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Two young men decide, it's time to do some killing.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Columbine killers
Silence broken a mother's reckoning 20/20 abc

Was Dylan's mother a poor parent that drove Dylan over the edge unable to cope with her semi neurotic nature and stupid cognitive brain activity?

Another question I ask my self is, was the stress of school life over bearing and soul destroying?

After watching the show I wonder to my self, is Columbine a community full of phycological losers with no idea?

It seems to me that these two young adults had no idea about psychometrics or self in the context of identity and self awareness if so, was it natural for these young men to buy guns and go out and do some killing like a, high noon shout out?

Cheep guns cheep fun, see it on Tv and in video games and live the dream seemed to be the creed of these two young men. Not even a good dose of Jesus from mum kept Dylan on the train tracks of success, if Jesus can't persuade young kids not to buy guns then what hope is there?

For the enneagram enthusiasts, what type do you think the two young are or were? And instinctual variant type?

And for the really switched on units, can you spot the melt down on the circuit on Dylan's MBTI/ Enneagram basic Pattern? I think I can spot it clearly.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
My friend thinks that the two young men were taking Zoloft or Prozac. If so how did this affect the mind and reasoning with negative adolescent desires?

A couple of days ago via my my Facebook page I received an interesting visual of a moving hypnotic visual and underneath a pic of Van Gough Starry Night.

I managed to find it on you tube.


You can view this spiral three ways mono as a swelling mess like structure that makes the painting move, as a dual view at the right distance making two interchanging spiral patterns visible that also makes the painting move in circles or a third way where the mind see's what is a set of patterns layered in stereo interchanging parts starting and stoping disappearing and appearing in layers and setting into two spirals side by side, this I find dose not make the painting circle because the self is seeing what is real one obscure pattern with two eye views at the right angle and at the right distance and by looking though the image to focus the gaze at the right intensity an see it as it is constructed and revealed. I think this is relevant to direct and indirect cognition.

This got me thinking thinking about a resent post about .
So I was very stressed out, depressed, and anxious for several years and i looked like an exaggerated unhealthy 6. But now that I got rid of my stressors, I relate much more to average-healthier 3 and when I interact with 6s, their actions seem a bit foreign to me.

My reply to this post was that I believe there are nine basic stress pertaining to each of the nine types. And thinking about the hypnotic spiral and Van Gough Stary Night painting I am thinking that the egoic mind likes to limit stress by going mono sited of remaining stereo or dual. This thought stems from thinking about an other post topic..
Was wondering if anyone can relate to this, but I've found a bicyclic pattern of going from 5w4 to 5w6, spending about two years in each. While what this means in typology terms is up for debate, there are two main modes I can operate in, the "5w4" mode tends to be more brooding, very abstract and neglecting in practical real world, my intellectual interests become more nebulous and philosophical and a lot of time spend dealing with existentialist nihilism.

The 5w6 mode is more neurotic but less depressed and my intellectual interests and my conceptual thought is applied to the processes and technical details of systems. I of course am still a procrastinator but it shifts towards productive procrastination like doing convoluted linux server set ups when I should be studying etc. While the 5w4 mode is still quite anxious and somewhat paranoid about the 'dangers' of the big bad world, the cognition takes the form of just "it's all futile, why do anything", more indifference, while the 5w6 mode seeks to find information and enumerate the threats in the environment and mitigate them if possible, things like charging lithium batteries start worrying me so I am unable to leave them unattended (best practice but most people don't care enough). Also, I begin to get anxious about my bad habits etc, like bad sleep, generally bad cognitions etc, with the 5w4 mode, there is this counterphobic negativstic elevation of having bad emotional and spiritual health, almost trying to seek the Elliot Mr Robot-esque rubicon and mental autolysis because "crazy is at least interesting", where is in the 5w6 mode, I'm more anxiously counterphobic, I become aware of the self destruction, still think and act is unproductive ways, but doing so with lament.

At the start of this year, I've began to shift into the 5w6 mode, so far it has been quite positive because I'm a lot more productive, both practically and intellectually.

Just curious to hear anyone's opinions or experiences

So my train of thought is, dose medication's like Zoloft or Prozac and others affect troubled adolescent mind in a way that affects the reasoning between the two balances of the mono and stereo or dual factor in or via perception or cognition?

If I am correct and there are two set of four negative and positive stress's factors and one primary neutral of a higher order then medications may affect the adolescent mind in a way that affect there sub conches acquired ability to balance and manage reasoning mental faculties of good judgments and decision making that stems from balancing independently influences from the primary nine stresses.

It's a tuff gig being a human and being a human at an adolescent age with a troubled mind is hard. So do medication alone with pore input from out side of the selfs own minds out put like mum dad and the freak down the road pushing Jesus make it to hard for some to cope well?

This is what I wrote..
I have been thinking about the question How dose extreme stress affect enneagram?

I think extreme stress can take one of eight paths. The eight paths can be divided in to two category's positive extreme stress and negative extreme stress.

A ninth is the transformative state a Bias free personal state (Stress - Trance-Ended) stress transformed to its optimum natural productive state aligned with. The Workings Of The Law Of Three.

A curious thought is, how closely aligned is the big five with this dynamic. I have not thought about this basically because I have not taken a real interest in the big five, but if the big five.

The eight parts relate to three Points for all eighteen basic personality types. The Point Energy and the the two wings. The Point energy is the passive and true neutral (the ninth) and the eight pertain to mood and agenda mood and agenda both positive and negative four actions for each of the two relating subtype energies working with each of the nine points of the enneagram.

E.g. For the two type nines the structure has one neutral or passive the passive is when one of the eight options are active the neutral becomes active but remains neutral when selfs Presence Is Aware Of The Greater (Host) greater nature in the context of of having actively made the law of three happen within in the moment, this what is meant by an active neutral. It remains neutral because the self always remains passive unto greater nature Host is indomitable. Active is passive passive is neutral in my language. The ninth option is experiential and only understood if it has been experienced by self as the observer.

The eight is a simple structure. Two Sets Of Four, mood and agenda and mood and agenda In the positive mode and negative mode.

The example 9w8 and 9w1

For the 9w8 Point eight is agenda and Point one is mood when Self has located more of the essential self the Point:9 becomes the deeper implicate of Self as actualised. The first step towards reclaimed authentic hole Self as nine points equally active, at one with what is. The what is is what hosts greater nature Universe Alive and Self Aware.

For the 9w1 Point one is agenda and Point eight is mood, The first step towards reclaimed authentic hole Self as nine points equally active, at one with what is. The what is is what hosts greater nature Universe Alive and Self Aware.

So as you can understand know there are Nine components one is an authentic low stress option there for there are nine low stress components within this structure that are receptive states unto witnessing Host in its non benign state detectable naturally via perception active observation.

90 + 180 = 270 , 90 short of 360.

A zero a seven a two "host". "Man" a zero a six a three.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
My friend thinks that the two young men were taking Zoloft or Prozac. If so how did this affect the mind and reasoning with negative adolescent desires?

A couple of days ago via my my Facebook page I received an interesting visual of a moving hypnotic visual and underneath a pic of Van Gough Stary Night, (most likely sent to my Facebook page by the NSA) it said stare at the spiral for therapy seconds and look at the Pic. So I did (if you can't trust the NSA who can you trust?) and I sore the wind move, was the NSA trying to convince me that I was schizophrenic? Not happy with this form of trickery I did it again and looked at it as if a 3D pic and it went from a mono spiral to a interchanging dual spiral to a dual spiral with many layered parts and then I looked at the Stary Night picture and it did not move, (so happy to have out smarted the NSA's attempts to drain wash me into be leaving I am mentally unstable.

Being a scientist (unqualified) this got me thinking thinking about a resent post about .

You know, it's interesting because your first post actually contained a coherent thought. Then you lost me.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I had to post that much and leave to cut and past what I wanted to to continue my post and what I wanted to post as now you can see.

I use a tapa talk app on my I pad so I can not spit the screen and have two pages at once.

I can only do what I can do. Maybe you can scratch two balls at once and if so...wow your obviously a cleaver man than me and good luck to you Micky Mouse.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
I had to post that much and leave to cut and past what I wanted to to continue my post and what I wanted to post as now you can see.

I use a tapa talk app on my I pad so I can not spit the screen and have two pages at once.

I can only do what I can do. Maybe you can scratch two balls at once and if so...wow your obviously a cleaver man than me and good luck to you Micky Mouse.

You're a fun character, even if I have no clue what's going on. :)


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
You're a fun character, even if I have no clue what's going on. :)

Don't say that, I am a Type:9 when we are proactive in mind and free thinking we can tent to synthesise models or trains of thoughts. And this is a good thing because it generates lines of thought that can lead to new understandings for self and others because we all utilise Point:9 with our minds to some degree.

I was having some fun with my posting true but the basic ideas are interesting to me.

If it is true the the egoic mind is a trance. Then what is the mechanical shape of that trance, it must have a shap to its structure like a fractle is my thinking.

I am looking for clues to that shape. I know it's structure will be multilayered because of brain chemistry and all the physiology that goes along with making a minds experience possible.

But the four negative one neutral and four positive stresses is an interesting clue I think.

Nine plus one for entropy or annihilation equally ten.

These young adults went with mindful intent on a killing field trip that day un supervised with only each other to guide each other morally that day.

Ten nines eques one hundred plus eight (eight master genes) there was some independence at work within there actions. Self preservation got warped as if Point four and Point eight at the instinctive level were working as a negative dual action ruling judgment and propelling action. We can see the 12 that can also de found at each of the nine Point as a value.

The twelve is derived by the dual two sets replacing the mono one set of six for normal instinctual drive actions expressed commonly as a standard action by almost all people.

In my math, looking for a fractal structure underlying the trance of the egoic mind the number twelve at each Point is a easy fit and for me it is a clue that needs to be understood.

Twelve times nine equals one hundred and eight and the ninety that is missing between the 360 and 270 is an interesting clue, the factor of entropy sit in my mind when considering what maybe taking place in the number values within this number structure.

Negative variables positive variables benign variables. (six)
Negative variables, positive variables, benign variables. (3)

If we were to be creative and lateral think with the law of ten in mind ten parts ( four positive, one neutral, four negative, plus one for entropy or annihilation ) having in mind evil the concept of evil or the devil within, and the seven pointed fig and the three instinctual energies and the six instinctual variant heads.

The 90 could be seen as three lots of the law of ten at work within the structure. A structure with variables as factors.

Variables def science..
These changing quantities are called variables. A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. An experiment usually has three kinds of variables: independent, dependent, and controlled. The independent variable is the one that is changed by the scientist.

Negative variables positive variables benign variables. (six)
Negative variables, positive variables, benign variables. (3)


The Self Preservation Instinct in its three part structure could be interpreted as: Negative variables, positive variables, benign variables. Then overlaying that laying structure could be a six part structure that can or dose work in unison via the six pointed fig of the enneagram: Negative variables positive variables benign variables.

One way to view the working of this when considering (entropy or annihilation) within the dynamic is to view the the three component of variables as counted points to the three values of Negative Positive benign, and this would or may work in the structure as follows.

For Dylan or Dill as Dylan's mum sometimes called him, considering he is an SP instinctual type ignores his benign variant head structure's normal flowing actions and operates via the three part instinctual structure in the Negative of the three part structure,
SP distorted neg,
SX distorted pos,
SO distorted neg,
and at the same time goes dual in the six part instinctual structure.

By dual I mean Point opposing n the two triangles of the instinctual six part model.

8 and 4 (So/Sp and Sx/Sp)
7 and 2 (So/Sx and Sp/Sx)
5 and 1 (Sx/So and Sp/So)

I would guess that for Dylan the bark game hosted in his mind played out as a role play could have been structured..

8 variables and 4 positive (So/Sp and Sx/Sp) the distorted positive is the actualisation of the kill, the variables is the biases all ready reasoned before the act of sudo justifications enabling the action.
7 negative and 2 verbalise (So/Sx and Sp/Sx)
5 benign and 1 variables (Sx/So and Sp/So)

For the other young man who also took part in the act, from watching the 20/20 video I think he to,is a SP but of the other of the two Sp's of the six instinctive variant heads types.

I think within the role play he had a complimenting counter balance.

4 variables and 8 positive (Sx/Sp and So/Sp) the distorted positive is the actualisation of the kill, the variables is the biases all ready reasoned before the act of sudo justifications enabling the action.
2 negative and 7 verbalise (Sp/Sx and So/Sx)
1 benign and 5 variables (Sp/So and Sx/So)

Nine plus one equals ten, but if the law of three was being honoured Nine Plus Three Equals Twelve. A more complete symmetry. The difficulty for most is that they occupy there making of the law of three within primarily to the Core Point And Its Two Wings. A fuse twelve a sudo 12 a false dual or false stereo because the sudo dual is nine points and both wings and the primary point, three are repeated and the symmetry is not a true balance to manifest intuitions of a spiritual order only a make do within a false trance or a trance of a lower order that serves ones-self in the living of a basic life.

This may not be the best science but there is a valid pattern and this is the best interpretation of that pattern I can provide at this point in time with the understanding I have and my ability to deduce what is taking place.

At 17:30 in the 20/20 video while role playing in the car the dynamic is active Bad Boy Eric sense-feel (Point:3) I think we may have to order some more guns. And then Bad Boy Dylan relate-think (Point:9) it's a good thing we ordered those radioactive's. Stoned and in a fantasy of making a recruitment video and joking (good thing we ordered those radioactive's) confused between ideas, ordering others to kill to and the idea of dirty bombs.

Is Eric an eight and Dylan a six is this a six and eight dynamic or a six six dynamic?

I suspect a six and six dynamic.


Mar 20, 2008
Everyone in the whole world, except the USA, knows it is guns, not mbti.

Mbti is just a cop out. Even the Universal Declaration of Human Rights gives no right to bear arms, and never will.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Everyone in the whole world, except the USA, knows it is guns, not mbti.

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up. Go join an Americans Are SO Stupid Elitist Australians forum - do not lump my thinking in with every dipshit you see on CNN International. Normally I gloss over your bullshit but you're shoving it down our collective throats lately.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Hang on I'm confused now I'm the second coming of the Christ but your replying or talking to Mole, easy why it maybe USSR stile tough talk, my God will fly over my how's and drop cluster bomb??,noooooo He would be shot down flying his poott it together WW2 style piss ass Mig by one of God's true friends.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Went to bed last night thinking is my post a little over the top and thought about that some and went to sleep then woke up thinking kinda the same is it a little to out there for the normal knumb nut that reads these style of forum, and I thought with out thinking and I thought with out thinking knowing that basicly what I talked about wes true as I understand it and went to shower and thought about it with out thinking...

And Ureka.. The understanding that popped into mind was the recognition that there are nine mouth in gestation and twelve mouths in a yearly cycle.

Why did I doubt my work because it is to hard for others to receptively klick with or because my language of explanation was not Albeit Einstein like, any way it don't matter if I understand bottom line it's not my respond ability what other do or don't understand. If they can't rely on me they can rely on drugs good quality medications handed out by nursing staff that work in hospitals for both the mentally stressed and mentally challenged.

Wow 9 and 12 can you believe that?



Active member
Feb 5, 2015
No why would you think that?

I'm seeking to understand deeper structures.

If you would like to have a read it all before thought about it all like twenty years back we can have one of those kinda lame I know this you know that I know what you know you know what I know conversations.

Or we can posh the envelope and find deeper structures.

Let me know I can spend hours going though the dest authors and on the best sights and reference the dest IEA conference CD's and we can have a art we so smart conversation, that can be fun but it's been done.

Or we can look at subtle structures and go down paths that that people don't explore like the two instinctive enneagram triangles and see what patterns exist between the two and how they affect high preforming persons and deeply troubled persons like the two young killers mentioned above.

I'm nor interested in looking for clues that would frame these two in the pathological frame work and let's get reel the odd behaviours and actions and generating influences come from pattern within both and between both the MBTI and the enneagram.

So what do you want to do?

Want me to make nice congenial conversation and say nice things and boost your spence of self, I can do that for you if you really need that kind of attention or do you want to stretch your understandings and look at things from a different angle and discover new things other don't talk about within the congenial ever so care full communication transactions.
[MENTION=25594]CognitiveLiberty[/MENTION] Sound a label the ego of a 3w2 Sp/Sx may choose.

I can play the 3w2 Sp/Sx cognitive game, that's easy for me I'm a 9w1 Sx/Sp and that energy sits on the same seesaw in fact on the operate end.

I hope that's not to deep for you I would imagine no one has exposed you to that structure within the beeper enneagram.

That do that shear ( 3w2 Sp/Sx and 9w1 Sx/Sp) and how would you describe the hu of the synergy they can co create and what do they both see clearly and why do they see what they both can see clearly?

Explain that to me accurately and you will have my respect Cognitive Liberty.

There you go a real game a real challenge. Let me see you mastery of the subject.

But if you are a 5w4 as I have just seen on your profile, a secondary type, I suspect I will be waiting from now till the end of time before you will answer that simple question correctly.

If I was on amphetamines the tone and mood of my language would be that of an individual on amphetamines, DH.

Ok so your a 5w4 3w2 ?_?


Jul 4, 2015
In retrospect, I retract my statement "were you on amphetamines" as stimulants usually make for thought with better Si, and instead substitute 'amphetamines' with 'acid' :p


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
In retrospect, I retract my statement "were you on amphetamines" as stimulants usually make for thought with better Si, and instead substitute 'amphetamines' with 'acid' :p

You don't know what your talking about.

I stated that I was a 9w1 Sx/Sp

If you knew your stuff you would know Fi would have been the exaggeration hypersensitivity.

Go back to cool school and leave my post topic page you FW !


Jul 4, 2015
I'm curious enough to hear what you've got to say about 5w4, as its almost poetic flight of ideas, so keep typing ;)


Jul 4, 2015
Being high and sleep deprived myself, wouldn't it be funny if tomorrow, I look at this thread and find it actually turned out to be a coherent and lucid discussion about the Enneagram applied in a concrete context... jk


Jul 4, 2015
But in all serious, there is no question that you are suffering from psychosis/thought disorder, and should seek help, while you may feel as though you are on the verge of something spectacular, unfortunately, you're just spending hours typing nonsensical ramblings in notepad, there is no 'deeper' structure, I'm afraid. Do not let yourself be fooled, get some help, and you'll begin to truly appreciate new found clarity


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Go away you fruit loop! I know more about all Six variants of the 5w4 than you will ever know....FW! Try using someone else up for your own personal gain...looser!


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Hang on I'm confused now I'm the second coming of the Christ but your replying or talking to Mole, easy why it maybe USSR stile tough talk, my God will fly over my how's and drop cluster bomb??,noooooo He would be shot down flying his poott it together WW2 style piss ass Mig by one of God's true friends.

Are you talking to me? I use the quote button when addressing other posters so there is never any misunderstanding. Other than that, I have no idea what you're talking about.


Dope& diamonds.
Sep 2, 2015
I feel like I just fell into a Columbine shooters fan fiction tumblr.