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why doesn't God love me?


Priestess Of Syrinx
Aug 22, 2009
For example, tell a classroom full of Army kids to "turn the other cheek when someone hits them" and the whole class will burst into an uproar screaming they'd hit the sorry bastard back several times.

Turn the other cheek actually refers to a law that was present at the time; yeu hit people with yeur left hand if they were inferior, with yeur right if they were equal to yeu and yeu were challanging them to a duel and such.

In short, turning the other cheek meant yeu were actually saying "try that again and yeu're going to regret it", it's actually a threat and forcing them to consciously accept the threat and possible repercussions of such. It had nothing to do with 'asking for more' or ignoring it.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Turn the other cheek actually refers to a law that was present at the time; yeu hit people with yeur left hand if they were inferior, with yeur right if they were equal to yeu and yeu were challanging them to a duel and such.

In short, turning the other cheek meant yeu were actually saying "try that again and yeu're going to regret it", it's actually a threat and forcing them to consciously accept the threat and possible repercussions of such. It had nothing to do with 'asking for more' or ignoring it.


miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Halla- you covered why I can't be an atheist at all... too many random chances coming together to just be luck... as Einstein said "god doesn't play dice with the universe"... life is amazing, beautiful and varied, but there had to be a spark to jump start it somewhere... :thinking:... there was actually a physics professor at my college (a large state university... not a religious college) who liked to use math and physics to prove that there is a god... I of course didn't understand the math involved, but it was a fascinating concept nonetheless :)

Lightyear- oh crap... the tenent of Christianity I've had the most difficult time with other than hell is that I really have issues beleiving in Jesus :boohoo: That's why I used to go to temple instead of church...

TT- some of us type around 72 words per minute :devil:


desert pelican
Feb 23, 2008
owl- I need to be able to use my manner of interaction and understanding- that includes other people... you do NOT want to be in my presence when I'm writing an essay or you'd totally understand that :newwink:

Do you think there are others in the world who could facilitate your manner of interaction and understanding? (I assume here that the bible-belters who surround you are less than ideal). If so, perhaps you should move to where they are. It seems your spiritual/intellectual development is being stunted where you are.

edit: I want a color too!
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New member
Dec 4, 2007
whatever;1148778 I really have issues beleiving in Jesus :boohoo: That's why I used to go to temple instead of church... [QUOTE said:
Then don't worry about Jesus, he can take care of himself. Jesus was to live by the same rules anyone does....relax. Just be the best soul you know how to be. And as I mentioned from your writings, you are well on your way.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Katsuni- yeah... the mysoginistic "women are the root of all evil and should do what the men tell them" idea really irks me... if I ever run across the Apostle Paul, which I won't because he's dead, I really really really want to kick him in the nuts :devil:

owl- I can't move... it's expensive and my people are here... and we just got a house :horor:


Turn the other cheek actually refers to a law that was present at the time; yeu hit people with yeur left hand if they were inferior, with yeur right if they were equal to yeu and yeu were challanging them to a duel and such.

In short, turning the other cheek meant yeu were actually saying "try that again and yeu're going to regret it", it's actually a threat and forcing them to consciously accept the threat and possible repercussions of such. It had nothing to do with 'asking for more' or ignoring it.

I'm afraid that the context of the passage does not support your interpretation.

"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well." -Jesus of Nazareth, as quoted in Matthew 5:38-40.

Considering that the reference to 'turn to him the other [cheek] also' is nested between 'Do not resist an evil person' and '...if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well,' I'd say the point of 'turning the other cheek' was to treat violent people in a benign fashion.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Jesus Christ Whatever, (Or whatever jesus christ)

You are having simultaneous convos with like 40 people.

Damnnnn. ESTPs are awesome! (hugs for halla toooooo!)

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Hirsch- so take Garrison Keillor's sign off to heart "be well, do good works and keep in touch" :holy: yeah, somehow I've always thought god was everything and everything is god, which kind of ran wrong with the Jesus is the son of god sent to save you ideology :doh:

leaf and sky- thanks! :) I almost fear that I've created some sort of monster in a way :unsure:


desert pelican
Feb 23, 2008
Yays same logic!

Keep in mind the "original sin" isn't the first one... the original came before eve existed when Lilith was banished from eden for refusing to have sex under Adam; she wanted to be on top and was banished, and then cursed to have to kill one of her children every day forever after.

Eve was made after Lilith was banished.

So the first, original sin, was once again made by a woman... who was sinful for thinking her man not better than her. Yeu may notice this part has been edited out of the king james version, but several older bible editions have been found to have this part still in it.

There are alternate versions which say that Lilith actually left Eden of her own free will, rather than having been banished, because she considered Adam inferior.

In another version Adam asked God to return Lilith to him, and he sent three angels on the task. They were to kill 100 of Lilith's children for each day she failed to return. Instead of returning to Eden, Lilith responded to the threat with one of her own; she vowed to torment the children of Adam and Eve throughout eternity.

Regardless, it's generally considered that after Lilith left Adam for being a whiny little child (which pretty much fits how he's portraited in the bible), she wanders off and goes and makes out with Samael, one of the demons aka fallen angels instead.

And in that case, it's blamed on ADAM instead for being weak, not Eve... but Lilith still got the short stick even though she was in the right kinda.

I've heard this before. Is it Talmudic?

Do you accept the Talmud as authoritative?

Eve wasn't present when God gave Adam the command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. (See Genesis 2). Adam failed in his duty to be a watchman. Original Sin falls squarely in the lap of a man.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
A color for Jen

Peguy- well, it'd better... he started it first... I can't help what sex I am! :steam:

Orobas- I always try to respond to every post in a thread I create... it's a challenge! :holy:


Peguy- well, it'd better... he started it first... I can't help what sex I am! :steam:
Well I guess worshipping Mithras is out then, because women are not allowed to - period!


miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
^ stares hard at mithras and puts on pointy toed boots :thelook:


Keep in mind the "original sin" isn't the first one... the original came before eve existed when Lilith was banished from eden for refusing to have sex under Adam; she wanted to be on top and was banished, and then cursed to have to kill one of her children every day forever after.

Eve was made after Lilith was banished.

So the first, original sin, was once again made by a woman... who was sinful for thinking her man not better than her. Yeu may notice this part has been edited out of the king james version, but several older bible editions have been found to have this part still in it.

The Lilith legend is referenced in Babylonian writings, which were probably the original sources for the story that made it into the Talmud. Lilith is even referenced in the Dead Sea scrolls, but the only Septuagint reference is dubious at best, and contains none of the story elements of which you write.

Lilith does not appear by name in the Vulgate or the Geneva bible, to say nothing of the King James.

You can say what you like about Lilith... the stories you quote are accurate representations of the Lilith legend... but with the exception of a possible passing reference (as either "lilyith" or "a screech owl") in the Septuagint, she doesn't appear therein, and her complete story was never part of any canonical book.


desert pelican
Feb 23, 2008
owl- I can't move... it's expensive and my people are here... and we just got a house :horor:

I got a color!


Who are your people?

If you've tied yourself to others economically, and you've made a commitment to them, then I exhort you to fulfill the obligations you've made.

Are they your people? Or do you go through the motions with them?

Jesus Christ Whatever, (Or whatever jesus christ)

You are having simultaneous convos with like 40 people.

Damnnnn. ESTPs are awesome! (hugs for halla toooooo!)

Yes. I could never do this. Mad Props.