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Type The Blob!

What's my type UwU ?

  • ENFP

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • ISFJ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • INTP

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • MBTI Not Listed

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 369 tritype

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 136 tritype

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Tritype Not Listed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sp/so

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • sp/sx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IV not listed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, so I filled my own questionaire. Whoop-de-do no surprise. Anyhow, I'm mostly looking for comments on my judging functions mbti wise and maybe some final input on my tritype/iv if anyone gets anything out of this. I don't relate to any of the judging functions entirely and might have some sort of bias I'm ignoring.

Additionally, because of the sheer length of everything I write, I'm putting in a poll so I actually get a response maybe. You probably don't have to read through the whole thing to an idea. Anyways, to anyone who responds at all, kudos to you and thanks in advance:



Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Bump. The creator of the questionnaire we're all filling out deserves to be typed by more than me!


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Helpful context: I'm 100% settled on 6w5 as a core now and am 90% sure of sp/so.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Unless someone feels as though it's particularly incorrect, I'm probably going to settle on INTP 6w5 sp/so (613 tritype)

Also thank you to the two people who responded to this, your input was appreciated

I'm still looking for input to some degree, especially on my enneatype core even though people feel fairly strongly I'm probably a 6
Last edited:


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Quick add on to my questionaire since I'm still kind of iffy on my type (even the 6w5 core I said I was 100% settled on lol):

I never answered question 7:


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
I think you're an INFJ. Starting a post with "probably"... probably indicates that you're an Ni dominant. Then the second part of the post is typically socially related.

"I always am most satisfied when I am working towards a goal" - isn't this one of the strongest indicators of being a J?


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I think you're an INFJ. Starting a post with "probably"... probably indicates that you're an Ni dominant. Then the second part of the post is typically socially related.

"I always am most satisfied when I am working towards a goal" - isn't this one of the strongest indicators of being a J?
Thank you for the input Legion ! Interesting, I haven't gotten INFJ as a suggestion in awhile (it was one of the first things I typed as anyhow).

Generally, I think having a strong goal orientation is typically bound to strong J types typically due to their structure and certainty seeking nature. I've always seen myself as more P than J just because I tend to be somewhat adaptable and general rather than structured and organized, but you do make a pretty good point there. I may have to re-evaluate my position.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Thank you for the input Legion ! Interesting, I haven't gotten INFJ as a suggestion in awhile (it was one of the first things I typed as anyhow).

Generally, I think having a strong goal orientation is typically bound to strong J types typically due to their structure and certainty seeking nature. I've always seen myself as more P than J just because I tend to be somewhat adaptable and general rather than structured and organized, but you do make a pretty good point there. I may have to re-evaluate my position.

Before I looked more closely, I thought you were likely an INTP, because I could see a similar thing to what you're saying with being adaptable and lacking structure. However, I think that's probably just a heavy influence of Ti/less active Fe.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "general", but the word "organised" strikes me as being on the more STJ side of J. I might or might not be organised, but I wouldn't say it's one of my strengths.

I think of Si as routine and specifics about what has been or will be done, whereas Ni is about mission and the evolving nature of what has been or will be done.

Te is more task focused - it is largely about how to do things e.g. procedures, whereas Fe is socially focused - it is about navigating the social environment, and putting emotion into what you do.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
1. During your youth (7'ish to 18), What did you focus on the most? What activities did you like and why? What aspect of life was lax in attention?
Outside of things I shall not mention, I generally focused heavily on my inner world, academia, and goals. I always really enjoyed researching (due to just being a curious person), playing around with ideas is my mind (relaxing, also helped me solve problems/entertain myself), music (entertainment/skill building) and drawing (typically helped me a lot with focus and tied to the ideas). Additionally, I always enjoyed walking and hiking just because I’m a high energy/anxiety person and that always tends to relax me and let me thing. Other people/relationships, my own culture, and my health were always things that I didn’t focus much attention on but should have.

2. You're in you senior year of high school (or whatever equivalent) and you are looking back over the last couple of years. What was your favorite aspect of the schooling experience and why? Favorite subject and why?
While I didn’t really enjoy my schooling experience, generally I’d say class variety was probably a strength. I got a decent degree of exposure to different areas of study and nothing was restricted the way it is in college (ie. you have to stick to classes within your major).

Personally I really enjoyed the sciences in general, with my favorite probably being chemistry. Outside of it being one of the sciences I probably was the best at in high school, I generally enjoy knowing how things function and why the properties of objects are what they are. Additionally the subject matter was just generally entertaining. I also really love music theory. Composing was really fun and workload was never overbearing since it had one of the few textbooks I didn’t bore of when reading.

3. A couple of friends call and invite you out to a restaurant. While there, you all are pleasantly conversing and one of your friends makes a comment that irked you. What are your thoughts and how do you respond?
I’m generally pretty nonreactive to those sort of things in general, so it’d probably depend on what the comment was or why it bothered me. If it’s like an insult or a poke to me, I’d probably just laugh it off or ignore it unless it was something that particularly hit at my ego, in which case I’d probably make some awkward noise or comment to see if I could clarify/get reasoning. If it bothered me because it was rude to someone else I might make a joke or two to displace the negativity if I didn’t directly tell the person the comment was problematic.

4. Your schooling is done and it's time to strike out into the world!! What sort of career do you want to go into and why?
Research. I don’t really have many talents, but I’m fairly decent at maintaining focus when I’m interested in things and problem solving. Learning new things is one of the only things that I truly enjoy at this point, and curiosity (if not obligation) is typically the main motivator in what I pursue. Also that’s what I’ve always wanted to do.

5. A friend is getting married and they put you in charge of the cake. You narrowed it down to two places to make an order. The first is a bakery with whom you got a good relationship with. The other is a well-known cake maker to whom everyone goes to (your friend hints to it as well). Which one do you choose and why?
The maker who everyone goes to. It’s not my wedding and if my friend wants me to get them a cake there that’s where I’ll go. I guess the only thing that’d change that is if I could get a really good deal due to my relationship with the other bakery because weddings are expensive Of course I’d run this towards my friend first.

6. You get into an argument with a friend/family member/co-worker. They criticize one of your personality traits. What would most likely be the focus of their critique?
Either my iciness/distance or my lack of organization. My organization has gotten me in a lot of trouble before since I’m prone to losing track of physical objects or getting tunnel vision when trying to focus on details specifically. I’m never really late to complete things and when I do work I typically try to make it as high quality as I can, just the journey there is… Messy. With the iceyness/distance, I definitely tend towards aloofness and evasion of others. My ability to maintain (or understand) relationships in general is not strong especially when I only have so much energy to put into such things. Being dispassionate and somewhat avoidant of attachment doesn’t help either.

7. It's New Years! You and your friends are out and about after a party. Being drunk, one of your friends suggests to do something....'questionable' (Nothing serious. I.e, drugs, escort, etc.). What are your thoughts and how do you respond?
Depends on how questionable. I tend to be pretty quick to dip after parties because a) I virtually never go to them and b) I’m typically pretty exhausted afterwards when I do so I’d probably just decline and leave. If it were something particularly interesting I might stick around. If tiwas harmful I might try to make sure my friend didn’t go alone and risk being injured.

8. A new art gallery opens up and your friend wants to go to the grand opening. Both of you analyze all the paintings and sculptures. What about these works warrants the most attention from you? Why?
Probably the level of detail put into the piece itself or it’s uniqueness. I’m drawn to pieces that I can either analyze (via color or maybe design) or that just end up drawing my attention. As long as it isn’t just European antiques I’d probably be interested.

9. You have been saving up and decide to buy a new car. At the dealership, you peruse the lots. What are the criteria and factors that influence your choice? Which one would initially be your main focus?
Initially, money would probably be my main focus. I’m a stingy person by nature and would feel a severe amount of guilt buying a car that was too pricey. Factors like safety, fuel efficiency, and environmental footprint would probably be the other big factors that would be worth focusing on at the moment.

10. Yep, you now have a kid (sex of your choosing)! Years pass and they are now 15 years old. You notice their personality traits are the complete opposite of how you were when at their age. Describe how they are. Describe the possible conflicts that would arise between both of you due to differing temperaments.
Probably socially attentive, affectionate, risk taking, driven purely by their impulses or desires, poor work ethic or tendency to avoid responsibilities, aggressive. I think the only big issues I can imagine would be those that came up if they got in trouble with others. I’m not generally certain of how to deal with very aggressive behavior, but I do know I am a control freak so that would probably not end well. Affectionate might create problems just because I’m not at all, but that’s just something I’d have to adjust to if they need it. Can’t have my kid feeling unloved.


New member
Nov 17, 2018

To add to posts above:

I also heard this is a J thing: "I suppose my purpose in life has been to pursue my goals, gain satisfaction"

But then you do mention adaptability and that's P...

If I go on with reading your OP, I totally can see both P bits and J bits.

I think I can see you are INTP though over INTJ, because of how you seem to be just giving this absent-mindedly creative vibe and that's way more associated with INTPs.

And then I'm not very good at the functions theory but this seemed classic Fe inferior about the difficulty with merging with others and instead believing in boundaries and self-control.

But you also mention admiration about people who are active participants in their environment... Se, or Te/Fe if we add your note on organisation?

Then this seems really Fe again: "Affectionate might create problems just because I’m not at all, but that’s just something I’d have to adjust to if they need it. Can’t have my kid feeling unloved."


Maverick thinker.
Mar 5, 2017
Instinctual Variant
If the ability to measure probability was related to being a Ni-dominant, then most statisticians/mathematicians would be so, even academics, their number in world population is I assume higher than the INFJ's in the world. Let's also not forget about how few Ni-Dom's statistically are, speaking of that. INTP fits.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
If the ability to measure probability was related to being a Ni-dominant, then most statisticians/mathematicians would be so, even academics, their number in world population is I assume higher than the INFJ's in the world. Let's also not forget about how few Ni-Dom's statistically are, speaking of that. INTP fits.

You're twisting language here. I wasn't talking about measuring probability the way a statistician would, I was speaking about someone making probabilistic statements in ordinary conversation, which as far as I am aware really is an Ni indicator. Note that it's just an indicator, it's not 100% or anything.


Maverick thinker.
Mar 5, 2017
Instinctual Variant
You're twisting language here. I wasn't talking about measuring probability the way a statistician would, I was speaking about someone making probabilistic statements in ordinary conversation, which as far as I am aware really is an Ni indicator. Note that it's just an indicator, it's not 100% or anything.

I am not twisting language. Did you ever hear of professional deformation? That thing would cause a statistician to use "probably" a lot, an engineer, as well. I am not seeing that in anyway you are backing that assumption of "Probability being a Ni indicator" with something, therefore the question of validity rests on your shoulders, not mine, speaking of that, I think, I have made my point in the previous post.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
I am not twisting language. Did you ever hear of professional deformation? That thing would cause a statistician to use "probably" a lot, an engineer, as well. I am not seeing that in anyway you are backing that assumption of "Probability being a Ni indicator" with something, therefore the question of validity rests on your shoulders, not mine, speaking of that, I think, I have made my point in the previous post.

I've heard plenty of times that Ne looks at the different possibilities, whereas Ni narrows down on the most likely outcome, which would presumably give rise to using the term "probably" a fair bit.

I don't have the data to back that up, because pretty much no one does at this point, but if I go at it long enough I will be able to determine to what extent it is true. Maybe.

For now, all I can really do is go based on indicator terms and broad characterisations that best fit with a given function.


Maverick thinker.
Mar 5, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I've heard plenty of times that Ne looks at the different possibilities, whereas Ni narrows down on the most likely outcome, which would presumably give rise to using the term "probably" a fair bit.

I don't have the data to back that up, because pretty much no one does at this point, but if I go at it long enough I will be able to determine to what extent it is true. Maybe.

For now, all I can really do is go based on indicator terms and broad characterisations that best fit with a given function.

Probability suggests an analysis of events done by thinking, not intuition, since there is a skeptical cut for it which hints at the use of Ti, instead of Ni. Ni is usually an unconscious function, it "knows" in almost an instinctive way, which overrides or rather disregards conscious analysis.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Probability suggests an analysis of events done by thinking, not intuition, since there is a skeptical cut for it which hints at the use of Ti, instead of Ni. Ni is usually an unconscious function, it "knows" in almost an instinctive way, which overrides or rather disregards conscious analysis.

What do you mean that Ni "knows"? Ni is always making guesses. Sometimes it makes very good guesses, but it doesn't tend to really "know" things does it?

A statement of probability in this case is not arrived at by logical analysis. It is just the mind making a guess as to how things would develop, and the individual has an understanding that that line of development may not be at all necessary, and is thus likely.

Maybe I also ask, while we're at it, why you type as an INTJ rather than an INFJ?


Maverick thinker.
Mar 5, 2017
Instinctual Variant
What do you mean that Ni "knows"? Ni is always making guesses. Sometimes it makes very good guesses, but it doesn't tend to really "know" things does it?

A statement of probability in this case is not arrived at by logical analysis. It is just the mind making a guess as to how things would develop, and the individual has an understanding that that line of development may not be at all necessary, and is thus likely.

Maybe I also ask, while we're at it, why you type as an INTJ rather than an INFJ?

The point that I am making is that "Ni" knows, the user thinks that "Ni" knows, be it true or false, it is the truth of the "Ni" user until it is disproven. It also actually does tend to "know" things, if you were to investigate the matter of intuition a bit further.

"It is just the mind making a guess as to how things would develop, and the individual has an understanding that that line of development may not be at all necessary, and is thus likely."

The statement above can be a dictionary definition for logical analysis, but it's your choice.

Your last question is irrelevant to the topic at hand so I find no point in answering it, I'm sorry.

In fact, I think we are about to derail a user's typing thread via a debate on typology and functions, therefore this is going to be my final post in this thread. If you have furthermore questions or answers or arguments, don't hesitate to PM.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
The point that I am making is that "Ni" knows, the user thinks that "Ni" knows, be it true or false, it is the truth of the "Ni" user until it is disproven. It also actually does tend to "know" things, if you were to investigate the matter of intuition a bit further.

"It is just the mind making a guess as to how things would develop, and the individual has an understanding that that line of development may not be at all necessary, and is thus likely."

The statement above can be a dictionary definition for logical analysis, but it's your choice.

Your last question is irrelevant to the topic at hand so I find no point in answering it, I'm sorry.

In fact, I think we are about to derail a user's typing thread via a debate on typology and functions, therefore this is going to be my final post in this thread. If you have furthermore questions or answers or arguments, don't hesitate to PM.

It seems like every function "knows" what it thinks it knows, then, I don't see the link to Ni. Not saying there is not link.

What I said may have been logical analysis of Ni, and every function is still likely to have other functions come into play with it, but stating something is "probably" the case I don't think is inherently logical.

I did just ask a question which you said there was no point to answering when you could have PM'd it, but ok.


Alongside Questionable Clarity
Jun 27, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Don't mind me, I'm just procrastinating finals...

ALSO, does anyone see any other possibilities for my core type in enneagram/iv? I'm ok with 6w5 I think, but I was almost debating 9w1 core again... Even though fears wise I'm distinctly 1 > 9 in my mind...

1) What makes you angry?
Lots of things makes me angry to be honest. I make my own self angry because I'm relatively cowardly and inhibited. I don't live up to my own expectations of what I want to be and what I know I should be, so I'm pretty often irritable about that. On a more common basis (if you're looking for when I'm outwardly angry), typically I get set off by lacking the ability to understand things or when small menial things are not going my way. I probably get irritated by not being able to understand things (specifically on my own) for some ego related reason probably.

2) What do you like/dislike most about people?
I really don't like how self centered people are (even though that's very hypocritical coming from my mouth)and that people are majorly pleasure seeking. I also find it problematic that many people fall into the category of now paying attention to consequence and also blindly trusting either their own judgement or the judgement of a trusted few without enough skepticism. I also get very annoyed at the level of sentiment people have generally, although I'm pretty sure I shouldn't dislike that.

3) Do you like animals? why?
Of course, with the exception of a select few. Generally, I find animals to be very interesting in general whether it relates to behavior or general traits. I can't really explain why, but being around animals in general (assuming I'm talking about the ones that are safe to be around) can be incredibly stimulating, probably because I find the majority of animals to be cute and exciting.

4) What do you like most about the favorite people in your life?

Some of my favorite people have really dry or sarcastically blunt sense of humor. They are grounding to me, which is nice because I am anything but. For my favorite person in general, I really admire their businesslike personality, as she is likely one of the most competent and hardworking people I have ever come across. She's organized, attentive to the needs of others, and pretty decent at both reading the environment and dealing with the emotions of others.

5) What do you like/dislike most about yourself?
Like: I'm quite fond of my imagination and ability to visualize, since this is a really useful technique against being bored and also helpful when it comes to generating ideas and solving problems. I also really that I'm relatively self-controlled in comparison to others, which makes it incredibly easy for me to defy desires I don't like and push forward rather than dwell on my own pleasures.
Dislike: I'm incredibly apathetic and I find it difficult to genuinely care about something or attach myself to things. I'm also kind of an indecisive and undetailic mess who tends to contemplate and doubt everything excessively, which is a huge hindrance in actually doing things and reaching judgement. Additionally I'm a massive coward who fear anything and is easily inhibited by their own ego and fears.

6) Do you care about being fashionable? why/why not?
No, I've pretty much given up on that. I was never one to care much about physical presentation to begin with (there's far more important things to deal with and I don't have that much energy to begin with), which wasn't helpful at all since I generally seem to have no natural eye for fashion or aesthetics in general. I guess the only think I might pay attention to is color combinations when it comes to how I physically present myself, but otherwise I just go with whatever comes easiest.

7) Do you prefer to fit in or stand out?
Whichever is necessary in the moment. I can't really stand either to be honest, I hate drawing attention to myself so standing out is uncomfortable. Additionally it also depends on how I'm standing out. Still, the idea of being "just like everyone else," despite that this isn't even as bad as people make it out to be, is somewhat repulsive. I don't like to merge into the totality of things, so fitting in seems to be just as bad as standing out. I tend to take on that awkward middle space where my presence is somewhat ghostly, but also weirdly memorable because of that.

8) What activities do you enjoy?
I tend to really enjoy thinking in general as well as producing art (ie. Drawing, playing an instrument). A lot of time, doing these things is incredibly relaxing and can help me to find/regain focus. I'm also a big fan of hiking and walking, mostly because I'm a relatively energetic person and doing so is a nice way to consume time. Researching and completing tasks related to that can also be stimulating with the right subject.

9) What makes you feel secure?
God I wish I knew. Probably having a sense of control , whether it be over my life or over my environment. Having people rely on me or trust in my judgement can also give me security, since that typically means I'm competent enough to be in control.

10) Do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?
Not at all. Some of this probably has to do with me being relatively young, but I found that when I was in a relationship I became very insecure. It's difficult for me to understand relationships in general and how to function within one since I'm not naturally a warm and intimate person in most scenarios. I tend to feel a lot of guilt because I'm somewhat aloof and inexpressive of my feelings, which led my partner to insecurity. I also have a tendency to feel trapped by relationships, not sure why though.

11) What do you love and why? Could be people, things, places, etc...
Love is a strong word and I'm not really sure I generally love anything at this point. I love specific family members of mine if that counts. I also really love to learn and the feeling that comes with having an understanding of things.

12) What do you spend the most time thinking about?
I spend a lot of time playing with different ideas, story lines, and scenarios unrelated to myself. I tend to spend a lot of times trying to understand how things function and generalizing how certain concepts would function in different contexts. I also spend a lot of time thinking about my own health and why it is the away it is, but that's mostly because it's causing me problems at the moment.

13) How much have you changed over the years? Who were you as a child?
My personality is almost unrecognizable. As a child, I was incredibly inquisitive and quick minded. Despite being incredibly solitary and stuck in my own mental musings (which is similar to how I am now actually), I was quick to speak up for others and was verbal about my judgement and ideas because I trusted in myself and in my mind. I was really good at solving problems and just as good at understanding and feeling compassion for others. I had a very strong sense of self and genuinely didn't care about identity in the slightest. On a more negative note, despite my curiosity of it, the outside world was difficult to deal with, which left me not being exploratory in the real world. I also trusted my own judgement too much, which left me vulnerable to reality when I relied that much of my worldview was purely subjectively composed and wrong (because I refused to actually get any data from the physical relm). Now I'm a lot more inhibited. My mind is typically more filled with the sludge of my thoughts, which makes it really difficult to think quickly or be inquisitive in the moment. I'm apathetic and have very little genuine care for others in terms of both compassion and relationship focus. On a more positive note though my time management is far better than it used to be and, despite my critical doubt, I've developed an ability to not trust myself completely and blindly.


New member
Nov 17, 2018

You now sound like the INTJs I've seen posting. Serious and focused and whatnot.

But then this is so typical Fe inferior according to descriptions:

10) Do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?
Not at all. Some of this probably has to do with me being relatively young, but I found that when I was in a relationship I became very insecure. It's difficult for me to understand relationships in general and how to function within one since I'm not naturally a warm and intimate person in most scenarios. I tend to feel a lot of guilt because I'm somewhat aloof and inexpressive of my feelings, which led my partner to insecurity. I also have a tendency to feel trapped by relationships, not sure why though.

But maybe I'm wrong, how do you relate to Se inferior?

I tend to spend a lot of times trying to understand how things function and generalizing how certain concepts would function in different contexts.

Seems really Ti-Ne, but maybe someone will come in and argue for Ni-Te, lol. I thought Ti about generalising concepts, and Ne about the different contexts.

I also trusted my own judgement too much, which left me vulnerable to reality when I relied that much of my worldview was purely subjectively composed and wrong (because I refused to actually get any data from the physical relm).

Yeah and now this kind of sounds Se inferior... but then you say you rely on your own judgment over the world, which would be Ti, not Ni.

Out of curiosity, can you give me an example of where you used your own judgment about reality that was wrong and left you vulnerable to actual reality?