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Type The Blob!

What's my type UwU ?

  • ENFP

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • ISFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTP

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • MBTI Not Listed

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 369 tritype

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 136 tritype

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Tritype Not Listed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sp/so

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • sp/sx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IV not listed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Thank you much for your responses btw. I'm sort of surprised surprised how quickly you centered in on the INTx types; The T/F axis has always been the hardest for me to decide on, but on this thread and my discussions with some others I've been getting similar responses. I should probably stop doubting myself at this point.
But maybe I'm wrong, how do you relate to Se inferior?
I did type as INFJ for awhile, so I do relate to it to some degree (although I had concluded that my relation to it may be more just related to having low sensing). Generally, I have a pretty slow processing speed and don't really understand personally what it means to feel part of or at one with your environment. I'm fairly ascetic and find myself being able to oscillate the past and the future in terms of goals and recollection, but very rare in the present (and typically when I'm not in the past or future I'm just in the land of thoughts). I become inactive because I'm too busy thinking about moving forward and how I could act rather than actually acting at all. Also sometimes high Se is described as having a recognizable presence and I don't have that at all. While I'm weirdly memorable for some reason, I have no gravitas and am told my presence is "ghostly" because I just disapear in plain sight.... Idk if half of that actually has anything to do with low Se though.

Seems really Ti-Ne, but maybe someone will come in and argue for Ni-Te, lol. I thought Ti about generalising concepts, and Ne about the different contexts.
Your definition doesn't seem too off, although Ti tends to be pretty technical on it's own (especially when paired with semi-apparent Si). Since it doesn't rely necessarily on information right in front of your faces, it does seem to be more assumptive and somewhat general. The Ne sort of adds a more general flair to it since it is a pretty context oriented function.

Yeah and now this kind of sounds Se inferior... but then you say you rely on your own judgment over the world, which would be Ti, not Ni.

Out of curiosity, can you give me an example of where you used your own judgment about reality that was wrong and left you vulnerable to actual reality?
Sure, I'll talk about some semi-lighter incidents.

It happens a lot with people. As I've mentioned here, I struggle with people and relationships in general and, being that I have pretty bad social anxiety, especially in my younger days (or during pretty unhealthy periods of mine) I tried to mitigate this by studying people. Initially, it starts with me paying extra attention to people behaviorally and gauging their interaction patterns and such, but eventually leads to trying to generalize that behavior so I can predict and respond to it. It becomes really head based, because based on my generalizations (which aren't always trustworthy because they're my own generalizations based on small samples of information and psychology articles I've read and theorized about), I'll try to make systems outlining how people think/act based on how I think people think or should think. A lot of times, as long as I keep systems general it sort of works but realistically in many situations my logic just seems to be way off base because I refuse to use enough outside data (because I'm more conformable dealing with my own ideas and playing possibilities out in my head).

I used to do this a lot in school too, but with non-human information my judgement tend to be more accurate. I go by the basis if I generalize a concept and find concepts similar to that, lots of times their behavior will align and I can use those connections to understand how different concepts work under different conditions. But again, it relies heavily on my own generalizations and self-expansion of concepts despite me typically doing quite a bit of research on topics, so it's occasionally way off from reality. Had an issue with that in economics, which unfortunately came up during a class debate. I knew and understood the theory, but had skewed that to extend to behaviors that didn't actually happen (also some of that was me misreading a concept, but I think the idea still stands).

It's so silly because I refuse to trust myself in areas that I'm actually fairly competent in and then completely disregard my own biases with these sort of things. I've sort of forced myself to become more doubtful so I fall into these pitfalls less.


New member
Aug 31, 2018
You're twisting language here. I wasn't talking about measuring probability the way a statistician would, I was speaking about someone making probabilistic statements in ordinary conversation, which as far as I am aware really is an Ni indicator. Note that it's just an indicator, it's not 100% or anything.

Hmm...Maybe I am NOT INTP (Maybe ISTP)? I tend to do this often and also think about how the world will evolve in the future (For instance, how changing the rate of change in society (creativity) will inevitably depress birth rates (exception was the transportation boom facilitated by rapid development, but that's due to translating people to un-developed regions.....To develop a region, you need population boom( It's a requisite) Or how Millennial's replacing Baby-Boomers may facilitate structural change (jobs, exc). I don't often think about the past unless I am introspecting in regards to my identity (how the past shaped it). My research adviser said my approach is more intuitive since I tend to rely heavily on inferences opposed to gathering all the facts to back it up....Yet, he's mentioning that in regards to making predictions which is related to Ni (not always). I'm also very good at predicting what others are thinking/about to say during conversations. Perhaps, it's due to being able to read people (to an extent) and know somewhat where the conversation is flowing


New member
Nov 17, 2018
Hmm...Maybe I am NOT INTP (Maybe ISTP)? I tend to do this often and also think about how the world will evolve in the future (For instance, how changing the rate of change in society (creativity) will inevitably depress birth rates (exception was the transportation boom facilitated by rapid development, but that's due to translating people to un-developed regions.....To develop a region, you need population boom( It's a requisite) Or how Millennial's replacing Baby-Boomers may facilitate structural change (jobs, exc). I don't often think about the past unless I am introspecting in regards to my identity (how the past shaped it). My research adviser said my approach is more intuitive since I tend to rely heavily on inferences opposed to gathering all the facts to back it up....Yet, he's mentioning that in regards to making predictions which is related to Ni (not always). I'm also very good at predicting what others are thinking/about to say during conversations. Perhaps, it's due to being able to read people (to an extent) and know somewhat where the conversation is flowing

You sound like ISTP's Ni, IMO


New member
Nov 17, 2018
Thank you much for your responses btw. I'm sort of surprised surprised how quickly you centered in on the INTx types; The T/F axis has always been the hardest for me to decide on, but on this thread and my discussions with some others I've been getting similar responses. I should probably stop doubting myself at this point.

No problem! Yeah I thought T for you because you sound really detached, not "feely" at all. What in particular made it hard for you to decide on T/F, if I can ask?

I did type as INFJ for awhile, so I do relate to it to some degree (although I had concluded that my relation to it may be more just related to having low sensing). Generally, I have a pretty slow processing speed and don't really understand personally what it means to feel part of or at one with your environment. I'm fairly ascetic and find myself being able to oscillate the past and the future in terms of goals and recollection, but very rare in the present (and typically when I'm not in the past or future I'm just in the land of thoughts). I become inactive because I'm too busy thinking about moving forward and how I could act rather than actually acting at all. Also sometimes high Se is described as having a recognizable presence and I don't have that at all. While I'm weirdly memorable for some reason, I have no gravitas and am told my presence is "ghostly" because I just disapear in plain sight.... Idk if half of that actually has anything to do with low Se though.

What I don't really get is how would INxP be any better at Se than INxJ, anyway.

Your definition doesn't seem too off, although Ti tends to be pretty technical on it's own (especially when paired with semi-apparent Si). Since it doesn't rely necessarily on information right in front of your faces, it does seem to be more assumptive and somewhat general. The Ne sort of adds a more general flair to it since it is a pretty context oriented function.

I'm not sure what your comment on Ti being technical on its own is referring to...?

Sure, I'll talk about some semi-lighter incidents.

It happens a lot with people. As I've mentioned here, I struggle with people and relationships in general and, being that I have pretty bad social anxiety, especially in my younger days (or during pretty unhealthy periods of mine) I tried to mitigate this by studying people. Initially, it starts with me paying extra attention to people behaviorally and gauging their interaction patterns and such, but eventually leads to trying to generalize that behavior so I can predict and respond to it. It becomes really head based, because based on my generalizations (which aren't always trustworthy because they're my own generalizations based on small samples of information and psychology articles I've read and theorized about), I'll try to make systems outlining how people think/act based on how I think people think or should think. A lot of times, as long as I keep systems general it sort of works but realistically in many situations my logic just seems to be way off base because I refuse to use enough outside data (because I'm more conformable dealing with my own ideas and playing possibilities out in my head).

I used to do this a lot in school too, but with non-human information my judgement tend to be more accurate. I go by the basis if I generalize a concept and find concepts similar to that, lots of times their behavior will align and I can use those connections to understand how different concepts work under different conditions. But again, it relies heavily on my own generalizations and self-expansion of concepts despite me typically doing quite a bit of research on topics, so it's occasionally way off from reality. Had an issue with that in economics, which unfortunately came up during a class debate. I knew and understood the theory, but had skewed that to extend to behaviors that didn't actually happen (also some of that was me misreading a concept, but I think the idea still stands).

It's so silly because I refuse to trust myself in areas that I'm actually fairly competent in and then completely disregard my own biases with these sort of things. I've sort of forced myself to become more doubtful so I fall into these pitfalls less.

Hmmmmm ok I think all this sounds really Ti, lol. The logical systems ignoring facts.

If your judgment is more accurate with non-human information, that would further confirm T type for you.


New member
Aug 31, 2018
You sound like ISTP's Ni, IMO

What's odd is that I don't relate to Se much at all. I am very oblivious to my surroundings (consequence of being inside my head too often). I also tend to stay home very frequently and don't go out often at all, with exception to bars/concerts. I also have issues misplacing items such as keys very often, and I lack attention to detail (especially in regards to writing reports, ppt's and remembering names, dates, exc). As a Math major, I would come up with new theorems/equations that had no practicality at all. For instance, I came up with a formula to locate the infinite set of all non-prime numbers....Would an ISTP find enjoyment in such a problem? I also do not like performing the hands on activities for research, but I do so to obtain results to match my prior predictions. Also, I enjoy helping people (even if I don't know them too well), so perhaps I don't exhibit inferior Fe....For instance, I helped one of my friends get a position at my company. I knew exactly who I needed to contact (manager wise) to lead to the max probability that he would obtain the position. I also predicted someone's college major based on their behavior patterns....So, it seems as if I use Ni, but where the function lies within my stack is the question. My humor, however, tends to be Ne related (lots of word-play, PUNS, associations, exc). But, I conform to other's personalities meaning I may change my behavior depending on who I am with.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Hmm...Maybe I am NOT INTP (Maybe ISTP)? I tend to do this often and also think about how the world will evolve in the future (For instance, how changing the rate of change in society (creativity) will inevitably depress birth rates (exception was the transportation boom facilitated by rapid development, but that's due to translating people to un-developed regions.....To develop a region, you need population boom( It's a requisite) Or how Millennial's replacing Baby-Boomers may facilitate structural change (jobs, exc). I don't often think about the past unless I am introspecting in regards to my identity (how the past shaped it). My research adviser said my approach is more intuitive since I tend to rely heavily on inferences opposed to gathering all the facts to back it up....Yet, he's mentioning that in regards to making predictions which is related to Ni (not always). I'm also very good at predicting what others are thinking/about to say during conversations. Perhaps, it's due to being able to read people (to an extent) and know somewhat where the conversation is flowing

I assumed you were an ENTP. INTP and ENTP are the classic mathematician types, and maths seems natural to you. Plus you seem to focus on the idea generation to a higher degree than the logic.


New member
Aug 31, 2018
I assumed you were an ENTP. INTP and ENTP are the classic mathematician types, and maths seems natural to you. Plus you seem to focus on the idea generation to a higher degree than the logic.

Yeah, I do generate many ideas relating to my research and I was a very divergent thinker in the Mathematics department. My proofs initially started all over the place since I would think of many different routes to take.....My approach was very unconventional, and I enjoyed solving problems using new methods. I do tend to come up with new theories/explanations to explain a subject, which is built upon my repository of knowledge/associations, yet I'm not very good at remembering facts. One of my weaknesses is getting lost very often, even if I had been to a location multiple times. Also, people tend to think I am an ambivert, which can be typical for ENTP.


New member
Nov 17, 2018
What's odd is that I don't relate to Se much at all. I am very oblivious to my surroundings (consequence of being inside my head too often). I also tend to stay home very frequently and don't go out often at all, with exception to bars/concerts. I also have issues misplacing items such as keys very often, and I lack attention to detail (especially in regards to writing reports, ppt's and remembering names, dates, exc). As a Math major, I would come up with new theorems/equations that had no practicality at all. For instance, I came up with a formula to locate the infinite set of all non-prime numbers....Would an ISTP find enjoyment in such a problem? I also do not like performing the hands on activities for research, but I do so to obtain results to match my prior predictions. Also, I enjoy helping people (even if I don't know them too well), so perhaps I don't exhibit inferior Fe....For instance, I helped one of my friends get a position at my company. I knew exactly who I needed to contact (manager wise) to lead to the max probability that he would obtain the position. I also predicted someone's college major based on their behavior patterns....So, it seems as if I use Ni, but where the function lies within my stack is the question. My humor, however, tends to be Ne related (lots of word-play, PUNS, associations, exc). But, I conform to other's personalities meaning I may change my behavior depending on who I am with.

Yeah, I do generate many ideas relating to my research and I was a very divergent thinker in the Mathematics department. My proofs initially started all over the place since I would think of many different routes to take.....My approach was very unconventional, and I enjoyed solving problems using new methods. I do tend to come up with new theories/explanations to explain a subject, which is built upon my repository of knowledge/associations, yet I'm not very good at remembering facts. One of my weaknesses is getting lost very often, even if I had been to a location multiple times. Also, people tend to think I am an ambivert, which can be typical for ENTP.

Hmm okay it's just that I've read stuff on this forum and I've seen posts by some self-typed ISTP, Poki or whoever, and he seems to write speculative stuff too in a similarly P-ish disorganised way as you

And I think I knew another ISTP who was like that too.

I'm not sure exactly the difference between naturally Intuitive stuff and Sensors who like to dabble in Intuitive stuff too.

Or how often you really lose details/facts compared to other Sensors, bc sometimes everyone can make mistakes.

So just my input really.


New member
Aug 31, 2018
RooibosKrayfish said:
It happens a lot with people. As I've mentioned here, I struggle with people and relationships in general and, being that I have pretty bad social anxiety, especially in my younger days (or during pretty unhealthy periods of mine) I tried to mitigate this by studying people. Initially, it starts with me paying extra attention to people behaviorally and gauging their interaction patterns and such, but eventually leads to trying to generalize that behavior so I can predict and respond to it. It becomes really head based, because based on my generalizations (which aren't always trustworthy because they're my own generalizations based on small samples of information and psychology articles I've read and theorized about), I'll try to make systems outlining how people think/act based on how I think people think or should think. A lot of times, as long as I keep systems general it sort of works but realistically in many situations my logic just seems to be way off base because I refuse to use enough outside data (because I'm more conformable dealing with my own ideas and playing possibilities out in my head).

I used to do this a lot in school too, but with non-human information my judgement tend to be more accurate. I go by the basis if I generalize a concept and find concepts similar to that, lots of times their behavior will align and I can use those connections to understand how different concepts work under different conditions. But again, it relies heavily on my own generalizations and self-expansion of concepts despite me typically doing quite a bit of research on topics, so it's occasionally way off from reality. Had an issue with that in economics, which unfortunately came up during a class debate. I knew and understood the theory, but had skewed that to extend to behaviors that didn't actually happen (also some of that was me misreading a concept, but I think the idea still stands).

It's so silly because I refuse to trust myself in areas that I'm actually fairly competent in and then completely disregard my own biases with these sort of things. I've sort of forced myself to become more doubtful so I fall into these pitfalls less.

Creating generalizations that evolve according the different external situations pinpoints to Ne.....Coming up with a system based on these generalizations (pattern seeking) is Ti related. Also, relational issues can be related to inferior Fe in which you may fear rejection or believe you'd be unaccepted (Could cause social anxiety). Also, inferior Fe can manifest as avoiding relationships if someone becomes close to you (quite abruptly).


New member
Aug 31, 2018
Hmm okay it's just that I've read stuff on this forum and I've seen posts by some self-typed ISTP, Poki or whoever, and he seems to write speculative stuff too in a similarly P-ish disorganised way as you

And I think I knew another ISTP who was like that too.

I'm not sure exactly the difference between naturally Intuitive stuff and Sensors who like to dabble in Intuitive stuff too.

Or how often you really lose details/facts compared to other Sensors, bc sometimes everyone canmake mistakes.

So just my input really.

Well, I appreciate your input...My Mom is an esfp (high se) and she is extremely attuned to her surroundings and picks up on minute details. She was very impatient when I showed her some Math Equation that I created, and would rather enjoy a movie. One of my friends (istp) is exceptional in regards to picking up on other's mannerisms, which is Se related. Higher Se users will seek novelty in the external environment (seek new foods, places, life's pleasures, exc) whereas higher Ne users will seek novelty in regards to imagined scenarios/theories. So, it should logically follow that an Se user would often explore the outer world or seek some form of sensory pleasure (movies, video games, exc). In this aspect, I don't relate to Se at all. But, you could also conjecture that an unhealthy ISTP might be reclusive and use their Se dis-proportionally....implying that Se may be repressed in this case.

Speculating or generating a new theory to explain a phenomena without facts corresponds to lower Si usage since Si requires past association/facts/evidence to explain the current situation. Generating hypothetical's not tied to reality corresponds to Ne, due to an outward projection that transcends the senses. An Se user could elicit the same hypothetical, but they would be reliant on sensory stimulation to initiate, and the projection wouldn't go well beyond real space. There are a lot of misconceptions relating to intuition and sensing....We each use both skills, however, intuitive's spend more time within imaginary space (inferences not so dependent on real time). Also, inferior Si often manifests as a reluctance to utilize facts to back up a claim and instead relying on patterns to infer results. ISTP's utilize Se, so it will follow that their speculations will relate to a sensory experience coupled with Ni to project into the future.


New member
Nov 17, 2018
Well, I appreciate your input...My Mom is an esfp (high se) and she is extremely attuned to her surroundings and picks up on minute details. She was very impatient when I showed her some Math Equation that I created, and would rather enjoy a movie. One of my friends (istp) is exceptional in regards to picking up on other's mannerisms, which is Se related. Higher Se users will seek novelty in the external environment (seek new foods, places, life's pleasures, exc) whereas higher Ne users will seek novelty in regards to imagined scenarios/theories. So, it should logically follow that an Se user would often explore the outer world or seek some form of sensory pleasure (movies, video games, exc). In this aspect, I don't relate to Se at all. But, you could also conjecture that an unhealthy ISTP might be reclusive and use their Se dis-proportionally....implying that Se may be repressed in this case.

Speculating or generating a new theory to explain a phenomena without facts corresponds to lower Si usage since Si requires past association/facts/evidence to explain the current situation. In fact, inferior Si often manifests as a reluctance to utilize facts to back up a claim and instead relying on patterns to infer results. ISTP's utilize Se, so it will follow that their speculations will relate to a sensory experience coupled with Ni to project into the future.

No problem. I wish you good luck to settling on a type. :)


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
No problem! Yeah I thought T for you because you sound really detached, not "feely" at all. What in particular made it hard for you to decide on T/F, if I can ask?
A lot of it comes from me being a very agreeable person and somewhat sympathetic. I know it's a stereotype, however low Fe users (or I guess those with a fairly strong T presence) in general are typically fairly brash and blunt in a way that offends people at times without the TP type actually realizing they've offended people and I don't really have this issue at all. I definitely could have the potential for this issue I guess, because my sense of humor would probably be more degrading if people took me seriously with it, but I'm fairly considerate of others and typically adapt to meet others needs. It could be due to my family being strongly on the reactive/sensitive side of things (and I've been told by others too I guess that they believe this does contribute to my excessive formality and agreeableness), but idk. I'm definitely not naturally attentive or warm and my empathy isn't always super obvious, but I do go out of my way too try and see this as something that's important.

Also if you're familiar with the mbti step 2 facets, I tend to score dead-ish center on the T vs F facet

I'm not sure what your comment on Ti being technical on its own is referring to...?
Ah sorry, I probably could've worded that better. Ti is technical in the sense that it's precision seeking. It seeks accuracy in it's systems and definitions. The focus on the detail of these definitions is probably related to whether or not Se or Ne is present though and to what degree. Since Ti tends to adapt often definition wise, I'm assuming it's somewhat general or assumptive at least?

Hmmmmm ok I think all this sounds really Ti, lol. The logical systems ignoring facts.

If your judgment is more accurate with non-human information, that would further confirm T type for you.
Ah ok, that makes sense, thank you again!


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Well, I appreciate your input...My Mom is an esfp (high se) and she is extremely attuned to her surroundings and picks up on minute details. She was very impatient when I showed her some Math Equation that I created, and would rather enjoy a movie. One of my friends (istp) is exceptional in regards to picking up on other's mannerisms, which is Se related. Higher Se users will seek novelty in the external environment (seek new foods, places, life's pleasures, exc) whereas higher Ne users will seek novelty in regards to imagined scenarios/theories. So, it should logically follow that an Se user would often explore the outer world or seek some form of sensory pleasure (movies, video games, exc). In this aspect, I don't relate to Se at all. But, you could also conjecture that an unhealthy ISTP might be reclusive and use their Se dis-proportionally....implying that Se may be repressed in this case.

Speculating or generating a new theory to explain a phenomena without facts corresponds to lower Si usage since Si requires past association/facts/evidence to explain the current situation. Generating hypothetical's not tied to reality corresponds to Ne, due to an outward projection that transcends the senses. An Se user could elicit the same hypothetical, but they would be reliant on sensory stimulation to initiate, and the projection wouldn't go well beyond real space. There are a lot of misconceptions relating to intuition and sensing....We each use both skills, however, intuitive's spend more time within imaginary space (inferences not so dependent on real time). Also, inferior Si often manifests as a reluctance to utilize facts to back up a claim and instead relying on patterns to infer results. ISTP's utilize Se, so it will follow that their speculations will relate to a sensory experience coupled with Ni to project into the future.

I was reading some of your earlier stuff on this thread on there. I'd thought it'd be worth noting that I have an ESTP friend who is also very exceptional at math and will with ease create equations to solve problems such as what you've mentioned. Ti as a function can be pretty theoretical in general even when it's not placed with Ne. What you describe here has much to do with interests and problem solving ability/intellect.

Still, what you just entailed sounded pretty Ne to me and, dichtometry wise, you seem more strongly on the N side of things. Ni isn't the only function that necessarily focuses on predictive analysis anyhow. Based on this alone, ISTP doesn't really sound like it'd be a good fit for you.


New member
Aug 31, 2018
I was reading some of your earlier stuff on this thread on there. I'd thought it'd be worth noting that I have an ESTP friend who is also very exceptional at math and will with ease create equations to solve problems such as what you've mentioned. Ti as a function can be pretty theoretical in general even when it's not placed with Ne. What you describe here has much to do with interests and problem solving ability/intellect.

Still, what you just entailed sounded pretty Ne to me and, dichtometry wise, you seem more strongly on the N side of things. Ni isn't the only function that necessarily focuses on predictive analysis anyhow. Based on this alone, ISTP doesn't really sound like it'd be a good fit for you.

I appreciate your input. It would make sense that Se coupled with Ti could readily manipulate incoming sensory information and construct it appropriately within the system...So yes, an ESTP could easily be equipped for Mathematics and novel in their solutions. Se and Ne are both Novel seekers, however, Se users will often derive fulfillment from the aesthetic viewpoint whereas Ne users will derive fulfillment from an idea not necessarily connected to reality. I do believe that I exhibit Fe within my stack since I am sensitive to negative energy/emotions. I also have bursts of childlike emotion (relating to humor/ occasional outbursts). I also readily/excitedly share my ideas (research related) to other people, which is not so typical for INTP's who first need to deconstruct the ideas precisely.

Also, considering you most likely have inferior Fe, there will be a drive/need to help others...Yet lower Fe implies that you will not be confidently able to manipulate change the emotions in a positive manner, so the approach to problems will be driven by Ti. With Ti, there is a time lag in response to external stimulus.....So, there is a lower likelihood of hurting others given that Fe is conditioned (by analyzing others and immersing in conversation more frequently--->adaptation). I have insulted/hurt a few people with my jokes, but I came to the realization at a later period and definitely felt bad for doing so (this is a learning process)....I tend to joke around more freely with people I enjoy associating with.


New member
Nov 17, 2018
A lot of it comes from me being a very agreeable person and somewhat sympathetic. I know it's a stereotype, however low Fe users (or I guess those with a fairly strong T presence) in general are typically fairly brash and blunt in a way that offends people at times without the TP type actually realizing they've offended people and I don't really have this issue at all. I definitely could have the potential for this issue I guess, because my sense of humor would probably be more degrading if people took me seriously with it, but I'm fairly considerate of others and typically adapt to meet others needs. It could be due to my family being strongly on the reactive/sensitive side of things (and I've been told by others too I guess that they believe this does contribute to my excessive formality and agreeableness), but idk. I'm definitely not naturally attentive or warm and my empathy isn't always super obvious, but I do go out of my way too try and see this as something that's important.

Also if you're familiar with the mbti step 2 facets, I tend to score dead-ish center on the T vs F facet

Hmm, I see. I think you sound like a Thinking type that tries to pay attention to the feelz too even if it does not come to them in a natural easy way :)

Ah sorry, I probably could've worded that better. Ti is technical in the sense that it's precision seeking. It seeks accuracy in it's systems and definitions. The focus on the detail of these definitions is probably related to whether or not Se or Ne is present though and to what degree. Since Ti tends to adapt often definition wise, I'm assuming it's somewhat general or assumptive at least?

Yes that's what I meant by Ti generalising. I agree that Ti with Intuition would generalise concepts even more though, yes.

Ah ok, that makes sense, thank you again!


I was reading some of your earlier stuff on this thread on there. I'd thought it'd be worth noting that I have an ESTP friend who is also very exceptional at math and will with ease create equations to solve problems such as what you've mentioned. Ti as a function can be pretty theoretical in general even when it's not placed with Ne. What you describe here has much to do with interests and problem solving ability/intellect.

Still, what you just entailed sounded pretty Ne to me and, dichtometry wise, you seem more strongly on the N side of things. Ni isn't the only function that necessarily focuses on predictive analysis anyhow. Based on this alone, ISTP doesn't really sound like it'd be a good fit for you.

I'll add I could've been wrong on the Ni yeah.

And btw I'm definitely ST and I was very good at maths in school, I was sent to competitions and stuff. I was good enough that I even applied to major in theoretical mathematics for my university studies and I was accepted for the studies - simply because I had no better idea when I was 18 lol, but then I had a little time to look inside myself a bit more and I did realise I didn't have enough motivation to actually pour in the energy enough to excel enough doing it as a job for the rest of my life so I quit pretty fast. I mean I could have done it but I wanted to actually have more achievement than just doing it in whatever way I can.

But even later, INTP friend liked how I could solve his maths problems he liked to give to people as a challenge... I mean I would solve his challenges, until I just sort of stopped caring enough lol. I.e. I was able to do it but again I just was not interested in these things as much as he would be. It is so weird, really, because I would get fascinated a bit too like he would but then I would soon feel it was too much for me. And I don't even like to admit this, that I just "stop caring" at a point because it also remains fascinating, so I care still in a way, just not enough drive for me in it. Maybe that is where type preference comes into it. It's kind of... too abstract and dry without enough rewards. I'd do it more if I had some real goal with it beyond just talking with the INTP friend. But then like I said, the "maths career" as a goal would also not have been good for me, I mean other kinds of goals that would otherwise already motivate me.