engaged in setting difficult and often physically demanding goals. Physical pursuits are in fact a great balance to their intensity, providing a cleansing relief from constant inner analysis, debate, and searching.

Independent, and often perfectionists, Saffrons are drawn to activities that require a high level of performance. Boredom can be a concern for Saffrons, and they find satisfaction in physical pursuits that push them to higher fitness levels.

Saffrons maintain physical activity by finding elements of challenge, fun, freedom, and flow. They love creating a rhythm and keeping it going. Convenience is an important consideration—many Saffrons say it’s essential for making physical activity appealing. Every step they must take on the way to exercising is another opportunity to get off-track, so the fewer decision points between the idea and its execution, the better. With their intuitive natures, Saffrons can easily make the mind/body/soul connection and might be attracted to exercise with that as a component.
Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Saffrons lean toward outdoor settings for most of their cardio activities, enjoying the freedom and flexibility the outdoors provides. Although they might go to the gym for some of their cardio, many report their gym visits have a particular purpose, like lifting weights, for example. With their attraction to movement and flow, many Saffrons enjoy group fitness classes, if the music is to their liking and it’s fun!

Saffrons enjoy exercising alone—and with others, as long as the interaction is not demanding or confining. For instance, they might enjoy light banter with a running partner. It’s not unusual for Saffrons to train for a marathon with a family member or friend, but it won’t happen if there’s much to-do about dates and schedules ahead of time. Arrangements must be convenient and relaxed. Because Saffrons rarely consider themselves as part of a group, they deal better with a few like-minded people, rather than an organized gathering. For the same reason, Saffrons often choose unusual sports or activities, e.g. Ultimate Frisbee, Taiko drumming, or bouldering.
Saffron Efficients (INTP)

* Saffron Efficients will seek trainers primarily when they want to learn specific skills or improve their performance in a particular area.

Saffron Harmonies (INFP)

* Saffron Harmonies seek to partner with trainers. It is important that the trainer understands and is aligned with their values.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
that was very cool and totally accurate. :)

Silvers PDF Print E-mail
Fitness Color: Quick Silver, Masters of Exercise Disguise
Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Energized by new ideas and possibilities, Silvers eagerly embrace novel concepts and respond to a world of opportunity. Silvers find little that doesn’t interest them. They’re quick to see connections and build on ideas. Silvers enjoy being with people who share their enthusiasm and can contribute to their projects and activities. With so many interests, exercise for its own sake can be boring. It’s best when taken out of the context of pure exercise and wrapped in the guise of something else, such as a challenge, adventure, and exploration, or spending time with people.

Active Silvers fall into one of two categories: Make it Central or Keep it Simple. When physical activity takes on a central role, there are likely several layers of experience and achievement to disguise pure exercise. For example, training for a marathon with a group, skiing or biking with friends, walking meetings with colleagues, or competitive ballroom dancing. In each case there are multiple enticements and hooks; they will get their exercise along the way. With their Intuitive natures, Silvers can naturally make the mind/body/soul connection and might be attracted to exercise with that as a component.

For Make it Central Silvers with active friends and family, physical activity can become an operating principle in their lives. With so much of life organized around physical activity, positive momentum overpowers physical resistance. They approach their physically active lifestyle with enthusiasm and gusto, and rarely miss a day of exercise, even when it’s piled on top of an already full schedule

For Silvers who do not make exercise central in their lives, they find exercise success by keeping activities uncomplicated, unremarkable, and easy to accomplish. The Keep it Simple Silvers might even become rigid in their program, in contrast to the flexible approach they apply to the rest of their lives, convinced that if they deviate from their routine—or try to improve on it and change it—it might fall apart. For Silvers whose interests often pull them in so many directions, many report that regular exercise makes them feel more balanced and in control of their lives.
Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Convenience is a must. The more decision points Silvers must navigate, the less appealing exercise becomes. Whether they belong to a fitness center, practice yoga, Tai Chi, or run in the park, Silvers don’t want to spend too much time in transition. Their schedules are tight and time is valuable. Convenience, after all, relates to flow—moving from one activity to another with little effort—much the way Silvers connect ideas.

A stimulating environment, connecting with people around training programs—possibly taking the lead in setting up a training schedule keeps interest high. With their busy lives, many Silvers also enjoy exercising alone, finding satisfaction and balance in reflection. A walk at night, a run along the bike path, or solo time at the gym provides an opportunity to be with their thoughts and clear their busy minds.
Silver Efficients (ENTP)

* Silver Efficients seek a trainer who understands how the body works and is competent at explaining it. They will have challenging questions for a trainer to respond to; their relationship is professional.

Silver Harmonies (ENFP)

* Silver Harmonies seek trainers who they enjoy spending time with. Their relationship with their trainer tends to be personal.


Fitness Color: The White Canvas, Trailblazers on Familiar Paths

Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Whites approach exercise as they do everything else, with planning and structure—that is, after sufficient reflection time. Reflection, in fact, is the hallmark of their personality. They don’t jump into anything head first, including fitness. Whites need time to do the research, check out facilities, and imagine scenarios—all preliminary elements undertaken to create a comprehensive plan. Whites are habitually oriented and comfortable with the familiar; once they’ve made their plan to include regular physical activity in their routine, it becomes a cherished part of their life. It doesn’t slip out easily, but is challenged when their routine is disrupted by travel, moving to another city or other such changes.

Disciplined and independent, Whites are self-organized and attracted to physical exercise they can structure at their own pace. Much thought goes into each element of a White’s exercise program—and a program it is, complete with categories for cardio, strength, and flexibility—and even classifications such as social, light, moderate, and intense. As Intuitives, they readily see the mind/body/soul connection and will often include exercise that provides for that as a category. At times they may enjoy being accountable to a fitness trainer, as long as they’ve had a role in directing the activity.

While they might consult fitness literature or schedule some sessions with a trainer, they typically develop their own exercise program based on specific results they’ve established as important and achievable. Whites think ahead and loosely envision their weekly exercise program, mentally keeping tabs, identifying times in which each part will happen. Unlike other types who are energized by spontaneous activities, Whites don’t like to be swept up in someone else’s agenda. They tend to stick with their plan.

Physical activity provides a refreshing respite, giving them an opportunity to get away from it all—from work, the phone, people, requests, and family responsibilities. It’s a time to de-stress, thing about things and be with their internal visions.

Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Whites seek comfort and familiarity in their exercise environments. Placing high value on tranquil and calm environments, Whites are easily jarred by interruptions and chaos. Whites require orderly environments for exercise, which provide the necessary calm for them to relax and receive the mental benefits of exercise as well as the physical. At a large fitness center, they are likely to find an out of the way spot to exercise, or they might join a small gym off the beaten path. Whites don’t mean to be rude, but they go to a gym to work out.

Chit chat and noise are distracting, and cell phones are a special irritant. Characteristically, Whites prefer keeping a low profile at the gym. They are turned off by “see and be seen” fitness centers. They typically don’t like to bump into people from work or other parts of their lives at the gym.

White Efficients (INTJ)
White Efficients expect trainers to have a high level of proficiency and knowledge and will challenge them with tough questions.

White Harmonies (INFJ)
White Harmonies look for friendly and supportive personal trainers. They respond best to trainers who communicate their interest and caring, and at the same time are committed to helping them reach their goals.


Yeah, I can fly.
Mar 10, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Silvers Fitness Color: Quick Silver, Masters of Exercise Disguise

Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Energized by new ideas and possibilities, Silvers eagerly embrace novel concepts and respond to a world of opportunity. Silvers find little that doesn’t interest them. They’re quick to see connections and build on ideas. Silvers enjoy being with people who share their enthusiasm and can contribute to their projects and activities. With so many interests, exercise for its own sake can be boring. It’s best when taken out of the context of pure exercise and wrapped in the guise of something else, such as a challenge, adventure, and exploration, or spending time with people.

Active Silvers fall into one of two categories: Make it Central or Keep it Simple. When physical activity takes on a central role, there are likely several layers of experience and achievement to disguise pure exercise. For example, training for a marathon with a group, skiing or biking with friends, walking meetings with colleagues, or competitive ballroom dancing. In each case there are multiple enticements and hooks; they will get their exercise along the way. With their Intuitive natures, Silvers can naturally make the mind/body/soul connection and might be attracted to exercise with that as a component.

For Make it Central Silvers with active friends and family, physical activity can become an operating principle in their lives. With so much of life organized around physical activity, positive momentum overpowers physical resistance. They approach their physically active lifestyle with enthusiasm and gusto, and rarely miss a day of exercise, even when it’s piled on top of an already full schedule

For Silvers who do not make exercise central in their lives, they find exercise success by keeping activities uncomplicated, unremarkable, and easy to accomplish. The Keep it Simple Silvers might even become rigid in their program, in contrast to the flexible approach they apply to the rest of their lives, convinced that if they deviate from their routine—or try to improve on it and change it—it might fall apart. For Silvers whose interests often pull them in so many directions, many report that regular exercise makes them feel more balanced and in control of their lives.
Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Convenience is a must. The more decision points Silvers must navigate, the less appealing exercise becomes. Whether they belong to a fitness center, practice yoga, Tai Chi, or run in the park, Silvers don’t want to spend too much time in transition. Their schedules are tight and time is valuable. Convenience, after all, relates to flow—moving from one activity to another with little effort—much the way Silvers connect ideas.

A stimulating environment, connecting with people around training programs—possibly taking the lead in setting up a training schedule keeps interest high. With their busy lives, many Silvers also enjoy exercising alone, finding satisfaction and balance in reflection. A walk at night, a run along the bike path, or solo time at the gym provides an opportunity to be with their thoughts and clear their busy minds.
Silver Efficients (ENTP)

  • Silver Efficients seek a trainer who understands how the body works and is competent at explaining it. They will have challenging questions for a trainer to respond to; their relationship is professional.
Silver Harmonies (ENFP)

  • Silver Harmonies seek trainers who they enjoy spending time with. Their relationship with their trainer tends to be personal.
That was predictable.


Reason vs Being
Nov 3, 2008
What the hell is this? :laugh:

Saffron harmony, anyway...


full of love
May 24, 2009
i also got ROARING REDS.

Efficient Red

Fitness Color: Roaring Reds, Now!
Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Reds love to be where the action is. They experience life through their senses, craving stimulation and adventure from the physical world. Physical activity is a lifestyle for Reds, and they can’t get too much of it. They have a robust and playful nature and love games, sports, contests and competitions. With their quick reflexes and in-the-moment attention, Reds are drawn to fast paced activities that involve speed and thrills and that demand quick reflexes—such as basketball, tennis, or mountain biking. Reds are fully engaged in the moment.

Their personalities are casual and spontaneous. They prefer to go with the flow and stay open to opportunities as they arise. Sporting get-togethers are open and flexible; seamlessly set up with no pressure. For Reds, “be prepared” is not a simple maxim; it’s a way of life. The trunk of their cars may look like a sports-equipment swap meet. They prefer having their gear at the ready to take advantage of any opportunity which may arise.

Goal oriented, Reds are hands-on people who enjoy frequent-short term victories and intermittent competitions. Reds typically find exercise in and of itself to be tedious. Reframing exercise as “training” is much more effective. Training to stay in shape for a sport or goal provides a focus that helps them push through an otherwise boring routine. And, of course, everything is more fun with other people.

Environment and Interpersonal Connection

Playful, enthusiastic and people-focused, Reds enjoy interacting with people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures and have a knack for stimulating others to enjoy themselves. With few exceptions, Reds prefer physical activity with others—it’s a favorite way to connect with people. When it comes to indoor activities at the gym, being with others combats boredom. Often they will arrange to meet and train with friends at the gym, or, with their outgoing nature, find others to connect and train with once they’re there.

Solitary, indoor, routine exercise alone is too confining for Reds. It doesn’t provide enough variety, challenge, or opportunity to use the skills Reds enjoy most. If they must exercise alone, they’ll watch TV or listen to their favorite music on their iPods to keep themselves going.

Red Efficients (ESTP)
Reds Efficients enjoy high energy, fast-paced training sessions. They look for trainers who provide specific and concrete feedback so they can make corrections in the moment. Red Efficients employ a trainer to prepare them for peak performance and competition with others.
Red Harmonies (ESFP)
Reds Harmonies enjoy high energy, fast-paced training sessions. They look for trainers who provide specific and concrete feedback so they can make corrections in the moment. Red Harmonies appreciate trainers who encourage friendly competition and camaraderie with others.


May 30, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Fitness Color: Quick Silver, Masters of Exercise Disguise

Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Energized by new ideas and possibilities, Silvers eagerly embrace novel concepts and respond to a world of opportunity. Silvers find little that doesn’t interest them. They’re quick to see connections and build on ideas. Silvers enjoy being with people who share their enthusiasm and can contribute to their projects and activities. With so many interests, exercise for its own sake can be boring. It’s best when taken out of the context of pure exercise and wrapped in the guise of something else, such as a challenge, adventure, and exploration, or spending time with people.

Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Convenience is a must. The more decision points Silvers must navigate, the less appealing exercise becomes. Whether they belong to a fitness center, practice yoga, Tai Chi, or run in the park, Silvers don’t want to spend too much time in transition. Their schedules are tight and time is valuable. Convenience, after all, relates to flow—moving from one activity to another with little effort—much the way Silvers connect ideas.

A stimulating environment, connecting with people around training programs—possibly taking the lead in setting up a training schedule keeps interest high. With their busy lives, many Silvers also enjoy exercising alone, finding satisfaction and balance in reflection. A walk at night, a run along the bike path, or solo time at the gym provides an opportunity to be with their thoughts and clear their busy minds.

Silver Efficients (ENTP)
Silver Efficients seek a trainer who understands how the body works and is competent at explaining it. They will have challenging questions for a trainer to respond to; their relationship is professional.

Makes me want to find a new gym =/


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I actually would enjoy a mix of the ENTP and ISFP trainer. :) I guess I've interacted with some on the net, but not offline.


May 30, 2008
Instinctual Variant
^ Totally with you on that!

My old trainer covered everything mentioned in the Silver description, everything! He was awesome. Dunno if he was ENTP or not but he planned his gym around me as his model customer so it was absolutely perfect for me. Le sigh. I've found it so tough since then to find something that isn't static and repetitive.


White Harmony

Fitness Color: The White Canvas, Trailblazers on Familiar Paths

Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Whites approach exercise as they do everything else, with planning and structure—that is, after sufficient reflection time. Reflection, in fact, is the hallmark of their personality. They don’t jump into anything head first, including fitness. Whites need time to do the research, check out facilities, and imagine scenarios—all preliminary elements undertaken to create a comprehensive plan. Whites are habitually oriented and comfortable with the familiar; once they’ve made their plan to include regular physical activity in their routine, it becomes a cherished part of their life. It doesn’t slip out easily, but is challenged when their routine is disrupted by travel, moving to another city or other such changes.

Disciplined and independent, Whites are self-organized and attracted to physical exercise they can structure at their own pace. Much thought goes into each element of a White’s exercise program—and a program it is, complete with categories for cardio, strength, and flexibility—and even classifications such as social, light, moderate, and intense. As Intuitives, they readily see the mind/body/soul connection and will often include exercise that provides for that as a category. At times they may enjoy being accountable to a fitness trainer, as long as they’ve had a role in directing the activity.

While they might consult fitness literature or schedule some sessions with a trainer, they typically develop their own exercise program based on specific results they’ve established as important and achievable. Whites think ahead and loosely envision their weekly exercise program, mentally keeping tabs, identifying times in which each part will happen. Unlike other types who are energized by spontaneous activities, Whites don’t like to be swept up in someone else’s agenda. They tend to stick with their plan.

Physical activity provides a refreshing respite, giving them an opportunity to get away from it all—from work, the phone, people, requests, and family responsibilities. It’s a time to de-stress, thing about things and be with their internal visions.

Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Whites seek comfort and familiarity in their exercise environments. Placing high value on tranquil and calm environments, Whites are easily jarred by interruptions and chaos. Whites require orderly environments for exercise, which provide the necessary calm for them to relax and receive the mental benefits of exercise as well as the physical. At a large fitness center, they are likely to find an out of the way spot to exercise, or they might join a small gym off the beaten path. Whites don’t mean to be rude, but they go to a gym to work out.

Chit chat and noise are distracting, and cell phones are a special irritant. Characteristically, Whites prefer keeping a low profile at the gym. They are turned off by “see and be seen” fitness centers. They typically don’t like to bump into people from work or other parts of their lives at the gym.

White Harmonies (INFJ) - White Harmonies look for friendly and supportive personal trainers. They respond best to trainers who communicate their interest and caring, and at the same time are committed to helping them reach their goals.

Donna Cecilia

L'anima non dimora
Mar 19, 2010

Fitness Color: True Blue, Tried and True
Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Blues are guided by clear fitness goals and objectives. Often these goals are based on advice from health and medical professionals or information from the media, or perhaps center on improving performance in sports or other activities. Blues prefer keeping their exercise plans plain, simple, and easy to execute so they can achieve their goals. Keeping commitments to themselves ranks high with Blues.

Blues are highly sensitized and aware of their bodies and thus are careful not to over-do. They gravitate to traditional exercise based on proven methods, tested and trusted, the better to achieve their goals with a minimum of fuss or risk of injury. Because they are exercising for a purpose, it doesn’t make sense to spend time experimenting on new routines when they already know techniques and approaches that have worked in the past. With little inclination to live on the cutting edge, Blues are not interested in the latest weight program being touted or in getting their exercise in “fun” new ways. Blues focus on the purpose of exercise. They will have their fun some other time.

Correct form and proper technique are essential. They represent not only the best and least wasteful approach to exercise, but ensure greater safety, a high priority for Blues. When learning something new, Blues prefer a step-by-step approach. For instance, in learning a free weight routine, Blues prefer to learn the proper technique for developing one muscle group to their satisfaction before moving on to the next. Once a technique is locked into their memory, they can comfortably move on, but not until then. With an emphasis on safety and form, Blues value a chance to learn from qualified experts who, as professionals, can carefully take them through the steps.

Blues are motivated by keeping track of their workouts. What better way to measure progress and see that they accomplished what they set out to do than by writing it down and seeing the data in front of them. Record-keeping allows Blues to refer to their progress in the orderly manner that resonates with their True Blue nature. Date, time, distance, sets, reps, results—all details are noted.

Environments and Interpersonal Connections

Blues seek calm and familiar environments that allow them to focus on the task at hand. They find commotion and interruptions disturbing and prefer keeping their gym interactions to a minimum. Their personalities are modest and quiet; they call little attention to themselves and will not share their fitness milestones and exercise accomplishments unless asked.

Blues typically have outstanding powers of concentration and are adept at creating their own space, even inside a busy fitness center. They might do so by reading or listening to music or books on tape. Many have said that while engaged in repetitious cardio activities, they maintain their energy by chanting or singing to themselves, or reciting personal mantras.

Blue Efficients (ISTJ)

Blue Efficients have a pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to personal training sessions. They want to get down to business right away and have little interest in chit chat that does not relate to the job at hand.

Blue Harmonies (ISFJ)

Blue Harmonies enjoy exchanging pleasantries in their personal training sessions and seek a friendly relationship with their trainer. Positive feedback from their trainer assures them of correct technique, form, and safety.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
^ Totally with you on that!

My old trainer covered everything mentioned in the Silver description, everything! He was awesome. Dunno if he was ENTP or not but he planned his gym around me as his model customer so it was absolutely perfect for me. Le sigh. I've found it so tough since then to find something that isn't static and repetitive.

Have you looked at / tried Crossfit style training ?


Jun 30, 2008
Only mildly accurate. I am not that big on outdoors, don't dislike it but most of my fitness has been gym centred. I put in bold the stuff I relate to.

Fitness Color: Greener than Green, Nature Beckons
Motivation, Approach, and Focus

Greens are highly attuned to and observant of the physical world around them. Their profound attention to detail and their outstanding orienting skills influence all aspects of what they do and when they do it. Minimalists at heart, their demeanor is understated, quiet, and unobtrusive. In groups, Greens tend toward the background, preferring others to take the lead in social interactions.

With their reserved demeanor, they are quiet observers of the physical world. Nature is their nature. Their natural physicality inclines Greens to maintain a baseline of fitness, which they prefer to do outdoors or through activities of daily living, such as yard maintenance, parking a mile from their office, or using the stairs instead of elevators.

Incorporating a regimented training program into their lives is unlikely to happen without a specific purpose—such as getting in shape to fully enjoy a favorite outdoor activity, or achieving a prized goal, like being part of a climbing or backpacking expedition. In these cases Greens will use gyms and equipment to increase their stamina for an outdoor challenge that is important to them.

When they are training for such a challenge, Greens have clear cut objectives. Many say that the preparation process—including assembling the gear, analyzing risks, or preparing for climatic changes—is interesting and exhilarating. A fitness center or trainer who could provide information relating to these training goals would add value.
Environment and Interpersonal Connections

Too much inside time is stressful for Greens. Getting outside gives them an opportunity to clear their minds and wrestle with the energizing and calming challenges of nature. Almost any outdoor environment will do. Fitness centers with equipment and training options on outside decks (or at least with a window view) provide special appeal to Greens.

Greens have a significant preference for training by themselves. Training alone minimizes the need for coordination and advance planning with other people, allowing them to catch the moment as it arises, without checking with anyone else. It speaks to the casual and flexible world that Greens prefer. They will likely prefer to arrive at the gym dressed for their workout, avoiding wasted time or interactions in the locker-room.

Green Efficients (ISTP)

* Greens Efficients are practical and analytical. They will make use of a personal trainer who challenges them, holds them accountable, and doesn’t talk too much.

Green Harmonies (ISFP)

* Greens Harmonies look for a trainer who will provide them a formatted program. That trainer must align with their personal values.