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[MBTI General] Intuition?

Nov 14, 2008
Does it tell you to do or not to do things for an unknown reason?

For example, you want to do something. You can justify doing it, there is no apparent reason why you should not. Not even a moral reason which would make your conscience guilty. Yet there is still a nagging feeling inside of you, which makes it not feel right.

Intuitive processes can be quite complicated.. You know there must be a reason but you can't grasp it.

I thought this feeling was the spirit of God guiding me.

Also, it would seem quite odd for me, being an INTP. I have known this feeling for quite a long time. The feeling is usually right, even with small things.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
thought this feeling was the spirit of God guiding me.

Are you speaking in regards, to the holy spirt? That voice in your heart, which convicts you or directs you on a path, that conflicts with all human reason/common logic?


Apr 24, 2008
Your thoughts concern intuition based on spiritual beliefs like the third eye.

Intuition within the MBTI deals with the ability to draw connections between seemingly unrelated things. Like I say "cow" and you say "Jack" and everyone knows this story will end nasty :D


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
First of all, why is this in the NF Idyllic?

Second, I suppose this is a form of intuition. I do get this feeling on a regular basis and make most of my decisions based on it, but I usually attribute it to patterns or details I wasn't consciously aware of influencing me.


Apr 24, 2008
First of all, why is this in the NF Idyllic?

Second, I suppose this is a form of intuition. I do get this feeling on a regular basis and make most of my decisions based on it, but I usually attribute it to patterns or details I wasn't consciously aware of influencing me.

You mean, you didnt notice when you swallowed the pills ? :D
Nov 14, 2008
Are you speaking in regards, to the holy spirt? That voice in your heart, which convicts you or directs you on a path, that conflicts with all human reason/common logic?
I cannot prove that it is the Holy Spirit. But I was almost certain it was this, especially when I was more adamant about my faith..
Your thoughts concern intuition based on spiritual beliefs like the third eye.

Intuition within the MBTI deals with the ability to draw connections between seemingly unrelated things. Like I say "cow" and you say "Jack" and everyone knows this story will end nasty :D
Drawing connections between seemingly unrelated things, and being able to see things from different perspectives would be Ne, right?
First of all, why is this in the NF Idyllic?

Second, I suppose this is a form of intuition. I do get this feeling on a regular basis and make most of my decisions based on it, but I usually attribute it to patterns or details I wasn't consciously aware of influencing me.
I posted it in here because I was reading a thread in this section where people claimed to have a a feeling similar to this, and associating it with Ni. It seemed to be an INF thing.

I could relate to some of the things people were saying in this thread: http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...about-people-compared-infjs-vice-versa-2.html

And yes, you probably would be right to attribute it to things like that.. I only wish I knew what these subtle details were.


it's a nuclear device
Apr 29, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Does it tell you to do or not to do things for an unknown reason?

Perhaps you were listening to it when it told you it was grounded in good reasoning (for else it couldn't compel), but you couldn't have even believed it merely telling you that if you hadn't glimpsed it for yourself.

It only stands to reason, after all.

So, yes, and moreover, since its reasonable, you can know what the reason is.

Try thinking through your intuitive leaps and bridge the gaps with conscious thought.


New member
Dec 1, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'll bore you with a personal anecdote in the hope that it will be helpful. Where I work, management prefers that each secretary support 3 people Some secretaries only have two, and they're not really pushed about it, but the preference is that they take 3 if they can. So. I had three. A fourth one asked to work with me. I refused because I already had a full complement and I wasn't sure I could do a good job for 4.

Six months later, I woke up one morning with the idea that I would accept the offer of the 4th person. For no reason. I just woke up ready to say yes, not knowing why, but feeling very sure. Everybody asked me if I was nuts, and I did find it hard to keep my head above water with the extra work.

Then the economy started on a downslide, and then last week, one of my people turned in his resignation. If I had not followed my feeling to take on the 4th person, I would be in the vulnerable position of only supporting 2 in the midst of an economic downturn. However, as it is, I lost the most junior person, and I now I'm in the very solid position of working for 3 partners. The firm would have to fold before I lost my job.

This is why I don't question it when I get it into my head out of nowhere to do something for no apparent reason, even if it makes no sense at the time. It always turns out in my favor.

I'm a Christian too and I was raised by my very intuitive mother to think that it is the leading of the Holy Spirit, but I am not attached to that idea. I don't know what it is, I just know that my life goes better when I go along.


Content. Content?
May 4, 2008
I don't think when "god" and "intuition" get put into the same question an absolute answer can be formed.

Probably... depending on the audience. :thinking:


lab rat extraordinaire
Oct 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hmmm, gut feelings. Got to love those. Always regret when I ignore them.


New member
Nov 22, 2008
You get it, can't grasp it, but just know, and you'll do it, and then in retrospect you notice you avoided a bullet by doing it, while others may fall to weirdest pitfalls, you know how to navigate through. Makes your life feel like a huge coincidence.

You know when something (e.g. bad) is going to happen, and if you're lucky, you remember your dreams 'cause you'll prolly dream about it ('cause you deal with it unconsciously).

beginning to understand how Ni works but feels like I'm explaining it with a "Imma weirdo"-tag on my forehead. (spent too much time with sensors all my life rightt :D)


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
You get it, can't grasp it, but just know, and you'll do it
For me it's more like, I just know how things function\ I know when something is off the normal patern (including people but it's more of a spiderman danger instinct than a heart reading thing).
I usually know their 'core thinking', the way they process things pretty intuitively.

But I think it's really a patern thing, I see the structure behind things.

For example, as a teenagers I used to play fps games, I could tell a few days old newbie would become great just by watching the way he moved and played when everybody else would miss it, I'd recruit guys like that (sorry but few females in fps games :p, especially quake)^^ and they'd become top players every time.

I was great at training people into having a deep understanding of how the game works.
Also for those who know the game, my accuracy with a railgun was always close to a hundred percent, I learned that, again, by understanding how the opponent would move \ think \ react to me \ where he would expect me to be. I always become really good at a game in a few hours\days using my 'understand the patern of the game' way of training when it'd take months\years for people playing 4 times as much.

This applies to everyday life but I'm too lazy to do a longer post.

edit: ok, i thought the topic of this thread was rational:D my bad!
You remember the times when it worked and dismiss the 2 thousand times when not taking that exact peanut butter instead of another in your usual shop didn't result in you dying.
The intuition you're talking about is just about our tendency to remember the 'good experiences' and forget the bad, except when it concerns direct bodily harm. Makes us able to take enough risks to, for example, colonize other habitats. Evolution you know.
This was of course, needed before evolution came up with conscience, so it's pretty logical that most of the data computation happens at an unconscious level. That also explains 'intuition about people'. You pick up on things and you just don't realise it.
Most people think too highly of conscience and will think things get mystical whenever they intuit or something because their conscience doesn't know where the information comes from.

Did you know that for example, when you want the peanut butter in that jar, the motor muscles of the arm start activating BEFORE you think of it.
Or that how much you're attracted to a man is, among other things, caused by the way his smell tells you how your immune systems are 'opposed' and would likely result in higher survival rates among your kids.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
I tend to write a question down to define a problem, then write the answer below it and just know. It is like as soon as I know the question clearly the answer appears. But I won't claim I know for sure until I tear it down to first principles and know everything it means and implies.

I very rarely intuit one thing in isolation. I intuit one thing, then an idea about something else appears, and from that an idea about something else appears, and something else, and I see an error or something that invalidates something in an earlier intuit and intuit more from that, and this huge spider web of tangents grows out of the one central idea, and only really stops growing when I run out of interesting things to find, or I get too far off where I started and think "WTF was I looking at again?" Things are always part of a huge system, nothing ever exists in my head in isolation, and if it does it won't stay in isolation for long.

There isn't really random jumping between ideas either. It is a bit like when we hold conversations on way too many topics at once, each conversation follows a pretty clear and logical pattern like a normal conversation, they are just entangled if you made a transcript.


You get it, can't grasp it, but just know, and you'll do it, and then in retrospect you notice you avoided a bullet by doing it, while others may fall to weirdest pitfalls, you know how to navigate through. Makes your life feel like a huge coincidence.

Pretty much this. That said, I'm beginning to trust mine more.

For example, I was in a relationship that was absolutely great in theory, and it did start out that way, but something was telling me that I should end it less than a month into it. I couldn't pinpoint anything specific, so I held on. It ended up becoming an absolute disaster much later on. Only later was I able to go back and look at the situation and figure out the underlying factors that led to the crash and burn, "checking my work" so to speak.

While I think T+N has been a powerful force for me, I still have trouble trusting my intuition alone and acting solely on hunches. I've lived much of my life reaching conclusions in a logical manner, and to have no reasoning behind some of my conclusions still bothers me. You N-dominants scare me sometimes ;)

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
There are a couple of other considerations when viewing an impulse to choose or act in a manner that is not analyzed or defined with reason and then feeling it was correct in retrospect.

The first is that it is human nature to perceive selectively. We filter out those details in reality that fit with our expectations. This is why prejudices of all sorts run deep. For an example, if a person assumes brunettes are smarter, then that person is less likely to remember brunettes that are unintelligent and instead focus on the ones who are smart. This is subconscious and so it can really look like our assumptions are proven in reality. If a person forms an immediate first impression of a person and then only observes behaviors and traits to validate those assumptions, they will look in retrospect as though their intuition was right.

Secondly, if our assumption is that our intuition tells us what is correct, then we tend to only remember those times it was correct. This is similar to my first point. I grew up in a strongly religious environment and it was common to respond to events as being providential. When two people got together romantically, there were many providential steps that would demonstrate god's influence. When the romance fell apart, all this providence was forgotten along with the rest. It is something to be aware of and just notice if it is indeed always correct.

A third point is that the information we gather is so nuanced and massive that it isn't possible to hold it all in our conscious minds. When we have a strong sense to move or choose in a certain direction is can be the result of this massive amount of information just below the surface of our awareness. People do have varying degrees of being able to think and integrate different aspects of thought. This might be what we label as iNtuition in part. People also have varying degrees of ability in providing structure and relationships between their ideas within either their conscious mind or that aspect that is below conscious awareness.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
With INTP I think it is your SiFe. Your Si has come up with something and it causes you to get a feeling like something is not right even though you cant put your finger on it. Since we are inferior Fe we dont understand the feeling. Its a hunch, calling from god, whatever you want to call it. SiFe and FeSi are both decisive so it has made a decision to not do it.

Pass it by an Se and see what they think. It maybe that your Si doesnt have enough data and is questioning it. When I get a hunch it is usually about how things relate(my tertiary is Ni). When a tertiary Si gets a hunch is it generally about doing things?

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
When I was younger as a child, I was sometimes accused of jumping to conclusions. I have since developed my intuition by putting it through the ringer. I don't indulge in "just knowing" - at least in expecting anyone else to consider my position valid unless I can prove it in terms that are relevant to them. It seems arrogant to expect someone else to trust my intuition. It would require a trust in me and not a trust in the ideas I present.

I experience intuition as a fluid process, not something known absolutely without considering any other angles. In dealing with people I don't form a hard conclusion, but continually take in more details as they are, not as I assume them to be. This is at least my goal and I realize I fail at times. For me my mind continually examines every vantage point I can conceive of for a particular idea or issue. For the major decisions in life, I have tended to feel a continual gnawing in a certain direction that I will test through many possible means and my choices through it all appear to match what I still would choose in retrospect. All else being equal, it provides a direction to focus, an initial hypothesis. My mind has a natural interplay between conscious and unconscious thought (as everyone's does to some degree). I use it in my creative work. My best composing is done when I let go of all symbols, labels, judgment, and let it happen. I experience this intuitive process as being more abstract than logic or words. It isn't a hard, clear defined conclusion before the fact, but rather nebulous. It provides momentum in a certain direction, but it feels more like a massive pattern that can't be described linearly, and my own small role in the bigger picture is especially apparent.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I used to trust my intuition a lot more.

Once as a kid, I was with a group of friends at one of their grandmother's house. They decided that we should all go to the local mall.

Something told me, strongly told me, not to go. I ended up staying for hours at my friend's house with her grandma watching TV. The phone rang. My friends had been caught shoplifting and were being held by security.

My friends and I were the "good kids" and NEVER did anything like that before or after.


Minister of Propagandhi
Aug 3, 2008
People try to make intuition out to be this instant form of knowledge and a almost mystical phenomenon.

It's just rapid subconscious reasoning, in which the end product becomes conscious.