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[Other/Multiple Temperaments] My version of type profiles and comments on the MBTI system


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
I used to have a blog where I'd write personality descriptions. I hope to get back into that again. Here's my opening remarks.

I've been studying MBTI for a while, and I don't claim to be an expert.
I've had many a year to soak up the information I've found on the Internet, and I've observed a lot of interactions between people who may or may not be typed correctly, bagging on each other because of perceived inadequacy, fault, or stupidity.
If you've been around any MBTI circle for even a week or two, one of the first things you'll encounter is "sensor bias."
It's an odd thing to have happen. Sensors supposedly make up what, 80% of the world's population? And yet we have this somehow large minority of intuitives populating the MBTI world jumping on innocent sensors for living in a different, perhaps more adaptive way than them.
I've often asked myself where this comes from. Are intuitives so different that they can't understand how a sensor functions? After all, we all have all eight functions, just in different orders/preferences. And from all these (highly) complimentary descriptions I read regarding intuitives, I'd expect them to "get" sensors more than sensors could "get" intuitives, or that sensors could "get" themselves, because apparently personality theories are too far-flung for them.
My conclusion here is not only that the literature we're being fed for MBTI/Socionics is a bit misleading, but perhaps if we have some true intuitives in the room, they've got some severe cognitive bias going on--probably stemming from how they were raised, or just personal personality quirks.
Not all N people hold S people in low regard, and actually seem to enjoy what they can of a sensor's observations of the world around them. They appreciate that their role in society, and their role in life. They understand that there is a reason there are these two distinct types of people in the world, and further, those sub-divided into sixteen. They aren't bigots.
And that's wonderful to see, because all of us balance out later in life. We all learn to make up for the skills we lack, and become more well-rounded. There is no evolutionary reason to be staunchly in favor of statements like these:
"I just don't understand sensors and I never will. They don't 'get' me, and don't try to. So why should I try to 'get' them?"
"My thinking is too complex for an average sensor's mind. They just can't process as fast as I can with the amount of detail and nuance. I'm always ten steps ahead, and they're engaging in hedonism and just a general lack of forethought. It disgusts me, but what can I say? I was just built different."
What doesn't make sense to me here is this: if you all are so good at finding out the true meaning behind actions, understanding others' intent, and reading feelings... why don't you try to figure out the complexity inherent to even the people you look down upon, the people you deride as simple?
We are all built to work with each other. An ENTP can't express his love of systems without realizing that the only reason systems exist is because people need them, built them, work with them, and live within them. His purpose is to, therefore, help those people through his analytical mind.
An INFJ is tied through Fe and Ni to the greater good of humanity, and uses her rationale to better it. She can't stay wrapped up in a blanket watching cat videos until kingdom come because no one understands her abstract desires. Her entire personality (type) is predicated on the idea that she will build understanding through her skills; and if she does that, people have a higher chance of understanding her unique point of view, and thus her.
People will not understand you unless you make yourself understood. Communication is key.
But people, most times, I've noticed--they don't want to communicate. Their ideas, their sense of self, their way of being is so precious to them that it cannot be shared. And this makes me think that they themselves are not very secure in any of those, because a true person, when they like themselves and are confident, can be giving of themselves. Most people who take on the intuitive label--that I've encountered--are not.
Some say arrogance is inherent to you if you are smart or can predict other people's moves, but even if it is... arrogance is just another type of insecurity.
Thus, this makes me wonder if we need a "safe space" for sensors. They are the most numerous, so you're probably asking how this could be done.
All I'm asking of you is you respect the laws of reality. (I'm talking to you, even if you're an ESFP.) Sensors live in it. Reality is a part of you. And if you can't accept it, you can't accept yourself.
And well, we all live in a supposed shared reality... so let us have this grand reality we share be our safe space. Because it all affects us, just some more visibly than others. And those are the people we should respect, because they're the ones that are the most capable of protecting the dreams of those who dare to more bravely than others.
The very fabric of the personality framework you're studying demands it, for Christ's sake, even though its basis is in theory.
Get with it, or get sucked up in it.
This is not meant to be an attack. Rather, it's merely commentary. To be read in a spirited, "go-get-'em" tone.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
This is type description written about the INFJ type in the Jungian psychological categorization of "typing" people.
INFJs are probably the most sought after type, for multiple reasons. Let's delineate them here:
  • They're rare, so everyone wants to be one.
  • They make great listeners, and everyone has their host of problems. INFJs are known peacemakers and can probably solve any problem you have ASAP.
  • Ni-Fe is a powerful combination. There's a reason INFJs are some of the smartest, most organized people you'll ever meet.
... there's also a reason they're some of the most paranoid, stubborn people you'll ever meet.
But first, let's learn about INFJs and their function stack.
I've re-dubbed the INFJ "The Feeler." This is because of Ni-Fe and its almost psychic prowess at predicting things and managing people.
Ni - a strange function. It is used to grasp things intuitively and understand underlying meaning so as to form deep base patterns to take action on, with. These patterns can include deducing that your mom likes candles because she enjoys church, so therefore she is a woman of God. But she never told you she was a Buddhist in the 70s. However, you've pieced together that information using how she buys candles only with a certain aesthetic, despite how she tried to hide that she's a born-again Christian. There are layers of dichotomies and ideas/concepts upon which Ni builds itself. These all lead to one, honed conclusion that Ni users are known to be talented at making.
Fe - a way to guage the feeling of the room and understand what's going on--intuitively--using Ni. Fe helps any INFJ understand the outside world. It can make an INFJ really manipulative to the point they're turning their Ni vision into a scary reality using Ti (if they're an evil SOB). Fe understands people's moods and Ti analyzes those, using Ni and in turn Se to turn an INFJ into a visionary that is 15 steps ahead of anyone else. That's what makes them so dangerous, but also so magical. They have the power to change the world, but also to turn it upside-down.
Ti - Ni and Ti are an INFJ's most powerful functions because Ni forces connections and Ti turns Ni's web into projections. Ti is for dissecting and making Ni's plans real. A real treat. This function is for analyzing logical consistency within a framework created by the function itself. So think of a figure 8, constantly looping to get the perfect analysis. Once Ti has reached a satisfactory conclusion, it stops analyzing and adds its work to the internal framework within it to use later. Ti analyzes other people's logic in a quick and efficient manner, and can be rude to the point of bluntness and coarseness.
Se - an INFJ's worst function. Ni and Se work together to create synergy in the environment through Ni/Se interactions. Se enables users to quickly grasp the mood of an enivornment and interact within it. But since it's an INFJ's last function, they are often found daydreaming with no real connection to reality. They spin in the environment like a top--a beautiful top, but a top nonetheless. Unfortunate, really. Learning to control sensory pleasures and pay attention to the immediate moment stops this oddness. They're not odd... but Se sure is.
In sum, an INFJ is someone who can analyze deeply, but mostly for the sake of their own ideals (embedded in Ti tighter than any steel beam). They have a way with insight and can read people easily for the sake of furthering their vision and usually nothing else. This doesn't mean they're cold. In fact, they can be quite warm with Fe. But being as smart as they are, as as focused as they come, they tend to brush the average person off in favor of an abstract, higher notion. This doesn't mean they want to hurt anybody. In fact, all it means is they want to protect themselves from hurt.
You may have read INFJs are highly sensitive people. They are empathetic and understanding to a T. They will protect their Ti with Fe and Ni/Se stubbornly and without compromise. If you strike vulnerable Ti and damage it, be prepared for a "doorslam." More on that phenomenon in a moment.
Low Se makes them clumsy and inconsiderate towards others if they haven't developed self-awareness through Ti and general psychological wellness. They may be poor at dancing or mechanical tasks due to this, but this doesn't mean they have a mental illness or developmental disability.
INFJs' purpose in life is to provide advice, to counsel, and to guide.
They are your friend, and will stick by you for life if you remain loyal.
"Doorslamming" occurs when an INFJ's tertiary Ti is violated by someone who either means serious harm or has "poked the bear" by accident. In either case, though it's usually the former, an INFJ will shut out the offending person and leave them to drown in their own tears because the INFJ got hurt in an unforgivable way. This doesn't mean the INFJ is a bad person. On the contrary, it means you are because you did the damage. And therefore, you need to think about your actions.
Just don't expect to be let back into the INFJ's inner circle again. "Once bitten, twice shy."
If you have any questions on this of the 16 types, don't hesitate to ask me.
Forthcoming: more on this personality type. INFJs are a unique character study in steadfastness and empathy.
Thanks for reading.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
Welcome to our second installment of my idea of how types work.
This time we're doing the ISFJ.
ISFJs are actually one of my favorite types. The more you read about them, the cuter they get--IMO.
ISFJs are:
  • Duty-bound. They like to work, and work hard. And boy do they do it well.
  • Partiers. I know, right? The hella Christian choir boy... partying? It's a strange sight, but ISFJs love to see their efforts come to fruition just like an INTJ and love to give. They're an odd mix of "justice fighter" and "freedom fighter."
  • Sweet. They snuggle like the best of them. They cook like master chefs with years of training. They dance like nobody is watching.
  • Unique. Each ISFJ has a purpose in society; each ISFJ has a goal and a rasion d'etre. Of all the types, they're probably the most fun to watch grow and mature.
Without further ado--let's get to the functions of an ISFJ.
Si - this is where memories are housed. Individual sensations relative to the ISFJ are kept here, too. The ISFJ picks which ideas and concepts he wants to use, and in turn remember. Then he uses a specialized, flavored mix to continue with his deeply held Ti goals. Si and Ti work as follows: Si has a memory that triggers analysis from Ti, and Ti analyzes the stimulus that Si has gathered. Ti and Si both work together to figure out what is important and deem it correct for the situation. This is then expressed through an emotional response in the form of the Fe function.
Fe - this function grants an ISFJ a pleasant demeanor and the ability to interact joyfully and authentically with anyone they meet. They can also react angrily or with sadness, but either way, Fe helps them mirror what the other person is feeling so that they can feel it too, and in turn connect with them. It is an important function because it guards Ti and allows the ISFJ to be warm and caring, a characteristic feature of this type.
Ti - if you ask any ISFJ you know about what they like to do, they'll probably shyly tell you they love to pick things apart--in other words, they love to analyze. Ti allows them to do this. Paired with a good education, ISFJs can become masters of the written word and protect their fiercely-held beliefs.
Ne - pun city! ISFJs love puns and intellectual exchange of ideas through words. Because Ne is their last function, they may worry excessively about the future or not get anything done at all because they're paralyzed with indecision--much like INTJs. Only, ISFJs always get centered back on their goals and life because of their core four functions, all of which make them adore people and connecting with the human element in every case.
ISFJs love to serve. They enjoy helping others and making sure they are taken care of. They always lend a helping hand and put their best foot forward due to Si/Fe/Ti.
If you want to make an ISFJ happy, allow them a bubble bath of epic proportions and a night off from tending to you. But make sure you allow them to talk to you. They are witty and sweet, but also intellectual. Let them show you.
ISFJs may seem simple, but they are actually quite complex. They adore attention from trusted inner-circle members and even people they find to be living their best life.
I could go on for days about ISFJs.
But... this is just an introduction.
Hopefully it helped you see ISFJs in a new light. :)
More to come.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
For me, as an INFJ, the Ni and Ti make for a highly theoretical mindset, while the Fe makes for a desire to engage with people. So being INFJ to me largely means discussing theory with people.

The Se could be in terms of providing examples/concrete information regarding the theories, or could be viewed in engaging with physical pleasures to take a break from socialising and thinking.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
For me, as an INFJ, the Ni and Ti make for a highly theoretical mindset, while the Fe makes for a desire to engage with people. So being INFJ to me largely means discussing theory with people.

The Se could be in terms of providing examples/concrete information regarding the theories, or could be viewed in engaging with physical pleasures to take a break from socialising and thinking.
These profiles are just what I've gathered from reading over the years. I've recently discovered I perhaps wasn't reading right in regards to the profiles I always read (as in, interpretation malfunction).

But these are just my takes. I meant for them to be positive and negative at the same time to show the different lights of each type. Y'all can tell me how I did with that.

I'll have more to come; I just need to get around to writing them~ <3


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
These profiles are just what I've gathered from reading over the years. I've recently discovered I perhaps wasn't reading right in regards to the profiles I always read (as in, interpretation malfunction).

But these are just my takes. I meant for them to be positive and negative at the same time to show the different lights of each type. Y'all can tell me how I did with that.

I'll have more to come; I just need to get around to writing them~ <3

Well, simply put, I didn't relate to your INFJ description, but I don't bother reading type profiles in general, so that's not to say you did any worse than the typical profile.

The thing that I didn't relate to most of all was the Ni, and that sort of leaks through into the other functions. For me Ni is I would say mainly about philosophy and imagination. So it's the way I go over ideas in my head, maybe trying to make sense of a paradox, maybe playing out an imaginative story.

The Fe comes in in terms of bringing other people "into the story". Maybe I'm discussing the philosophy, or maybe they're part of what's going on in my imagination. Though yeah Fe is also used for social awareness to monitor how an interaction is taking place within a group, and can potentially become manipulative.

The Ti and Se descriptions were close enough.

I'll think a bit more about Ni at some point and determine whether in some way I do in fact relate to your Ni description, but it's not how I tend to view my mind.

edit: a note on doorslamming.

Doorslamming isn't because Ti was violated, but rather because Fe was violated, and the INFJ goes hyper-Ti (closes off) as a result.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
Today's discussion touches on the INTJ.

INTJs are known for their love of systems. What does that mean? What kind of systems do they like? Why, they have an intellectual--bordering on the fanatical--obsession with systematizing their environment. With INTJs, their Fi/Se makes them practical lovers of environ improvement. Their Te forces their Ni to work with their surroundings as a system and turn it into a piece of mathematical, scientific art. Typically, they have a goal in mind with this improvement, filtered through their Ni/Fi. This could be to be the best physicist in the world, to be the best classical operatic singer in France, to be the president... INTJs like to be the best in everything, and be the top at whatever game they happen to be playing. And, for them, life is a "game." INTJs and chess are a classic image because they maneuver through life in sequential, planned steps that require strategy, just as chess does. To them, everything has an underlying framework that can be used to the (said) INTJ's advantage. INTJs are computers, but they're sentient and self-aware. They have the ability to interpret vast amounts of information in little time, but take their time picking and choosing how to best move forward with the data they've gathered, because they have a deep understanding of fate and know if you mess up just once, it's forever: one mistake could mean the end of a career, or a life. That's why this song might be popular in reference to this MBTI type.

That song is actually representative of the MBTI type in a deep sense, because INTJs tend to want to make a deep mark on history knowing that fate can be on their side if they work hard enough to achieve their often lofty--though reasonable if planned out and broken into steps--goals.

And although INTJs can be the "mad [weird and/or crazy] professor" type, they're actually quite warm and care about humanity if they haven't been hurt in a deep way. Then they can turn evil, or, usually, just sad and suicidal. That type of suicidal feeling is the death of an INTJ, because without a goal to propel them forward in life, they have no reason to live, and feel that they themselves are better off dead. Since INTJs are often the types with the highest IQs and high IQ correlates positively to mental illness, this is one of the 16 MBTI types that find themselves in dire straits the most often. Most unfortunate, hmm?

However, it must be noted this is a type of nihilism embedded in the INTJ's soul, and not simple clinical depression that can be treated with medication. Ni forces constant improvement and Fi forces constant moral uprightness and forthrightness. If Te can't function, the INTJ falls into the pits of despair and existential depression.

This can be fixed by jogging primarily Ni + Fi. Giving the INTJ a new interest or invigorating their desire (and subsequently quenching their thirst) for knowledge should work in most cases.

INTJs are typically Renaissance men/women who have a certain specialty. That is, they're always learning about whatever piques their interest, but they always come back to a particular topic they find important, noteworthy, or significant. Ask an INTJ about their topic of interest, and they can talk for hours.

However, they typically don't talk much because most people don't like intellectual debate, discussion, or fact correction. All three of those things are an INTJ's lifeblood and they could do it for hours--even days.

Now for the functions in a bit of depth:
Ni: guides an INTJ towards a certain vision. Allows an INTJ to see beneath what people say on the surface so that their plans (using Ni) have a greater chance of success. Is cross-sectional, meaning it can dissect meaning and splice it back together for an increasingly narrowed vision of what should be done next. The predicting function. Often gives INTJs the ability to predict what you'll say next.
Te: the executing function. Allows INTJs to make their plans reality and change history according to their beliefs.
Fi: where all an INTJ's closest beliefs are held. Powers the INTJ so it gets the job done and achieves his goals.
Se: maximizes growth for Ni and allows Ni to continue forecasting far out into the future, or allow the INTJ to live in the moment.

Hopefully that gave you some information on INTJs. We'll be discussing them more in the future! This is merely a taster.


New member
Jul 15, 2020
Se enables users to quickly grasp the mood of an environment and interact within it. But since it's an INFJ's last function, they are often found daydreaming with no real connection to reality.

I don't think you realize just how right you are with this right here. Every description of yours was really good!