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Sensing/iNtuiting Game: Perceiving Differences


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Instinctual Variant


First thing I noticed was the man trapped in the building looking out, then I noticed the two men shaking hands...I felt that the man stuck in the building felt betrayed by the two men in the background. I also noticed the steam engine in the back. On my paper I wrote "man trapped in house looking out, 2 guys shaking hands, train in back, man feels betrayed by the 2 guys in the back"

I also did the tower and wrote down:

"Eiffel Tower, daytime, tourist on the ground, camera man looking up, it's winter b/c people wearing jackets"


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
Eiffel tower.
Eiffel tower looks like a dick at this angle. Morons on the ground. Maybe it'll fall on them... damn tourists. Probably not. Looks pretty sturdy. Perhaps the rain over however many years has damaged enough nuts and bolts? Nah... doubtful...

I can't help but get the feeling that since I'm concentrating on whether or not I'm sensing or intuiting, that there might be some unfair influence. Maybe not. 2 levels. I don't see any moron tourists looking out from the balconies -- do they let you do that?

Talk about a lighting rod huh? Damn. How many times do you suppose it's been struck? And if people were on it. O_O

That makes me wonder... if people are on it while it's struck, and they're fried, do they eat them or do they just pluck them off and bury them? The French aren't notorious for cannibalism are they? I wonder what's in that guy's backpack. The one with the red shirt closest to the asshole with the camera. Maybe there's a school nearby, or maybe he's a terrorist/nazi (officially godwinned).

I'm not going to pretend to be impressed by the architecture like everyone else. Assholes. I think there was a lot of math that went into it, but when you think about it, he only needed to calculate 1/4 of what's there, and then just repeated and rotated. Everyone else who looks at the eiffel tower says "man musta taken age to design that" and then someone off to the side says "and even longer to build.. .wow"

I guess I'm done.

pocket lint

New member
Nov 7, 2007

MBTI Type:
ixfp (I am pretty much on the border with every letter)

What I noticed:
-the gradient of green in the sky and how it immediately reminded me of this icon: :sick:
-the camera flash brought out the texture of the canvas at the top edge of the picture
-there must be wind because the yellow flags are waving in the air
-the orange building looks like it would collapse IRL because the columns don’t look very stable…
-the sculpture on the right has a look of despair… it’s my favorite part out of the whole picture. I like his/her split chin!
-the boniness of the statue’s left hand compared to the right hand
-there are three openings at the bottom of the house… the hands go through two of them
-*wonders why the third opening is there*
-the cube at the bottom looks out of place because it looks so plain compared to the rest of the picture
-the speckles at the bottom… I like it because it makes the ground look more realistic. It also looks like the flaws on vintage photographs.
-the overall scale and perspective is off= meh
-the little train along the horizon + the little puff of smoke and how it is shaded
-the statue in the middle of the picture looked like a lion at first, but then now it looks like a man laying with one elbow on the platform and the other pointing up at the sky
-the two men on the left look like they’re making some sort of deal
-again, the proportion of everything makes it very uncomfortable for me to look at
-I wouldn't have this painting in my house
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will make your day
Apr 23, 2007
Pocket Lint, you must be isfp. Introverted feeling coupled with extroverted sensing. Man, you really elevated that picture for me. I hadn't noticed half of what you mentioned, but when reading your post they suddenly stepped forward, clear as day. That said, I agree. I'd never have this painting in my house. Very uncomfortable, which might be why I didn't notice so much of what you said. Just subconsciously noticed it upset me on many levels and shut it out.

pocket lint

New member
Nov 7, 2007
Pocket Lint, you must be isfp. Introverted feeling coupled with extroverted sensing. Man, you really elevated that picture for me. I hadn't noticed half of what you mentioned, but when reading your post they suddenly stepped forward, clear as day. That said, I agree. I'd never have this painting in my house. Very uncomfortable, which might be why I didn't notice so much of what you said. Just subconsciously noticed it upset me on many levels and shut it out.

Thank you for bringing this up! I actually went back to read other people's impressions of this picture. I don't think I would be able to put together a creative story or explanation like most of the Ns did. Also, it was hard for me to get past the details... which is really funny because some Ns said they couldn't focus on the details, LOL! Well, this thread was one of the few on here where it was easy for me to just state observations without feeling any pressure to make sense of everything :yes:. I do think I am more isfp now.


New member
Nov 20, 2007

Type - XSTJ (I think)

How utterly depressing! So cold and institutional. WHERE/WHAT is it? Poor design with all that concrete outside of the glass (unless there is a purpose for it). Kind of reminds me of a jail - but of course it's not. So linear and sleek, and impersonal. A new shade of paint would help. It's really strange because several things don't make sense. What is that ramp for and where does it lead to - prison cells? ;) What is that white box - storage of some sort? Is that a real wood floor or a Pergo? I think the latter. Despite the glass it's still gloomy and dark - I guess that;s because of the concrete walls outside. Are the rooms on the other side of the glass inside or outside spaces? They could be unfinished inside spaces but most likely they are outside. Hmm... A gym in a minimum security prison with a nice floor ??? Some kind of bizarre retail space...?? One of those lofts made from an industrial space. I KNOW - a loft made from an old prison!!! (just kidding, I'm not sure) Well, whatever it is with my design background I could improve it!!


How interesting, yet kind of creepy, but that's usually how these surrealistic works of art are. The lighting and shadows are well done. The first thing I noticed is that a man is confined/trapped/captured/in prison in a building while two men are shaking hands. Obvioulsy he's in there because of them, and they are happy about it - they sealed the deal which is why they are shaking hands. I also noticed that the man in jail and several other things - the statue, the tower are very greek classical while the men, the jail and the train and from the modern era. This is quite the contrast and is obviously signigicant. Are the men 'doing away' with the OLD ways and bringing in something new? New ways, new technology.....new something? What is the significance of the train...? It's coming towards them...why? Is it coming to 'take away' something? Yes, I think it is. It;s coming to take away the old classic stuff and make room for the men in the suits. Somehow.. Or am I jumping to conclusions here? The artist was probably disturbed about something going on in the world or in his/her personal life and is venting.


Another busy day at the Eiffel Tower! Too bad I've never been there. Actually it looks kind of boring. Sure the design is intersting...but, at least in pictures...it's not all that. I've heard you can climb it.......that would probably make it more fun and interesting because from this angle (below looking up) hohum. I'm also going to go on a warm day...I forgot that it gets chilly in France.


To the top of the world
Oct 5, 2007


So the first thing I noticed was the great sweeping arc in the center of the photo, then my eye was drawn up the tower into the unknown mists above the thing! On second glance, I notice the patterns in the iron, the struts and balconies, and the little details that hint at its age, even though the iconic nature of this building means it remains sort of timeless. I won't attempt to name the style, for fear of totally embarrassing my architectural education. But anyway, the top just looks precarious, like balancing on a long, spindly stick, even though the view must indeed be breathtaking.

I notice the people last, down on the ground. The red jacket, then the rest. They seem sort of distorted, temporary, while the structure soaring above them is stationary and permanent and timeless.

Okay, now to read everyone elses!


New member
Nov 1, 2007

Tower: Wow, it's bigger than I thought it would be.

Space: It looks like a new building to me. I tried to figure out what it would be used for and finally settled on an art museum. I wondered what art would be displayed here, and would I like it? I tried to imagine the finished product--paintings on the walls, people walking around, etc.

Painting: A 70s progressive rock album cover. I tried to imagine what the album would actually sound like. All I can decide is that the album's not very good.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
* Identify which image you chose.
* Identify your Type, if it's not included in your profile.
* Record what you notice, as you notice it. Try to capture your first impressions.

* Tower
* eNTp
* I remember the eiffel tower is modernism. The French hated it at first. This picture is really cool it feels like I'm under the tower.. the sides get smaller and more detail is fit into one place. Interesting view. The sky is setting, it's getting darker (perfect time of day!). There's a women under the tower wearing a sari. Lots of interesting people, looks fun. Someone's wearing a backpack. Are they near a college? They look like young adults. It's really a great picture.


* Space
* Oh my god how boringgg. I don't care if they tried to make the lighting look interesting, it didn't work. Ew the handrail.

* Painting
* Abstract art. Looks like something a schizophrenic did. Greek looking guy with hands through house. Bland colors, but it's not that bad to look at. Box in shade. Pilgrims shaking hands. Scultpture with no head. Ugly, ugly orange tower. Ewwwwww. Cute puff of smoke & tiny train. I like absract art a lot.
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Senior Membrane
Jul 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
* Chose the 3rd image (painting)

* Type = INTP

* Noticed: Someone trapped


New member
Dec 1, 2007
A Painting:
Oooo, I love this one. Awesome, modern architecture, and I love the lighting of the photo. The huge room's empty, and it seems cold, almost a bit frightening. Like you could expect a ghost to pop out or something, despite the modern look. It kind of seems like if the photograph was taking facing the left wall, you'd see doors along the corridor on the second floor. At first, I figured that it was day time thinking that the very back of the room (past the glass wall) was outside, until I noticed the trees in the top-right hand corner on a dark background. Knowing that the chamber all the way back is actually another room and doesn't lead outside gives it an even colder feeling. If there were plants back there, it would totally change the mood of the building thing as a whole. If there were people, plants, and FURNITURE, it would give the place a much warmer, friendlier feel.


New member
Sep 30, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Rules for Active Players:
In your post:
  • Identify which image you chose.
  • Identify your Type, if it's not included in your profile.
  • Record what you notice, as you notice it. Try to capture your first impressions.

A space

Light and shadows
Mixture of indoor and outdoor areas
The indoor area is only illuminated from light of the outdoor areas
Lots of windows
Looks like one of the open areas does not have reflections, might not be a window.
A feeling of solitude - even though there are lots of windows, the only thing that can be seen is what appears to be enclosed outdoor areas
hardwood floor distinguishes the indoor area
Stairs lead to a walkway that leads to the unknown
The rail of the stairs and upper area has a glossy shine to it
Counter/desk/table with nothing on it near the stairs

The room has a comforting feel to it, like it would be a nice place to relax if there were some furiture. It looks like it could be a reception area or lobby, it could also be an empty part of an art gallery or meuseum.


pathwise dependent
Aug 13, 2007
I choose the space.

First thing I noticed, that's not a real space. It's a 3-d rendering, and the name of the file agrees with me. This reflection stemmed from the fact that it reminded me of a videogame, even if I don't exactly remember which one. I though that the space under the stairs was a good place for campering, and that probably the window on the right, if broken, leads to a nuclear-vault-like section of the level. Basically, I identified it as a part of a deathmatch map rather than a real space. I also noticed how the perspective of the little cubicles on the right is skewed - or rather that there are two options, either the perspective is done poorly or they are not symmetrically cut with the exact same dimensions. Secondly, the shadow on the sofa-like thingy in the middle of the room, near the window at the center, is done poorly because it does not gradually shade towards a darker color but rather transitions in blocks. Thirdly, the attempt at creating a reflection of the walkway on the window on the right is done just as poorly because the light is entering the room in such a way that it's not possible that, given the position of the walkway, the final part can be reflected too. For that to be plausible the angle of the light coming from the right should be changed to a steeper one.


New member
Oct 23, 2007
Tower : classic shot of the Eiffel Tower from almost underneath it. I have taken one like it myself. A bit under-exposed -- could be improved in Photoshop.

Space : Interesting shot of a modern, empty room or hall, with subtle lighting. Looks like an outside yard to the right.

Painting : Don't like that kind of art (Dali-ish) -- wouldn't have it on my wall.

What conclusions from this exercise then ?


New member
Oct 5, 2007
I chose #2, the space.

I am strongly intuitive.

Impressions: It's quiet and peaceful; yet somehow also lonely and barren, and just a little bit cold (especially over near the stairway/walkway, and possibly in the adjacent room too, though I'm not as sure about the coldness of the other room; it has more potential for warmth). The space pictured has potential, and by that I mean good potential.


alcea rosea

New member
Nov 11, 2007
I did not want to choose any of those pictures because:

Eiffel tower: First impression was that the picture is threatening because of the photo angle (looking up to the tower). The picture made me feel uncomfortable and I don't like that feeling.

Space: First impression: too structured space, too functional architecture for my taste. The picture made me feel to restricted and I hate feeling restricted.

Painting: Too abstract. I don't like abstract art, I like more of traditional art (landscapes, flower arrangements, people etc.). Abstract art makes me feel restless. I don't like that feeling.

So, what does it mean when I don't want to choose. Too strong P, or too much F? :huh:


New member
Oct 19, 2007
This game shows how a preference for Sensing or iNtuiting affects what you pick up on. If you are not sure if you prefer Sensing or iNtuiting, you may find value in observing what people with different perceiving preferences notice.

  • Active Players (people who are sure of your perceiving preference and are comfortable sharing)
  • The Chorus (people who are unsure of your perceiving preference or who would simply prefer not to be an active player)
The game:
  • Choose one of the images below.
  • Avoid reading any other player's responses before replying.
  • Record what you notice about the image.
Rules for Active Players:
In your post:
  • Identify which image you chose.
  • Identify your Type, if it's not included in your profile.
  • Record what you notice, as you notice it. Try to capture your first impressions.
Rules for the Chorus:
Please let a few active players post before joining the discussion. After that, you're welcome to comment and ask questions.

(Ostensible) type: INTJ

Image: The Tower

As you look up, you see a tower, leaping high into the sky like a rocket with a tether cord. It looks so majestic from down here, towering over all that it surveys, like a god over his people. It's barely visible from beyond the wispy clouds. In this way, it is almost...ethereal...as you cannot truly ascertain it's entire form beyond the wispy clouds and the haze. The people encircling around it are looking up, trying to view the structural homage to humanity's innate desire for domination of our lush, green earth. They are staring in awe, even braving the elements (they are wearing coats) to stand in tribute to the enigmatic yet eye-catching landmark, which stands unmoved, indifferent to the troubles which may be pervading the earth and the lives of those people at this very moment, as if...it is above it all. ;)

That was my first impression.
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New member
Nov 5, 2007
a space-

i feel a sad vibe from this one... i notice there is no stairs so maybe a disabled person lives thier?... but how would they get up the no stairs thing =.=? it looks a trap or a prison... a prison of one's mind maybe. they can see the "light" or the way out (got that from the light shooting down from the walls) but can't get there- kinda like a torture or crazy house or a house that would make you crazy... sorry i think i'm thinking too much... but it's uh... depressing... but i am making assumptions off of what i'm seeing... so yeah... i think i'm very wrong.