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[INTJ] INTJ Intimidation


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
INTJs tend to "go off" on some spree of their own aligning all kinds of factors (Te) to fit with some end that they conjured up (Ni) and do so with a certitude that usually makes others think: "hmm, if they are so sure about it there must be something to it."

Blackwater actually nailed it. The biggest weakness of INTJs is when the Ni leads the Te into a subjective conclusion, but the INTJ believes they are acting objectively.

Everyone does this, but for the INTJ this is a special case.

To the INTJ they have reached the logical objective conclusion, to the observer they are just acting on self-interest or another subjective reason.

The result is the INTJ appears capricious, or sociopathic, or intimdating, or... etc.

{Now realize we are talking about subjective conclusions, not every decision reached by the INTJ is like this. Most of this applies to interpersonal relations, where nearly everything is subjective.}

And dammed if you can tell the INTJ this. The concept of being "wrong" or "subjective" is so alien to this process the INTJ often has a hard time not just dismissing this out of hand (another subjective conclusion!). They are "right", because they reasoned out the decision!

Many INTJs are very intelligent and therefore come to the "right" subjective conclusion often enough to think they always come to the right conclusion. Any negative response from others is usually written off as the fault of the other person.

The mature INTJ is aware of this trap, possibly after years of bashing their heads into society and other people makes them reconsider this process.
Apr 24, 2007
INTJs tend to "go off" on some spree of their own aligning all kinds of factors (Te) to fit with some end that they conjured up (Ni) and do so with a certitude that usually makes others think: "hmm, if they are so sure about it there must be something to it."

alternatively, if you cross an INTJ they might do the same, only in an antagonistic manner. you say "1" and they'll run through the entire numerial sequence, comming back at you accusing you of having said "64763252". This all seems logical and they come off so strongly that only people who know them very well or are equally fanatical in their judgments dare stand up to them.
hmmm this all sounds like me.
(but I've already made my mind up....I'm INTP :alttongue: )

robespierre was probably an INTJ.
he's an ENTP (I have inside knowledge)


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
The INTJs I've known IRL are teddy bears. ...as long as you stay on their good side.


Apr 23, 2007
The mature INTJ is aware of this trap, possibly after years of bashing their heads into society and other people makes them reconsider this process.

I fear that we have to learn this lesson while young or we'll never learn it because we accumulate too much to regret on that account. (*thinking of my mother* :steam:)

Great post, MacGuffin. :nice:

Edit: Oh, and Mendacity: Blackwater may be traumatized (that would be mostly by me :blushing:) but there are too many INTJs out there doing the same for the behavior to be dismissed as idiosyncratic. Don't believe me? Check out the distribution of answers 7-10 in this poll. So far, 12 out of 16 non-INXJs have answered that in their experience a majority of INTJs suffer from closed-minded certitude. That doesn't mean that there are no exceptions; what it means is that they are just that, exceptions.
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Well, after reading THIS thread....I have completed the analyzation of a number of ex's elluding to my having a BLACK HEART reasonable......



The elder Holmes
Jun 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I fear that we have to learn this lesson while young or we'll never learn it because we accumulate too much to regret on that account. (*thinking of my mother* :steam:)

Great post, MacGuffin. :nice:

Edit: Oh, and Mendacity: Blackwater may be traumatized (that would be mostly by me :blushing:) but there are too many INTJs out there doing the same for the behavior to be dismissed as idiosyncratic. Don't believe me? Check out the distribution of answers 7-10 in this poll. So far, 12 out of 16 non-INXJs have answered that in their experience a majority of INTJs suffer from closed-minded certitude. That doesn't mean that there are no exceptions; what it means is that they are just that, exceptions.

Economica, I've bit my figurative tongue up until now, but your INTJ boddhisatva shtick is growing tremendously tiring.

If your goal is to impress upon others your self-enlightenment by feeding into other types' negative stereotypes of INTJs, I know of other sites where your nonsense would be more appreciated.


New member
May 9, 2007
INTJs tend to "go off" on some spree of their own aligning all kinds of factors (Te) to fit with some end that they conjured up (Ni) and do so with a certitude that usually makes others think: "hmm, if they are so sure about it there must be something to it."

Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but I don't see what the problem is here. We find out what we want, and then we find out how to get there. Unless you are talking about our perceptions of things that we don't actually control?

of all the types, INTJs are probably the type to treasure the MBTI the most. i was relieved to find out that i was an entp but it was nowhere near the excitement of some INTJs i've seen on and offline. sometimes i think that the whole myers briggs thing is merely a theater to the INTJs where they revel in the fact that they have been casted for the best part.

and as such, the only types are chiefly valuable because they confirm the validity of the play.

While many of us are happy to be INTJ, we by no means always think that we are the best type. MBTI does not give justification to all of our actions. It explains to us why we are so different. We don't enjoy MBTI because it makes us special, we enjoy it because it is a system that helps us understand the things around us, particularly people (which we understand the least). By nature, practically, we love systems.


only bites when provoked
Apr 24, 2007
Economica, I've bit my figurative tongue up until now, but your INTJ boddhisatva shtick is growing tremendously tiring.

If your goal is to impress upon others your self-enlightenment by feeding into other types' negative stereotypes of INTJs, I know of other sites where your nonsense would be more appreciated.
Economica, as I have mentioned, isn't an INTJ. Too confusing to realize what they are, but they're certainly not. Such deprecation in agreement with an ISTP of such little intelligence isn't in our nature.


New member
Sep 19, 2007
Edit: Oh, and Mendacity: Blackwater may be traumatized (that would be mostly by me :blushing:) but there are too many INTJs out there doing the same for the behavior to be dismissed as idiosyncratic. Don't believe me? Check out the distribution of answers 7-10 in this poll. So far, 12 out of 16 non-INXJs have answered that in their experience a majority of INTJs suffer from closed-minded certitude. That doesn't mean that there are no exceptions; what it means is that they are just that, exceptions.

I'm confused: You say that Blackwater is traumatized by you, but that he's correct about the INTJ behavior he's ranting about and was traumatized by... which you don't exhibit. How did you traumatize him then?

I never dismissed the behavior Blackwater spoke about as idiosyncratic. In fact, I never addressed that point at all, only took issue with his behavior. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth... or keyboard... as the case may be. :)

I'm not sure why you think I was arguing that we don't suffer from this closed-minded certitude. It may certainly be true that we do. I don't think I've known enough INTJs to make a judgment like that, and as I've stated, I'd be hesitant to do so in any case.
You seem to have confused my distaste for Blackwater's style of putting his point across, with distaste for his point itself.

I know INTJs can be difficult to deal with. But I think we're still deserving of respect and common courtesy. More importantly, I think we should be able to have discussions about being INTJ without being griefed for it. I, and I think most INTJs, welcome the kind of civilized and more-or-less friendly criticism or explanation of how others sometimes view us that MacGuffin provided. Contrary to popular belief, I think that most INTJs want to have friends and relationships and understanding why people get so frustrated with us will enable us to do that better.

MBTI is a good tool for understanding people who are different from ourselves, and even for understanding ourselves better. But I think it's easy to fall into the trap of lumping them all together in one group and forgetting that they are individuals. Also, someone's entire personality cannot be summed up by their Myers-Briggs type. No personality test is that comprehensive or accurate.

I don't mean to offend you (don't you love when people start sentences that way?), but it seems like your anti-INTJ sympathies might be a perfect example of the closed-minded certitude you're talking about. You seem absolutely convinced that it is the case that we do this more than any other type, that the reasoning you've done based on your personal experiences is absolutely correct and pretty unwilling to consider any other possibilities. To the point that you're using an informal internet opinion poll of 16 people to back up your position. Again, I'm sorry if this offends you, but the opinions of 16 perfect strangers gathered in an unscientific manner just doesn't sway me.
However, if I've misunderstood your position, then I apologize and would welcome clarification.

Quite frankly, I get more of this closed-minded certitude from the ISTJs in my life than anywhere else. While it can be frustrating, I love them anyway :)

"So far, 12 out of 16 non-INXJs have answered that in their experience a majority of INTJs suffer from closed-minded certitude. That doesn't mean that there are no exceptions; what it means is that they are just that, exceptions."

Truly, what it means... in fact ALL it means, is that 12 out of 16 non-INXJs have answered that in their experience a majority of INTJs suffer from closed-minded certitude. Don't think that just because there are people who agree with you it makes you right, or that it makes your informal internet opinion poll amount to solid empirical data.

You seem to be saying, "12 non-INXJ people think we do, so therefore we must."

Ok, the majority of the people who answered your survey agree with you, but there are several reasons that might be. Could it be that's why they took the time to answer? Do you think that 12 out of 16 is truly a representative number of the population? Is it safe to say that if the majority of people think something is true then it is true?

Actually, this is all a bit academic, I'm not saying you're wrong about it, just that your argument seems to be based more on opinion than fact. Frankly, I think that perhaps the point is really a matter of opinion and cannot be argued about using facts, which is ok too. But please keep in mind that while you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I am not obligated to share it.

I'm sorry if my reply to your post seems harsh. It is your argument I take issue with, not you yourself. If you can provide more than opinions and what appears to be a prejudice against INTJs I will happily reconsider my position. And I will not give you a patronizing pat on the head and tell you "yes dear, anything you say" just to avoid bruising your ego.
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On a mission
May 30, 2007
Economica, as I have mentioned, isn't an INTJ. Too confusing to realize what they are, but they're certainly not. Such deprecation in agreement with an ISTP of such little intelligence isn't in our nature.

Wolf, don't be an asshole.

I can't believe that while you're digging for reasons to support your belief of Economica not being an INTJ, you're missing the major flaw that deteriorates your argument.
Can you seriously not see that, as she mentioned, she had a sort of epiphany re: herself (the CC business) and is digging to find any piece of something that will help her understand herself more clearly? Isn't that what every INTJ does? Have we not discovered that INTJs post wayyy more about themselves than any other type?
I think it has far more to do with us having an inner drive to understand and be understood than it does from anything else. This CC business of Economica's is INTJ driven.

So, believe she's not an INTJ, fine, no problem. But insist that she can't be one because of her online behavior in an environment that is not representative of the real world? That's just immature.


Jun 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
And here we observe the clash of values each INTJ holds dear, a reminder that there is still heat in a freezer, ^_^

(please accept this as a joke :ninja: )


New member
Sep 19, 2007
While many of us are happy to be INTJ, we by no means always think that we are the best type. MBTI does not give justification to all of our actions. It explains to us why we are so different. We don't enjoy MBTI because it makes us special, we enjoy it because it is a system that helps us understand the things around us, particularly people (which we understand the least). By nature, practically, we love systems.

Exactly. This is an excellent explanation.:D


New member
May 14, 2007
Can you seriously not see that, as she mentioned, she had a sort of epiphany re: herself


She isn't one*, I agree. I call for personal field intervention.

* And even if she is, the action/reaction ratio is so much in our favor that this is too fun to pass up.


On a mission
May 30, 2007
insist that she can't be one because of her online behavior in an environment that is not representative of the real world? That's just immature.



She isn't one*, I agree. I call for personal field intervention.

* And even if she is, the action/reaction ratio is so much in our favor that this is too fun to pass up.

HHHtttbbbbbbbb is a bbbbaaaabbbbbyyyyyyyy


New member
May 14, 2007
Am not!

This thread is a few posts from a riot.

Also, Maximilien François Marie Odenthalius Isidore de Robespierre was an INTJ.

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Wolf, who knows a person's type better than the individual taking the test?
Jun 6, 2007
INTJs tend to "go off" on some spree of their own aligning all kinds of factors (Te) to fit with some end that they conjured up (Ni) and do so with a certitude that usually makes others think: "hmm, if they are so sure about it there must be something to it."

alternatively, if you cross an INTJ they might do the same, only in an antagonistic manner. you say "1" and they'll run through the entire numerial sequence, comming back at you accusing you of having said "64763252". This all seems logical and they come off so strongly that only people who know them very well or are equally fanatical in their judgments dare stand up to them. robespierre was probably an INTJ.


of all the types, INTJs are probably the type to treasure the MBTI the most. i was relieved to find out that i was an entp but it was nowhere near the excitement of some INTJs i've seen on and offline. sometimes i think that the whole myers briggs thing is merely a theater to the INTJs where they revel in the fact that they have been casted for the best part.

and as such, the only types are chiefly valuable because they confirm the validity of the play.

Just because Blackwater has highlighted what might be some of the less admirable qualities of INTJs doesn't mean that he's wrong. I myself found that the second part of his argument had the ring of an uneasy truth.