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The diversification of slavery


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I stopped reading after the firs5 sentence of the second paragraph, the part you either, out of willing ignorance or just a burning desire to argue neglected the many disclaimers I added about not generalizing or knowing everyone’s situation. Do you think I added them for my health?
I am well aware that wage slavery exists and is a very, very real problem, one of the biggest issues currently affecting this country actually, and were I a tax payer and thus had opinions what mattered I’d fight tooth and nail to fight it. So spare me your lectures.

In many cases, it is not laziness. But for those.....ah you read my post, I’m not going to explain what I already have.

I get it.
I know you had once used the word "libertard" with some sort of fairness on it.
I already quote one post of yours saying sorry in the past, for, things...

I did that to you because, if I had done to someone else, it would be way heavier than that. I needed to say something, Im sorry it had to be you. Most part werent refering to you exactly, except the part that if you go too far with the lazyness thing you may end up supporting something that neither us want to boil.


Sep 29, 2016
I get it.
I know you had once used the word "libertard" with some sort of fairness on it.
I already quote one post of yours saying sorry in the past, for, things...

I did that to you because, if I had done to someone else, it would be way heavier than that. I needed to say something, Im sorry it had to be you. Most part werent refering to you exactly, except the part that if you go too far with the lazyness thing you may end up supporting something that neither us want to boil.

I used the word “ Libtard” to refer to libertarians.
I don’t take things too far. I don’t believe in extremes. ( to the point that I can’t say even say that with 100% certainty. There are always exceptions. Pretty sure “ All Nazis and Neo Nazis are dangerous” is an accurate extreme statement)

Not a fan of boiling anything. I am not British.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I used the word “ Libtard” to refer to libertarians.
I don’t take things too far. I don’t believe in extremes. ( to the point that I can’t say even say that with 100% certainty. There are always exceptions. Pretty sure “ All Nazis and Neo Nazis are dangerous” is an accurate extreme statement)

Not a fan of boiling anything. I am not British.
Im aware.
I havent actually finished studying the english course (I stop it about 7 years ago on "intermediate-advanced"), thats why sometimes I miss the words.


Oct 3, 2019
Instinctual Variant
So that agonizingly awful post about making more than you psyche was a lie?

You do not need to be SO rich to have control over your life.

But in my experience truly well-off people tend to be entirely unaware and unappreciative of how much control they do have and are some of the most miserable people I have ever met.

An ...acquaintance of mine is a prime example of said misery: she accomplished more by the time she was 25 than most do in their lives.
She got very lucky in finding a very well-remodeled 850 sq ft basement for $800 in a million dollar home in an upscale neighborhood ( a 500sq ft studio in this area is three times that) she’s been there for a decade. Rent has never gone up, Land Lords never bother her for a thing. Really, since they had moved across the state and the upstairs tenets change so frequently, she practically owns the place
She works for herself, sets her own hours. Makes.. I wouldn’t say a ‘shit ton’ but she is certainly not hard up for cash. She answers to No ONE, not in any aspect of her life and she is VERY popular among our extended group of friends. The only reason she’s so alone is because she has chosen to be.

Yet I have never met anyone so whiny and miserable in my life. If you were to listen to her for five minutes you would think she were the most down- trodden person on Earth. Her favorite line is “ just my luck” which she tends to utter when the ball is entirely in her court and she merely does not want to make a decision.

“ I have to cancel our gaming day ( and ruin everyone else's time) cuz traffic”
“ Take the buss. It’s a very direct route.”
“ No, I don’t like the buss.”
“ Then drive.”
“ No cuz traffic”
“...then bus it.”
“ I don’t want to”
“...you could carpool with me”
“ Noooo I don’t want to put you out.”
“ I’d be more put out by not getting to game.”
“ I knooooow and I’m so sorry! * deep sigh* just MY luck I guess! “

“ Uuugh. I just know X is gonna ask me cook a turkey for HIS thanksgiving dinner!”
“ Don’t if you don’t want to.”
“ Noooo I HAVE to.”
“ Why? “
“ Cuz he’s gonna ask me to! “
“ Tell him ‘no’.”
“ I don’t want to be rude.”
( biiiitch you’re being rude be whining about it every year.)

Then there was the time she threw a fit because she saw a note in her window sheild and assumed she had been the ONLY ONE to be ticketed for parking in a very public parking lot in the middle of a weekday, as she had done a thousand times before. There was NO logical reason anyone would think this bu tI guess “ Just my luck” was reason enough for her. turned out b an ad for a new game store. It was only in her window because the stickers and plushies in her window showed she was a gamer.

People like this astound me; everything about their lives is entirely within their control yet their locus of control seems so far out of their own reach and I cannot possibly fathom where they obtained this perspective.
But it seems to be the M.O. of so many people.

I myself have so few means and after 36 years of having to answer to nearly everyone and their Mother for the most basic things, you might think I’d be just like them. In truth I’m something of an opportunistic asshole. Always on the lookout for ways to improve
my life and situation. In those times when, as I say “ the ball is in MY court” I fucking smash it.

A couple ( as in A couple) who are friends in their late thirties still work in min wage grocery store positions. The husband bitches, and bitches, and bitches incessantly, yet he remains. The wife bitched far less. One day, she’d finally had enough. She understood the situation was well within her control. She quit. She decided she wanted something else and within 3 weeks she had it.
The husband has learned nothing and sits in a job he hates, continuing to whine.
I posit that unless you have some sort of mental or physical limitations or some other extenuating circumstances ( I don’t proclaim to be all knowing)if you are working as grocery bagger or in the deli doing anything other than managing, it is mostly because you lack ambition and just want enough money to pay rent and buy the video games you spend every second of your time off playing.

Both people in this couple has confirmed this “ I am still in this job because I am complacent. if I really cared, I would quit. Maybe I will once I have finally had enough. My husband is still there- and WILL be there- because he lacks any motivation to improve his life. As long as he can play games at home all day, he is fine.”

“ To be honest, I am lazy. I don’t care so ling as at the end of say I can stay up until 4 am playing videogames.”

He is not the only grocery store clerk I know who has no ambition other than to waste his life away playing games every second he is not at work.( but I’m not one to generalize. This is one of those ‘ All A do B, but not all of B is A situations)

What I am saying in this tangent that what many ( not all) are slaves to is nothing more than human laziness and complacency that comes from our evolutionary traits which tells us to avoid risk, live comfortably, grow fat affluent, and breed for the survival of our parasitic species. We’ve enslaved ourselves in service to this desire for comfort and luxury at the cost if truly experiencing the miracle that is life. A species which evolved from the most greedy, violent, little ID monsters never had a chance to be anything more.

Well my life is improved markedly. I am not 1% percent but I am probably 10%. I work about 60-80 hours a week. If I lose my job, I lose everything. I have pinched nerves up and down my spine that cause me nervous breakdowns. So I feel like a slave cause I need to work to get the medical treatment for the nerve damage caused from using the computer on the job. I hear you though and your post has not fallen on deaf ears. I'm trying not to bitch but I feel most people are exploited. I work in a corporate setting and see first hand that resource are given to the undeserved most of the time. No one knows what my disease is but I can't turn my neck at all, and I ice my body 2-3 hours every night just to feel normal. Maybe just a victim of circumstance.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
I stopped reading after the firs5 sentence of the second paragraph, the part you either, out of willing ignorance or just a burning desire to argue neglected the many disclaimers I added about not generalizing or knowing everyone’s situation. Do you think I added them for my health?
I am well aware that wage slavery exists and is a very, very real problem, one of the biggest issues currently affecting this country actually, and were I a tax payer and thus had opinions what mattered I’d fight tooth and nail to fight it. So spare me your lectures.

In many cases, it is not laziness. But for those.....ah you read my post, I’m not going to explain what I already have.

I think your opinion matters whether you are a tax payer or not, paying taxes is not the be all and end all, like I'd assume you're a consumer and therefore economically "active" whatever your working/earning or tax paying status may be.


Oct 17, 2013
I think Marx beat you to this one.
If the message he's trying to "spread" is that people are inheritly envious of other people's riches and wives and would eagerly steal them if given the chance, I think the Old Testament beat both of them to it.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
If the message he's trying to "spread" is that people are inheritly envious of other people's riches and wives and would eagerly steal them if given the chance, I think the Old Testament beat both of them to it.

I dont think envy has anything to do with it, the thread topic is wage slavery.


Oct 17, 2013
I dont think envy has anything to do with it.

Man there's a lot of comedians on this forum...


Sep 29, 2016
I think your opinion matters whether you are a tax payer or not, paying taxes is not the be all and end all, like I'd assume you're a consumer and therefore economically "active" whatever your working/earning or tax paying status may be.

Thank you, and I agree. You can pay all the taxes you want ( or don’t) and still be a total shitbag with a negative contribution to society. The opposite is also true.

But most people in this country have very simplistic monkey brains and seeing the bigger whole of things is too complucated. If it can’t be measured on a concrete 1-1 scale they just get angry and throw shit at it.


Oct 3, 2019
Instinctual Variant

Man there's a lot of comedians on this forum...

I don't envy other people's money. I detest that I have to do better work than they do to earn less. You're in the same position except I probably make more than you do (not to be competitive here). All I'm doing is pointing out how our perspectives are vastly different.

In a sense you are being ridden like a cow and telling me that I'm envious of the guy riding you. It's quite funny actually.


Oct 17, 2013
I don't envy other people's money. I detest that I have to do better work than they do to earn less. You're in the same position except I probably make more than you do (not to be competitive here). All I'm doing is pointing out how our perspectives are vastly different. In a sense you are being ridden like a cow and telling me that I'm envious of the guy riding you. It's quite funny actually.
Well not to be competitive here, but I probably enjoy what I do and my general walk through life more than you do. Everyone has their own priorities though.


Oct 3, 2019
Instinctual Variant
Well not to be competitive here, but I probably enjoy what I do and my general walk through life more than you do. Everyone has their own priorities though.

That would be hard to deduce. I could be bitching to the grave and still be having a better time about it. You could even measure it in my brain, yet my subjective state would still be better. There's really no way to tell. I am not trying to gloat here as I don't make that much money. I'm just pointing out the irony of the toad telling the prince he's ugly.


Active member
May 5, 2007
If the message he's trying to "spread" is that people are inheritly envious of other people's riches and wives and would eagerly steal them if given the chance, I think the Old Testament beat both of them to it.

Well, there have been people who bitched about the rich for years and then you'd suddenly come across a post from them that reads, "Damn, I wish I'd win the lottery." No one needs a psychoanalyst to figure out what is going on there.


White Raven
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Well, there have been people who bitched about the rich for years and then you'd suddenly come across a post from them that reads, "Damn, I wish I'd win the lottery." No one needs a psychoanalyst to figure out what is going on there.

I don't want to win the lottery.


Oct 17, 2013
That would be hard to deduce. I could be bitching to the grave and still be having a better time about it. You could even measure it in my brain, yet my subjective state would still be better. There's really no way to tell. I am not trying to gloat here as I don't make that much money. I'm just pointing out the irony of the toad telling the prince he's ugly.
Well a toad is hardly likely to find a human attractive, isn't it? I didn't mean to assume anything about your life, that was more directed at your comment regarding your being unhappy with the inherit unfairness of the word- and the mediocre being more financially rewarding than the exceptional at times. If you were just positing it as a point, it was only the point I was comparing myself to.