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PT's typing game #1

What type is she?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
This is a typing game. I have a bunch of people at work that I have worked with for a long time (a couple for over a decade and are personal friends with)... and they have all taken MBTI Step II for work. I've answered the questions below that people posed and based on that, my challenge is to guess what type the target is! (Original rules at the bottom)

The first one!

No-Information description -> She is roughly 40 years of age and is a supervisor of office services for the company I work for. She was previously my boss when I was 16 or so. She was running a copy center for an engineering firm at that time with me as her only employee.


1) Is she strongly religious, atheistic, etc., and if so (and you know the reasons) what lead her to get that viewpoint?

She is Christian of no particular denomination but I wouldn't say a strong believer. She doesn't attend church and doesn't use it in common language. Her parents instilled the values at a young age and she hasn't let go of it.

2) How did she end up in her particular job path?

I'm not sure about the 16+ years ago, except that she got the job I had and worked her way up over about 3 years. The path that I am familiar with - she had the job that I knew her with for more than 8 years. After this job (the company was overhauling its services and she decided to leave - she was losing staff, but same workload), she got a job with one of the companies that we outsourced our "overwork" to. That company also had services embedded inside other companies. She worked with them for about a year, until the current company decided they could manage their services internally and offered her and her team a position inside the company. She's been with them since (6 years, give or take a bit).

3) When you started working with her at that copy center earlier in life, did she smile and/or laugh when first she met you?

Heh, a bit of a mixed bag. - she was on vacation when I first started and the person I was replacing trained me for about a week. She came in one day and pretty much ignored me to talk to this guy. After she introduced herself and was quite nice. It was just a quick 10 second introduction with a "see you next week". I found out later it was because she expected me to be chinese and wasn't sure if I was the guy that was actually going to stay.

4) To the best of your knowledge, has she ever fallen asleep at her desk?

No, although that would be very difficult since all of the jobs are very interactive - handling jobs coming in. She is not the type of person to do that, however. She would either go home or go to the first aid room, both of which were rare.

5) To your knowledge, what feedback has she gotten in her professional life (from bosses, colleagues and subordinates)?

I won't talk too much about this, just because I think this is much more personal. She's good at what she does (good reviews) but she has to manage a lot of different personalities - and not always the most cooperative people. That'd be her main complaint. Everyone who works under her finds her to be good to work for - she really centers herself around getting the job done while trying to let everyone handle it themselves. She tends to take over or help whenever it can't be done (too much or not capable of doing it).

6) What is her relationship type match history (i.e. what types has she had LTRs with)? (;))

Her common-law husband (I'll answer in detail below) has been with her for as long as I have known her. I'm not positive as to his type, but he is some variation on INtP, beyond a doubt. Well read, talks about a broad amount of topics. Her most common comment was that he is intelligent (which he is) and has always been there for her (for longer than she has known).

7) What is her marital status and how many children does she have? (Sub-question: If divorced, does she have custody?)

She was married a long time ago (when she was 17ish?) but got divorced - not a good relationship. She has been with her current husband, but just common law, for more than 15 years. She has no children, but she considers her dogs her children.

8) How much overtime does she work, and does she do it willingly/commonly with good grace or does she become highly irritable/resentful?

She is willing to work overtime to get the job done but isn't enthusiastic about it. She doesn't look for overtime. Once the overtime is done, she tends to want to take time off rather than get paid - she does it in good grace if it is needed (and not someone's mistake)... she tends not to be irritable about it at all, again unless someone caused it to happen because of a mistake (especially a stupid one, like "I forgot to bring this down, will you work late").

9) Her behaviour towards her co-workers? Professional, friendly, warm, relaxed, formal, etc?

She's more or less all of the above at different times. I've been to her place, had birthday lunches on the weekend with her. She helps out those that work for her at a personal level a fair bit however she can, even if it may not be in her best interest. A lot of comical play, practical jokes and what not go on (at her expense and she does it to others). She can be serious when she needs to be, but she isn't more so than most. I would say that formal and relaxed are the two rarest ones - she dislikes being formal (ie: having a formal meeting, performance review, etc) and finds that quite stressful, especially if it is confrontational. She doesn't relax on the job much but she'll leave early and let others leave early if the workload is low.

10). Her desk at work? Does she have a lot of personal things (photos, etc), is it tidy, what does it look like?

Her desk is generally covered from one side to the other with papers, books and stuff she needs to do. An ongoing joke is that she has been cleaning up her desk and getting organised since I've known her (often leaving me to do work so she can get on top of things again but rarely actually finishing organising and always messy within days).

She has a picture of each of her dogs, her husband, her nieces and her parents. She has a large caricature drawing of herself. Nothing else really personal, but stuff like stress ball, slinky and gimmicky stuff (bobble head dog) that often sits on her desk. It is often seasonal - bobble head santa or reindeer in December.

11) What hobbies does she have (or if she changes hobbies what are some of the ones she's had and for approximately how long)?

No real hobbies to speak of, but she does do a dog rescue thing - that's where her dogs come from. She spends a lot off time taking care of her dogs (typically have health problems or other issues). Other than that, she plays with a Wii, watches lots of documentries and sci-fi shows. She does some graphics work at home as a side job along with her husband (menus and what not). Somewhat into sports, so that is sometimes fairly big (going out for dinner and watching the game).

But nothing really "strongly" hobbyish. If I was to ask her, she just does her stuff, eats out and enjoys life (close to a literal quote).

I'll throw in that once upon a time her hobby was singing - she wanted to be a back up singer/dancer as a late teen/early 20s. It was kind of a hobby for a while before I met her.

12) What kinds of things does she like to talk about that are not work related?

Only a few things come to mind - she's into stuff like babylon 5 and stargate, so most casual conversations with me are about that or something similar. She watches hockey and talks about that in the right season. Otherwise it's just casual talk about what was in the paper, what's new in life and what not - nothing in particular. I suppose the few times I met up with her outside of work revolved around politics and similar, but that is also her husband's influence - I know she talks to him about it quite a bit as well, however. The other topic is often history stuff, or random documentry information, but that normally requires someone else to know what she is talking about!

13) What is the one thing about her that is strikingly different from other people that you notice?

I can't really answer that one objectively, sorry. It'd be a physical characteristic anyway :D

14) You said she currently has no children... does/did she intent to have some?

No, she isn't interested in having kids at all and is fairly strong about it - in private. She doesn't say much when lots of people are around on the subject, other than she isn't interested and has her dogs. I think once upon a time she wanted kids - but it'd be before I met her, so certainly over 15 years ago.

15) How does she act when she's stressed/upset?

Most of the time she'll grab someone to go and get a smoke with/break with and rant/talk it out. Nothing stands out other than that. Sometimes she gets deep into her work, sometimes she loses track of what is going on, sometimes she snaps, sometimes she calms down... pretty much the whole range of reactions.

16) Is she more likely to be the offender or the offendee in personal conflicts?

Hmm, good question. I can't really be objective about this, but I'd say that she is normally the offendee. She doesn't over-react much, but that'd be the only thing I'd say - sometimes things seem bigger to her than they really are. Overall, even if she does become offended, most things are easily resolved and she lets them go fairly quickly - objectively, I base this upon the times we have had disagreements and/or a joke went to far.


(A review of the rules;
Here's the game;

Each person gets to ask me two specific questions, at once or seperately, about a person I know. I'll compile all of the questions and at specific cut off date set up a poll. Then everyone can vote for a type. Feel free to discuss before voting, of course, or in the middle and what not. Try to make questions obvious - I'm getting old and might miss them otherwise. Then I'll reveal their actual type.

To make sure that I stay objective, the questions need to be specific... something I can objectively answer. For example, ask "What was he/she wearing yesterday?" - not "What does she wear?". I won't spend more than 100 or so words on an answer, so don't ask anything too big. And no, you can't ask trait, type or anything else, cause I know that'll happen.

Why do this? Because a lot of the typing threads don't allow people feedback or confirmation. Here I can actually state what their type is and how reliable that type was. I think it may help show the variations in type and how we can easily assume information. It may also help know what to look for.

I'll try to answer questions daily (I will edit and add them below the description), I'll say cut off is Wednesday, November 21th 2007 (midnight, although I'll probably miss the deadline and do it on the 22th), or if the thread goes crazy and people have asked enough, I'll cut it off early.)

-> Did it one day early, it seems too slow paced at this rate.
Last edited:


Apr 26, 2007
Is she strongly religious, atheistic, etc., and if so (and you know the reasons) what lead her to get that viewpoint?

How did she end up in her particular job path?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
No-Information description -> She is roughly 40 years of age and is a supervisor of office services for the company I work for. She was previously my boss when I was 16 or so. She was running a copy center for an engineering firm at that time with me as her only employee.

I just realized I can't think of a good question to ask that isn't more subjective than your parameters allow, because it's too hard for me to guess anything based on isolated pieces of information that I can't make inferences from. I feel like an idiot. :doh: I think it's because to understand someone's behavior, I unconsciously infer/expect consistent patterns of behavior. In fact, the consistency/inconsistency of those patterns in itself is part of how I make a determination about their personality. So I almost exclusively want to ask about what a person tends to do, the manner in which they do it, or the consistency with which they do it, rather than what they did at any particular time, because the meaning of that may change in context.

Sigh... here goes nothing.

1. When you started working with her at that copy center earlier in life, did she smile and/or laugh when first she met you?

2. To the best of your knowledge, has she ever fallen asleep at her desk?


Apr 23, 2007
1. To your knowledge, what feedback has she gotten in her professional life (from bosses, colleagues and subordinates)?

2. What is her relationship type match history (i.e. what types has she had LTRs with)? (;))


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1. What is her marital status and how many children does she have? (Sub-question: If divorced, does she have custody?)

2. How much overtime does she work, and does she do it willingly/commonly with good grace or does she become highly irritable/resentful?


Apr 26, 2007
None of these really stick out as obviously a particular type.

Some guesses, though:

ENTJ: From the focus on getting things done and the non interference.

Well balanced ESTJ: This is the default guess for someone who seems to be a pretty good worker, living a pretty average life, with things done in her life in a pretty standard way. (Unless we just happened to miss asking whether she has Cosmology themed orgies in her basement every Friday night with vampires.)

Well balanced ESFJ: Although nothing here sticks out as a feeler type, any of the above default qualities.

INTJ: Same as above, though with a stronger non-interference. Because you described her as as working heavily in interpersonal jobs, I'd expect extrovert over introvert, but this could work as well.

ENFP, INFP: In case the above descriptions were missing a big blind spot, I'll just pick a couple of completely unrelated types as insurance.

edit: ESTJ and ESFJ moved down in light of new information.


New member
Aug 11, 2007
1. Her behaviour towards her co-workers? Professional, friendly, warm, relaxed, formal, etc?
2. Her desk at work? Does she have a lot of personal things (photos, etc), is it tidy, what does it look like?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
One bump, just in case anyone missed it the first time!


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Is it too late for me to ask? I couldn't think of any good questions.

1. How does she act when she's stressed/upset?

2. Is she more likely to be the offender or the offendee in personal conflicts?


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
I'll throw up a poll tonight, if I'm still able to :D (I want to make sure everyone has time, but I guess there wasn't that much interest after all <_< Oh well.)

Not no interest... just can't think of proper questions to ask... it seems like a waste asking potentially useless questions. But better to ask them than not ask at all I suppose.

1) What is the one thing about her that is strikingly different from other people that you notice?
2) You said she currently has no children... does/did she intent to have some?


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
I don't know why I kept waiting to ask questions. Silly me. Here are a couple.

1) What hobbies does she have (or if she changes hobbies what are some of the ones she's had and for approximately how long)?

2) What kinds of things does she like to talk about that are not work related?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
A nice friendly bump hoping to get a few more votes in :D