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[INTP] How to seduce as an INTP


New member
Sep 30, 2009
spmtar would you do things differently if you love a girl rather than just dating and hooking up?

3billion women, eliminate race i won't date, elimiate age "will only date 18-28", Location also will factor, eliminate non-attractive ladies, eliminate girls who has bf or married, and lastly personality which eliminate those "bitchy" girls.

I figure that i would date about 5 girls out of 1000. I wish i wasn't so darn picky.


Ghost Monkey Soul
Sep 1, 2009
To quote Bartleby the Scrivener "I would prefer not"

I think I have given you too much to read already. My advice master the game first. U don't have to keep the ones you conquer. Yet after you fill you stable... you might consider a long term seduction...the strategy (which works better for women then men, but nevertheless works for men too) is that addressed in the Art of Seduction, by Robert Greene (in my mind modern pickup is derivative of this magnum opus). At your age social dynamics effect on your targets is too strong to ignore.

My intuition however is telling me your mind set is telling you it works just as well forward as backward. And my opinion is this is not so.

Consider the option to seduce all 1000 of the 1000. Not for your targets but as practice for you. You always have the power to drop a target. If you can drop a target 15 seconds after making the decision you will be more apt at long term seduction, thus more long term pleasure for you target. Once you feel the power of seduction (by trial and error) you will be unstoppable.


Ghost Monkey Soul
Sep 1, 2009
PS. Never eliminate girls with BFs (too large a group of delish 18-28s)

The Decline

Jun 3, 2009
Has anyone dated or was in relationship with INFP? The girl i fell in love with was INFP and this made me realize that I want to marry an INFP. I think having a relationship with INFP will help me grow more as a person. I think INTP and INFP is perfect match.

Yes, and agreed.

Also, I hope this thread turns around before people start thinking that most INTPs are socially inept, wannabe-womanizing pickup artists who study women in the same manner as one would a scientific model. I mean, I know we're socially inept, but we're not all creeps. Right guys? ... Guys?


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
PUA, the "Game", Mystery Method... whatever you want to call it, it works.

You too can sleep with shallow, dumb women that fall for it. If that is all you want out of women, that's what you'll get.

Most INTPs want something more. There are plenty of PUA threads at INTPc on this subject, go look them up (they have the "pua" tag). Even some INTPs that used such tactics and eventually rejected the lifestyle.

My opinion: be INTP, not some SP. Be confident and you'll find the man or woman for you.


Sep 25, 2008
Instinctual Variant
PUA, the "Game", Mystery Method... whatever you want to call it, it works.

You too can sleep with shallow, dumb women that fall for it. If that is all you want out of women, that's what you'll get.
Oh, sure. If they're shallow and dumb, fuck 'em. In every sense. Dumb people (SPs?) have no right to be treated decently, after all.

Just so long as "you" get what "you" want. That's all that matters, right?

I hope this thread turns around before people start thinking that most INTPs are socially inept, wannabe-womanizing pickup artists who study women in the same manner as one would a scientific model. I mean, I know we're socially inept, but we're not all creeps. Right guys? ... Guys?

I gotta tell ya, it's not looking good for you right now.

In your defence, I know three INTP men IRL, all of them lovely people and all adored by women, and none of them would ever stoop to PUA tactics.

Mind you, two of them are gay....:D
Feb 4, 2009
To quote Bartleby the Scrivener "I would prefer not"

I think I have given you too much to read already. My advice master the game first. U don't have to keep the ones you conquer. Yet after you fill you stable... you might consider a long term seduction...the strategy (which works better for women then men, but nevertheless works for men too) is that addressed in the Art of Seduction, by Robert Greene (in my mind modern pickup is derivative of this magnum opus). At your age social dynamics effect on your targets is too strong to ignore.

My intuition however is telling me your mind set is telling you it works just as well forward as backward. And my opinion is this is not so.

Consider the option to seduce all 1000 of the 1000. Not for your targets but as practice for you. You always have the power to drop a target. If you can drop a target 15 seconds after making the decision you will be more apt at long term seduction, thus more long term pleasure for you target. Once you feel the power of seduction (by trial and error) you will be unstoppable.

You are reducing women to mere objects that are there for you to seduce. Maybe you should ask yourself what would happen if you stopped thinking of women as "targets" but as unique human beings, with different personalities, talents, vulnerabilities, hopes, dreams for the future, who are loved and cherished by their families. If you are incapable of seeing the multidimensionality and uniqueness of each and every woman that you interact with, and feeling compassion for them, you've got big problems. What are your feelings about all of the women you have slept with? I bet you don't have any.


Ghost Monkey Soul
Sep 1, 2009
You are reducing women to mere objects that are there for you to seduce. Maybe you should ask yourself what would happen if you stopped thinking of women as "targets" but as unique human beings, with different personalities, talents, vulnerabilities, hopes, dreams for the future, who are loved and cherished by their families. If you are incapable of seeing the multidimensionality and uniqueness of each and every woman that you interact with, and feeling compassion for them, you've got big problems. What are your feelings about all of the women you have slept with? I bet you don't have any.

The mere fact that I do not elaborate on all the wonderful things that make women special creations (or for that fact humans) does not mean I am discounting these aspects. PLEASE ATTEMPT TO MAKE THIS DISTINGUISHMENT. As an analogy, it is as if having to address long winded discussions on religion and creationism for every discussion on evolution, it obfuscate. I would just rather stipulate that I am a sonova bitch to focus on what is logically material with the issue at hand.

I should not even have to raise the point that my feelings for women I have slept with is positive. I find it narcissistic to have to inject how I feel in my "conquests" when my clear intent is simply to advise OP from how to get to point A to point B to point C. ("target" is clear [the focus of your seduction tactic] "the woman", "your love interest", "attractive member of opposite sex" is not clear; no value judgment via oobjectification, strictly for clarity.)

The fact I am attempting to break down and clarify a complex dynamic without elaborating into abstractions (or poetry) does not mean the abstractions are irrelevant. Addressing my motivations and world view has little to do with the system I am proposing.

In other words, if there is something that doesn't work or is not logical as to my proposed systems, please highlight it and give logical rationale to your point, not simply mudsling (I am not addressing you specifically I rather discourse in general).
As to morality, ethics and motivations it is less of my concern to elaborate. In fact, it has a tendency to obfuscate because it is a fall back of those who detract from my suggestion to the OP and fail to be able to give a workable alternative besides vague, pithy or worthless suggestions (“be yourself”, drink alcohol, hire prostitutes). If anything my detractors seem to be even overestimating the pragmatic effectiveness of my system (as if my targets would lose all will power to my comands).

Where are those people's concerns about helping a fellow TC member with a bona fide question seeking a solution? All it does is illustrating that my solution is a logical solution and those detractors, unable to see fault in the logic choose to attack my character or demonize a concept that they can only view through a vague/ prejudicial / uninformed mindset. In other words the OP proposed a problem; I offered a solution to the problem. The question was how an INTP can seduce, INTP thrive with logical systems, thus logical systems were offered. It wasn't how to keep them for a LTR, it wasn't how to find their soul mate, and it wasn't about love or self actualization. It was a clear problem with a clear solution from me and no other. I see a question and if it interests me my goal is to find a logical answer.
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Forgetful Functor

New member
Apr 12, 2009
Oh, sure. If they're shallow and dumb, fuck 'em. In every sense. Dumb people (SPs?) have no right to be treated decently, after all.

Just so long as "you" get what "you" want. That's all that matters, right?


You're downplaying the role that the women play in this game, definitely. You wouldn't go home with a guy who pulled that PUA shit, would you? So if another woman does, she must be at least partially responsible for it. Do you think women don't know what they're getting into when men treat them like shit? (I'm not asking this rhetorically).

Back closer to topic, your best bet for 'seduction' is to learn how to be comfortable and confident as yourself. This is hard for INTPs, since doubt seems to come to us so naturally, but it's something that EVERY well developed INTP must learn. As a man, I try to force myself as much as possible to think not about how I am being perceived (very difficult as I am generally hyper-aware of this) but instead about whether or not the woman in question is interesting enough to keep me engaged. This not-so-subtle difference of attitude in does change the way you are perceived. Where before you were needy, desperate, and insecure, now you are cool, collected, and confident. If you come at them from above, PUA manner, you're only going to have success with those that probably aren't worth your time. If you approach from below, typically desperate and glorifying, they won't think twice about you. The type of women that we are really after (or that I'm really after, at least, I won't speak for all of you) are only going to be interested if you can approach as an interested and interesting equal, ready to both teach and learn.
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New member
Sep 30, 2009
I got fu#$ing rejected today...... I noticed I was sounding bit desperate. Well I am desperate I need to get a gf or get laid. Rejection is keep playing in my head. How do i make it stop.....


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I got fu#$ing rejected today...... I noticed I was sounding bit desperate. Well I am desperate I need to get a gf or get laid. Rejection is keep playing in my head. How do i make it stop.....

Honestly the fact that you're trying is the biggest thing. I'd offer the following advice:

1) Target women with the same areas of interest as you. As an INTP, you're going to have to use your wit and creativity to attract women; those who are into Se bravado or other types of guys will simply ignore you, so waste no time on them. (I would go for NP women, primarily.)

2) Be aware of where these women are likely to spend their free time--if you're an INTP, picking up chicks at the bar is going to be a total waste of time because you'll run into mostly ESxx type women who have absolutely no interest in a nerdy/intellectual guy like yourself. (I suggest a dating website like okcupid.com--I've met a number of great women through that site because you're in your element with the ability to really strike up interesting conversation, without a loud bar or twenty other guys getting in your way. This is your chance to use your talents to show why you're special and worth her time.)

3) Don't give the impression that the central goal of your life is getting laid/finding a mate. Women see right through that. You need to come to the table with some other serious interests that you can talk about at length and hold her interest. If you can give the impression that your life already has direction and meaning because you're pursuing your passion, and that romance is just icing on the cake for you, you'll seem much more casual and a hell of a lot more attractive.

4) Practice, practice, practice that conversation! You've got to use your Ne to be funny and confident on the fly. You will get rejected a lot, but as I said, the fact that you're trying makes all the difference in the world.

5) When you fail, remember that any given random woman is probably incompatible with you, based solely on probability. Think of it as a learning experience, which is therefore a success because you improved your approach and/or gained some new insight. Just don't go for women with totally different lifestyles from yours--it rarely works.

Forgetful Functor

New member
Apr 12, 2009
I noticed I was sounding bit desperate.

I got fu#$ing rejected today

I find thinking about it in this order to be elucidating.

You can then ask how not to be desperate, but you're really getting at a deeper problem here, which is, why do you need another person in the first place? Finding someone special isn't going to make you autonomously happy, but if you can figure out how to be happy and self-confident on your own, you'll have a much easier time attracting that someone special when they come around.

EDIT: damn, I spaced for too long and Edgar beat me to it! D=
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Nerd King Usurper
Oct 25, 2008
Instinctual Variant
3) Don't give the impression that the central goal of your life is getting laid/finding a mate. Women see right through that. You need to come to the table with some other serious interests that you can talk about at length and hold her interest.

OR... you can learn some PUA tricks and become a Big Dick Playa...

[YOUTUBE="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCKxDHG-tKY"]Swing it past your knees...[/YOUTUBE]


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, and you can also walk into a poker game and play extremely loose and aggressive.

This works for about 5% of the people who attempt it. It's possible, but too difficult for the vast majority of men to pull off...especially not a beginner. Come on now, Brother Edgar--it's called responsible coaching!


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I wasn't going to hit on any girls till I read those books and "master" the whole thing but i saw really cute girl at the market and had to say something and all i could think of was that stupid ass pick up line. It kinda worked but i didn't plan what i was going to say next. Overall she wasn't interested and gave me the "i have boyfriend" excuse. bullshi# i'm pretty sure she didn't had one just wanted me to leave her alone


Honestly the fact that you're trying is the biggest thing. I'd offer the following advice:

1) Target women with the same areas of interest as you. As an INTP, you're going to have to use your wit and creativity to attract women; those who are into Se bravado or other types of guys will simply ignore you, so waste no time on them. (I would go for NP women, primarily.)

2) Be aware of where these women are likely to spend their free time--if you're an INTP, picking up chicks at the bar is going to be a total waste of time because you'll run into mostly ESxx type women who have absolutely no interest in a nerdy/intellectual guy like yourself. (I suggest a dating website like okcupid.com--I've met a number of great women through that site because you're in your element with the ability to really strike up interesting conversation, without a loud bar or twenty other guys getting in your way. This is your chance to use your talents to show why you're special and worth her time.)

3) Don't give the impression that the central goal of your life is getting laid/finding a mate. Women see right through that. You need to come to the table with some other serious interests that you can talk about at length and hold her interest. If you can give the impression that your life already has direction and meaning because you're pursuing your passion, and that romance is just icing on the cake for you, you'll seem much more casual and a hell of a lot more attractive.

4) Practice, practice, practice that conversation! You've got to use your Ne to be funny and confident on the fly. You will get rejected a lot, but as I said, the fact that you're trying makes all the difference in the world.

5) When you fail, remember that any given random woman is probably incompatible with you, based solely on probability. Think of it as a learning experience, which is therefore a success because you improved your approach and/or gained some new insight. Just don't go for women with totally different lifestyles from yours--it rarely works.

you have been reading David Deangelo haven't you?