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[SJ] Question time for all SJ's!


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Hi SJ's! I find your personality absolutely fascinating and have some questions for you if you'd like to answer them. Or not. Whatever. I'm a pretty laid-back individual.

I've read through the “Ask an ESTJ” (which is *awesome*; thank you EJCC and other ESTJ's for that thread!) in it's entirety (can I get a gold star for that or something?). Some of these questions may be repeated here, but I'd like to hear from all of you Guardians. If you are so inclined. Or not. Whatever.

Ok, here we go:

1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?
2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)
3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?
4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?
5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.
6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)
7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?
9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?
10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?
11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?
12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?
13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?
14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”
“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”

I might have more questions later, but until then I look forward to your responses!


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
This looks interesting...

Rather than using quote boxes for every question, I'll just put the questions in bold.

1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?

Generally no, I'm more concerned with holding up the line than anything. The only time I would is if they have a history of screwing up my order, at which case I'll pull over into a parking spot and then check it out.

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

Most of the time. Some of it is funny, some of it is cute, and then some of it is just dumb.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

A tough one, but uncaring for me. Other SJs may have a different answer.

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

No to the first question, but only because of my answer to the 2nd question: I check my balances probably 3 times a day minimum so I often feel it's unnecessary. I know where my money is and where it's going. I do however keep all of my financial statements none the less

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years?

IDEALLY I'll be married, maybe with 1 or two kids, and living in a comfy little townhouse or single family home somewhere in a nice, cozy neighborhood. I'll be working as a Manager for a big condo complex or for a big property management company and look forward to spending my days working during the day and coming home to my family in the evenings and spending time with my kids and going dancing with my wife when I have the chance too.

Otherwise, living comfortably renting an apartment or condo, and spending my free time goofing off on the computer, going out dancing, going out with friends occasionally, dating someone, or otherwise doing most of the things I do now.

6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching.)

Not entirely sure what you mean by this, but if you mean on my dinner plate, then I really don't care. The only time I would is if I don't want the sauce/flavor/juice/whatever of another item on the plate ruining the taste of another. But generally I don't care.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

See above.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

Not really, but it is the same question so it's kind of redundant.

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?

Not sure. I think I'm a nice, stable guy and that I have a lot to offer someone, but I certainly have flaws.

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?

Dancing. I *love* Ballroom Dancing and have spent copious amounts of cash on it, and I don't regret a minute of it.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?

Yes and extremely yes. I HATE that feeling I get when I come into work the next day and realize everything I didn't do and could have done if I hadn't goofed off. I always have to remind myself though that I need to goof off every now and then or I'll overwork myself and that's no good to anyone.

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?

English. Geometry is the only math subject I've ever really liked but literature and learning how to properly write and express myself verbally is very important to me.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

YES. I like to use emoticons myself but after a while it just gets obnoxious.

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Can, have, and may still be doing (though I think she strongly suspects how I feel about her. I'm not going to leave her much doubt after tomorrow). I feel like I could write the book on unrequited love sometimes.

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”

True. It may be arrogant of me to say so, but I often feel like I'm the only one with any frelling concept of logistics sometimes.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

If by cleanliness you mean food and trash, then True. If you mean clutter (books/papers/etc) then False ;)

“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”

UNBELIEVABLY TRUE! I try to remember so many things during the day that I've given up trying to do it myself

“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”

False, but only because this seems contradictory to me. If it's scheduled, then it's not really spontaneous is it?


Carerra Lu
Jul 19, 2009
I like your questions- I won't feel like some lab rabbit with rouge on as I answer them.

1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?
No. I don't want to hold people up. I'm more likely to take my time and count my change to make sure that's correct. I'm not picky with food, don't have allergies that could cause me to turn blue on the road, so if they jack up my order, most likely I'll still be able to eat it and enjoy it.

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

Sometimes. The animal skits and people falling usually crack me up. The rest is just okay.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

Undignified definitely. I'm used to being seen as uncaring so it doesn't bother me.

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

I don't. Ever. You know how they say that an accountant by trade can keep the books for someone else but not their own? That's me. I ususally check my account every few days and look at the larger withdrawals to make sure I know what they are.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years?

It's simple: I see myself married enjoying life with my wife, with less debt. The rest is kind of immaterial.

6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching.)

Not usually. Unless it will alter the taste of something. Most of the time, I'd rather take my food and put it in a bowl, mix it up, and eat it that way. It's a more pleasureable experience.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Not in this seat.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?
Bother, No, but trust I did notice it and deemed it stange!

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?

Definitely yes. I have my quirks but all in all I'm a little bit of everything.

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living
quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?

Good question. I don't usually call people cheap, because everyone has something they will go for broke on. I like nice clothes and shoes, and although I try to bargain shop when I can, if I see something I like, I'm going to get it. For me, I don't see the appeal in eating at expensive restaurants that offer nothing but the name. They are good for the experience, but I am just as comfortable eating at PF Chang's as well.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?

Yes I do, esp during the winter. I think I suffer from SAD. It's hard for me to be motivated when it's cold and dark outside. I do feel guilty about it, because I feel that I need to get things done before I can rest up, but it doesn't happen that way. This happens at work too. For some reason I work best under pressure. Even if I try to start on something early; it usually doesn't come together until the very end.

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?

English! I love to study languages. College mathematics were useless to me. I'm not big into the sciences either. Funny that I loved algebra, and geometry. Then elementary functions happened. When it became less numbers and more letters, and graphs and all that, it killed it for me.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

YES!!! :doh: OVERKILL :coffee:

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Not at all. It's hard for me to hide how I feel about someone, good or bad.


“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”

Vrai- Especially at work.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

Vrai- Clean in the sense that I can't have any strange odors or stains on things. That doesn't mean that It's neat and orderly. As long as I know where I can find it; I'm fine.
It's funny, though. Too much clutter makes me nervous and restless.

“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”

Tres Vrai!! too many mental notes are not good. Something's going to get lost. I'm learning to rely on lists. Handwritten notes.

There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”
I'm taking a vacation at the end of this month, and maybe one next month! I've never taken a vacation this time of year! I'm so wild and crazy!


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Thanks for answering, Tinker!

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

See above.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

Not really, but it is the same question so it's kind of redundant.

Sorry, that was poorly worded on my part. I should have made #5 a "yes or no" question. I wanted to see how you guys would handle an illogical question in between two related questions. Sorry about that! :doh:

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Can, have, and may still be doing (though I think she strongly suspects how I feel about her. I'm not going to leave her much doubt after tomorrow). I feel like I could write the book on unrequited love sometimes.

Yay! I have followed your blog with great interest- especially about your dancing partner. I hope tomorrow goes well for you! :wubbie:

“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”

False, but only because this seems contradictory to me. If it's scheduled, then it's not really spontaneous is it?

Sorry, that's also poorly worded on my part. My husband (an INFJ) can only handle spontaneity if it's planned into his day. For example, he'll occasionally clear a Saturday afternoon and let me know that I get to call the shots for the day. (Usually it's a two-hour road trip to some random place that he never would have picked himself.) He can be spontaneous as long as he knows when it will begin and end.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Thanks for answering, IZ!

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

I don't. Ever. You know how they say that an accountant by trade can keep the books for someone else but not their own? That's me. I ususally check my account every few days and look at the larger withdrawals to make sure I know what they are.

I have heard that- from the husband of an accountant, no less!

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?
Bother, No, but trust I did notice it and deemed it stange!

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?
Yes I do, esp during the winter. I think I suffer from SAD. It's hard for me to be motivated when it's cold and dark outside. I do feel guilty about it, because I feel that I need to get things done before I can rest up, but it doesn't happen that way. This happens at work too. For some reason I work best under pressure. Even if I try to start on something early; it usually doesn't come together until the very end.

I was diagnosed with SAD while I lived in Illinois, so I totally understand. And it's interesting that you work best under pressure. In my gross over-generalizations of SJ's, I would have thought that pressure would have worked against your productivity.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

YES!!! :doh: OVERKILL :coffee:


There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”
I'm taking a vacation at the end of this month, and maybe one next month! I've never taken a vacation this time of year! I'm so wild and crazy!
Good for you! :smile:


Carerra Lu
Jul 19, 2009
I have heard that- from the husband of an accountant, no less!

I was diagnosed with SAD while I lived in Illinois, so I totally understand. And it's interesting that you work best under pressure. In my gross over-generalizations of SJ's, I would have thought that pressure would have worked against your productivity.

How does that work? INFJ accountant? NFs -you don't usually hear associated with accountants! How long has he been at it? Does he like it?

If you were diagnosed with SAD, did they give you medicine? What did they say you need to do to deal with it? I find that as long as I'm not home I'm fine. Sitting in my house depresses the life outta me.

I'm learning a lot about the prejudices of SJs around here. It's all good; if anything I guess I'll be that advocate for change! The TypoC OBAMA!!!! :D

But yes, I do some good work under pressure, although I wish it came together sooner, so that I had more time to fine tune it!


New member
Oct 27, 2009
How does that work? INFJ accountant? NFs -you don't usually hear associated with accountants! How long has he been at it? Does he like it?

If you were diagnosed with SAD, did they give you medicine? What did they say you need to do to deal with it? I find that as long as I'm not home I'm fine. Sitting in my house depresses the life outta me.

I'm learning a lot about the prejudices of SJs around here. It's all good; if anything I guess I'll be that advocate for change! The TypoC OBAMA!!!! :D

But yes, I do some good work under pressure, although I wish it came together sooner, so that I had more time to fine tune it!

Ha! Sorry! My friend is an accountant (I'm not certain of her type), but her husband was (and is) amazed that she doesn't balance her own checkbook. And you are correct that NF's do not make good accountants. I was an accounting major for one semester- *one*. I realized that accounting was not going to work for me when I thought, "Is it really going to matter in three years that my ledger is off by nine cents?" :doh:

When I was diagnosed with SAD I was also clinically depressed, so I was on medication originally prescribed for my depression. During the late fall, my psychiatrist would up my dosage to help combat the SAD and then bring it back down in the spring. My therapist recommended light therapy or even a visit to a tanning salon. I also found that getting out of the house was very helpful but it was difficult for me to handle taking three kids out during the winter (I'm from Texas- I'm allergic to cold weather).

I'm glad that you've helped deconstruct some of my prejudices about SJ's! :yes:


Carerra Lu
Jul 19, 2009
Ha! Sorry! My friend is an accountant (I'm not certain of her type), but her husband was (and is) amazed that she doesn't balance her own checkbook. And you are correct that NF's do not make good accountants. I was an accounting major for one semester- *one*. I realized that accounting was not going to work for me when I thought, "Is it really going to matter in three years that my ledger is off by nine cents?" :doh:

When I was diagnosed with SAD I was also clinically depressed, so I was on medication originally prescribed for my depression. During the late fall, my psychiatrist would up my dosage to help combat the SAD and then bring it back down in the spring. My therapist recommended light therapy or even a visit to a tanning salon. I also found that getting out of the house was very helpful but it was difficult for me to handle taking three kids out during the winter (I'm from Texas- I'm allergic to cold weather).

I'm glad that you've helped deconstruct some of my prejudices about SJ's! :yes:

Okay...Maybe my SAD is slight, or maybe it's just a mental thing. I definitely don't need medication for what I go through, but I do understand your plight. Hope it inproves.

Yes SJs are good people. We don't bite. :newwink:


Aug 22, 2009
1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?

Yes I do check before I leave the window. Do you really think some teenager that gets paid minimum wage gives a shit if you get your order right or not?

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

I think it's retarded, I'm more amused watching people go about their lives.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

I think being undignified is worse.

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

No, I'm one of those people that doesn't know they are out of money untill my card gets denied.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.


6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)

No not unless it's sweet food, I have more of a problem with my liquids being mixed.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Living my life how I want too and not to by society's standards.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

Wait what? Not really...

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?

Yes, I do feel like I'm a well-rounded individual. I'm open minded enough to relate to all sorts of people.

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?

I don't mind spending money on quality things.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?

Yes I do allow myself to be lazy, it's better than being burned out. I don't scold myself at all.

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?

ENGLISH! I hate geometry.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

Yes it does, I think everything she be done in moderation. :coffee:

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Yes, it's called playing hard to get.

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.” TRUE
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” TRUE
“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.” TRUE
“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it." TRUE
Last edited:


New member
Jul 9, 2008
1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?
Sometimes. Then again, it’s been a while since I was in the drive through. Been cleaning up my eating habits.

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

No. America’s funnies home videos lost its appeal to me since it’s been on since forever

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?.

I really don’t care too much about how I’m seen by other people. I find it paralyzing.

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

I don’t bother with this because I don’t write checks to begin with. And because I don’t write checks, I have no check book to balance (despite the fact that I do have a checking account). It’s just too much drama to deal with.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.

No. But I want to be a millionaire in ten years or less. How I’m going to get there…I have no idea.

6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)

Yes. My food MUST be separated

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
See answer to question number 5

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

No. Then again this is not my survey

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?

For myself, yes.

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?

I mind spending, period.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?

I try not to allow laziness. But sometimes, it creeps in there every now and then. By the next day, the laziness factor is cleaned up. Other than that, no, I do not allow myself to be lazy.

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?.

English. I love to read and write.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

No. I can articulate myself pretty well with words alone.

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Yes. Very well.


“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”


“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

This is true to an extent

“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”

TRUE. I MUST write them down. If I don’t write it down (or at least send myself an email)…forget it.

“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”

TRUE. I can’t stand when something is brought upon me at the last minute. I’ve taken to simply not participating simply because my time is precious. Maybe other people have the time to waste on doing something at the last minute, but I cannot. If I am not told in advance…forget it.

Sam Spade

New member
Jun 24, 2009
1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?


2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

No. I hate it.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

The former.

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

I'm somewhat tight with money but I don't obsessively check my balance.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no..

Vaguely yes.
6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)
No. That's OCD behavior. Not SJ. N's and their stereotypes.
7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Out of school.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?
I don't mind spending a lot on beer, my girlfriend, or my hobby.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?
Yes, I do. I chide myself during and afterwards.

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?
English. I'm very good at languages and don't do well with math, although geometry is my favorite type of math.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

I have.

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”


“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”


“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”

True for class notes, false for grocery lists.

“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”



New member
Dec 18, 2008
Ok, here we go:

1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?
Well, on the extremely rare occasions I do a drive thru, yes I check it as it is handed to me.

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)
I guess. Not an enthusiast but if I see a bit of it it can be fun.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?
Not to the penny. However, I do check about every other day.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.

6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)
No, I am not very picky that way at all. It would be hard going through life worrying about something so small!

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

That would take a long time to answer, but yes marriage and kids are in there.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?
Yes, except I wish I didn't have to analyze everything SOO much!

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?
Yes, horses, food, and books, although I try to get the best deals possible on all those.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?
Sometimes I let myself be lazy. If I feel I really need to relax and I'm not terribly behind then I don't feel guilty. However, I'm starting to feel guilty already for being on here when there are other things I could and should be doing ;)

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?
English, for sure! I cannot stand geometry proofs!

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?
:shock: Yes, of course!!!!!! They are SO irritating! :doh:

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)
I can do it pretty well but haven't tried to lately.

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.” Yes!
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Sort of.
“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.” I might not have to, but it sure is easier!
“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.” Er, yes. I resemble that remark.

Just another ISTJ

New member
Jan 22, 2009
1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?

No, I take it on good faith that they didn't screw it up.

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

I did as a kid. Nowadays, I just find it rather forced most of the time. Maybe it's just the camera cuts to audience specific members laughing that bugs me.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

I'd say undignified. One can come across as uncaring, but their actions can say otherwise. I don't know if the same could be said for dignity.

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

No. I only check my accounts when bill payment time nears.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.

I have a rough idea as to where I want to be, but I expect it to change over those ten years, as life in general usually doesn't go as planned.

6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)

I don't usually care. Sometimes there's a benefit to having some salad dressing in my mashed potatoes!

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I intend to either be in a leadership position at an existing company or running my own.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

It didn't bother me, but it would have flowed better I suppose.

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?

Overall, yes...but perhaps I need to get more in touch with my emotions.

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?

Heh...if I was conservative with my money, I'd have a pretty nice car by now as opposed to student debt. I have a tendency to collect things, which resulted in a large number of purchases for a particular item, like games, books, records, audio gear, etc.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?

Yes and I'm not proud of those moments. I think I'm being lazy right now as a matter of fact. Stop being lazy, me!

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?

English, as it usually involves some interesting discussions and the required reading content can be more interesting than geometry.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?

Yes, because the excess usage is usually attached to an air of pretension in the text.

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Yes and that is a problem when I don't want to keep it hidden.

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”

False. I'm not some all knowing ruler. I'm pretty sure some of my ideas would leave us worse off.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

True. Then again, I'm currently sitting in my room of "organized chaos" in which it's technically a mess, but I know where everything is.

“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”

True. For things that I don't categorize as reaaaally important.

“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”

True. Spotaneity can be great fun if you didn't have anything "better" in mind.


Whackus Bonkus
Nov 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Sorry, that was poorly worded on my part. I should have made #5 a "yes or no" question. I wanted to see how you guys would handle an illogical question in between two related questions. Sorry about that! :doh:

Ah ok, that would make a little more sense then. The answer to your question would be "yes I can"

Yay! I have followed your blog with great interest- especially about your dancing partner. I hope tomorrow goes well for you! :wubbie:

Thanks, although I'm pretty certain she isn't interested in me. What I'm going to try to do tomorrow is instead find some closure for myself. Not to get off topic but basically what I'm going to do is let her know that while I am definitely interested in her, that I understand she isn't looking for anything serious and instead I want to try and be a really good friend to her.

She may yet surprise me but I've never gotten any indication from her that she was interested so I'm not at all banking on it.

Sorry, that's also poorly worded on my part. My husband (an INFJ) can only handle spontaneity if it's planned into his day. For example, he'll occasionally clear a Saturday afternoon and let me know that I get to call the shots for the day. (Usually it's a two-hour road trip to some random place that he never would have picked himself.) He can be spontaneous as long as he knows when it will begin and end.

Ah ok, that makes sense then. In that case, yeah, I could do that. So long as I know to expect something totally random within a time period, I could definitely handle that.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I've read through the “Ask an ESTJ” (which is *awesome*; thank you EJCC and other ESTJ's for that thread!) in it's entirety (can I get a gold star for that or something?).


1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?
They usually repeat the order back to me, so I have no real need to.
2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny?
Absolutely :D
3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?
Undignified, definitely. I'm okay with some people thinking that I'm a cold heartless bitch, as long as they respect me, and as long as I have friends/a good support system.
4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?
Not to the penny. Maybe to the five or ten dollars, though. I check my balance whenever I go to an ATM, and whenever I get my statement online.
5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years?
Not even remotely - but then again, I'm in college, so I'm in a strange little transitional period right now.
6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)
Depends on how good they taste together, or if I feel like they were meant to be eaten together. I would probably also hate to have corn mixed in with mashed potatoes... but I might mix the chicken with the mashed potatoes, or the green beans with the macaroni. It depends.
7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I don't know! :cry:
8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?
What bothers me is not that one didn't follow the other directly - what bothers me is that they're essentially the same question asked twice.
9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?
Yeah, I think so. I have loads of interests.
10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?
I always feel bad after splurging, but what I splurge the most on is 1. CDs and 2. fashionable clothes.
11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?
There are always days when I spend too much time on the internet or doing something random because I'm avoiding doing a job that I don't want to do, that's due to be finished in a couple of days but that I still would really want to finish early. And at the end of those days, there's usually a moment where I go "God DAMN it you were stupid! The hell were you thinking?? Tomorrow, you'd better work like a dog to compensate for today's worthlessness!!!"
12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?
Neither, really. I guess, since geometry would be easy for me considering the fact that I've taken college-level Calculus, I'd rather take English because it'd be more of a challenge. But if I had no experience with either one, I'd make the decision based on the reading list for the English class. If it was all stuff I'd read before, or that I don't give a crap about, I'd take Geometry.
13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?
Not really. If it's accompanied by bad spelling, it does. But not when it's used in a cute way that gives you a picture of the emotions that really accompany what's being said.
14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)
I think I could, if I had to. But people who know me well would probably be able to see through it.
“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”
:laugh: Lol, yeah, kinda. If I have a very definite "way" that has been proven to work, then yes.
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
False. To be picky, nothing we mortals can do is "next to godliness". But cleanliness is really really important!!
“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”
Absolutely. True all the way. I couldn't function without my to-do lists and my planner.
“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”
:laugh: :doh: ...true. Completely and utterly true.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?

I check it as I am driving away. I hate slow drive-throughs and don't want to hold the line up. Montgomery, Alabama fails at the concept (except for Chick-Fil-A, for anyone ever passing through).

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)

I have not watched it in a long time, but I liked it as a kid, when Bob Saget hosted.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?


4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?

Yes. I check my balance daily.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.


6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)

Yes, and I eat each dish one at a time (eat the corn, go to the mashed potatoes, then greens, etc.).

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Same place I am now, except hopefully in a different house. Doing the same thing though.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?


9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?


10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?

Sports and clothing.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?

I do sometimes, but I feel really guilty during and afterwards!

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?

English for sure.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?


14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

Not for too long.

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”


“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”


“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”


“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”

I would like to say false, but it's true for me.


Sep 8, 2009
INTP Answers for contrast/comparison

1. If you go through a drive-through do you check your order before you leave the window?
Never... and if they mess up my order, I'll just eat what they gave me and move on.

2. Do you find America's Funniest Home Videos funny? (Apologies to non-Americans for this question.)
I'm not sure if I've ever laughed at a clip.

3. Which is worse: Being seen as undignified or uncaring?

4. Do you reconcile your bank statements to the penny? How often do you find yourself checking the balance of your available cash (e.g. checking accounts)?
Bwahahaha, no. I never open my bank statements, and I check my balance once every few weeks.

5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.

6. Do you like to keep your food separated? (My SJ mother cannot stand to have her food touching; not having the corn mixing in with the mashed potatoes.)
I like it mixed together.

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I'm not sure.

8. Did it bother you that question seven was not asked after question five?

9. Do you feel that you are a well-rounded individual?
Yes, very much so.

10. I've read that SJ's can be conservative with money. Is there anything you don't mind spending a lot on? Hobby/sport/living quarters/vehicles/clothing or the like?
I don't really like spending a lot of money on anything, except maybe education/books.

11. Do you allow yourself to be lazy? Do you chide yourself during or afterwards?
I'm pretty lazy.

12. Would you rather take a semester of college-level English or college-level geometry?
English. Most geometry is so basic to me now that I would die of boredom; I haven't, however, taken all college courses that might fall into the "English" classification.

13. Does overuse of emoticons/smilies in emails or forum replies irritate you? You know, where there's one at the end of every sentence?
Never. I'm rarely irritated with people on the internet.

14. Do you think you could keep your attraction to a potential romantic partner hidden? (INFP's (well, I did when I was single) can stumble all over ourselves around a crush.)

“If everyone would just do it my way, then things would run a lot smoother around here.”
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
False, it's next to " and is.
“I have to write things down (class notes, grocery list) in order to remember them.”
Sometimes true.
“There's nothing wrong with spontaneity as long as I can schedule for it.”
True to the first part, without "as long as I can schedule for it."


Aug 22, 2009
Wow, I'm pretty sure I didn't see anything in the OP that mentioned comparing SJ answers to INTP answers.


Aug 22, 2009
Nope, I just double checked and still nothing was mentioned.


Sep 8, 2009
5. Do you have a picture or idea of where you see yourself in 10 years? Yes or no.


7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Living my life how I want too and not to by society's standards.

Doesn't your answer to number 7 imply that your answer to number 5 should be yes? I suppose you could have not had that idea until you read question 7, but I doubt it.

Also, you used too when you should have used to.

Edit: As a tested (I presume) ISFJ and a 9w1, one would think that you'd prefer harmony, kindness, and peace. Judging from your above posts, that seems unlikely. Perhaps you messed up on your answers to those test questions as well, which would explain your "off" results.