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[Other/Multiple Enneatypes] Enneagram 10 (Consider it)

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=10984]Azure Flame[/MENTION] I have considered if there was a missing number before. Still haven't concluded anything. But I would imagine it would be a fully enlightened person as you said. Not necessarily attached to any religion though.4

I think a fully enlightened person would probably embody all beliefs and none at the same time.

Azure Flame

Aug 26, 2010
For sure. I'm sure there are examples for every type. I don't think this discussion works as well with MBTI types. Sorry, let's take it back to the enneagram.

There are so-called enlightened yogis in India who will display an intense level of balance rarely seen in others. You know, being in tune with both the physical and spiritual world and self. I could see that as the basic 10 type. They would simultaneously have the ability to influence anyone to do or give them anything, yet they would be so self-fulfilled that they wouldn't need to do this to begin with. I'm guessing people like Christ or Buddha might be such a super type--that's basically what a ten would be--a superhero, except probably minus all of the physical superpowers (although Jesus kinda did have those as well).

The idea that jesus was "just another whole person" is a statement emanating from the mouth of every person who's never read the bible for more than a couple days and are purpetuated by 'omg I'm the universe' pseudo intellectuals like alan watts.

Like most intuives, you can look at anything from whatever perspective you want. If you look at the bible as a source of fantasy, then that's all you're going to see. If you look at it as a book of truth, then the same applies. If you want to convince yourself that the god of the bible was in fact an evil god, then all you have to do is open the book of genisis and turn several pages and wham. God is killing people... which to any self righteous person is considered evil, especially if taken out of context.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
The idea that jesus was "just another whole person" is a statement emanating from the mouth of every person who's never read the bible for more than a couple days and are purpetuated by 'omg I'm the universe' pseudo intellectuals like alan watts.

Like most intuives, you can look at anything from whatever perspective you want. If you look at the bible as a source of fantasy, then that's all you're going to see. If you look at it as a book of truth, then the same applies. If you want to convince yourself that the god of the bible was in fact an evil god, then all you have to do is open the book of genisis and turn several pages and wham. God is killing people... which to any self righteous person is considered evil, especially if taken out of context.

I ain't no intuitive.

I never said I thought he was a whole man. I wasn't there, so I can't really say what he was or wasn't.

I look at the bible as a collection of allegorical morality plays, historical records, poetry, and proverbs. Is it truth? :shrug:

I read a lot of Alan Watts in my teens. My ENFP sister turned me onto that :laugh:

Problem with Watts, is that, while he makes a lot of good points, he was essentially a privileged academic, so when he preaches about how you should just quit your job and follow your heart or your bliss or some other hippie bullshit, it's really hard to take him seriously.

Azure Flame

Aug 26, 2010
Ever watch the movie predator, and when you go to tell your friends about how badass arnold swarzennegar and predator were, they say something like, "Oh yeah I saw that movie, that's the one where will ferrel dressed up in an elf costume!"

That is how I feel about pretty much everyone who says they understand the bible.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Ever watch the movie predator, and when you go to tell your friends about how badass arnold swarzennegar and predator were, they say something like, "Oh yeah I saw that movie, that's the one where will ferrel dressed up in an elf costume!"

That is how I feel about pretty much everyone who says they understand the bible.

I've yet to hear someone reference Will Ferrell in Predator. They should put him in the next Predator movie just to die.


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
One of the defining qualities of the Enneagram types is that their fears stem from basic existential issues deeply rooted in the human condition and common to almost everyone. The fear of not serving God doesn't fall into this category; it is a fear specific to religious people. What makes it specific to religious people is not a difference in basic psychological makeup, as we would hope if we were going to make this an Enneagram type, but a simple difference in creed. If you were to take the personality of a modern atheist and put it in the world of 500 years ago, that atheist would be a believer, not because his basic personality had changed but because there was immense social pressure to believe and religion was infinitely more plausible in those days. His same personality would lead him to different conclusions and make possible an otherwise inconceivable fear.

The tenth Enneagram type, the one with the potential to outshine them all, would be the type whose basic fear is fear itself.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Hear me out.

I was reading the book of genisis and exodus, when it mentioned that "the LORD instilled in them the fear of god, so that they would serve him."

Enneagram 10: The fear of not serving god.
Basic desire: Serve the needs of god

The enneagram 10 lacks the fears of all 9 of the other enneagrams; and only fears the consequences of not serving a higher power to their fullest ability.

When unhealthy, this person experiences the fears of all 9 enneagrams.

Health and unhealth are motivated by alignment and recognition of a higher power and its control over the universe. This type is unrecognizable as any other type.

The fear of god motivates this type to shape themself and correct their behavior due to the flow of life. When fully formed, it has the incorruptibility of a 1, the GENUINE altruism of a 2, the excellence and exemplary behavior of a healthy 3, the unique expression of a 4, the knowledge of a 5, The awareness of a 6, the adventurous and playfulness of a 7, the invulnerability and strength of an 8, and the affability of a 9.

This is a fully enlightened person. Granted this has a christian slant but I believe it could apply to nirvana as well as some other religions and the basics of fulfillment.

What are your thoughts?

Actually, i confess. ive asked myself the same question.

if I had to confess my true core fear it would be to lose sight of the eternal and become enttranced in the temporal; it could be described as the fear of caring of valuing the temporal at the expense of the eternal, of setting my affections on things that will fade away. Always, there is a consciousness of forever and eternity on my mind. Every word I speak or write, for me, is weighed in the light of eternity. Above all, I seek to recognize eternal truth, to learn to live with unconditional love and to be unphased by anything in this world. What people think of me is irrelevant in the overall scheme of things. I think that everything we are or become stems from what we choose to believe, and in that, our minds are the battleground and our spirits, the prize.


Rogue heart
Mar 10, 2013
I'll give it a try:

Well it will no longer be an enneagram, since just like it's name implies (ennea, meaning "nine") there are nine types within the system, so adding another type would make it a decagram (or something whatever) and of course other issues arise from this within the structure of the system, but let's give it a shot anyway.

Also to which type would E10 integrate? (oh just saw you said: it would integrate to healthy traits from each type, not a particular type, ok guess I can roll with that, though it makes you think what will E10 be like when disintegrated, evil incarnated maybe? lol)

Now: I'll try looking it through your perspective:

Enneagram 10: The fear of not serving god.
Basic desire: Serve the needs of god
The fear of god motivates this type to shape themself and correct their behavior due to the flow of life.

1.If a being a believer in God necessarily means you need to fear God and this is the core fear that E10 has, than by integrating E10 will lose this fear which would mean he lost the connection with God (because from the above I think we are to conclude that the connection/relationship between man and God is based on fear)
("the LORD instilled in them the fear of god, so that they would serve him.")

2. Still your theory might work IF E10 has a wrong perception of his connection/relationship between him and God (wrong perception that he should fear him) and that is God's will is that instead it's a relationship based on love, so he only thinks he needs to fear him in order to serve him, but integration for E10 would actually mean losing this false perception and understanding that serving God is loving God. (that the connection between man and God is one of love, not fear)

But if I recall correctly in Christianity God should be loved but also feared, so I think defeated my own pro argument. So there you have it.


Adolf Hitler must have been a type 10, just very unhealthy.


Rogue heart
Mar 10, 2013
One of the defining qualities of the Enneagram types is that their fears stem from basic existential issues deeply rooted in the human condition and common to almost everyone. The fear of not serving God doesn't fall into this category; it is a fear specific to religious people.

I think his theory holds the presumption that all healthy types would believe in God, health would mean becoming a theist if you're not one, and that 10 you'll naturally be inclined in believing,(free of doubt maybe) something that E10 is gifted with and all other types have to work to get there in a sense.

In other words if I understood it correctly health/integration=theism, unhealthy/disintegration=atheism or agnosticism

Also even if we don't believe in a higher entity of any sort, it's still a question everyone of us has asked himself, a question immanent to human nature and the way we answer it determines in a way our existence. Although I have to agree: the particular fear of not serving God doesn't fall into that category because though it may be that questioning his existence might fit into that category, the fear of not serving God is exclusive to religious individuals, so maybe E10 fear can be that God doesn't exist. :shrug:


Rogue heart
Mar 10, 2013
Adolf Hitler must have been a type 10, just very unhealthy.
Nope. Before further disinformation spreads: Hitler was into enneagram and he stated whit which type he identified with!
Here you go:


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I think 6's or 9's fear fear.

- - - Updated - - -

One of the defining qualities of the Enneagram types is that their fears stem from basic existential issues deeply rooted in the human condition and common to almost everyone. The fear of not serving God doesn't fall into this category; it is a fear specific to religious people. What makes it specific to religious people is not a difference in basic psychological makeup, as we would hope if we were going to make this an Enneagram type, but a simple difference in creed. If you were to take the personality of a modern atheist and put it in the world of 500 years ago, that atheist would be a believer, not because his basic personality had changed but because there was immense social pressure to believe and religion was infinitely more plausible in those days. His same personality would lead him to different conclusions and make possible an otherwise inconceivable fear.

The tenth Enneagram type, the one with the potential to outshine them all, would be the type whose basic fear is fear itself.

I think 6's or 9's fear fear.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Instinctual Variant
This actually kind of makes sense. I have heard a sermon before that fearing God erases all other fears, once someone realizes God is so big and so omnipotent, there is nothing else to fear. But I don't understand what would be the unhealthy side to it. Either someone fears God or they do not. It seems this is something outside of enneagram, more complete and perfect. Enneagrams have good and bad sides to them and this is the ultimate goal (for religious people).

Azure Flame

Aug 26, 2010
This actually kind of makes sense. I have heard a sermon before that fearing God erases all other fears, once someone realizes God is so big and so omnipotent, there is nothing else to fear. But I don't understand what would be the unhealthy side to it. Either someone fears God or they do not. It seems this is something outside of enneagram, more complete and perfect. Enneagrams have good and bad sides to them and this is the ultimate goal (for religious people).

The unhealthy side is kenosis until self annihilation. Willingly casting yourself into hell without realizing it. Knowing the truth about god and rebelling against him. Luciferianism, nihilism, solipsism etc.


New member
Mar 19, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Enneagram 10: The fear of not serving god.
Basic desire: Serve the needs of god


What are your thoughts?

Fits into type 1, no need to make an entire new type just for this religious BS

Ever watch the movie predator, and when you go to tell your friends about how badass arnold swarzennegar and predator were, they say something like, "Oh yeah I saw that movie, that's the one where will ferrel dressed up in an elf costume!"

That is how I feel about pretty much everyone who says they understand the bible.

Lol so according to your criteria, who understands the bible? Nobody?

One of the defining qualities of the Enneagram types is that their fears stem from basic existential issues deeply rooted in the human condition and common to almost everyone. The fear of not serving God doesn't fall into this category; it is a fear specific to religious people. What makes it specific to religious people is not a difference in basic psychological makeup, as we would hope if we were going to make this an Enneagram type, but a simple difference in creed. If you were to take the personality of a modern atheist and put it in the world of 500 years ago, that atheist would be a believer, not because his basic personality had changed but because there was immense social pressure to believe and religion was infinitely more plausible in those days. His same personality would lead him to different conclusions and make possible an otherwise inconceivable fear.

I disagree, I think personality and psychological makeup does correlate with willingness and/or ability to believe in a god. I was brought up in a religious family but I was left unaffected by the religion. Additionally, I'm pretty sure there were atheists 500 years ago too, not everyone believed in god even back then.