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Three days to settle a wager - fidelia's e type

What is fid's enneagram type?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Iron Maiden
Staff member
May 31, 2009
Another member and I have a friendly bet on the go about what my enneagram type is. Nothing quite fits perfectly, but the two contenders are:

Type 1 OR Type 9

I need your votes by the midnight of the 11th, mountain time!

How do I vibe? Any details you care to add are welcome. Perhaps noteworthy is that my life was significantly influenced by my enfj likely 1w2 mother. Calling any and all who care to take a stab at it, but I'll summon a few to get the ball rolling....
[MENTION=26674]theforsaken[/MENTION], [MENTION=7842]Z Buck McFate[/MENTION], [MENTION=9310]uumlau[/MENTION], [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION], [MENTION=20829]Hard[/MENTION], [MENTION=5999]PeaceBaby[/MENTION], [MENTION=8936]highlander[/MENTION], [MENTION=4050]ceecee[/MENTION] [MENTION=2]Ivy[/MENTION]


Jan 25, 2014
I don't think I have quite a good enough read of you to know what your type is as far as enneagram goes. I don't remember the details, but I do recall is discussing some 1w2 stuff and remember that I related to you on most of it, but not all, and attributed that due to I and E differences as I am massively Je dominant. Also, out of all the enneatypes, 9 is the one I relate to the least so if there is any influence from that I'm not going to connect at all.

It is worth mentioning that our parents due influence our type some. My father is an ESTJ 1w2. I would have ended up a 1w2 without him, but his version of it definitely influenced my. Oddly, my mom is an INFJ 9w8 and her enneagram didn't influence me at all despite feeling much closer to her when I was young. So, I'd say that you might have some influence from your parents, but ultimately I tend to see enneagram as a hard wiring at the end of the day, and our experiences influence it. Our parents are a big influence, but the evironment is much larger in comparison.

If I had to guess, I'd say 1, but mostly because I take your word for it. 9's and 1's can share a common trait of keeping their mouth shut even when they should or could talk (particularly with introverts), but their reasons for doing so are VERY different. I haven't seen a situation where you kept your mouth shut, then decided to open up. That can usually be a good indicator to differentiate between 9 and 1.

I'll want to hear some of this insuing discussion before I vote though.


Iron Maiden
Staff member
May 31, 2009
Yes, I realize it's difficult, especially when I haven't been the prolific poster I was a few years back. Feel free to ask any questions you like that may be helpful diagnostic tools.

Let's see, who else has been around here awhile? [MENTION=15588]Miss[/MENTION]fortune, [MENTION=14857]labyrinthine[/MENTION], [MENTION=25317]Wind[/MENTION]Up Rex, [MENTION=6561]OrangeAppled[/MENTION] and of course anyone else who may be interested.


Happy Dancer
Feb 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Interestingly, I've scored as follows: http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...umlaus-enneagram-post1468306.html#post1468306

So yeah, I had a lot of 8 and 9 and 1, plus 5 and 3: I identified with 5 out of 9 types, which is kind of weird. But right out of the starting gate, everyone wanted to type me as "5w6", because INTJ. In spite of scoring highest on "1", I would type myself as 9w8, and not 9w1 and certainly not as type 1.

I think the main problem w/r to my case is that while 1 is concerned with "perfectionism", you kind of have to ask "perfectionism about what?" 5s are also perfectionists, as are 3s. The difference with true type 1s is that their perfectionism isn't so much about excelling at anything as it is about expressing their ANGER. They aren't trying to be correct so much as they're very angry that they're wrong. Being wrong is very frustrating for type 1s, and they'll do everything they can to avoid being wrong except change their opinion. Their blind spot is that they aim their anger at other people for being wrong because the possibility that they've been wrong all this time is almost unbearable.

Type 9s are almost the complete opposite of this. I care about being correct, of course, but my ego isn't in it. I don't get upset that other people disagree with me, I only get upset that people might not accept me because I might hold a different opinion than they do. I don't let go of that opinion, but instead I just avoid expressing it. This can occasionally surprise people on those occasions when I actually am harsh. Usually, I'm "harsh" when push comes to shove and I have to stand my ground to keep my sense of integrity, and being INTJ I tend to come across as harsh once I've decided that someone else's feelings aren't as important as standing up for what is right. Which, when you get right down to it, is very much a 9w8 attitude, a kind of libertarian attitude that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, up to and until the point that they try to force me to agree with their opinions.

So, as you can see, I've thought long and hard about the differences between 9 and 1. You can probably figure out which you are based on what I've written here without my telling you.

But since you have that bet, I'll give you my opinion on the matter, which isn't nearly so meaningful as your own opinion on the subject. You've always come across as a type 9 to me. You don't fling your anger around when you get into arguments. You actually listen to others' opinions and take them into consideration. The possibility that you might be wrong doesn't anger you, and therefore you don't appear to fear facing that possibility head on. Look at the 1s around the forum, and you'll see that they don't do that. Not that they aren't wonderful people: they are, but being angry about issues of "right" vs "wrong" is their Achilles' Heel. They would rather die on the ground of their opinions being correct than consider the possibility that they've been incorrect for years, if not decades, and pushing them on that point will make them extremely upset. I don't think I've ever seen you react that way. My best friend is an INFJ 1, and while she is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, and the kids she works with will just run up and hug her, she tends to intimidate her coworkers, in part because they know it's almost pointless to argue with her when she thinks she's right about something. But because she's a psychologist, she's forced to face this dark part of herself on a regular basis (psychologists HAVE to see other psychologists on a regular basis), so in her case she is much less likely to project her 1-ish anger on others so much as on herself.

And that last bit is kind of key: 1s will both outwardly express their anger at others in public AND at themselves in private. It isn't unusual for a type 1 to literally or metaphorically to go someplace by themselves and just bang their head on a wall and chant "stupid ... stupid ... stupid". They chastise themselves for being wrong much more strongly than they chastise others, and really, that outward expression of anger is entirely due to their self-chastisement, and not due to being overly concerned with others being correct or incorrect (though they'll feel like it is the latter).

And I don't sense any of this 1-ish attitude from you at all, [MENTION=7111]fidelia[/MENTION]. You come across to me more like [MENTION=16382]Ene[/MENTION], an INFJ 9, even-handed in judgment and often a bit reticent to impose judgment.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
9 had never even occurred to me, for you. I could see it, but I could also see 1w2. I think you compartmentalize a lot on the forum so it's very possible that you just never let us see your e1 anger.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Uh 9s get plenty angry though they seem very reluctant to admit it. It simmers underneath the surface in judgment of others mostly. Both are Anger types. I don't think 9s tend to be terribly self-introspective as a rule. They definitely avoid conflict. This is one area where I really do think we have decent content in the Wiki, so [MENTION=7111]fidelia[/MENTION] you could look at that:

Enneagram 9 The Peacemaker - Typology Wiki

Enneagram 1 The Perfectionist - Typology Wiki

I can see the perfectionism in you. I think you are very much an idealist - almost in a crusader type in a way - wanting to make the world a better place. When I read the 1 description, it seems to fit. But I'm not sure I have a strong opinion on this without considering it more.

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
There's a strong feeling I get from e9s that I don't get from you. It's like, the more they stifle, the more they seem to expect others to do the same or something. I'm relatively certain they wouldn't agree on it being an "expectation of others", and yet there seems to be a very repressed anger/very palpable silent judgment when others aren't being something that is very easy to exist around. I don't purport to know what's actually going on, all I know is that it feels very stifling to interact with, like they have a trigger librarian's shushing finger to shush or stifle any experience (their own or someone else's) that might incite feelings they don't want to experience. And the less aware they are of how much they don't want to experience certain emotions, the less aware they seem to be of how their (unconscious) aversion effects others- it can be like having someone sporadically rush into the room and spray everything with a fire extinguisher for fear that a fire might happen, instead of knowing when an actual fire is happening, and seeming somewhat oblivious to that difference. I have a lot of e9s in my family, so I'm very sensitive to it.

Anyway, I don't get that from you at all. I get it from both my son and my dad- both of whom I love to the moon and back, and I consider my son to be wise beyond his years but I have to be very careful about how I express feelings with both of them. It's like I can just sense them reaching for that 'emotional fire extinguisher' if I don't stifle my expression first (because if they're the ones that do it, then they're going to also 'shut down' for a while too). And I don't mean to sound like a jerk about this, every enneatype has their "I feel best when others _____, because then it feels like they understand/accept me' list of quirks. It's just, like I said, I have a lot of e9 in my family and I'm especially sensitive to the invalidation that comes with dealing with it*.

Aside from forum communication, you and I have talked for hours on the phone- and I haven't gotten this from you. While it's not like I ever thought e1 was a perfect fit necessarily (it's not like I thought it DIDN'T fit, but it never seemed like a clear fit either), it would surprise me if you were e9.

*Just as every enneatype has their own "I feel best when others ____, because then it feels like they understand/accept me", they also have their blind spots where they don't realize the toll their neurosis takes on others.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I like 9w1 for you. 1s have a simmering inner tension to them that I don't get from you. Your overall energy is much more centered, and it comes through in your interactions as well. You seem to hold yourself to a standard of balance and fairness that I feel is a healthy manifestation of your type.

Ni-Fe has a commitment to ideals that I could see very easily being conflated for enneagram 1. INFJs also just tend to be perfectionist, or at least very specific about their value system.

So final answer: 9w1 sp/so. Likely tritype: 925


Active member
May 23, 2009
Disclaimer: Since this is for a wager, I am not trying to help Fidelia find her type so much as make a case for what I perceive her as. She is free to decide whatever she likes.

I think the real indication that Fidelia is e9 is that she has been an active member here for over 6 years, has been a mod at least once if not twice, and still no one has any strong feelings about what e-type she is. Basically the arguments for e1 sound a lot like: Well gee, you are sort of 1ish, and you have said in the past that you are 1. And e9 isn't screaming at me, exactly. So let's say 1.

The arguments against e9 are just: Ehhh, maybe, but probably not.

In my opinion, a 9w1 INFJ looks a lot like e1 lite. And like Z, I have interacted with you outside the forum a fair amount, so I feel fairly confident in my assessment.

Uh 9s get plenty angry though they seem very reluctant to admit it.

Fid is much more e9 to me in this respect. 1's are finger waggers, Fidelia, you absorb other people's angry posts with a lot of politeness and understanding, even when it's unfairly turned at you. You will even express openness to the possibility you have made a mistake of understanding (even when it's pretty obvious you haven't). I'm not saying you don't think you are right, I'm saying people bounce off of your pillowy, muffly politeness. Like how crazy does someone look being angry at you, when you basically make every concession to their POV? But even while you aren't exactly arguing with the person, you are clearly still at odds with them. It just seems like a classic e9 thing to me.

The external pillowiness of your outer layer and the internal stubbornness and resistance of your inner being seems quintessentially e9 to me.

There's a strong feeling I get from e9s that I don't get from you. It's like, the more they stifle, the more they seem to expect others to do the same or something. I'm relatively certain they wouldn't agree on it being an "expectation of others", and yet there seems to be a very repressed anger/very palpable silent judgment when others aren't being something that is very easy to exist around. I don't purport to know what's actually going on, all I know is that it feels very stifling to interact with, like they have a trigger librarian's shushing finger to shush or stifle any experience (their own or someone else's) that might incite feelings they don't want to experience. And the less aware they are of how much they don't want to experience certain emotions, the less aware they seem to be of how their (unconscious) aversion effects others- it can be like having someone sporadically rush into the room and spray everything with a fire extinguisher for fear that a fire might happen, instead of knowing when an actual fire is happening, and seeming somewhat oblivious to that difference. I have a lot of e9s in my family, so I'm very sensitive to it.

Anyway, I don't get that from you at all. I get it from both my son and my dad- both of whom I love to the moon and back, and I consider my son to be wise beyond his years but I have to be very careful about how I express feelings with both of them. It's like I can just sense them reaching for that 'emotional fire extinguisher' if I don't stifle my expression first (because if they're the ones that do it, then they're going to also 'shut down' for a while too). And I don't mean to sound like a jerk about this, every enneatype has their "I feel best when others _____, because then it feels like they understand/accept me' list of quirks. It's just, like I said, I have a lot of e9 in my family and I'm especially sensitive to the invalidation that comes with dealing with it*.

Aside from forum communication, you and I have talked for hours on the phone- and I haven't gotten this from you. While it's not like I ever thought e1 was a perfect fit necessarily (it's not like I thought it DIDN'T fit, but it never seemed like a clear fit either), it would surprise me if you were e9.

*Just as every enneatype has their own "I feel best when others ____, because then it feels like they understand/accept me", they also have their blind spots where they don't realize the toll their neurosis takes on others.

Well I am not going to disagree with you. But I do think your point that she doesn't vibe as stifley to you is interesting, because I am pretty sure she started a thread recently which was basically her curiosity about whether NFJ's give off a stifling, quietly judgmental vibe.

I think it would be interesting to see how Fi heavy members might see her. I can't imagine you were very turbulent in your phone conversations with her, is all I am saying. I think you are swell, but I can't imagine ever having to tamp down your reactiveness. Even when you are upset, your anger is sort of neutered by your extremely detached and mannered style of expression. Though it sounds like you intimately know way more e9's than I do, so I may have no idea what I am talking about. The closest e9 relation I have is an uncle.

Interestingly, I've scored as follows: http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...umlaus-enneagram-post1468306.html#post1468306

So yeah, I had a lot of 8 and 9 and 1, plus 5 and 3: I identified with 5 out of 9 types, which is kind of weird. But right out of the starting gate, everyone wanted to type me as "5w6", because INTJ. In spite of scoring highest on "1", I would type myself as 9w8, and not 9w1 and certainly not as type 1.

I think the main problem w/r to my case is that while 1 is concerned with "perfectionism", you kind of have to ask "perfectionism about what?" 5s are also perfectionists, as are 3s. The difference with true type 1s is that their perfectionism isn't so much about excelling at anything as it is about expressing their ANGER. They aren't trying to be correct so much as they're very angry that they're wrong. Being wrong is very frustrating for type 1s, and they'll do everything they can to avoid being wrong except change their opinion. Their blind spot is that they aim their anger at other people for being wrong because the possibility that they've been wrong all this time is almost unbearable.

Type 9s are almost the complete opposite of this. I care about being correct, of course, but my ego isn't in it. I don't get upset that other people disagree with me, I only get upset that people might not accept me because I might hold a different opinion than they do. I don't let go of that opinion, but instead I just avoid expressing it. This can occasionally surprise people on those occasions when I actually am harsh. Usually, I'm "harsh" when push comes to shove and I have to stand my ground to keep my sense of integrity, and being INTJ I tend to come across as harsh once I've decided that someone else's feelings aren't as important as standing up for what is right. Which, when you get right down to it, is very much a 9w8 attitude, a kind of libertarian attitude that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, up to and until the point that they try to force me to agree with their opinions.

So, as you can see, I've thought long and hard about the differences between 9 and 1. You can probably figure out which you are based on what I've written here without my telling you.

But since you have that bet, I'll give you my opinion on the matter, which isn't nearly so meaningful as your own opinion on the subject. You've always come across as a type 9 to me. You don't fling your anger around when you get into arguments. You actually listen to others' opinions and take them into consideration. The possibility that you might be wrong doesn't anger you, and therefore you don't appear to fear facing that possibility head on. Look at the 1s around the forum, and you'll see that they don't do that. Not that they aren't wonderful people: they are, but being angry about issues of "right" vs "wrong" is their Achilles' Heel. They would rather die on the ground of their opinions being correct than consider the possibility that they've been incorrect for years, if not decades, and pushing them on that point will make them extremely upset. I don't think I've ever seen you react that way. My best friend is an INFJ 1, and while she is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, and the kids she works with will just run up and hug her, she tends to intimidate her coworkers, in part because they know it's almost pointless to argue with her when she thinks she's right about something. But because she's a psychologist, she's forced to face this dark part of herself on a regular basis (psychologists HAVE to see other psychologists on a regular basis), so in her case she is much less likely to project her 1-ish anger on others so much as on herself.

And that last bit is kind of key: 1s will both outwardly express their anger at others in public AND at themselves in private. It isn't unusual for a type 1 to literally or metaphorically to go someplace by themselves and just bang their head on a wall and chant "stupid ... stupid ... stupid". They chastise themselves for being wrong much more strongly than they chastise others, and really, that outward expression of anger is entirely due to their self-chastisement, and not due to being overly concerned with others being correct or incorrect (though they'll feel like it is the latter).

And I don't sense any of this 1-ish attitude from you at all, [MENTION=7111]fidelia[/MENTION]. You come across to me more like [MENTION=16382]Ene[/MENTION], an INFJ 9, even-handed in judgment and often a bit reticent to impose judgment.

This is a dead-on analysis IMO.

Anyway, as I was saying: There is just no e1 edge. One of my best friends in the world is an e1, and everyone jokes that her catchphrase is "how dare you?". Her go-to emotion is indignant anger, she comes off as type-A, a bit of a know-it-all, and back in school, nothing would humiliate her more than a teacher telling her she answered a question incorrectly.

Paris in the Gilmore Girls is an e1, and Rory is an e9, IMO. Does that help? Or does that just open a quibbly debate about pop culture typing?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Adding on to my earlier post:

I feel like I've related to 1w2 things that you've posted in the past, or you've related to my 1w2 things, so I never really questioned it. That being said, I was raised by an INFJ 1w2 and you vibe nothing like her. You vibe more like [MENTION=9335]Ingrid in grids[/MENTION] (9w1).

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I would be inclined to say 1w2 possibly. You are very caring and thoughtful about other people. I can see that could be interpreted as a 9, but I think 9's have more inclination towards surface apathy as well as peace.


Jan 7, 2009
It's all about suppressed anger for you, and every button I've ever inadvertently or intentionally hit on you is an anger point. You have a temper in there, and you rarely unleash it in favor of fostering accord. THAT is what being a 9 is about.

Even me typing it like this will fuel a spark of irritation or you'll immediately disclaim any feelings on the matter and only on reflection will some annoyance be simmering that you'll make an effort to mask either way.


eta: this is a good read on the difference in anger between 1 and 9: Anger Triad | The Enneagram Depot

eta2: I should add as well, that you are very asleep to your anger. My struggles with it are far more at the surface, to the point where I've shown that anger out loud, gotten freer with my voice.

What do you feel when you see that? Do you feel like you want me to regain (what you perceive as) control?


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
One other comment I would have is you can ask for a lot of opinions but the vote may not give you a correct answer. When I was trying to figure out my type, I found that I got a lot of incorrect opinions from well meaning people. Periodically people will insist that I'm not 6. They are wrong of couse and the only way I was able to be really confident is to spend a couple of hours being professionally tested by a renown expert and to spend time analyzing the type myself.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
One other comment I would have is you can ask for a lot of opinions but the vote may not give you a correct answer. When I was trying to figure out my type, I found that I got a lot of incorrect opinions from well meaning people. Periodically people will insist that I'm not 6. They are wrong of couse and the only way I was able to be really confident is to spend a couple of hours being professionally tested by a renown expert and to spend time analyzing the type myself.
^ Agreed. I'd say the feedback shouldn't be about the what (1w2 vs. 1w9 vs. 9w1), but about the why.

Z Buck McFate

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Aug 25, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Well I am not going to disagree with you. But I do think your point that she doesn't vibe as stifley to you is interesting, because I am pretty sure she started a thread recently which was basically her curiosity about whether NFJ's give off a stifling, quietly judgmental vibe.

I'm not sure how to explain this, but when I say I get a stifling/silently judging vibe from e9, there's a very very specific brand of stifling/silently judging that I'm talking about. I can see e1 being stifling/silently judging in its own way- and a lot of other e-types as well.

Though it sounds like you intimately know way more e9's than I do, so I may have no idea what I am talking about.

I think in many ways fid fits the "peacekeeper" description, to a tee. On the outside, I can see it. But I just don't see it match the inner workings. The INFJ e9s coming to mind for me are: my son, [MENTION=4]cafe[/MENTION] (though she hasn't been around for a while- if she gets pinged here and has an opinion, fid would probably be interested to hear it), and my BFF's partner. There's a very distinct kind of emotional avoidance that I just don't see in fid, at all.

I'm not saying I know I'm right. I'm just saying it would surprise me.

[If I may be presumptuous enough to also page [MENTION=6275]the state i am in[/MENTION], he'd probably have an opinion. OH! And [MENTION=10082]Starry[/MENTION].]


self murderer
Nov 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Tough call. With the long exchanges we've had with each other, nothing doesn't scream 9w1 to me. You hold a lot of high ideals for yourself, to the point of extreme stress, wanting to achieve a level of perfectionism. You could be a 1w9, as you have both perfectionist and peace-keeping traits to me.


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Another member and I have a friendly bet on the go about what my enneagram type is. Nothing quite fits perfectly, but the two contenders are:

Type 1 OR Type 9

I need your votes by the midnight of the 11th, mountain time!

How do I vibe? Any details you care to add are welcome. Perhaps noteworthy is that my life was significantly influenced by my enfj likely 1w2 mother. Calling any and all who care to take a stab at it, but I'll summon a few to get the ball rolling....
[MENTION=26674]theforsaken[/MENTION], [MENTION=7842]Z Buck McFate[/MENTION], [MENTION=9310]uumlau[/MENTION], [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION], [MENTION=20829]Hard[/MENTION], [MENTION=5999]PeaceBaby[/MENTION], [MENTION=8936]highlander[/MENTION], [MENTION=4050]ceecee[/MENTION] [MENTION=2]Ivy[/MENTION]

I think a 9, maybe a 9w1 but I don't see much, if any 1. 1's boil, 9's simmer but I don't see a lot of that stifle in you that's being mentioned. 9's get pissed and after they quit the pearl clutching about getting pissed, they come to do it very well. Fairly and even handed and effectively and this might be the ENFJ rubbing off on you or you may have reached the point in your life where you are comfortable with it being a part of you. But I don't know you privately. I could be way off, but I don't get the feeling you project yourself differently IRL than you do here.


Active member
May 22, 2010
1w2 final answer x infinity.

(I see no 9 in you at all. If I had to choose a runner up it would be 2w1)


Active member
May 23, 2009
One other comment I would have is you can ask for a lot of opinions but the vote may not give you a correct answer. When I was trying to figure out my type, I found that I got a lot of incorrect opinions from well meaning people. Periodically people will insist that I'm not 6. They are wrong of couse and the only way I was able to be really confident is to spend a couple of hours being professionally tested by a renown expert and to spend time analyzing the type myself.

Oh yeah this is all very true. But this thread I think is more of a wager and an ask about what other people think, not what she thinks. That being said, I am sure she is interested in finding her actual type, but that's not exactly the framework of the thread. I don't think it would be limited to 3 days if this was a quest for truth.

At least personally, that's why I am dwelling on the "what" more than the "why". So the betting parties know where I stand.