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A survey for all types


Systematic chaos
Nov 30, 2008
Also, Costrin's stuff.

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
Take a walk outside or take a shower. Anywhere where I can clear my head.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
If someone has a problem with you and they don't tell you about it, it's not your problem.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I really don't know...I think everyone thinks I'm off my fuckin rocker. I'm the most outgoing out of my friends, and get people pumped and into things on a regular basis. I'm usually the one who gets others "into things", the story teller, etc. I also don't think I have people secretly hating me in any of my groups. I'm also "the odd one".

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
Tilt my head down, space out, and brainstorm the shit out of whatever the problem is.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I've got one dog, had him since I was in 5th grade (20 now). I'm VERY protective of him. I've thrown a friend out of my house for wacking him back in 9th grade, and almost got into a fight with a stranger concerning my dog and physically messing with him. If you fuck with my dog, I WILL fucking kill you.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Closed-mindedness, fake people, passive-aggression, people with no balls. The one trait I'd pick out of that is fake people, I can't stand two-faced people. Passive-aggression rears up a VERY close second.

7. Left or Right?
Left. Durp.

8. How do you have fun?
On the weekends: Partying / hanging with friends
On the weekdays: Going out with friends a bit, mostly entertaining myself in my room

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
No. I think a lot of things that I can't repeat verbally, and go off on a new tangent in my head every second in some cases. My inner world consists of taking in all the information in or related to a situation, and processing it to gain further insight into it, categorize it, and figure out where I stand on it.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
I usually assign personal value to music. I don't listen to any particular music when I'm in a certain mood, but I'm very effected in terms of emotional state by music. I almost always have music on.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Very. You fucker.

12. What are your "secret desires"?
To not share my secret desires with an internet forum. Circular logic? YOU be the judge.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
Very awkward if it's 1 on 1. In a group, a fun, edgy type person.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
I haven't really noticed any

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
I didn't even notice they were vague

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
That I'm an idiot. A lot of people don't understand when I'm joking and shoot me odd looks until they get to know me better.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
I lack confidence

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?

I can come up with a quick answer to most things / situations

21. What questions would you ask for this?
WAY too lazy

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?

What you see is what you get, generally. I suppose most people don't know the extent to which I put thought into certain situations, or what my "inner feelings" are, because I don't tend to show them.

23. Would you date Costrin?
I would have said yes a few days ago, but it was recently brought to my attention that you're not a whore. Major turn off.

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
The word "durp" kicks ass. The person in my avatar is "Mr. Derp" from South Park.


26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Go out of my way to talk to people and try and relate to them on their own level, or just meet them through friends / parties

27. What are some of your most important values?
Bitches, bling, and NO SNITCHIN.

No but really:
- Being true to yourself
- Never doing something just to be socially accepted
- Stick up for what you believe
- Fuckin live a little


29. What are your mornings generally like?
Wake up, head straight to shower, then wing it.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.

ISTP, I hate work and responsibility. i tend to overthink certain things, and love to have fun.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?

I've taken many tests, so from what i've taken I would say on a 0-100% scale, something around this:
I - 80%, E - 20%
S - 65%, N - 35%
T - 80%, F - 20%
J - 65%, P - 35%
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

Type 5.

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?

IxFP, they seem to be calm, peaceful people who are easy-going. I like people like that.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?

See question 5.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?

On the same team/project as me? I would say maybe INTJ, since they bring out the more creative side, and I'm not creative. Plus they can get things done, like me. Although sometimes we can be conflicting in getting something done.

8.) What does your room/house look like?

Pretty bland, white walls, nothing really hanging from it.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?

Not that imaginative, I rely on outside sources for that lol. I may not be imaginative, but I'm definitely efficient!

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?

Efficient, Introverted, punctual.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?


12.) What are you satisfied about in life?

My career prospects, my future, my plans, my past success, me.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?


Costrin's set of questions:
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?

Tough one. Usually I push myself pretty hard at whatever it is I'm stressed at, and look at it like I can do this, and do it well. Other times, I just feel like destressing myself by doing something more fun.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)

I would say Never give up. If you want something, don't let failure bring you down, you can eventually achieve it if you really put your mind to it.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?

I used to be the funny, witty one. Now I'm just the quiet loner.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?

Logical step-by-step approach, breaking it down in simple ways.
Simplicity = less confusion = easier = more likely to get a solution.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?


6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?

Hmm... I can't really think of one thing honestly. There are a few minor things, but I usually forget about them later on.

7. Left or Right?

Huh? I'm right-handed, but lean to the left politically. Is that what you're asking?

8. How do you have fun?

Hang out and so stuff with close buddies, from playing sports, eating out, video games, etc.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).

Haha, not really structured at all. It's very frantic. On the outside, I may seem very structured but sometimes so many different things are going on inside. I'm a very complex individual, and I think even those close to me may tell you that.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?

Haha, it affects my emotional state TREMENDOUSLY. More than anything really, music affects my mood in a major way. Yeah, I do listen to specific music when I'm in certain moods (like right now i'm doing that).

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?

Huh? I'm a little annoyed at how long this is, but it's fun so whatever.

12. What are your "secret desires"?

To be the richest man in the world, bang every Playboy playmate, and be assured of having good health and happiness for the rest of my life.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?

Introverted, shy, quiet.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?

I tend to identify with them more so than extroverts, and I usually get along better with them. Sometimes however this is not the case.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?

They have a lot of energy with people, and I get drained when around people. Sometimes I envy them. Only sometimes.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?

Honestly, I haven't successfully identified anyone of my own type that I know.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?

Not annoyed.

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?

That what you see is what you get.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?

Being anxious in social situations.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?

My values, success, position, body, and I'm grateful for what I have in life that people take for granted.

21. What questions would you ask for this?

I don't know.

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?

My hidden talent is juggling.

You're a girl? Maybe.

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?

One of the best video games for PS3. I like video games.


26. How do you generally meet new friends?

Taking classes with them, usually.

27. What are some of your most important values?

Determination, motivation, perseverance, optimism, hope, never giving up, you get the point.


29. What are your mornings generally like?
(work in progress)

Mornings SUCK. I don't like mornings, I'm an evening/night person all the way.


New member
Feb 23, 2009
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
I rarely get stressed, but when I do, I detach and try to get a better understanding
2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Whenever I try to make someone feel better, I try to spell out the facts and show them how they can escape their problem.
3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
Informer, philosopher lol
4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do yousolve it?
I try to look at all the possibilities and go with the one that makes the most sense. I usually spend a long time weighing possible outcomes of each action I could take to solve the problem.
5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I don't have my own pets, but with the pets I live with, I play with sometimes and shoe away at other times.
6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
willful ignorance. When people refuse to even consider what I have to say, it sends me into a rage.
7. Left or Right?
right? no... left!
8. How do you have fun?
hang around friends. I love sharing interesting ideas.
9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
I try to structure my inner world by matching ideas and coming to understandings. I spend a lot of time doing this.
10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
Music usually brings me peace, but it can also pump me up. Yes! when I'm in a shitty mood I usually listen to grunge from the 90's or trance, and when I'm in a good mood I listen to a lot of techno. I get a major sense of nostalgia from a lot of my music. I usually feel like the artist had a meaning in mind and I usually try to figure it out.
11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
I didn't notce anything wrong with the positioning, but when I saw it said work in progress I was kinda annoyed and ended up searching the thread for a continuation which really annoyed me..
12. What are your "secret desires"?
idk.. um, I really want to see how the human civilization will play out. How will society change? Will conquer the universe? I want to be immortal :alttongue:
13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
quiet and/or weird
14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
I relate, but I'm irritated by the quieter ones.
15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
Sometimes I get the impression that they are fake. I usually feel like they are too rash.
16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
never met a female INTP irl :(
17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Didn't notice
18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
Some people say I'm too self-involved. I don't feel like I am.
19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
My introvertedess
20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
My ability to think objectively very well
21. What questions would you ask for this?
What is your favorite subject in school?
22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
A couple ex's hurt me a looot more than I ever let on.
23. Would you date Costrin?
I like vag, sorry
24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
George Carlin is my hero :D
I just thought of some douche in a plain yelling at an eagle. Something I would do.
26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Usually through other friends, but I usually just start talking to someone.
27. What are some of your most important values?
Open-mindedness not much else
29. What are your mornings generally like?
If I have to get up, then I hate life. If I don't, then I sleep in as long as physically possible. Either way, first thing I do is take a long shower where I reflect on any random thing.


Gotta catch you all!
Mar 31, 2008
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
Depends if it's an emotional stress (rare) or a professional stress (frequent). Despite my chronic happiness, I can't say I cope well with stress. Sometimes, a quick stroll outside my house is enough, whether in park, in a forest, or in the middle of a crowd. Playing piano can also be quite handy, or seeing some friends to get energized.

Anyway. Most of the times, deadlines are a nightmare.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them?
Each advice is specific, hence I have none for the "majority of people".

Maybe it would be to realize how society is replacing our own desires with false, empty ones, but I don't think this would make life easier for anybody.
Be aware of your own alienation!

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I'm often "elected" as the unwanted/reluctant leader of my group. It's rather curious: the more I try to set them free and appreciate life individually, the more intellectually subservient/dependent they seem to become in return.
The more people tend to know me in depth, the more they will ask advices. The solution I've found to prevent me from being continuously assailed by requests is to keep a large array of friends, so they can feed my curiosity in return, so it's not always one way. Paradoxical, isn't it?

Even within political movements, I always end up like a kind of guru, or an éminence grise. I feel flattered, but sometimes, it's annoying. I spend most of my time solving my friends troubles, but there's nobody to help the poor Blackmail!, especially when he would sorely need it. :cry:

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
First, I like to manufacture my own "problems", my own Ideas.
Then I spend a lot of time observing what's going on, trying to notice every pieces of the puzzle. Then I may try a few hypothesis, to see if they could work or not, if they uncovered something. I try not to forget every possible revealing details.

But most of the time, I may have a sudden epiphany that gives me the global clue I was seeking for so long. It may take me a few days, weeks, it's always sudden, and only after having tried many dead ends.
I often pick complex solutions that have to simultaneously integrate many free variables, but only if they are really effective, if their complexity is a fundamental improvement to the task we tried to solve.

I always enjoy to be at the avant-garde of my theoretical domain (architecture/landscape architecture). I hate following "recipes" or schedules.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
Would you consider the tropical jumping spiders that live amongst my jungle of orchids as "pets"? ;)
They are fascinating little critters, full of life.

Anyway, I prefer to observe animals in the wilderness. Maybe that's the environmentalist speaking...

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
The lack of intellectual curiosity.
Ideological zealots. (1)
Violence against kids.
Gun fetishists.

(1) Even those of my political side

7. Left or Right?
I'm partly ambidextrous. Contrary to most beliefs, it's not a blessing. It's quite confusing, because it's not so useful when you continuously hesitate between your right or your left side, and you can't tell which one you could pick, which one is the right, and which one is the left.

Politically, I'm very liberal, thus you could say I'm leaning towards the left.

8. How do you have fun?
At parties. Or in a bed. Or when I just solved a complex problem, the feeling is exhilarating.
Museum and Arts also represent a very important part of my life, but I don't know if you could consider those frequent visits as "having fun". :D

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
Constant state of fluid curiosity... It's like asking "why?", "why?", "why?", "how does it work?" many times a second... and appreciating the beauty of all the possible answers.
I'm often far more focused than what most people would expect. I speak rather slowly, even in French, but in my head I usually already had time to choose between several sentences.

I can't say if my inner world is really structured. Probably as much as a Ne-dom can be! :thinking:

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
Music can deeply affect my emotional state or my current inspiration. And you should be aware that there is no simple answer with anything that deals with Aesthetics, since Art can be defined as an autotelic activity.
I do not think there is something universal within the individual taste, but there is an universal potential within every piece of Art, and that includes music.

What I appreciate with Art, is the capacity to directly stimulate me with new, creative patterns, or to induce a trance that is able to stimulate me. Everything that I find dull, boring, whose contemplation rather makes the mind poorer than it was before, I also find repulsive, ugly.
I'd say a real artist means somebody who is able to share or convey a specific way to contemplate the universe or to use our senses.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Why should I be annoyed? I choose to answer!

12. What are your "secret desires"?
Well, sexual desires are not that secret because they are shared by the entire mankind, because they are the reminiscence of our most powerful instincts. They are quite predictable. Although having a threesome with PinkPiranha and CaptainChick could be quite entertaining... Or with Edahn and Eck?

So what could really be "secret"? Fame, fortune, glory, global domination, success, sex?
Something really specific?

Unlike this assortment of clichés, these desires have to be so secret I'm not able to formulate them yet. :huh:

Ah yes: I secretly like masculine, strong-willed girls. I think it's unusual. It's not not that I like to be dominated, but I rather fantasize about a possible "equal partner".

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
What else would you expect?

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
They are curious animals. I would never be able to really understand them, especially their thinking patterns, although it's nice to work amongst quiet environments, sometimes. They're often fiercely loyal, hence there's nothing more pleasant than being cuddled by your own personal introverted pet/partner.
Nonetheless, I think I'd quickly depress if I lived in a world exclusively populated by them.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
According to me, they are "normal" people. People who are accessible, who will not flee solicitation.
Nonetheless, "normal" can also mean boring sometimes.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
One of my best female friend is an ENTP, and what always amazed me with her, is how similar we were, despite our obvious physical differences.

But let's say she always have had more agressive sexual apetites and habits than me. Usually, she "consumes" a man every two or three months, before ruthlessly dumping the unfortunate toy-boy.
I'm not like that, I'm far more caring although I understand the meaning of sex just for the sake of sex and nothing else.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
That they could trust me.
(I'd wish they could) :(

And people often think I'm happy when I'm actually depressed, and vice-versa. It's difficult to decipher my real emotions or moods, even for me.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
My lack of commitment. My laziness. It's also very difficult for me to work within a J-environment, when I have little freedom to think or experiment my own ideas.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
My capacity to see miracles everywhere. My sense of wonder. My insatiable curiosity. And the way I'm able to share my enthusiasm if needed.

21. What questions would you ask for this?
But where are the snows of yester-year?
Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
I suck at computers. It's true!

23. Would you date Costrin?
As I already told you: No.

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
The written avatar goes with the graphic one. I tried to pick a situation close to my own mood, a very ENTPish one.
Michael Palin had a flamboyant shirt and bow tie: I enjoyed that! [and a nice cup of hair, by the way!]

And furthermore, I noticed (later) that every ENTPs on Entp.org had smiling avatars.


26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Everywhere. 99% IRL, of course.

27. What are some of your most important values?
What do you mean by "values"? :thinking:


29. What are your mornings generally like?
(work in progress)
Slow awakening. If the sun is already there, that's better.
If I had an idea during my sleep, I hurry writing it down, and sometimes I immediately make related investigations thanks to my computer or my books, before doing anything further.

After that: croissants and a cup of tea, while reading the newspapers or hearing the radio. Some fruits (usually, half a grapefruit, if it's the season).
Intense contemplation of the sky, of the trees outside my windows.
I ventilate my appartment.
Close inspection of my plants.
A shower.
A shaving.
And then, I begin to work and see what I should do today. Sometimes, it means taking my faithful bike and going to either the laboratory, the agency, or the architecture school where I teach... or anywhere else within Paris.
Last edited:


Sep 26, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type?
2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I always thought I was an ENTJ, but I considered INTJ, ENFJ, ENTP and INTP.
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
See my signature. They are 50-100%
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
8, 1, 3 in that order.
5.) What types are you attracted to for friendship and why?
The other Ns, but mainly all the NJs. I also like ESFPs, ESTPs on occasion and a few IS-Js.
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
I like the INFs the best but I also like that INTs and a few of the ENs.
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
I like working with INFs in study groups. I also like working with EN-Js in the office.
8.) What does your room/house look like?
Huge mess.
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I guess I am up there. I tend to think about things once a problem has been proposed.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Almost everything, but I don't fit the stereotype I don't think.
11.) What other types can you relate to well?
All the NJs.
12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
I am a very satisfied and optimistic person. I am pretty happy with the way things are.
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Shit, son, that's a lotta questions!

BlackCat's Questions

1.) What is your MBTI type? INFP

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why. I love debating, talking about philosophy, and learning how to think rationally about things, so I've wondered sometimes if I'm an INTP. (But I'm definitely not.)

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
71% I, 80% N, 74% F, 96 % P.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)? I took some test once on the Internet and scored a 4, I believe, but I don't know anything about this (and am probably not even reporting the type right) and am not sure how reliable that test was.

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why? I get along with just about everybody, although ISTJ's sometimes drive me up a wall. I especially love INTP's.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
INTP's, although in my experience, that's been a train wreck. My longest relationship has been with an ESFP.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why? I can work with most anybody, although I especially love working with NF's. We think similarly.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
Train wreck. War zone. Absolute, horrific chaos. (And just for your reading pleasure, I might add that my car looks like a homeless bum lives in it. I keep vowing to change this problem, but alas, I am a bona fide slob.)

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I am highly imaginative. Maybe, like, bordering-on-psychotic-imaginative. I spend a lot of time in my imagination, thinking about whatever -- fairies and other fantasy forest characters are my favorite indulgence. (Someday I will write a book so I have a legitimate excuse for being a freak.) I also spend a lot of time imagining goings-on in my life and how they will play out, or could have played out, etc. Some are helpful (like imagining how I will confront someone about an issue and what will happen) and some are silly (like imagining myself singing the National Anthem at a football game.)

OK. That's enough of that. *Hides face in hands*

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
It's all pretty dead-on accurate.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
NF's and NT's.

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
I'm satisfied with my financial and social standing, and that's probably about it. I am partially satisfied with most things, but I'm always seeking something better or more 'perfect.'

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I am currently in school (English Lit major), and I teach piano lessons and work as a barista at a café. (All of which I adore.) I hope to be an English teacher at a college level, and a writer (eventually, when I have something to say.)

Costrin's Questions

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
If I have free time, I will exercise, watch TV, surf the Internet, sleep, take a shower or bath, play piano, or generally waste time. If I don't have free time, I try to breathe deeply. If I get super stressed and don't focus on breathing, I usually stop eating and sleeping.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
We don't have all the answers, and it's ok.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
Listener, sympathizer, devil's advocate, peacemaker. I usually have to be dragged kicking and screaming if my friends want me to go somewhere and be social, but once I leave we end up having fun.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
If it's an intellectual problem, I ask as many thinkers as possible for their ideas, listen to as many different sides and opinions as I can, and come up with a conclusion I don't trust.

If it's something more social or emotional, I shut down and completely ignore it if it has anything to do with conflict. If it has to do with helping people, I'll try to understand how someone else feels about something and solve the problem based on what would most appeal to or help them specifically.

5. Do you have pets? Not currently, but I love animals and used to have a dog with whom I had little 'conversations' all the time. If I bump into an animal (with my rocking, clumsy self) I usually apologize without even thinking about it. I also enjoy keeping fish in my 55 gallon tank and got super obsessed with it for a while, but haven't had the time lately.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?Arrogance, whether it's outright, or more subtle (like thinking about what you want to say while you pretend to listen to someone else's opinion.) I don't think anybody should consider him/herself better than another person. We can learn from everyone, and every person is valuable.

7. Left or Right? Right.

8. How do you have fun?
It depends on my mood, but usually it's kind of boring things like a thoughtful debate, a game of Scrabble, a road trip with a couple of friends, or a hike in the fall.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!). Ermm ... I have no idea if it's structured. Off the top of my head, I picture my inner world kind of as a cross between a wooded fairy-land, a roller coaster, a haunted house of horrors, and a rave. (How's that for a visual?)

10. How does music affect your emotional state?

Music affects me so strongly that I cannot listen to it as "background" noise, even if I'm just eating. Sometimes I'm in mid-conversation and my friends have to shut off the music because I can't concentrate on what I'm saying. I don't go to many shows because I get too emotionally overwhelmed and feel like an idiot. If I see a symphony performance, I usually cry at some point. I am a lot more motivated to work out if I have dance music or angry rock music on my ipod.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Eh, whatever ...

12. What are your "secret desires"?
To accomplish something absolutely staggering and selfless that changes the world in the form of helping people and/or making a gigantic statement. Like Mother Theresa. Or Ghandi.

13. How do you think people view you when they first meet you?
I think they typically like me and think I'm a kind person, but probably think I'm a lot more plain vanilla than I actually am. Usually NF's and NT's sense some kind of "connection" or kindred spirit kind of thing right away.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?

I like introverts, as long as they're not painfully shy.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I like extroverts, as long as they're not obnoxiously bubbly or insincere in their interactions with people.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
I don't know if I've had any significant experiences with males of my type.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions? Vagueness can be fun.

18. What is the most common misconception of you? That I think I'm better than others or dislike people in general. I just get frustrated with people sometimes and I need a lot of time alone.

19. What is the one thing about yourself that you hate?
I feel things so deeply and sometimes cannot control those feelings or verbally express what I am experiencing. (OK, I know you only asked for one thing, but I also want to throw in the fact that I expect every mundane little thing to be larger than life and packed three feet deep with symbolism.)

20. What is the one thing about yourself that you love?
I have a really big heart and I genuinely care about people and have a lot of tolerance for mistakes.

21. What questions would you ask for this?
No idea, and I don't feel like thinking about it. But bravo.

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
That I am sad much more often than I'm happy.

23. Would you date Costrin?

Pssh! Of course. *Bats eyelashes*

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
Gah! I picked this cute little avatar with one penguin pushing the other one over and calling him "foo," but I couldn't get it to work right because I'm a technical idiot. So I have to find another one. I actually picked that avatar because it was humorous, and I figured it would give a better impression than the typical medieval princess in the woods with fairies crap to which I'm generally attracted. In my experience, that type of thing seems to send sane people packing in a hurry...


Whatever you say, champ.

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
I is for Introvert and, uh ... Internet.

27. What are some of your most important values?
Love, Respect, Tolerance, Kindness, Justice, Integrity, independent thinking, and being genuine.

29. What are your mornings generally like?
Hell on earth. Perhaps I should stop staying up at night.
Last edited:


New member
May 11, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type? INFP
2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why. ISTP, because that was my very first result when I tried a test. INTP because that was another early result, and it sort of fit more. Also considered INFJ and ISFP somewhat, because I have a lot of those qualities, but in the end INFP seemed to fit best.
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale? I really don't know.. It seems to change on mood. I tend to score stronger on introversion and perception though.
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)? Either 4, 5, or 9. I would go for 5w4, but it's another thing I have trouble determining.
5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why? XNFPs, XNTPs, XSFPs I think the most, probably because they are usually pretty chill and laidback company to be with.
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why? XNTPs I think, because I like that personality.
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why? I don't enjoy work -- but if it's really work that needs to get done, probably a ISTJ or something, dunno. Depends on the work.
8.) What does your room/house look like? My room is a perpetual mess.
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about? I'm imaginative with creating images in my head. Also different kinds of scenes and fictional situations.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions? Inner world of emotion, expression through language, needing to do something that they value, stuff like that.
11.) What other types can you relate to well?
Most types I can relate to okay, except SJs are a bit weird, though I am close to a lot of them. I think on a deeper level, it's easier to relate to N's in general.
12.) What are you satisfied about in life? That I've been given a healthy body and that life is pretty mind boggling all the time.
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career? Want a career that I'm happy with obviously, in the future. Currently a student studying business.


1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
Have a tea or coffee, just get away and do something I enjoy, try to think my mind into not being so stressed, or if it gets really stressful throw some kind of crying fit/crazy tantrum and wish it would all go away :(.
2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific) Expand your mind (through reading lots of books or something), try to look at things from different perspectives when in a rut, get some heroes, and don't feel too sorry for yourself.
3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends? Um don't really have one. I'm there when I'm there. Not very important, but not too much of a hassle to be there.
4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it? I think about it. If the problem allows, I just give it time, and usually trust that my subconscious or something works it out for me in a bit and I just follow the signs in my mind. I try to be open to getting advice if it's really challenging, and just imagining each plausible alternative to choose and what the results would be and just weigh it up. No set method, apparently.
5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets? I have a dog. I had three, but two of them died within the past year. I love my pets. Because they always greet me with happiness, it makes me happy and so I naturally treat them lovingly.
6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why? Hm... when people make a (negative and offensive or hurtful) judgement on someone based on ignorance of either some knowledge in general or ignorance of the specific/personal situation.
7. Left or Right? Both are good.
8. How do you have fun? Depends how I feel or where I am. Pretty typical things really. I mean, I can have fun doing art, watching TV, reading, surfing the net, or going to parties, chilling with friends, exploring a forest, or whatever.
9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!). I would definitely not think of it as structured. It's incredibly chaotic at times. It's my mind and my heart, and everything's pretty much free floating. Whatever is in my head is in my head, and I don't really know how it got there. Basically I have no idea where anything is but somehow everything just comes together.
10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out? Music means a lot to me... definitely can affect my emotional state. Some music is really good at lifting me up, if it's got optimistic lyrics (against good music) and can get me pretty sentimental or whatever. Sometimes nostalgic, but only when the song reminds me of a certain time when I was listening to it a lot.. I think music is important in terms of personal meanings, but a good song is one that finds universal meaning in everyone's personal meaning. I.e. it's able to take the basics so that when people hear it they can easily assign personal meanings to it.
11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it? Not annoyed?
12. What are your "secret desires"? To be truly awesome. To be able to be myself, and reach a high potential. To be able to fuck off all the traditional expectations put on me, and be strong enough to do it. To see the world end in 2012 lol.
13. How do think people view you when they first meet you? Either quiet/shy or quiet/weird I suppose.
14. What do you feel about introverts, and why? They're cool in my books.
15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why? They're cool in my books, as long as they understand that I need quiet space a bit more often than they do.
16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type? Male INFPs I can think of seem to come off as more neurotic? It's hard for me to say, because I don't really know many INFP males irl.
17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions? Not annoyed. Open ended questions are good.
18. What is the most common misconception people have of you? That I'm boring, weird, or mean maybe. I dunno how people perceive me though, except by feedback. So apparently that's how I appear, even if that's not how I feel.
19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate? I hate my self-hate.
20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love? The intensity of my inner world.
21. What questions would you ask for this? I dunno :(
22. What is one thing that people don't know about you? Lots of insignificant things.
23. Would you date Costrin?Sure
24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
I was looking for an avatar and found this thing that I made on photoshop a while ago, and just felt it looked okay and kinda fit.
26. How do you generally meet new friends?
They meet me, or through other friends.
27. What are some of your most important values? Growth, understanding, honesty, strength
29. What are your mornings generally like?
Fatigued, a struggle. There are habits and things that keep me alive. Like morning radio talk show, a nice cup of coffee. Routine in the morning seems to help me get through it.


New member
Nov 22, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I haven't thought really. INTJ if I've felt very cynical. :blush:

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
Can't remember specificly, I and N closer to ~100scale, F and J closer to ~ 50 scale

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
5w4 / 9

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
I like feeling stimulated, challenged and connected and have fun.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?

charm, humour, wits, spontaneity, mystery, depth.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
Doesn't matter. I want to work alone anyway :tongue:

8.) What does your room/house look like?
A big shelf that is cluttered with books, my camera and gift dishes, boxes, cd's without their covers + everything random... Desk from the beginning of the 20th century antique from my greatgreat grandmother's house. A lantern hanging from the curtain clamp, a big plate for candles. A white sitting chair. One wall wallpapered with greyish patterns, others painted. Two shelves for my glass dogs and small houses I collect from EU, two huge shellfish and Eiffel tower of course and Egyptian god. A mirror and a bed.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I usually create stories or plots or characters or possible events in my head.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Well, ehm, all of it to some extent.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
school for fine arts or social sciences or the faculty of psychology. - careerwise... Oh. Something organizational, psychologist, photographer, dramaturge...

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
feel stressed until the stressor goes away or do something to get my mind of it (doesn't really take it away though).

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Quit using any substances.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
Good listener/conversationalist.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
Let it mull in my head over a period of time - then I get the clear view of what my rational thinking, guts and feelings all have to say about it.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
One. I treat her well.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?

7. Left or Right?

8. How do you have fun?
friends, good stuff and laughs, doing something spontaneous and adventurous.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?

Music is my emotional language, if only people could understand that it's so much easier for me to express my emotions through it. Music goes deep in me. I listen to specific music in certain moods yes.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
I'm more annoyed with the noise of the squirrels that live in the walls (no, I'm not crazy. Really)

12. What are your "secret desires"?


13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
Depends on the person. Observing, reserved, polite.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
If they're as reserved and quiet as me, it's likely their company makes me feel uncomfortable because I feel responsible to be the "extravert" one and more assertive. But if that ain't the case, love them.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I feel comfortable with them.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
I know only one other INFJ that I know of and she's a female.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
Well just that they don't really know.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
don't want to confront others of their mistreatment or criticize them.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?

21. What questions would you ask for this?

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
There's a reason it's a secret if it's a secret if such a thing exists.

23. Would you date Costrin?

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
It felt right.

Bring it on

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
New... friends? :shock:

27. What are some of your most important values?
Mercy, fairness, integrity.

What hapned? :D

29. What are your mornings generally like?
Very fuzzy. I open my eyes when I've sat to a table. The light hurts my eyes. I sleep as late as I can and miss breakfast. Doesn't take much time to prepare myself.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type? ISFP

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I often thought I was N, because I questioned a lot of things and looked at myself and my life in the bigger picture, but I think I did that because I had the need to observe and replace things and better my life, because I was kind of "stuck" in confusion for a while.
I also sometimes questioned my E/I difference, because I longed for attention and love, but I am def. an I.
My T/F was questioned in times where I had been extremely put off by things and I became more tough minded although that was only on the surface.
[note: as confusion grew , P grew bigger as well ^^]
So yea... That period of confusion caused confusion indeed ;)

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
These are the results from my last test, but I believe they tend to vary a tad, depending on the day!
I: 63 %
S: 63 %
F: 68 %
P: 84 %

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
Still looking for it

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
I don't pick friends according to their type:p, but I seem to mingle well with INF's, ESP's and NT's. I have a fire+water friendship with an ENFP, and if I'd ever meet an ISTP we'd prolly have fun being active outside all day and gathering data about random stuff ^^.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
ENTP's, because I tend to believe in duality up to a certain extent, and because ironically enough, after dating an ENTJ, I came to kinda like two ENTP's in the meantime: ENTJ is like my life counterpart but ENTP's seem to be soul counterparts for some vague reason :).
I'm young though so I don't have a lot of experience to share. I can't remember the type of my very first bf but he could've been INTP, and I've shared some good but also rough times with an ESTP. ExFx's are great for a certain comfort and extra ditzyness, but I dig some T backup as well.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
mild J's, because they help me focus and get something done.
Usually just open minded people really, I don't think that is all too type related, J's could be listening and open minded as well, so.
P's could be great for extra creativity and inspiration.
Lol, I find it hard to make this topic type related =P I'm gonna have to return to you about that in about 10 years after I have more working experience with all kinds of people.
I figured now that I like efficiency and non conventionality.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
My room looks like a mess: piles of clothes and papers everywhere, and it kind of needs to be cleaned. It's cozy though, and it has a nice setting. I bet people would like to look through all of the stuff that lies all over the place:p I like saving stuff that I make and stuff that I cherish.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I'm pretty imaginative, I can get caught up in my own imagination and I easily flap out random ideas when we're getting into conversation because I enjoy the brainstorming and looking for information part. Not imaginative enough about myself though, I tend to be too pessimistic or something about myself.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Being hedonistic and touchy, being very moody, easily scared off or hesitant, yet competitive, sometimes a tad private and standoffish and hard to get to know and stuff, but actually caring about other people -can care deeply, I like helping ppl out and supporting them with things, being random and if I get extra stimulated it's like I'm on crack (may be in a unhealthy state:p), looking for fun everywhere, liking new stuff, arty, sometimes an attitude that's too carefree (may be the undeciding P), forgetful, sensitive senses, feel a kind of repulsion when I get too close to someone who smashes against my values, curious about people, creative, enjoys tickling and hitting haha I Had to mention the SP hitting, impulsive and/or closed off when frustrated, need to feel free, need for harmony.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
ISTP, ENFP, and a friend told me I have a secret NT inside of me because I don't mind analysing people and situations :p

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
The space and opportunities I have to pursue my interests.
The fact that I'm in art school (last year).
The fact that because information is easily exchanged these days I can get a taste of everything that looks appealing.
The fact that I've been in touch with music, particularly also through music school... and checking out the internet and concerts =P
The fact that I've been depressed enough to figure new things out.
The fact that thanks to my dad I've had the luck to do some traveling,

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I will have to pick my first major soon. I'm interested in psychology, media and communications. Yup, communications, you read that correctly


New member
Oct 17, 2008


1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
I kick back and do stuff that I like and no one should dare interrupt it:p
Mh exercising or walking/biking outside can do good as well

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Dig into yourself and come to know your psyche and your body. Also try to get to know your environment, and try to channel yourself a bit?...

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I'll try! -> Kind of like the silly, creative, reflective, odd "loner" with a sensitive streak.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
Sob on it, analyze, may look for support eventually to help me get on with it or look at things differently.
Try to pick up efficiency after too much wondering.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
Fish: They're in my sister's room, so I don't have a bond with them :p
Dog: She's been around for a very long time, I 'say hi' everytime we cross each others paths and often like to caress her and or mess with her or "communicate" by play. I give names or go kootchiewootchie for fun :D lolz
Cat: She's fairly new to the house, and I do the same with her like my dog, only I pick her up often too because she's small.
Birds: mm, barely 'hang out with them', when I decide to go to them I do some superficial talk and call them nicknames and try to put my hand out for them so they might actually sit on it :p I could try to sing to them hahah :/

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
I can only pick ONE? :p Lemme think about that

7. Left or Right?
Left? Right? Middle! I dunno dude, the question's too deep. /Ugh

8. How do you have fun?
Relax internally and get on with it and into it !
Let loose !
Letting the inside shine through? following my heart
Pranks and word puns and jokes
Doing activities I like
Visiting events, places
Sumtimes new challenges
Not sure this answers the question accurately

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
It's so unstructured that I try to create and/or find structure in my life!

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
I mostly adjust my music to my moods, or just click on something random from my list or on sites to get to know new stuff,
but I enjoy it so much when I just hear random music in a cafe, on the radio, in the car, whatever... so yea I love the radio... It's the perfect setting ^^
It is as well universal as personal, I find that I often relate a LOT of personal things to music, some music can touch my heart, same for the lyrics

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Don't care

12. What are your "secret desires"?
Love and Hot Fun
Reaching the horizon
Stable harmonic relationships
Great growth while positioning myself in and with the world, mental improvement and connecting with causes
Physical fitness forever
A basement full of MnM's (jk)

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
I've heard several characteristics, I can't form one basic idea,.. I may ask people

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
Still waters run deep ,
Bewildered with the E side of life and E people.
Why : just observations .....mmbecause they can keep to themselves and be inward looking yet they also need closure and sharing but they don't do it the way E's do and E's can seem *too much* to them

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
21. What questions would you ask for this?
22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
23. Would you date Costrin?
24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
26. How do you generally meet new friends?
27. What are some of your most important values?
29. What are your mornings generally like?


Perfect Gentleman! =D
Nov 20, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
ENFx?: Because of the bantering between myself and others.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
I-33%, S-12%, T-38%, J-67%; Scale is 0-100 I think.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
4 & 8 came back the highest two numbers and they were the same level.

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
xSFx's & xNFx's, I don't know why. Probably because of the F. I also like having other ISTJ friends.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
Typically xNFx's and xSFx's I think, again, I don't know why. Probably the F.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
Other ISTJ's, ISFJ's, ENFP's & ESFP's (They can make work more fun), ENFJ's, INFP

8.) What does your room/house look like?
It's an organized mess. :yes: <--- I know approximately where things are and where to start looking for them if they are not where they should be.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
Not really imaginative, I'm a realistic goal setter. However, on occasion I imagine that I will be married some day and have a decent job with decent income.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Reliable, Quiet/Shy, Good Listener, Good Leadership Skills, Empathetic, Observant, Reserved, Respectful to proper authority, Loyal

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
Not sure, maybe ISFJ?

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
Working, getting a job done and over with and moving on to the next. Helping others and serving the greater good also bring great satisfaction.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
Military/Paramilitary, Currently going working on a degree though.


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type?
2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
Not really no.
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
E can vary, N and T about 80%, P around 100%
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
ESFP help me get 'into the mood' when i'm a bit too calm (happens), otherwise everybody really, I tend not to adore most SJ but they're fine for short term. Everybody has perks and I usually don't ever stay around long enough to suffer the cons:blush:
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
Well, I haven't truly been interested into somebody in like, 5 years, I just mess around so I'm not sure their type is that important. IxFx tend to like me that way.
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
ISTP, they're not forceful and efficient\to the point. When i really try to work I'd sure feel like home having entps around but hey, we'd end up doing nothing. I like when there's an ESTJ or and ENTJ in the team to get most of the responsabilities off my back.:cheese:
8.) What does your room/house look like?
It's a mess, I sometimes think new breeds of monsters lurk in the shadows. But somehow I tend to know where everything is... until somebody 'cleans it' in my absence thinking they're helping, so I lose everything and have to turn everything upside down, making it a bigger mess than it was before in a quest for lost items.
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
Ideas, concepts. If I rarely talk about 'clever stuffs' it's because I tend to get them in half a second and don't understand why people need to discuss them for hours. It's an Ne+Ti thing I guess.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
It's pretty much like somebody stalked me for a while. I can at times be quite different, but that's related to personal experience, I'm always very much an entp at heart.
11.) What other types can you relate to well?
Everybody! (and nobody)
12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
I like life, I tend to be kind of happy no matter what happens.
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I'm a student in a business school.

The Outsider

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Sir BlackCat's inquiry

1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
At first when I didn't really know anything about the theory, I considered INFJ, because the description was kind of similar. INFP is really the only fitting type for me though.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
According to some bizarre test somewhere - I:100% N:89% F:68% P:79%

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
Type doesn't matter, the person does. A friend should be accepting and trustworthy. Also, a good taste of humor is necessary, as is an imagination. Whining is not acceptable. My best friend is an ESTP, and we get along well.
The initial attraction would be to an introverted type probably. Feels safer.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
I'm open to anything, strongest attraction is to NFs, and NTs. Not sure I would mix well with an INFJ though.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
Somebody who gets the things done, without getting too serious about it. :jew:
NTs seem to be the preference. I enjoy working with friends mostly though, type doesn't matter that much. What matters is that we get along and are able to have fun.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
Don't care about the rest of the house too much, I don't leave any of my stuff lying around and sometimes even put some other annoying things away, to make myself more comfortable and the atmosphere more enjoyable.
My room.. Well, it gets dusty and messy every now and then, but usually it looks pretty good. It's until you open some of my drawers or the closet. I don't really keep any system. I just push everything into the drawers, but I can usually find most of my things, as they are all in one of the drawers. Just have to dig in them a bit.
At this very moment, my room doesn't look too good.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I consider myself very imaginative.
I use my imagination in writing stories/essays/etc, drawing and also speech.
I also fantasize most of the time. Create characters and worlds and such junk.
Sometimes I use my imagination to change the world around me. Like making a dull city into a sunny medieval town.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
I dread conflict, am laid-back, considerate, idealistic. Well, most of it. I don't really get all defensive over my values and I can enjoy logic, science, facts and whatnot. Don't know if any descriptions really imply it, but I'm not overly prone to depression and such nonsense. I'm usually quite positive. Not too sure about that divine gift of language, granted, I am bilingual and understand a bit of many other languages, but I'm having trouble with Russian. Perhaps it is my laziness, due to which I've never really put my whole mind to it, nor do I care to.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
INFJ and INTP to an extent

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
I'm in a good school, doing quite well. Have done extensive introspecting, having developed a good understanding of myself through that. I'm capable of enjoying life and laughing myself through problems.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
Archeology, teaching, psychology, psychiatry. Intend to write and paint in the midst of whatever profession I might end up in.

Mr. Costrin's stalker diary.

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
Listen to music, read, sleep, draw, play computer games, drink tea and coffee, walk, write, think, go to icanhascheezburger.com
Hmm, I do all that anyway. Basically, I don't do anything specific to get unstressed, apart from isolating myself from others, I just let it pass sort of.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Stop whining and worrying about unnecessary things. Don't take everything so seriously.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I'm the one who talks idiotic nonsense, does stupid things, makes up stuff, laughs most of the time, knows everything about topics concerning and related to music, religions, history and anything sci-fi, always joking, dresses strangely or stylishly, draws into all of his notebooks during classes.
Also - creative, philosophical, overly humble, supportive, generous, silly, smart.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
Stay away from it as long as possible. Try to avoid it if possible. Think about it a lot, solve it at the last moment.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I have a dog, an Alaskan Malamute. I treat her very well of course.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
When they whine a lot, about their "problems" and whatnot, It is fueled by their egocentricity. I apologize, but I have to add one more - the lack of a sense of humor.

7. Left or Right?
Thinking about spirituality and politics - left.

8. How do you have fun?
Go out with a friend or friends, play computer games, watch movies, listen to music.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
Not really. I have different worlds with different people in them in my head. Some are connected, they often revolve around a certain character or characters. One of the characters is me, but not really me. He has a different appearance and perhaps even personality, but still - me, in a sense. There can be a structure to my inner world, but I wouldn't call it structured.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
When I open myself up to it, music can quite strongly affect my emotional state. I tend to listen to specific music in certain moods, not always though. Sometimes I just haven't listened to something for a while, and then proceed to fix that. Some music is more fitting for a rainy day and some for a sunny spring day, but when I want to listen to the rainy-day-music on a sunny day, nothing is stopping me from doing just that.
Songs definitely have a personal meaning for me.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
I think I missed the worst of it. Makes it more interesting.

12. What are your "secret desires"?
It's a secret. :jew:
I mean, there are things like world domination, seeing the world burn, etc.
May be more like thoughts, rather than desires.
Also, running naked in sunny grasslands and uh.. I don't know. I'm tired. Have a desire to sleep.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
Self-absorbed, shy, awkward.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
I like introverts. I usually feel good around them. I actually find it easier to approach introverts. Not all of them of course. Some can be really annoying.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I like them too. It's easier to hold a conversation with them. I may feel a little threatened by them in some settings perhaps.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
Don't think the gender has too big of a role here. Of course, I don't know any infpies in the real world out there! What a weird place it is!
Anyway, I'd guess INFP isn't the most stereotypically masculine type out there. So, INFP women might be better accepted by the society in their femininity as INFPs.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Not at all, mister Costrin. Not at all. I like it, there's a chance that I misinterpret some questions, but as they are vague, I don't sound so weird doing so.

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
I'm not sure. I guess they might think I am a cold, distant, uninteresting person. But then I shake these ill-laid foundations with some humor or a smile.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
My laziness and the awkwardness I may present when communicating with one of the fairer sex, when I so happen to have a romantic interest in her.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
Hmm, I'm just gonna say my idealism. As I see it covering many aspects I revel in myself.

21. What questions would you ask for this?
Are you religious?

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
Bitches don't know 'bout my dreams.

23. Would you date Costrin?

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
Originally, I used the cover art of an album I really like. Then as this bizarre St. Patrick's day kicked in, I fine-tuned my avatar to match the occasion. Then I decided to keep changing it every now and then, using Photoshop of course.

I like eagles. They're majestic birds.

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Uh, school I guess. I don't really meet new friends constantly. I usually flock with some similar people at school and form a friendship. It's what I did anyway, now I just hold on to them.

27. What are some of your most important values?
I can't stand intolerance and discrimination, invading other peoples' personal space, physical and mental, I hate all cruelty, especially that, which is directed to animals and children, self-righteousness, hypocrisy.
I believe in freedom and individuality.

Is it that my eyes are in a need of a repairman's vigilant eyes, or is this poor question blank?

29. What are your mornings generally like?
On weekdays - just one more minute, hate the fact that I have to get out of bed, then I'm always in a hurry too.
On weekends, it's all about sleeping for another hour, then just laying in the bed, slowly getting out, a hot cup of coffee, music.

(work in progress)

King sns

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
1.) What is your MBTI type?
xSFP, always leaning towards esfp.

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
Possibly an ISFP. I have a lot of quirky traits that are more ISFP than ESFP. Also I can't tell if i'm an introvert or an extravert
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
When I test, I test about 70-80% E, 90% S, 50-55%F,(sometimes T) and 60-70%P
All seems accurate except I would put the E down more. (on a 50-100 scale)
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
ummm 7w8 I think
5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
ISFJ, ESFJ, ISFP, ESFP (I'm in nursing, heavy in SF people :) )
also ENTJ, ISTJ, ENFP. So that's a lot.
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
Umm. I don't know- NT's I suppose. We just mesh well.
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
I can work with all types pretty well as long as they are nice people. I always bond well with ISFJ's and like to work with them. They are good solid workers and easy to talk to.
8.) What does your room/house look like?
Fairly small 3 bedroom newenglander on .3 acres. Bright and cheery. fireplace in the living room. Countryish. Pine floors refurbished by the last owner. Wild but cute garden out front and an old fashioned lamppost. Bedroom colors need some work. (The meshing of two bedroom sets clearly happened. :) )
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about? I'm not very imaginative. Sometimes the inferior Ni will fire off some interesting images or dreams. Mostly I imagine what might happen tomorrow. I think my humor can be a little wacky and out there, which requires some imagination.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Talkative, cheerful, likes to tell stories/ be at center of attention, (but not all the time), silly, fun, goofball, smiley, laid back, good on a team, likes parties.
11.) What other types can you relate to well?
12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
I'm satisfied with everything at the moment. (I'm an easily satisfiable person, I don't require much.) I have a nice boyfriend/ love life, beautiful house, am getting two dogs, am in nursing school headed towards my career, and I love my friends.
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I want to be an RN on med-surge and proably want to work my way into the ER or ICU when I become more experienced. I'm a nurse's aide.


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1.) What is your MBTI type?
2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I identify strongly with many descriptions of the INTJ type, however I believe that I am still ISTP.
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
This question is meaningless as percentages do NOT measure preference.
My preferences are: strong I, medium S, medium T, medium P.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
INxJ and ISxP includes most of my friends. I relate to them more and also share common interests.
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
the same types, for the same reason
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
ExFPs are lots of fun. IXTJs are useful though sometimes conflict with me. IXXPs are peaceful slackers like me. Those come to mind.
8.) What does your room/house look like?
Cluttered and littered with forgotten dishes, though not as bad as some..
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
Not very imaginative. I am mainly only imaginative with my art.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
-concerned with practical aspects of life
-need for efficiency regardless of procedure (like to optimize protocols)
-need for freedom to make decisions
-typical I things, typical T things, etc

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
already answered, INxJ and ISxP.
12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
My academic path. and life in general too. most things.
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
bio/medical research scientist (cancer)


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
Costrin, I hate you, couldn't you ask LESS questions?:steam:

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
I rarely ever really get stressed, guess it makes me quieter maybe, but it's quite irrelevant as I don't really get stressed.
2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Stop being a coward.
3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
From 'life of the party' to 'that guy I haven't seen in a year'. Pick your favorite.
4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
I let other people do the most of the work, which in itself takes work, but hey, social engineering is lots of fun.
5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
1 black labrador bitch. I sometimes kinda love her, but tend not to pay attention to her most of the time. Used to be more affectionate.
6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Close mindedness (basically most people who always say they're 'open minded'),
people that can't shut up about the past,
People who give me intentions I never had: no, if i really wanted to trick you you would never actually notice it! SO STOP BEING SO STUCK UP:doh:

7. Left or Right?
I often test as dual brained, otherwise, erm, i don't remember.
right handed, mostly. Used to be quite ambidexterous as a kid. not anymore.
politics: left and right wings are defined differently depending on countries.
I believe both sides have valid arguments and help balance each other.
8. How do you have fun?
Everything can be fun. Try it.
9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
geometry, I like to see things kind of geometricaly. Patterns of data are often more informative than the data itself. Just as a brain's neural network tell you more about the mind than simply knowing the neurons' data in and output.
10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
It can be a nice way to mingle into the mass, I like good trance music sometimes but can go without it for months without a second thought, I prefer to listen to audiobooks\lectures on my mp3 player.

People tend to forget we're mostly the same person geno and phenotypicaly speaking. SO yes music will always generaly have the same effect on people except for a few different genes and their effects on our perceptions of patterns\pleasure.
Then it's mostly about each individuals cultural history. Data patterns within the brain and how they relate to each other(i'm repeating myself since i already said patterns but i'm trying to make it clear)
11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Ur just trying to make yourself interesting
12. What are your "secret desires"?
Whatever goes through my mind. It never stays secret (or relevant) for long.
13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
I have no idea. Depends on who I am at that moment also, I tend to change quite alot through the year. But I remember hearing 'stylish' quite a few times.
14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
Dunno, some are boring, some aren't. The usual. I like it when they're deep AND playful, rare stuff.
15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I like that they're usually more straightforward than introverts, you know where you stand with them.
16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
One has boobs, it's usually the girl.
17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
I'm annoyed by how many question you came up with you damn intp!
18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
That they ever meet a significant part of who I am\can be.
19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
I change alot, sometimes I really wish I wouldn't.
20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
The lack of drama, the ability to stay cheerful, joke about myself and everything. In one word: (the) smile.
21. What questions would you ask for this?
for what?
22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
I used to be a dreamer.
not in ur wildest dreams buddy
24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
playful teddy bear. The original version delivers a cheerful 'you suck'.
'nough said.
will you sh..
26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Just happens.
27. What are some of your most important values?
I hate cowards. In the sense that i'm willing to go through what I do to other people. some kind of moral democracy if you will.
Otherwise i'm utterly amoral.
Seriously, die.
29. What are your mornings generally like?
(work in progress)


insert random title here
May 8, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
go for a walk, avoid the problem/procrastinate, last resort is to talk to a friend
2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
It doesn't matter what your thoughts/intentions are, your actions are all that matter in the end
3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
observer, makes snarky/witty comments (opinions may vary). organizer, sometimes.
4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
completely depends what it is. I can't even really answer this so broadly. If it's something I can't solve by thinking about it for awhile (paper diagrams help) then I guess I'd look it up.
5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I have a cat. I kinda neglect her sadly, I usually but not always remember to feed her twice a day, and dont change her litter enough *sigh* and don't pet her as much as she wants. I like having pets though.
6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
being inconsiderate of other people. just...because it's rude, I guess.
7. Left or Right?
8. How do you have fun?
mostly i would consider hanging out with friends. I rarely leave my house though since my friends are very often over (plus my many roommates are most of my friends). I also have hobbies but that's more killing time/relaxing than actual fun. I love reading though.
9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
I don't think I have an "inner world". I have the world, and what I think about the world. I tend to react to the world more than anything.
10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
I am affected emotionally by music. Some songs are nostalgic for me. Music has a universal meaning, and it may have secondary meanings as well which will be different for everyone...
11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
I didn't notice it at first, so a better position would yield you more replies. I'm not annoyed though.
12. What are your "secret desires"?
If I had secret desires, why would I post them? I don't think I have any significant ones though.
13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
Antisocial/quiet/shy/nice --> blunt/tactless/sarcastic/mean --> ???
14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
Nothing in particular. I tend to like them better than extroverts but it's also somewhat awkward interacting.
15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
The extreme ones make me want to withdraw, but usually they're just fun to watch.
16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
Females will often be more "F-like" due to biology. I think females will be less interested in extreme sports and adventuring and more interested in things like arts/cooking/gardening.
17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Annoyed, no, I don't really care, but it's frustrating trying to answer them. More specific questions would vastly improve the results you get.
18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
That I mean harm by my criticisms.
19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
Lack of motivation
20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
intelligence? nothing really
21. What questions would you ask for this?
that would take too long
22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
not much honestly, and what's left I don't want to share here either.
23. Would you date Costrin? I have a bf. And I doubt I'd ever date online again.
24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did? I liked the picture.
26. How do you generally meet new friends?
People talking to me since I dont approach people
27. What are some of your most important values?
honesty, respect, consideration
29. What are your mornings generally like? wake up, hit snooze exactly once, turn alarm off, dress/brush teeth/makeup, eat, check internet for a few minutes, leave (assuming that I have somewhere to go)


almost nekkid
Jul 31, 2007
Instinctual Variant
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I thought for awhile that i might be an ISFP, or possibly an ENFP, but it's mainly due to the fact that I am very good at doubting myself.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
I-95% N-89% F-65% P-86% i guess that's on a 0-100% scale...i dunno.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
My best friends are an INTP and an ENFJ. I love NTs because they are so secretly cute and cuddly. I also love to have someone around to tell me when i'm being illogical. I love my ENFJ friend because he is so strange, yet easy to talk to. He also gives the best advice.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ. I just like Js in general. Someone has to clean the house.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
I like working with all types, everyone has a different strength.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
Have you ever seen a trailer park after a tornado blows through it?

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I'm probably over imaginative. I like to imagine myself in various romantic situations. I also like to imagine myself with superpowers.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
most everything.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
My opportunity to go to college, my intelligent child, my boyfriend who loves me unconditionally, having the greatest friends in the world.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I want to be a counselor or therapist when i grow up/ i'm currently a full time mom/student.


1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
eat, read a book, take a shower, throw things.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
This isn't really advice, but there is always someone out there who has it harder than you do. It's a good thing to remember.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I dont really know, i don't think i hang out with my friends enough to know. I'm usually the one laughing at something that no one else thinks is funny.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
I ponder it over some hot tea for a very long time, and then just do what feels right.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I have a 17 month old human. I treat him like a baby.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Close mindedness, it just frustrates me.

7. Left or Right?
right brained, right handed, i lean to the left when it comes to politics.

8. How do you have fun?
I read, go out to eat, play with my son, go out with friends. Anytime i'm laughing i'm having fun.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
No , I don't think so. My inner world is full of uncertainty and dreams.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
Music definitely affects my emotional state and i do listen to specific music in certain moods, but a lot of the time certain music puts me in a certain mood. I'm pretty sure my favorite lyricist wrote all of his songs about my life.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
*rolls eyes*

12. What are your "secret desires"?
I'm too embarrassed to say.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
they probably think i'm rude and disconnected, because i'm quiet and self absorbed.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
I feel most comfortable around them,because there is no need to have awkward conversations.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I like them too, but they can be overwhelming sometimes. They just don't know when to shut up sometimes.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
i dont think there are any real significant differences.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
I don't mind vague.

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
that i'm heartless. Apparently if you don't walk around with a big smile on your face all the time, you are evil.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
my communication skills are horrible and i'm fat.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
I'm hilarious.

21. What questions would you ask for this?
I dont like asking questions.

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
A lot of stuff, and i'd like to keep it that way.

23. Would you date Costrin?

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
Because Nannerpus is hilarity at it's finest.

say whatttt.

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
hah, i don't. If i do it's through other friends.

27. What are some of your most important values?
Living a drug free lifestyle is highly important to me. I hate discrimination of all sorts. I hate incompetence and people not using their brain. I dunno, i don't really like to discuss my values tbh. They are sort of personal.


29. What are your mornings generally like?
grumpy....very very grumpy.


New member
May 27, 2007
Okay, first batch:

1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
INTP, because I used to be very socially awkward and find being around people very stressful and difficult. I now know this to have been because I was in an identity crisis, quite seriously, which, having been solved, there's little doubt since that I'm an extravert. edit - oh, and sometimes I've wondered (and been called by others) if I'm an ENTJ, mostly cos I seem to be more responsible/dutiful than ENTP's are typically said to be, and also because I'm good at being the boss, organising people and stuff, I have good Te.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
E 44 N 100 T 38 P 44 - whatever scale it is they do at humanmetrics.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
ISTP's, INFP's, ENFP's, ENTJ's, seem to be overrepresented in my social circle. I also like INTP's and ESFP's when they're old and mellowed out, though younger ones do my tree in.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
INFP - they seem to have no ego, I find they're just as centred on doing a good job as I am, as opposed to "ownership" of projects and suchlike BS. But it would depend on the job - for faster paced stuff I prefer working with extraverts, because it seems they can just get more done. I find working with introverts in that situation quite stressful because they seem to keep needing to take "time out" just when we're on a roll.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
Victorian terraced house in town centre in England. 3 bedrooms, small concrete yard with washing line and shed, plain off white walls with bright paintings (mostly my own work) on the walls in strong primary colours. Simple, minimal but good quality furniture. Very well equipped kitchen (love to cook!). Would probably be considered small and poky by American standards, but pretty spacious and cool by UK standards. It's an island, we haven't got much space, you know...

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
Extremely imaginative. About everything - I drive people crazy with it. Nobody can mention anything, however mundane, without me taking it off on a tangent.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
The energy, the enthusiasm, the openness and multitasking. On the down side, the arrogance and insensitivity.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
Relate to, as in feel I'm similar to? ENTJ or ENFP.

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
Most things, except having somewhere lost the strong self-discipline that I used to have for things like eating, drinking etc.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I have done research, translation and interpreting, private tuition, worked in pubs, religious and charity/community work. Enjoyed the pubs and charity stuff most of all. Currently don't need to work, but when I go back to work one day I've no idea what I'll do, and I'm cool with that.


New member
May 27, 2007
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
Go for a drive randomly in the countryside, get out and explore new places. With or without friends, I enjoy it either way. Or perhaps go to the pub and have a bitch and moan over a pint with whoever happens to be there. If neither of those are possible and I'm housebound cos of the kids, I listen to music and/or play strategy/RPG's on the computer. But not MMORPG's, I hate those.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Take a step back, keep things in perspective. Achieve this by regular solitary reflection.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
Usually come up with ideas of things to do, and arrange things, getting conversation going and making it actually interesting - moving people off "nice weather" and onto things we really enjoy chatting about. Getting people laughing and at ease. Also, challenging people who give badly thought out or prejudiced/narrow minded views, but I don't challenge in a hostile way, I do it through humour.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
By devoting pretty much all my time to it and not eating or sleeping or anything until I've either solved it, or struck on a fool proof way to solve it that I'll do tomorrow :D

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
No. Used to have dogs and cats but not any more as my lifestyle's too peripatetic to even look after a houseplant, let alone an animal. I would like a cat though, if circumstances were different. I treated my dogs as dogs! Didn't let them up on the couch/bed etc, let them know I was boss etc; cats, just let them do their own thing and they come to you when they feel like it, I respect that.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
I don't tend to get 'really annoyed' at other people very much, but if I'm on an off day and feeling irritable, then I suppose insincere platitudes get on my nerves, and people repeating the same things they've told me before, or just going on with long explanations when I've already got their point several sentences ago, that gets my goat.

7. Left or Right?
Handed? Both. Slightly favour the right as the world's pretty much tailored for right-handers and it's just been easier, so it's had more practice. Left has about 90% of the dexterity of right but only about 50% of the strength (which notices in things like DIY projects)

8. How do you have fun?
Randomly, doing something or going somewhere new, meeting new people or having a drink and a laugh with existing friends.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
Nope, just can't. Well, ha, I mean I can't be bothered. But I do have one, contrary to the apparently popular beliefs about extraverts... and it's pretty damn rich, I tell you! :alttongue:

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
That's a barrel full of questions that I'm not sure how to answer. I did notice something though that's different between my ENFJ sister and me and how we both use music. If she's tired or feeling down, she puts on upbeat music to cheer herself up, to get her energized. If I feel tired or down and someone puts on upbeat music, I feel like smashing the stereo with a sledgehammer. I go for stuff that matches my mood. Personal/universal meaning - both and/or neither, for me. I try to figure out what I think the composer meant by it, but at the same time it might mean something different to me. Or it might mean nothing, and that might be what the composer intended, too.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Not in the slightest. In fact, that's an odd question! Why would I be annoyed? :huh:

12. What are your "secret desires"?
If I told you, they wouldn't be secret, would they?

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
At first: scruffy loser. After I've been speaking for one minute: interesting, different, unusual, possibly crazy. After I've spoken a bit more: different, definately crazy, possibly annoying, yet somehow charismatic - I hate using that word about myself cos I know it makes me sound a right wanker, but that is what other people have called me.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
They're sometimes scary - when you live in a state of total plugged-in-ness to your environment and rely on it for cues of how you adapt your own behaviour, nothing's worse than a wall with a face. Sometimes though, I find them annoying - seem to have so many requirements as to what a person must demonstrate about themselves in order to be worthy of the introvert revealing their thoughts to them. But most of the time, I find em kinda funny, the social awkwardness, like you can see them trying to figure it out like there's some arcane art to just going up and talking and saying whatever comes into your head and going with the flow LOL there are all different kinds of introverts though and my reaction to one can be totally different to another.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
Usually I think "thank fuck, someone who can hold their end of a conversation, who doesn't make me feel like some mouthy twat that loves the sound of his own voice as I try in vain to draw their precious thoughts out of them!" But I'm also cautious, as I know some - particularly the F's - often tend to see it as my duty to meet and like all their friends, you know? You can't just have them on their own, they come as a package deal with this circle of other people and all the politics involved.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
Female ENTP's I find are much meaner, because they find they can get away with saying shit that a guy would get punched for, cos they've got boobs.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Not annoyed, I hadn't thought they were vague, actually...

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
That I'm an average guy.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
Strange, I don't hate anything about myself... I'm not that judgemental! I guess parts of my body could use improvement, to say the least... (medical condition that renders my body pretty repulsive)... but I don't see that as a reflection on me as a person.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
My ability to pwn whatever's presented to me.

21. What questions would you ask for this?
For this survey? I dunno, but probably less obvious and mundane ones than these.

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
I can't say with any certainty what people know or don't know about me. But I guess most people who meet me aren't aware that I was born with a different gender.

23. Would you date Costrin?
Sure, I guess.

24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
It's a photo I took myself. And I like it. Light rushing through the darkness, stopping short out of curiosity cos it's seen a whispy thing and wants to check it out. Like me, really :D (hehe, pretentious? moi? :laugh:)


26. How do you generally meet new friends?
A myriad of different ways, but probably most often, through other friends, and in a pub environment.

27. What are some of your most important values?
I don't even know what values are... I'm still trying to figure it out. I probably have them, but don't realise it.


29. What are your mornings generally like?
Depends if it's a "get up with the sunrise and chill with a cup of tea by the window before the kids wake up" day, or a "fuck off sun, I drank too much last night for you to be expecting me to be up before midday!" day.