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Is it true that intution (not MBTI definition) is true 90% of the time?

How right is your intution

  • Always Right

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Right Most of the Time

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Sometimes Right

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Rarely Right

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Never Right

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
I'm just curious what you're take on it is. I mean mine is correct a lot of the time, but it's also been way off as well. I don't know maybe the times it was wrong I didn't stick around long enough to learn the truth. I had an incident recently where I knew something was shady and off about a person, but couldn't put my finger on it. It ended up being correct. But I've also had incidents where I projected a trait on to someone they didn't have, and that same gut feeling. So my question is intution right most of the time, and is your's always right, right most of the time, rarely right, or never right?


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
No, intuition is pretty dang far off most of the time.
Many things that the ancients 'intuitively knew' have been overturned by historical developments as time progressed and technology increased.
When we have more science and such, then we can explore the world with a greater clarity of vision, rather than inventing explanations for things we don't even understand.
Still, you can kind of intuitively predict what the evolution of our knowledge may hold in store for us, based on the past trend that as we explore more how everything becomes bigger.
The arcane powers of the magus are crackling at the fingertips of philosophers and cosmologists, and when enough will has been focused, it will all be unleashed to break every boundary!
The wisdom of yesterday composes the fairy-tales of today, and the esoteric secrets of today will be the science of tomorrow!

Infinite Bubble

Intuition, in the common sense of which we are talking about, is basically when a situation triggers the unconscious mind to collect information in the present, and it accesses stored information to contrast and relate it to it, and then bypassing the conscious mind, giving only its conclusion. It seems like magic because the processing is unconscious.

You thought someone was shady because your subconscious mind used information from the present - perhaps it was their body language or facial expression; any number of things. But remember, this is all thought of unconsciously - and contrasted with stored info, and previous thoughts related to it. So someone with similar body language or whatever, from the past, turned out to be shady, and so the subconscious made the connection and voila! A judgement or feeling is thrust into your consciousness.

Intuition, because it is only stored/present information, is only good for things that are already known or right in front of our face (although we might not realize it). One example is that our intuition tells us the Earth is flat, yet it is in reality spherical. For things such as that, things less mundane, it is terrible. For normal, everyday matters, it's great and requires less energy for us than consciously thinking things through. Although perhaps conscious thought allows for a result you can be more confident in.

I do trust my intuition, but I also reason why that might be the case afterwards. Usually it makes a lot of rational sense after I've done so.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
No, intuition is pretty dang far off most of the time.
Many things that the ancients 'intuitively knew' have been overturned by historical developments as time progressed and technology increased.
When we have more science and such, then we can explore the world with a greater clarity of vision, rather than inventing explanations for things we don't even understand.
Still, you can kind of intuitively predict what the evolution of our knowledge may hold in store for us, based on the past trend that as we explore more how everything becomes bigger.
The arcane powers of the magus are crackling at the fingertips of philosophers and cosmologists, and when enough will has been focused, it will all be unleashed to break every boundary!
The wisdom of yesterday composes the fairy-tales of today, and the esoteric secrets of today will be the science of tomorrow!

I didn't mean intuition applied to worldly things, but rather your interactions with people. peer to peer interaction, that's the intution I'm refering to in the OP. Though you make good points, and I don't disagree with you.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
Intuition, in the common sense of which we are talking about, is basically when a situation triggers the unconscious mind to collect information in the present, and it accesses stored information to contrast and relate it to it, and then bypassing the conscious mind, giving only its conclusion. It seems like magic because the processing is unconscious.

You thought someone was shady because your subconscious mind used information from the present - perhaps it was their body language or facial expression; any number of things. But remember, this is all thought of unconsciously - and contrasted with stored info, and previous thoughts related to it. So someone with similar body language or whatever, from the past, turned out to be shady, and so the subconscious made the connection and voila! A judgement or feeling is thrust into your consciousness.

Intuition, because it is only stored/present information, is only good for things that are already known or right in front of our face (although we might not realize it). One example is that our intuition tells us the Earth is flat, yet it is in reality spherical. For things such as that, things less mundane, it is terrible. For normal, everyday matters, it's great and requires less energy for us than consciously thinking things through. Although perhaps conscious thought allows for a result you can be more confident in.

I do trust my intuition, but I also reason why that might be the case afterwards. Usually it makes a lot of rational sense after I've done so.
Yes I see this, because after the fact i often see all the conscious signs i had missed in the moment, that i couldn't put my finger on.


Aug 6, 2010
You might want to read Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnemann.


there is no better way to prove to yourself that you are right then willful-ignorance, selective fact checking & not keeping tabs of all the times you were wrong.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
there is no better way to prove to yourself that you are right then willful-ignorance, selective fact checking & not keeping tabs of all the times you were wrong.
I do check i look back see signs and realize i was correct. but I'm not always and I never said I was.