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The Value of Diversity


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Diversity forces us to change and adapt. It forces us to expand our parameters of what is right and wrong, in doing so we grow and expand and so become stronger and wiser. Everything is beautiful; every flower in every shade and every animal with all their diversity.
Every colored bird, colored insect and color of fish does possess a beauty its own. I am glad that we have such a similarity audience. Maybe that's why we connect and talk on a certain mental plateau. I think it is wonderful.

But diversity is great too. We can learn from those similar and dissimilar. In doing this growing exercise of mind and spirit we grow and expand our consciousness. We can become stronger, much stronger than we ever believed possible as well as wiser. It is astounding. That is why human diversity as well as culture is beautiful. If only we did not fear, fight and war against what or who is different than us.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
"Diversity & differences. Why can we not understand the differences in people?"

"Everything is beautiful; every flower in every shade and every animal with all their diversity. Every colored bird, colored insect and color of fish does possess a beauty its own. It is astounding. That is why human diversity as well as culture is beautiful. In order of healing we need know cultures; both their plus as well minus and work together to heal our planet and usher unity among each Nation. I am glad that we have such a similarity audience.

Maybe that's why we connect and talk on a certain mental plateau. I think it is wonderful. But diversity is great too. We can learn from those similar and dissimilar. We can become stronger, much stronger than we ever believed possible as well as wiser. It is astounding. That is why human diversity as well as culture is beautiful. If only we did not fear, fight and war against what or who is different than us. Diversity forces us to change and adapt. Rather than fear it, & fight it, we should come to a mutual understanding and meeting of the minds to thus grow from the experience.

Diversity forces us to expand our parameters of what's right and wrong. In doing so we grow and expand and so become stronger and wiser. I am glad that we have such a similarity audience.
But diversity is great too. We can learn from those similar and dissimilar. If only we did not fear, fight and war against what or who is different than us. In doing this growing exercise of mind and spirit we grow and expand our consciousness. We can become stronger, much stronger than we ever believed possible as well as wiser."


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Diversity is reality. The fact is that we are not the same, due to a whole host of factors, some genetic and some due to our culture and upbringing. Denying that is about as reasonable as insisting that the earth is flat. We must instead acknowledge and come to terms with it. We can do this through fear and exclusion, or through acceptance and understanding. The latter is possible because, beneath our many differences, we share a common humanity.


Aug 21, 2017
I wish people would be more specific with these type of bumper sticker slogans. Like which specific type of diversity is suppose to be so beneficial to us? Because at a biological level, genetic diversity has been scientifically demonstrated to aid recovery rates of plant life within ecosystems struck with drought, disease or other adverse events, but within this context it's not clear that genetic diversity is being cited as the driving force that makes people stronger, wiser or otherwise expands our understanding of "right and wrong".

Ironically, if we try to apply the cited benefits of genetic diversity to human populations, social perceptions of 'race' become obsolete and arbitrary, simply because there is not always a direct correlation between phenotypical variation (i.e. skin color) and genetic variation. Thus if genetic diversity is cited as beneficial (i.e. such as an ecosystem's response to a drought), and phenotypical variation has little to do with genetic variation, then in the interests of genetic diversity it would be possible to have populations that are exclusively black or exclusively white, a scenario that seemingly contradicts conventional notions of "diversity".

Of course, perhaps the OP isn't referring to genetic diversity so much as religious, political or phenotypical diversity, at which point biological science suddenly offers no indication that diversity would offer any measurable benefit to the population. Regardless, 'diversity' is still so precious that certain universities or certain companies might go out of their way to favor one physical trait over another, thus creating tangible instances of inequality, openly exercised in the name of a vague social concept with no clear definition or measurable benefit.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
Diversity is reality. The fact is that we are not the same, due to a whole host of factors, some genetic and some due to our culture and upbringing. Denying that is about as reasonable as insisting that the earth is flat. We must instead acknowledge and come to terms with it. We can do this through fear and exclusion, or through acceptance and understanding. The latter is possible because, beneath our many differences, we share a common humanity.

Diversity is a fact, a reality, however, it can be considered a misfortune or unfortunate fact, to be some how transcended and eradicated or it can be considered something fortunate and worth fostering. I believe that it can be a mixture of both, depending on the context and circumstances but in the main it is fortunate and something to be fostered.

The problem I have is that most of the movements that I have seen which have explicitly stated creating diversity is a goal or fostering existing diversity is a goal, even some that go further and say they want diverse and disparate movements, dont really, they sure say so but in reality they struggle and want uniform opinion, their own uniform opinion. Even those that are quick to discover that in other movements or persons generally over look it in their own ranks or among their friends.

So far as that goes, its largely an unawares or unconscious thing, lots of internal conflicts driving it I would say but there's the whole other issue of people deliberately pursuing a monoculture. For all the faults of multiculturalism or attempts at a harmonious diversity its definitely preferable to the alternative. I think its objectively impossible to achieve and not worth striving after either.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
I wish people would be more specific with these type of bumper sticker slogans. Like which specific type of diversity is suppose to be so beneficial to us? Because at a biological level, genetic diversity has been scientifically demonstrated to aid recovery rates of plant life within ecosystems struck with drought, disease or other adverse events, but within this context it's not clear that genetic diversity is being cited as the driving force that makes people stronger, wiser or otherwise expands our understanding of "right and wrong".

Ironically, if we try to apply the cited benefits of genetic diversity to human populations, social perceptions of 'race' become obsolete and arbitrary, simply because there is not always a direct correlation between phenotypical variation (i.e. skin color) and genetic variation. Thus if genetic diversity is cited as beneficial (i.e. such as an ecosystem's response to a drought), and phenotypical variation has little to do with genetic variation, then in the interests of genetic diversity it would be possible to have populations that are exclusively black or exclusively white, a scenario that seemingly contradicts conventional notions of "diversity".

Of course, perhaps the OP isn't referring to genetic diversity so much as religious, political or phenotypical diversity, at which point biological science suddenly offers no indication that diversity would offer any measurable benefit to the population. Regardless, 'diversity' is still so precious that certain universities or certain companies might go out of their way to favor one physical trait over another, thus creating tangible instances of inequality, openly exercised in the name of a vague social concept with no clear definition or measurable benefit.

I expect that you can provide an example of when the deliberate pursuit of ethnic and mono-cultural separatism or purity has had beneficial consequences.

All I can think of is how elites have exploited conjured fears of difference and diversity, the familiar disappearing or being jeopardised by the rival, for their own benefit, causing segregation, by design or by default, and all the crimes that go alongside that.

Your post, at least implicitly, suggests that mono-ethnicity or mono-culture is manifestly and measurably beneficent, which it is not, and the burden of proof for seeking to change that is with those preferring an alternative, which it is not. Especially when it is a case of "objectively is" rather than "preferably ought to be" anyway.

I'll be honest with you here, I dont generally think that a platform should be afforded such thinking AT ALL, its just so wrong. Its right up there with holocaust denial, creepy debating of the age of consent and the like. So its unlikely that I'm going to post much more on the topic. I am aware that posts like this are all part of the attempts to revive a lot of thinking which people were hopeful had been eclipsed or present it as the only possible alternative to what progressive politics presently has deteriorated into. I just dont want to play those games.

Before anyone says anything about it, while I dont think they are equivocal, I do reject ALL the entho-nationalisms I dont care if its aryanism, zionism, pan-africanism or any other sort. Bertrand Russell actually wrote a great fictional story about this once, I think it was collected into a book called The Devil in Suburbia or something like that, which featured the rise and fall of bizarre civilisations based upon ethnic wars and ethnocentric religions (his real target was religion), he was paraphrasing the socialists ideas about class struggles but he basically said that so long as this cycle goes on real human history cant begin and I think he was right.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” Samuel Clemens


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” Samuel Clemens

This is what I took the OP to mean. It's exactly what diversity does. But it's going to be shouted down by the - diversity causes inequality at the least and the complete death of any dominant culture it touches at the most - crowd. Regardless of what history proves. The people open to diversity and traveling will see and grow and the others adamantly won't. And in the US, the latter not only has the freedom to make that choice, it's encouraged, unfortunately. So we go nowhere.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
This is what I took the OP to mean. It's exactly what diversity does. But it's going to be shouted down by the - diversity causes inequality at the least and the complete death of any dominant culture it touches at the most - crowd. Regardless of what history proves. The people open to diversity and traveling will see and grow and the others adamantly won't. And in the US, the latter not only has the freedom to make that choice, it's encouraged, unfortunately. So we go nowhere.

Why would diversity cause inequality?


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
There are a ton of sociological studies; that describe a negative impact for both the "in" and "out" groups encountering diversification. Regardless of skin pigmentation or locality around the globe. But it's a fact of modern life, that isn't going to change...whatever anyone says or thinks.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Or wishes.

Citations? Last I checked vague reference to "a ton of sociological studies" was still not a citation.

Still dont see how its necessary or desirable.

If you're curious on the materials available, find them the way that I have...you've got google and several academic search engines available at your fingertips.


Oct 17, 2013
It's ok to celebrate something for the sake of itself as long as you don't think about it too hard, but if you get serious about celebrating human diversity (like, to the point of making laws enforcing it) you're an idiot. You need more than that. You need context. Might as well be celebrating human wetness because you like swimming...never mind that acid and gasoline are also wet.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
It's ok to celebrate something for the sake of itself as long as you don't think about it too hard, but if you get serious about celebrating human diversity (like, to the point of making laws enforcing it) you're an idiot. You need more than that. You need context. Might as well be celebrating human wetness because you like swimming...never mind that acid and gasoline are also wet.



Aug 21, 2017
I expect that you can provide an example of when the deliberate pursuit of ethnic and mono-cultural separatism or purity has had beneficial consequences.
Why would you expect this? Questioning whether diversity has any benefit, outside of the genetic diversity example I've already provided, isn't synonymous with claiming that 'mono-cultural separatism' would be beneficial. Wiser? Stronger? Better understanding of right and wrong? Can you or anyone else here provide a specific example of how embracing 'diversity' (however you want to define it) would reap these cited benefits?

Take a hypothetical work place for an example. Would varying religious or political beliefs among employees yield a higher production output than a work place without varying religious beliefs among employees? In the absence of any evidence to suggest that it would I can't help but remain highly skeptical, in part because more and more people don't really care what religious beliefs other people harbor, which seems to be the case at pretty much every work force I've been part of. Muslim? Christian? Hindu? Whatever religious belief system a hypothetical worker might subscribe to, at the end of the day I still need a specific task done in a specific manner within a specific time frame.

And for the record, the most modernized 'mono-cultural' society I can think of is Japan, which has an immigrant rejection rate of around 99%, and I would argue that their relative lack of 'cultural diversity' isn't indicative that their culture is "weaker, less wise or has weaker moral foundations" when compared to populations with a wider range of cultural diversity. Do you disagree or are you able to cite a specific example that would indicate Japan's inferiority in regards to the metrics listed by the OP?

Your post, at least implicitly, suggests that mono-ethnicity or mono-culture is manifestly and measurably beneficent, which it is not
My post explicitly suggest that genetic diversity has measurable benefit within various ecosystems, that genetic diversity has nothing to do with 'racial' diversity, and I also explicitly state that other forms of diversity (i.e. religious, political or cultural) has no measurable benefit on any population, at least on a scientific/ biological level. I'm not trying to implicitly suggest that a mono-cultural society would be superior so much as I'm suggesting it would not be inferior to a diverse one.

Viciously pursuing 'diversity' at the expense of merit leads to discrimination and inequality. An all white work force, an all black work force or a mixed work force are all perfectly valid in terms of production potential; neither workforce would be inherently 'wrong' or superior to another workforce, and claiming otherwise (as proponents of diversity often do) merely contradicts the popular belief that skin color shouldn't bear any meaningful social significance.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
"Diversity forces us to change and adapt..." Sometimes in unanticipated ways...



in dreamland
Oct 27, 2013
Diversity is terrific as long as the diverse population doesn't consist of angry, violent, irrational types. Diversity with shared values would be the ideal.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Diversity is terrific as long as the diverse population doesn't consist of angry, violent, irrational types. Diversity with shared values would be the ideal.

Diversity with shared values? Doesn't sound very diverse, open or tolerant to me. The video posted on how the women in France are encountering and adapting to "Diversity." Seems a more authentic and realistic concept. Respectfully pointing out, shared values are homogeneous, in essence..."anti-Diversity."