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Judging: Why should we suspend judgment?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Judging: Are you judgmental? Why should we suspend judgment? Do you get caught in the trap of saying, "If someone else performing a action we personally don't think is right, then they are an Idiot, Stupid or Immoral. After all I wouldn't Act in such the manner in the same circumstance. I wouldn't Think in that fashion provided the circumstances are similar. I wouldn't feel the way they do. There is something in another that's plain not right. Or else do you say, “I have not walked in their shoes and if they did such and such then there is a reason conscious and or unconsciously.”


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
We should suspend judgment when we don't have enough information to make a sound judgment. Otherwise, we must make judgments every day, just to live: is it safe to eat this? is it wise to go there? is option A better than option B? can I trust that person? Suspending judgment simply means others will make choices for us. That is abdicating our personal responsibility as adult humans.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
"Aren't we One Humanity or not? Do we each suffer and have a personal 'Cross to Bear?' Who am I too judge anybody, even self. A judging soul is as one who is lost on his or her journey and is in such a state of ignorance yet does not realize it. There isn't any real awareness of the real self. When judging one is as a puppet of societies dancing of blind men dancing under the moonlit sky. Why bother to expend negative and malicious feeling unto another? I am human. I have suffered, as you and all of us have.

Sometimes I run into an ignorant person who projects negativity. Unbeknownst to them it is their own unfinished business. They contaminate the world with their unresolved conflict instead of taking personal responsibility. Look at the person who called me crap. These words are more a reflection of the soul who uttered them. I don't succumb to their level. I maintain the high road of using critical reasoning. I don't succumb and call them ignorant for this is an all or nothing, generalization and label. This is a misnomer for they might possess a redeeming quality.

For instance, they might have proficiency at their job. No-do not judge for otherwise we are in the same boat as they are. It takes two people to argue. I for one do not get engaged in trivial angry outbursts. The person may blast me and call me names. To me it is nonsensical language. Much the same as Fred Flintstones Pebbles and Bam Bam language. Why take it personally. It is clearly a reflection of them. I am responsible for my own thoughts, writing and speech.

Please do not fall into their trap. No statements of, How could they be so ignorant? What is wrong with these people? This is so callous and so forth. These happen to be cognitive distortions with imprecise name-calling. I only invest my energies revealing a truth to my friends. It is a learning tool and guide. In fact, I highlight such situations of adverse discourse.
Why expend a small amount of life and energy in pointless dialogue?

If perhaps you respond and do a duel with negative people, you are then in the triggered state and act with irrationality. If they in fact do something illegal or do unethical behavior report these people to an authority whether it be parent, boss or the police force. Both individuals talk from their own perspective and talk 'At' another person but do not listen. In my point I equivocate it will require life lessons if they are open to learning to learn and develop some understanding.

In the usage of some parables, "Turn the cheek" and "Do not judge." They may as stated have redeeming traits I am of not awareness. I take utilizing cognitive mindfulness and empathy to seek communicate with these individuals. Rather than judge it is better to understand. Does understanding lessen the hurt and pain some people inflict on their fellow beings? Perhaps not, but with understanding comes power and a gained sense of control, which is invaluable. Also with learning and understanding comes the possibility of prevention.

Why do you see the twig in your neighbors eye yet not the log in your own eye?" Why is it we are able to see the faults in others and thus judge yet not see our own faults? The way in my mind to greater happiness is to react with reason and compassion, to the best of our abilities, in any given situation. This is how we grow, evolve, self actualize and become better people. We are then a light. A role-model. We spread happiness, joy, calm, reason, kindness, and love to those around us. And as a result we also reap what we sow.

Call it Karma. The universe gives back. Also for every action, there is an equal reaction. If we react with negative, irrational, angry and hateful energy, we will witness a backlash. love? Will we react out of ignorance and fear instead? The choice is ours. What is in your heart? Choose your destiny wisely. I like it in Hinduism there is a saying that there are many roads to the top of the mountain. We are all different.

We need different approaches to reaching ourselves and our true potential. What is right for one is definitely not right for another person. We must each make our individual Journey. Each must walk an individual path. It is not lonely for on the way one meets a soul group. A group of extraordinary individuals, who each has something important to share and for us to learn. That is if we keep an open mind, we expand our minds and consciousness. Sometimes our paths are parallel and at other times, we must walk the path alone. However, at the end of the journey is a reunion, of those who came before you successfully.

If a person is on a dissimilar journey then they have lessons to learn which are different from yours. We should be cognizant of this and not judge. For he or she who judges, only fools self which is a tragedy. Why is it a tragedy? We are so blind searching for the light and when we judge we only lengthen our journey. Anything else does contribute to the ignorance as well the folly in what is the world. It is no use to judge. He who judges is like a fool, and only fools himself, for it is projection.

Knowing the answer we would be more true to our religion and our philosophy of life. Blind spots are pernicious. In them we do numerous evils oblivious that we act out of concert to the truest measure of our religious or philosophical code yet rationalize our inhumane acts away. I for the most part am not a judgmental soul. I have endured adversity and know the human being strives to do the best one can. If a person is not living up to their potential their are unconscious forces at work.

No one can truly judge another for their life experience is different from yours. I also don't hold unto dogma which is all or nothing and black and white thinking. My saying and striving for open mindedness is I don't believe in anything 100% unless it is observed fact and I don't disbelieve in anything 100%. Perhaps I meet a fellow who has a different viewpoint I don't happen to share. Anyway that is another life path and not my own. I do say that the universe has a secret balance and that we are all interrelated somehow in secret and invisible ways.

What gets me is the finger pointing at someone of dissimilar views. I know cognitive dissonance has triggered yo but you still can agreeably disagree rather than attack. All are needed. Apparently for us to thrive, as well as survive it seems foolish, blind and ignorant to point fingers at things we do not readily understand. We have differences. We need to understand, respect, and communicate through our differences. Acknowledge each other's gifts.

I witnessed a young baby elk harassed by a herd of buffalo/bison. Differences have always been feared. Witness what the ancient Spartans supposedly did with children with any perceived defect. They were left on the mountaintop and put at the mercy of the gods. A prime example is Stephen Hawking's, a noted scientist. He in actuality has a broken body but the mind that resides within is profound.
Also get to know a preconceived or hated group and learn that they are people just like us.

Cognitive dissonance does occur when we have a belief, or expectation and the reality does not fall in line with our perspectives. It occurs upon an age when teenagers assert an independence from their parents. They are becoming new individuals and exerting their own 'reality' unique and perhaps different from their parents. Also when you have diametrically opposed individuals, let us say as in generalizing a democrat and a republican; they have different view-points of the world we live in.

There is chaos for neither understands the others world's point of view and thus verbal and physical attacks may occur. It also happens when two people from two different points of view, this is two say two divergent parenting styles arise in parenting youngsters. It is so obvious that we all are definitely so obviously imperfect. Judging is an obvious sign of a notion called ignorance and that is to say not you do not understand the others world view. We walk are own path for it alone is within our power.

It is not to judge but rather seek to understand through communication and active listening skills. There is a continuum. At the low end of the ladder is pity, next compassion and the top post is empathy which is compassion and understanding. Obviously judgment isn't even on the totem of this ladder to better understanding. We must seek to understand. If there is any immorality in things then we take proactive action and strive to make things better. To judge alone accomplishes nothing rather it shows your own lack of understanding. Moreover, it shows a lack of emotional maturity and spiritual growth."


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
We should suspend judgment when we don't have enough information to make a sound judgment. Otherwise, we must make judgments every day, just to live: is it safe to eat this? is it wise to go there? is option A better than option B? can I trust that person? Suspending judgment simply means others will make choices for us. That is abdicating our personal responsibility as adult humans.

Coriolis wrote (1) "...suspend judgment when we don't have enough information to make a sound judgment."

Succinctly true. Too many times people's emotions Coriolis get the better of them and they do not posses cognitive discipline. They jump the gun. They project and voice sentences filled with fallacies of thought. Too many times it is emotionally laden subjective outbursts rather than sticking to objective facts.

(2) "....make judgments every day..." and "Suspending judgment simply means others will make choices for us. That is abdicating our personal responsibility as adult humans."

Semantically i prefer decision making rather than judgments. I weigh both the pros and cons. As for decisions I advocate for making my own decisions. The answers come from within. I will heed counsil but will ultimately decide for myself.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Coriolis wrote (1) "...suspend judgment when we don't have enough information to make a sound judgment."

Succinctly true. Too many times people's emotions Coriolis get the better of them and they do not posses cognitive discipline. They jump the gun. They project and voice sentences filled with fallacies of thought. Too many times it is emotionally laden subjective outbursts rather than sticking to objective facts.

(2) "....make judgments every day..." and "Suspending judgment simply means others will make choices for us. That is abdicating our personal responsibility as adult humans."

Semantically i prefer decision making rather than judgments. I weigh both the pros and cons. As for decisions I advocate for making my own decisions. The answers come from within. I will heed counsil but will ultimately decide for myself.
Judgment is an inherent part of decision-making. Why would we choose A over B if we have not somehow judged it to be the better option? We might as well toss a coin then. The problem comes when our judgments are based on insufficient or faulty information, and employ flawed logic, which is what you describe in the highlighted.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Judgment is an inherent part of decision-making. Why would we choose A over B if we have not somehow judged it to be the better option? We might as well toss a coin then. The problem comes when our judgments are based on insufficient or faulty information, and employ flawed logic, which is what you describe in the highlighted.

I agree philosophically with your position. It's just the word judgment has received negative connotations. I do use judicious use of judgment in making a decision. You and I it seems use the word appropriately and it is useful. Too many people however when using the word judgment fall into pitfalls of cognitive reasoning. As aforementioned emotional reasoning and labeling, two of a host of cognitive fallacies.


New member
Dec 29, 2016
Judging: Are you judgmental? Why should we suspend judgment? Do you get caught in the trap of saying, "If someone else performing a action we personally don't think is right, then they are an Idiot, Stupid or Immoral. After all I wouldn't Act in such the manner in the same circumstance. I wouldn't Think in that fashion provided the circumstances are similar. I wouldn't feel the way they do. There is something in another that's plain not right. Or else do you say, “I have not walked in their shoes and if they did such and such then there is a reason conscious and or unconsciously.”

We're all guilty of this, and maybe our judgements harmed us, or maybe they harmed others, but what if they saved us from harm?

I prefer to suspend judgement because it isn't as rewarding to me as gaining understanding, so that I might confidently say, "I'm not blinded by my own assumptions."