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Functions explained in own words

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
  • how is the world interacting with my senses?
  • Experiencing the immediate stimuli. Being active in the physical world, being aware of changes and opportunities, accumulating experience, noticing visible reactions, recognizing “what is”. There is no reflection, but only pure experience. Seeking excitement of the senses. Extraverted sensing is used in the here and now to explore and adapt to the physical world. Examples include eating chocolates, playing an instrument, or reading... strictly for enjoyment.
  • trusting the gut and responding with little input. Reaction mode. Best usage is in the moment and responding to what is happening now.
  • there is dark brown, sticky, mud on my shoe
  • Seeing and experiencing the world as it comes to you. What just is. Observation of the world in its brilliant colors... The mind as a camera.
  • Observing and evaluating what is around you exactly as it is, with no interpretation whatsoever.

  • how is my body interacting with my senses?
  • Thinking about past experiences, recalling past impressions, accumulating data, recognizing the way things have always been. Relating the present sensory input to the past. Comparing and contrasting the current situation with similar ones. Noticing something doesn't taste the same as usual, being reminded of someone else by a person, associating prior feelings with am image, nostalgia or longing for the past.
  • being prepared for the unpredictable. Plan mode. Best usage is preparing ahead of time, i.e., leaving early to have extra time, having a nest egg or something saved for a rainy day
  • there is some mud on my shoe that is not normally there
  • Recollection of knowledge and experiences. A comparison of past and present. Reading the blue print within the mind.

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
  • Kindness
  • what do *you* feel? Tell me what you're feeling and I'll feel it too. How can I make you feel something in particular? What effect do I have on you? Works from outside-in, other-centered.
  • Meeting the needs and honoring the values of others. Adjusting to and accommodating others. Deciding if something is appropriate or acceptable in the external environment. Shoulds or shouldn'ts are considered. Considering others and responding to them appropriately. Extraverted feeling implicates social graces, such as being polite, nice, friendly, considerate, etc. Examples include selecting a gift based on what the recipient likes, keeping in touch, laughing at jokes when others laugh, and trying to get people to get along.
  • seeing objects through social and cultural norms. Values mode. Best usage is in the respect of others per the existing norms, values, etc.
  • Often it's a lot more what I *don't* do, as opposed to what I do do. And fine-tuning based on the individual. It's highly individualized. For example, not saying something if I know the other person is extremely opposed to my thought/opinion. Or fine-tuning my delivery or what I talk about to the specific person, based on what their interests might be, or what their interpersonal needs are. So I think it's more meeting the other person at their level of being - and in that moment in time.
  • For me it's really getting to know the other person, learning about their needs/behaviors, and adjusting my style if necessary to accommodate their needs. I don't view it as being 'fake' at all, as I'm still fully myself; this is who I am. And perhaps the Fe is more of a 'tool' that I use to connect with others because I want to create a 'safe' environment where they can be authentic and REAL.
  • there is mud on my shoe, that will offend the people around me, and should be taken off
  • Reactive judgments based on feedback obtained from other people. The external frame of reference means judgment can be variable and case specific.
  • Perceiving other's expressed emotions, and trying to accommodate them, as well as adjust your expression to something mutually acceptable to both of you.

  • what do *I* feel? I can feel what you're feeling without you telling me. What do you make me feel like? What effect do you have on me? Words from inside-out, self-centered (<= technical term, not judgement)
  • Deciding if something is of worth or significance, valuing something or someone. Is expressed in the undercurrents of tone or action rather than words or gestures. Protecting one's values, detecting insincerity. Introverted feeling causes us to feel kinship with others whose values and beliefs are like our own
  • considering things and how they harmonize or clash with internal values. Harmonizing mode. Best usage is appreciating that what may be good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
  • there is mud on my shoe, I do not value mud on the shoes, so will remove it. (this one is iffy, I'm not too sure how to connect personal values with this situation.)
  • Judgments based upon internal principles. A standard moral and ethical code is strictly adhered to under all circumstances.

alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
  • Organizing everything: things & people. Visible organizing and organizing things in head. Categorizing & labelling. E.g. organizing pencils on desk so they are in order longest first and the shortest last. Organizing people to complete a project
  • how can I organise things?
  • Organizing for efficiency, applying logic, checking for consequences, setting boundaries, and deciding if something is working or not, organizing ideas through charts, tables, graphs, flow charts, outlines, and so on involve extraverted thinking. It allows us to compartmentalize many aspects of our lives so we can be as efficient as possible.
  • seeing objects through measurable criteria. Exacting mode. Best usage is anything that requires specific and predictable measurements.
  • There is mud on my shoe that must be off NOW!
  • Judgments determined following the logical systematic approach. Case specific, method of optimization and maximal efficiency under the given scenario.

  • The voice of clarity!
  • what is the natural order of things?
  • Figuring out the principles on which something operates, identifying inconsistencies, clarifying definitions for precision. Noticing the fine qualities of something, using just the right word to express something, identifying precise distinctions. Taking things or ideas apart to figure out how they work.
  • considering things simultaneously and holistically as they occur. “In the zone” mode. Best usage is understanding basic principles from a gestalt knowing.
  • there is mud on my shoe that must have come from some outside source.
  • Judgment based on the rules of logic. Merit is based on the soundness of proofs under a given set of assumptions. Truth is the driving factor, application is but a mere side thought.
  • Understanding the specific nature/structure of things that seem to be consistent between perspectives.


New member
Apr 23, 2007
So, it would be nice if the functions would be explained in own words.
What is & how does it feel / how does it look for outsider?

Not my own words of course, I'm going for an impression rather than an explanation.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said; but, I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

"Do you hear the grasshopper by your feet?"
"Ohmm ... ohmm ..."

"They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love."
"She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. ..."

"You are the lens in the beam. You can only receive, give, and possess the light as the lens does.

If you seek yourself, you rob the lens of its transparency. You will know life and be acknowledged by it according to your degree of transparency, your capacity, that is, to vanish as an end, and remain purely as a means."
"I have taken all knowledge to be my province."


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
"You are the lens in the beam. You can only receive, give, and possess the light as the lens does.

If you seek yourself, you rob the lens of its transparency. You will know life and be acknowledged by it according to your degree of transparency, your capacity, that is, to vanish as an end, and remain purely as a means."

That's very interesting... it seems like a strong desire for clarity in things. I always thought Te was about moving towards a specified goal efficiently.

Your definition seems to contrast that a bit.