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Self Analysis and conclusions - seeking feedback.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I made a page covering part of my self analysis and reasoning for the conclusions I have made, and then added more info to it as a way to describe what I eiahter think I am or should be. I used other facotrs not listed on the page as part of my decision making (posts read here and elsewhere for example), but most of those balanced out roughly equal toward J/P bias and were too numerous to document. I only included a description of INFPs under stress, but I did compare that to the INFJ descriptions from the same source and the INFP descriptions are all things I can look back and see myself having done before (especialy precipitious action).

INFP seems to be the best fit for me, but I would appreciate feedback on how acurate it seems and if I overlooked major issues in reaching my conclusions. The page was made more for general purpose so I touch on things that would be very basic here, those are jsut there for anyone I direct to it with no background in type.

Self Reflection

Thanks for any feedback on my conclusions.


Sep 11, 2007
Um, just a basic observation but the fact that you summarized your findings and posted them for others to review -- this makes me think you have a STRONG 'T' function.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
Um, just a basic observation but the fact that you summarized your findings and posted them for others to review -- this makes me think you have a STRONG 'T' function.

Or just the person is Introverted, or Introverted and iNtrospective (particularly an Introverted iNtrospective Judger).

**I am not really sure iNtrospection is a good N characterization. A preference for abstraction seems to be more universal.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I do believe I have developed thinking and use it often (mostly in either work or recreation activites), but my values are more in line with NF than NT (something I address in my self analysis page). I would be interested to see how many INFPs consider themselves very analytical with a lot of T tendencies.

I would consider introverted and introspective to be very appropriate words to describe me. I think introspection has more to do with introversion than intuition. I think of introspection as internalizing and analyzing my thoughts which I do with both feeling and thinking. I think of intuition as imagining what is not, but could be (which I also do).

For added info, these are the results of the most recent time I've taken the cognitive processes test (I've taken that test several times with mixed results but the order is roughly the same each time)

extraverted Sensing (Se) - (23.2) - limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) - (20.7) - limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) - (35.2) - good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) - (37.2) - excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) - (18.8) - limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) - (26.1) - average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) - (29.1) - average use
introverted Feeling (Fi) - (50.3) - excellent use

I've heard others say the cognitive processes test is usually constant for them, but constantly wrong in that it gives them a type that they do not agree with, but in my case, it does point to INFP.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
... For added info, these are the results of the most recent time I've taken the cognitive processes test (I've taken that test several times with mixed results but the order is roughly the same each time)

extraverted Sensing (Se) - (23.2) - limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) - (20.7) - limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) - (35.2) - good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) - (37.2) - excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) - (18.8) - limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) - (26.1) - average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) - (29.1) - average use
introverted Feeling (Fi) - (50.3) - excellent use

I've heard others say the cognitive processes test is usually constant for them, but constantly wrong in that it gives them a type that they do not agree with, but in my case, it does point to INFP.
I concur. I have taken that test 3 times and come out INTP each time, yet I have practically no P whatsoever. I am very strongly J and I don't know why it keeps getting me wrong. So I wouldn't give those test results too much weight.

I can't remember. Are you male or female?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
I do believe I have developed thinking and use it often (mostly in either work or recreation activites), but my values are more in line with NF than NT (something I address in my self analysis page). I would be interested to see how many INFPs consider themselves very analytical with a lot of T tendencies.

I would consider introverted and introspective to be very appropriate words to describe me. I think introspection has more to do with introversion than intuition. I think of introspection as internalizing and analyzing my thoughts which I do with both feeling and thinking. I think of intuition as imagining what is not, but could be (which I also do).

For added info, these are the results of the most recent time I've taken the cognitive processes test (I've taken that test several times with mixed results but the order is roughly the same each time)

extraverted Sensing (Se) - (23.2) - limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) - (20.7) - limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) - (35.2) - good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) - (37.2) - excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) - (18.8) - limited use
introverted Thinking (Ti) - (26.1) - average use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) - (29.1) - average use
introverted Feeling (Fi) - (50.3) - excellent use

I've heard others say the cognitive processes test is usually constant for them, but constantly wrong in that it gives them a type that they do not agree with, but in my case, it does point to INFP.

That test isn't accurate... the definitions aren't exactly the same as generally accepted ones. For instance, anyone with a little curiosity and decent logic skills is going to get a high Ti score.

Ti -- 44.7 (excellent use)
Ni -- 40.3 (excellent use)
Fe -- 38.5 (excellent use)
Ne -- 34.4 (good use)
Si -- 27.3 (average use)
Fi -- 19.9 (limited use)
Te -- 19.1 (limited use)
Se -- 16.2 (limited use)

I'm an INFJ... Ti is my tertiary function, so it couldn't be that high up. The definition of Ti in the test was obviously too simplistic/inaccurate.

That being said... I think you're INFx. Let me ask you a question:

Are you more focused on other's feelings towards you in a situation, or your own feelings about things in general?


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Here's another web site that is really helpful:
Myers Briggs Personality Types


Thats one I'd not seen before, very interesting.
(not sure how to make a table and have it properly formated, so heres the results in just numeric form sorted by % in descending order.)

INFP 86%
INFJ 82%
ISFP 72% (interesting... buf ISFP would also have Fi Dominant so it makes sense)
INTJ 70%
ENFP 69%
INTP 62%
ENFJ 61%
ENTP 58%
ISFJ 50%
ISTP 47%
ESFJ 46%
ISTJ 39%
ESFP 38%
ENTJ 36%
ESTP 26%
ESTJ 22%

From this table, you can see that the two highest scoring types are INFP and INFJ. This doesn't rule out the other types. But those are the two that are closest when we 'pattern match' your questionnaire results with each of the 16 personality types

Differences between INFP and INFJ
It may help you work out your type if we compare the similarities and differences between INFP and INFJ.

One important thing to look at is which preferences 'dominate' the personality. Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers said there is a 'dominant function'. What this means, in simple terms, is that two of the letters in the type code are much more important than the others.

For people with INFP preferences, the most important letters are I and F. For people with INFJ preferences, the most important letters are I and N. This means that there is a very important difference between INFP and INFJ. The letters in the type code that are particularly important for them are different, or they have different 'dominant functions'.

The Dominant Function
For INFP the most important preferences are Introverted Feeling. Your 'dominant function' is Feeling, oriented towards the inner world. This means you give importance to particular thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. You are value driven, and you often bring a sense of priority that is derived from your strong convictions. You seize upon and emphasise ideas or thoughts that have the greatest import, bringing them to the fore and stressing their significance. You assess the inherent value or importance of new ideas and beliefs, focusing on those about which you feel most strongly.

For INFJ, however, the most important preferences are Introverted Intuitiion. Your 'dominant function' is Intuition, oriented towards the inner world. You use your imagination to create new and different ideas and perspectives. You observe the world around you, and use your imagination to consider what you have observed from a number of different perspectives. You dream up new ideas and insights, often producing radical solutions to problems. You have a long term vision, and demonstrate an apparent understanding of what (as far as other people are concerned) cannot be clearly known.

Preference Differences
INFP and INFJ differ in Judgement/Perception. This preference is about your lifestyle. If you prefer your life to be planned, stable and organised then your preference is for Judging (not to be confused with 'Judgemental', which is quite different). If you prefer to go with the flow, to maintain flexibility and respond to things as they arise, then your preference is for Perception.

Everybody uses both sides of the preferences at times, depending on the circumstances. But the difference between the two personality types is your natural inclination. That is, which would you prefer to do in a situation of free choice?

'Whole Type' Differences
Another way to help decide between two (or more) personality types is to look at the descriptions of each one.

As an analogy, you can't always tell which country someone comes from by listening to the words they use. If they use French words when speaking, they might be from France or Belgium or Canada or many other countries. To work out where someone comes from you have to listen to the whole person: the language, the accent, the behaviour, etc..

In a similar way, sometimes you cannot tell someone's personality type by looking at individual behaviours. You need to look at the whole person. You can then work out your type by comparison with some descriptions of the personality types.

Final Notes
Carl Jung said: 'every individual is an exception to the rule'.

You are a unique individual. The personality types can help you to orient yourself as you find your way around your personality. They also provide a language (a label) that helps you explore your identity.

However, personality types are not meant to put you in a box. Some people misuse the concept of personality type by saying that if you are ABC type, then you must be good at doing XYZ. Some people also make judgements about others on the basis of their personality type, e.g.: in recruitment. Such judgements are mistakes, made through ignorance.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Hmmmm from reading through what you wrote... your thinking style/approach seems awfully like my own. For example, in the way you outline information... it's very structured. Also J/P distinction for INXJs can get a little murky. With our dominant Ni, planning and organization occurs mostly within our heads. Inferior Se can lead to messy desk, rooms... being late because we're so engross in something that we've forgotten the time etc. So typical J/P questions might not work very well. For example, even though I know I'm an INFJ, test results say I should be a P 60% of the time.

So think about how you figure things out in your head. Are you more likely to learn, approach something with the intention of applying it or do you just learn it because you think it's interesting?


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
Um, just a basic observation but the fact that you summarized your findings and posted them for others to review -- this makes me think you have a STRONG 'T' function.
The NF methodical organizational perfectionistic characteristics can look like that, too though, I think.

I'm leaning toward "J" since T.R. seems to be driven toward closure.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
That test isn't accurate... the definitions aren't exactly the same as generally accepted ones. For instance, anyone with a little curiosity and decent logic skills is going to get a high Ti score.

Ti -- 44.7 (excellent use)
Ni -- 40.3 (excellent use)
Fe -- 38.5 (excellent use)
Ne -- 34.4 (good use)
Si -- 27.3 (average use)
Fi -- 19.9 (limited use)
Te -- 19.1 (limited use)
Se -- 16.2 (limited use)

I'm an INFJ... Ti is my tertiary function, so it couldn't be that high up. The definition of Ti in the test was obviously too simplistic/inaccurate.

That being said... I think you're INFx. Let me ask you a question:

Are you more focused on other's feelings towards you in a situation, or your own feelings about things in general?

I tried to keep the intent of the test in mind and based it on my comfort level with the statements and gave lower scores to the ones that gave me any hesitation, and the mores hesitation, the lower score I gave, so I got low Ti and Te scores on it.

Most of the time, my own, but in the case of close friends, I put them before myself (I can only think of 3 friends and my sister that fall into that category tho). I do try to not be selfish and be considerate of others feelings and desires, but I also try not to neglect my own needs anymore. Heres a lyric that reflects that a bit (a bit out of context but gets the meanign I think)...

Rearranging by L'Ame Immortelle

I cared to much for people´s thoughts
And forgot about my own
If I´d continue to suit their needs
I´d loose the treasure that I own
My powers focused, they shall be
To treat my treasure properly

Missed the question of gender. I am Male


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Hmmmm from reading through what you wrote... your thinking style/approach seems awfully like my own. For example, in the way you outline information... it's very structured. Also J/P distinction for INXJs can get a little murky. With our dominant Ni, planning and organization occurs mostly within our heads. Inferior Se can lead to messy desk, rooms... being late because we're so engross in something that we've forgotten the time etc. So typical J/P questions might not work very well. For example, even though I know I'm an INFJ, test results say I should be a P 60% of the time.

So think about how you figure things out in your head. Are you more likely to learn, approach something with the intention of applying it or do you just learn it because you think it's interesting?

Ya, I've read enough about J/P in regards to INFx that I felt looking at how the functions are used made more sense for determining that, and since Fi and Ni both seem pretty strong to me and Ne and Fe both feel about equal, its still a tough call with a bit of leaning toward Fi/Ne combo of INFP.

I approach learning from having a desire to understand how/why things work. If something/someone makes me curious, I'll put some effort into learning more about it/them, sometimes just the basics, sometimes I devour all the information I can find or learn without making my head hurt from information overload (which has happened a few times trying to learn and understand MBTI theories). When I'm learning to accomplish a goal, the importance of the goal determines how much effort I put into it (if its a personal goal, I put a lot of effort, if its work related, I just learn what I need to unless its also something that intrigues me).


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
Since you say you used to neglect your own needs, does that mean it was more natural for you to focus on other people's perception of you? In other words, does what people think of your actions usually impact your self-image or choices much, or did it used to?


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
You ask great questions, athenian.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Since you say you used to neglect your own needs, does that mean it was more natural for you to focus on other people's perception of you? In other words, does what people think of your actions usually impact your self-image or choices much, or did it used to?

No, how others perceive me is a minor concern/value (I am somewhat concerned about it but don't put much effort toward it), but what I was referring to was that I used to be more concerned with doing whatever I could for even casual acquaintances than I was for myself. (As aspect attributed to ISFJs)

edit: I do put a much higher priority on how close friends perceive me, but my original comment was based on putting casual acquaintances desires before my own.

ISFJ Profile
ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed." In extreme cases, this need is so strong that standard give-and-take relationships are deeply unsatisfying to them

Thats how I used to act for a long time, now I reserve that attitude for the people I care most about.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed." In extreme cases, this need is so strong that standard give-and-take relationships are deeply unsatisfying to them
I think the drive to serve other people are deeply related to Fe... basically I think Athenian is trying to see how readily you use Fe. The example you give for putting other people's needs ahead of your own would be Fe.

What about values? How important are they to you? Also how do you feel when your own crashes with those of a person you care a lot about?


New member
May 2, 2007
I'd like to ask you two questions:

1. How would you care for a person in deep distress?

2. What aspect of your personality has been recognized over the course of your life as the source of your greatest achievements?


New member
Apr 23, 2007
From “Was That Really Me?” by Naomi L. Quenk

This was really good. I've been searching for something to give me more insight into my inferior Te for a while. Thank you TenebrousReflection.


New member
May 2, 2007
This was really good. I've been searching for something to give me more insight into my inferior Te for a while. Thank you TenebrousReflection.

Yes, I agree.

I actually impulsively ordered the book last night because I thought the description of inferior Te was so good and I wanted to read about inferior Se.:blush:


New member
Apr 23, 2007
Yes, I agree.

I actually impulsively ordered the book last night because I thought the description of inferior Te was so good and I wanted to read about inferior Se.:blush:

Hi Tovlo! Good to have you here :)

I will order that book too. It explains so well some of my reactions. :blush: