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stupid people

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I usually refrain from bitching about people who aren't all that bright because every crayon can't be the sharpest in the box and I've always suspected that even less "sparkly" people mentally have uses and talents... and no, this isn't type related in the least because I've seen dumbasses of every variety :)

I've been working the front end of a staffing agency lately getting people jobs in a warehouse... at the moment there's a high demand for the holidays so we've had at least 150 people a day come through the doors. Because I've been labeled both "high energy" and "not willing to take shit from anyone" I tend to work the front desk and the room where people answer questions on the computer screen and take a skills test. The skills test is constructed so that we can see if people can follow basic instructions, understand english (the job requires that) and can find and sort things.

And people still fail it :shock:

I'm not talking about people who can't speak english, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to fail a test that is designed to sort out those who don't... I'm talking people who have high school diplomas and work histories and such who can't pass a fucking matching test or can't figure out how to fill out a form that instructs you how to fill it out explicitly on it :doh:

Now, I've met a lot of dumb people in my life, but I'm kind of shocked and horrified that I have to turn away at least 50 people a day for not figuring out basic things as they are unable to work in a warehouse...

what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:


Think about the intelligence of the average person.... now think that half of them are dumber than that.

Seemingly normal adults can be surprisingly illogical in their reasoning skills.


Jul 5, 2012
Standardization lets people slip by from satisfactory completion of school work without actually understanding it.

People have a tendency to screw around on easy tests because they are over confident in their choices, and believe that they don't have to think about it and can 'breeze through it' without taking it seriously.

Many people ignore instructions. I remember a test where it was emphasized to read the instructions before taking the test. It was a small booklet of questions. However, the instructions clearly stated that you were to turn to the last page and answer only the last question, yet most people filled out the entire test. The actual test was seeing if you follow instructions!

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
the saddest part is that I give them instructions on how to take the test that include actual examples from the test... and lately I've been made to reset the test for all but the most offensive people and people STILL fail it the second time :shock:

I guess I'd thought better of humanity before... I really didn't know that there was a good segment of the population who thinks that sorting and identification of a few objects that are directly in front of you could be difficult :unsure: I thought that people in that general category were considered disabled and perhaps lived in group homes... am I that snobby? :sadbanana:

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I'm not talking about people who can't speak english, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to fail a test that is designed to sort out those who don't... I'm talking people who have high school diplomas and work histories and such who can't pass a fucking matching test or can't figure out how to fill out a form that instructs you how to fill it out explicitly on it :doh:

what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:

Hold hands with them every step of the way? :D

That is the general outlook I am seeing. They need commands, if they don't have commands, they get confused.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Hold hands with them every step of the way? :D

That is the general outlook I am seeing.

ewww... touching someone's potentially moist and sweaty hands :sick:

if I have to walk them through it explicitly they don't DESERVE to get past my step (in my point of view anyways)... really... I taught them to fish so they'd better fish or starve! :thelook:

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
ewww... touching someone's potentially moist and sweaty hands :sick:

if I have to walk them through it explicitly they don't DESERVE to get past my step (in my point of view anyways)... really... I taught them to fish so they'd better fish or starve! :thelook:

That is the point :laugh:

I'd probably won't want to hire someone that needs help in every step of the process nor would I want to hire someone who can't follow simple instructions


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Maybe they're afraid of making a serious mistake, even if they follow the instructions? Sometimes that's what paralyzes me when given simple tasks... :thinking:


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:

I've spent most of my adult life wondering about that you know. :unsure:

To be honest I dont believe that any of them are aware of it, they're either just blissfully unaware or totally bring it with the rationalisations, ie I'm too good for this anyway, I dont need this, its everyone else has the problem, bitch hated me, bitch must hate black/white/asian/irish people or whatever, whole bunch of excuses.:mad:

I've seen many versions of this, what I've seen repeatedly, which is interesting to me, is that there are a lot of people who are smart, who could do something or take some paper successfully, there's not an intellect challenge, but who fail through what I would chalk up to a basic question of motivation. :huh::huh:

Consicously or unconsicously they dont want to give it their full attention and concentrate on the task at hand, so they dont. Sometimes there's an element of passive aggressive behaviour, ie I will louse this up so badly that I will definitely not be asked to do it again, people will see I am unable and someone else will do it in future, that coule be more or less deliberate or conscious. :dry:


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I am tired of stupid people. And stupid people have nothing to do with what most people consider smart or stupid. It is closed minded, single sighted, lets bitch instead of working things out, i want what i want, stupid ass people. And the kicker is some people think those who win at that game are smart propogating that mentality. Oh yeah...tired of what about me whiney ass people as well.


Maybe they're afraid of making a serious mistake, even if they follow the instructions? Sometimes that's what paralyzes me when given simple tasks... :thinking:


Dammit these are the times I wish the like function is there though I'm mostly against it.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
To actually respond to the OP, some people cant figure that crap out. They should hire the non english speaking people if the y can pass the test in the nonenglish version. Survival of the fittest.


Sometimes, I 'shift gears' and treat other people as part of an external system; e.g. an immutable part of the world around us.

From that perspective, they are what they are, and I have to deal with them as they are. They're like rocks--or trees, or perhaps cute lil' squirrels. It's up to me to either avoid them or be patient with them, but it's fruitless for me to get frustrated if I'm feeling like they don't move at my pace or in my direction. Not to say that I don't get frustrated--but I try to keep that mentality in mind so I can get over my frustration more quickly.

If their actions don't affect me, all the better; from one (sort of mean, but.. eh..) perspective, it's kinda sad that they're not smart enough to navigate the world properly, that they get themselves into terrible situations, and so on; but they're simply a part of the way the world works.

And just like that, my expectations of them get shifted toward a more realistic one.

For the record, I tend to be impatient, so I'm really trying to learn this myself. :wink:


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Maybe they're afraid of making a serious mistake, even if they follow the instructions? Sometimes that's what paralyzes me when given simple tasks... :thinking:

So u fail the test anyway out of paralysis. If this happens just answer as best you can. Failing a few tests out of not answering correctly is bettter then failing all of them out of paralysis.

Il Morto Che Parla

New member
Oct 9, 2012
I usually refrain from bitching about people who aren't all that bright because every crayon can't be the sharpest in the box and I've always suspected that even less "sparkly" people mentally have uses and talents... and no, this isn't type related in the least because I've seen dumbasses of every variety :)

I've been working the front end of a staffing agency lately getting people jobs in a warehouse... at the moment there's a high demand for the holidays so we've had at least 150 people a day come through the doors. Because I've been labeled both "high energy" and "not willing to take shit from anyone" I tend to work the front desk and the room where people answer questions on the computer screen and take a skills test. The skills test is constructed so that we can see if people can follow basic instructions, understand english (the job requires that) and can find and sort things.

And people still fail it :shock:

I'm not talking about people who can't speak english, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to fail a test that is designed to sort out those who don't... I'm talking people who have high school diplomas and work histories and such who can't pass a fucking matching test or can't figure out how to fill out a form that instructs you how to fill it out explicitly on it :doh:

Now, I've met a lot of dumb people in my life, but I'm kind of shocked and horrified that I have to turn away at least 50 people a day for not figuring out basic things as they are unable to work in a warehouse...

what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:

lol I used to work in a call centre and it was like this.

Most of these girls pluck out their eyebrows and then paint them on in black as if they want to look like Harry Potter. And the men shave addidas in the side of their head or some shit. Vocubulary of 10 words.

There are some retarded fuckers out there, possibly crack babies? It is probably society's fault but you can't help feeling disgusted.

Results in expression like this:



Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
People who are perceived prematurely as being stupid such as Albert Einstein often end up turning the world on its head with groundbreaking and revolutionary ideas only a genius could have thought of, which means that what we are judging to be intelligence may be a misplaced idea of common sense. The stupid people therefore will be the greatest assetts to an advanced civilization that is progressing at unprecedented speeds, not to mention that they are not half as boring as the smart people who trust their practical American sense.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I usually refrain from bitching about people who aren't all that bright because every crayon can't be the sharpest in the box and I've always suspected that even less "sparkly" people mentally have uses and talents... and no, this isn't type related in the least because I've seen dumbasses of every variety :)

I've been working the front end of a staffing agency lately getting people jobs in a warehouse... at the moment there's a high demand for the holidays so we've had at least 150 people a day come through the doors. Because I've been labeled both "high energy" and "not willing to take shit from anyone" I tend to work the front desk and the room where people answer questions on the computer screen and take a skills test. The skills test is constructed so that we can see if people can follow basic instructions, understand english (the job requires that) and can find and sort things.

And people still fail it :shock:

I'm not talking about people who can't speak english, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to fail a test that is designed to sort out those who don't... I'm talking people who have high school diplomas and work histories and such who can't pass a fucking matching test or can't figure out how to fill out a form that instructs you how to fill it out explicitly on it :doh:

Now, I've met a lot of dumb people in my life, but I'm kind of shocked and horrified that I have to turn away at least 50 people a day for not figuring out basic things as they are unable to work in a warehouse...

what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:

No, but I've seen a lot of those people on Repo Games who can't answer basic trivia questions which I thought everybody knew. How wrong I was.


Maybe it's dyslexia? Or what Viridian said. Way to go ridiculing people you know nothing about.


Nov 17, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I usually refrain from bitching about people who aren't all that bright because every crayon can't be the sharpest in the box and I've always suspected that even less "sparkly" people mentally have uses and talents... and no, this isn't type related in the least because I've seen dumbasses of every variety :)

I've been working the front end of a staffing agency lately getting people jobs in a warehouse... at the moment there's a high demand for the holidays so we've had at least 150 people a day come through the doors. Because I've been labeled both "high energy" and "not willing to take shit from anyone" I tend to work the front desk and the room where people answer questions on the computer screen and take a skills test. The skills test is constructed so that we can see if people can follow basic instructions, understand english (the job requires that) and can find and sort things.

And people still fail it :shock:

I'm not talking about people who can't speak english, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to fail a test that is designed to sort out those who don't... I'm talking people who have high school diplomas and work histories and such who can't pass a fucking matching test or can't figure out how to fill out a form that instructs you how to fill it out explicitly on it :doh:

Now, I've met a lot of dumb people in my life, but I'm kind of shocked and horrified that I have to turn away at least 50 people a day for not figuring out basic things as they are unable to work in a warehouse...

what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:

The fact that shows like Jersey Shore, that honey boo boo thing, and the like are allowed to exist meant I always knew that people like that existed, I just don't think about them.

On the flip side, there are many kinds of intelligence, and there are always factors which I won't pretend to understand. Without knowing the individual people whom you are referring to, I can't really say much about this. Any input from me would require significantly more context to be of any use.

When you say they have work histories, do you mean from similar careers, or just that they've held jobs before? Because, if they've had a similar job, maybe it's just overconfidence or something? Maybe they think they know what they're doing so well that they become negligent, consider passing the test a given, and make stupid mistakes? Laziness and overconfidence can often masquerade as stupidity. I really don't know though...

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Maybe it's dyslexia? Or what Viridian said. Way to go ridiculing people you know nothing about.

Probably why I didn't use the term.

Other than that, if I were an employer, I would at least want someone who can do the job at hand of filling out a form because some mistakes can be costly to the employer and the employer would not always be there to look after these mistakes. As for job training, that part is understandable if it takes a while for an employee to get it. But again, there comes a point when an employer will just say that the person is not fit for the job.

The role of these things are to sniff out candidates for the job at hand.