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Se Verses Si Dominance


Fight For Freedom
Apr 24, 2007
I've been wondering if there's anything to this matter of Se and Si dominance, which is the idea that either Se or Si will be more present in a person than the other and this will have a very noticable impact on how they are. This idea is something I'm still looking into, and I'm not sure if there's any credibility to it.

Si dominance would involve people who are very interested in reviewing and reliving past experiences. They like to listen to whatever music they consider classic over and over (in phases that might occur and reoccur over a 6 month to 2 year period). This might also happen with books and video games.

Se dominance would involve people who are much more interested in new experiences, and not so interested in reliving previous favorites.

This is something I've noticed with me and my brothers, and it might be due to some other reason like introversion by itself.

Oldest - ENTJ with noticeably more Se than Si.
Middle - INTJ with noticeably more Si than Se.
Myself - INTP who definitely has more Si than Se.

Types with Se dominance:


Types with Si dominance:


Has anybody noticed what I'm describing here? I guess this would be "openness to new experiences" that's measured in some personality tests. I'm trying to tie it into the Se and Si processes though.


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
This is something I'm very interested in figuring out: what role does Se play in my cognitive processes? I notice that I really like to do physical things and engage my senses fairly often. I like really like spicy foods, loud and different sounds, things that make me have to react, and am somewhat of an experience junkie although nothing near what a dominant Se type would be. Things that signal to me that I'm lacking Si is that I don't like reminiscing over things once I've done it, I'm done with it and have little desire to repeat it ("I've eaten there before," "Let's go some place different," "Have you tried this?") This relates to openness to new experiences as you've said. I notice that my INP friends prefer to do the same thing every weekend, but I figured it was because they're introverts and not Si, although that could be an explanation. Basically I wonder how much of my desire for new experiences and reacting is due to extroversion and how much of it is due to Se?

Maybe people with Se in their cognitive process need to more frequently do something in order for it to be ingrained in their memories more so than types with Si in their lineup.

Why do you have ENPs listed as Se and INJs as Si? ENPs have Si as their inferior function and INJs have Se as their inferior.


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
This is very strange indeed. I often like to listen to the same music, do things in rituals, and dislike changes. But INFJ's are supposed to be more Se, which I'm not. Also, on various function tests, My Si comes out very strong, and my Se is my weakest function.


New member
Apr 26, 2007
ImNot are you using the term "dominance" very loosely, as in a type that is "dominant" w/in a functional regard be more likely to prefer or to have strength in the respect functions rather than actually have them as their dominant, because other than the first two types of both those lists none of those other types are by MBTI standards dominant? It makes sense otherwise I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page?


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
This is very strange indeed. I often like to listen to the same music, do things in rituals, and dislike changes. But INFJ's are supposed to be more Se, which I'm not. Also, on various function tests, My Si comes out very strong, and my Se is my weakest function.

Se is the INFJ's inferior. So it is usually the weakness, INFJ's focus heavily on Ni and Se can both attract and frighten them.

If an introvert grows up in a heavily oppressive environment (fear of others, fear of parents, inability to be oneself, etc.), I think it's very possible for the introverted functions to get more practice. If the person is always forced (out of anxiety or survival or desire) to internalize everything, Si is going to replace Se as the primary Sensing way of experiencing the world.

(It's rather like you are taking little souvenirs of everything that happens or that you see and locking them up tight inside your memory case, then retreating inside all the time to take them out of the case and play with them and figure out the world based on them.)

Regarding PM's comments, Si is a fairly solid part of many INTPs. It can also just be pure introversion, but INTPs do have an Si sense. (See the long INTP profile accessible from the main page header of INTPc for many many details.)

And although I am very exploratory and curious, I know that I tend to also want to stick with what I know in regards to food and places and other sensory-based things, rather than try something new that I might not like and thus create an "imperfect evening" rather than the best meal or outing that COULD have been had.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Introversion is an attitude that perceives the world in terms of it relates to the subject (the self), extroversion sees the external (concrete/material as an end in itself), hence an Extroverted attitude defines the self in terms of the way it relates to the external world.

Sensing is a perceiving function, mostly concerned with collecting information in concrete (rather than abstract, unlike Intuition) ways.

An Introverted Sensor will think of the pursuit of knowledge of facts and collection of memories as an end in itself. Whilst the Extroverted Sensor will see that as means to an end, an end perhaps of accomplishing an external goal.

An Introverted Sensor seems more reflective and past oriented (Sensing is past oriented because it is chiefly focused on retaining concrete information which mostly derives from memories rather than imagination/intuition) because he is more concerned with collecting information than an Extrovert as it is more fundamental to his identity and also because of Introversion which corresponds with thinking of reflection as an end in itself. Whilst Extroverts tend to see this as means to an end and the true end in itself is experiencing life.

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ni is also past-oriented. But rather than remembering all the detailed factual data, they enjoy musing over the mood of their experiences. Si is past-oriented in a way that relates to problems in the here-and-now.

Interesting that Ni is "afraid" yet "attracted" to their Se function. An Ni tends to live imagined Se experiences inside their mind, which probably is what leads them to painful shyness. And since Se is underdeveloped, it's manifested in the Ni in a very primitive function -- this is possibly why Ni types have poor motor skills.

In terms of fact collection, Intuitives as a whole tend only to remember the factual information that they're consciously looking for. The Sensor collects all the data directly from their environment. So their concrete perceptions are more wholly accurate, while the Intuitive's are more singular -- they see something that catches their eye, making everything else is irrelevant. The Intuitive normally doesn't see unless they're looking at something in particular.

Si uses their inferior Ne to determine how things in their environment are "supposed to be." This leads them to notice when things are not right, perhaps making these types the most aesthetically aware of their environment.

I think Si, however, is quite the opposite of reflective. Introversion isn't necessarily introspective (introspection actually has the exact same meaning as intuitive), but sees the world in how it affects the self, as Blue Wing said. I think in the case of Si, they are aware of their impression of the environment, making them highly receptive and appreciative of beauty.

Se, on the other hand, wants active experience. So they are seen as hedonists.

In terms of future orientation, I don't think either Ni or Ne is exactly future-oriented. Rather, they're oriented toward a world of their own conception, which may or may not take place in the future.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ni is also past-oriented. But rather than remembering all the detailed factual data, they enjoy musing over the mood of their experiences. Si is past-oriented in a way that relates to problems in the here-and-now.

Interesting that Ni is "afraid" yet "attracted" to their Se function. An Ni tends to live imagined Se experiences inside their mind, which probably is what leads them to painful shyness. And since Se is underdeveloped, it's manifested in the Ni in a very primitive function -- this is possibly why Ni types have poor motor skills.

In terms of fact collection, Intuitives as a whole tend only to remember the factual information that they're consciously looking for. The Sensor collects all the data directly from their environment. So their concrete perceptions are more wholly accurate, while the Intuitive's are more singular -- they see something that catches their eye, making everything else is irrelevant. The Intuitive normally doesn't see unless they're looking at something in particular.

Si uses their inferior Ne to determine how things in their environment are "supposed to be." This leads them to notice when things are not right, perhaps making these types the most aesthetically aware of their environment.

I think Si, however, is quite the opposite of reflective. Introversion isn't necessarily introspective (introspection actually has the exact same meaning as intuitive), but sees the world in how it affects the self, as Blue Wing said. I think in the case of Si, they are aware of their impression of the environment, making them highly receptive and appreciative of beauty.

Se, on the other hand, wants active experience. So they are seen as hedonists.

In terms of future orientation, I don't think either Ni or Ne is exactly future-oriented. Rather, they're oriented toward a world of their own conception, which may or may not take place in the future.

Yes, Ni is also past-oriented, albeit it tends to have a more clear recollection of memories of abstractions rather than concrete/material entities.

It is true that neither Ni nor Ne are future oriented and a better way to describe them would be focused on a world of conception through imagination. Although Ni may appear like it is more future oriented because it is focused on internal conceptions of ideas that were vivid in the past to a more significant extent than the Ne, and hence it has more potential to predict the future as it closely observes patterns of the past and extrapolates how they would progress later.


New member
May 2, 2007
I've been wondering if there's anything to this matter of Se and Si dominance, which is the idea that either Se or Si will be more present in a person than the other and this will have a very noticable impact on how they are. This idea is something I'm still looking into, and I'm not sure if there's any credibility to it.
The fact that this topic is being discussed make me proud. Thanks for coming around to realize there is a difference. There is a very noticeable difference in Si types and Se. Se types are going to appear more non-traditional, however they do appreciate tradition very much.
Si dominance would involve people who are very interested in reviewing and reliving past experiences. They like to listen to whatever music they consider classic over and over (in phases that might occur and reoccur over a 6 month to 2 year period). This might also happen with books and video games.

Se dominance would involve people who are much more interested in new experiences, and not so interested in reliving previous favorites.
These statements are quite accurate. Yet, as been discussed, Ni does have an otherworldliness about it. It does not live in the present, but vascillates between the past and future. I think that Si does the same thing, unless they are using one of their five senses which reminds them of the past. Ne and Se are quite alike, therfore types which use one or the other as their dominant or auxilary can interchange and use the other. The same goes for Ni and Si types. This is only true if you follow Lenore Thomson's theory. If you follow John Beebe, then it changes.


New member
Apr 30, 2007
(It's rather like you are taking little souvenirs of everything that happens or that you see and locking them up tight inside your memory case, then retreating inside all the time to take them out of the case and play with them and figure out the world based on them.)

Um, are you looking inside my head or what? ;) I like to replay things over and over in my head - conversations, online exchanges, interactions, experiences etc.

And although I am very exploratory and curious, I know that I tend to also want to stick with what I know in regards to food and places and other sensory-based things, rather than try something new that I might not like and thus create an "imperfect evening" rather than the best meal or outing that COULD have been had.

Um, are you looking inside my head or what? ;) You've described me exactly...

I also like re-read my favourite books over and over, and I'm quite happy to have one song or album on endless repeat.

Se is definitely my weakest function - I live inside my head, the outside world is not that interesting to me.


New member
Jul 17, 2007
And although I am very exploratory and curious, I know that I tend to also want to stick with what I know in regards to food and places and other sensory-based things, rather than try something new that I might not like and thus create an "imperfect evening" rather than the best meal or outing that COULD have been had.

I seem to be a bit off from the "standard" INTP in that regard, as I do like trying new foods. It's situational though. When I'm out for a leisurely dinner, I enjoy trying out a new restaurant or a new dish if I've been to that restaurant. But when I take a lunch break at work, I tend to go to the same restaurants and order the same things at those restaurants. It's like I'm on automatic mode, where you get in your car and find yourself at work without remembering driving there.


Fight For Freedom
Apr 24, 2007
This is very strange indeed. I often like to listen to the same music, do things in rituals, and dislike changes. But INFJ's are supposed to be more Se, which I'm not. Also, on various function tests, My Si comes out very strong, and my Se is my weakest function.

Often times a types fourth function will be the least used.

I would say that a true INFJ would have more Si, because the shadow of Ni is bigger than even Se. As an INTP, I test with Fe as my weakest function, Even the shadow of Fe, Te, is bigger than the Fe. I would totally agree that my Fe is quite absent.


Fight For Freedom
Apr 24, 2007
ImNot are you using the term "dominance" very loosely, as in a type that is "dominant" w/in a functional regard be more likely to prefer or to have strength in the respect functions rather than actually have them as their dominant, because other than the first two types of both those lists none of those other types are by MBTI standards dominant? It makes sense otherwise I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page?

What I mean by dominance is more Si than Se or more Se than Si, but I guess some people probably have a pretty good balance going.


Fight For Freedom
Apr 24, 2007
Se is the INFJ's inferior. So it is usually the weakness, INFJ's focus heavily on Ni and Se can both attract and frighten them.

If an introvert grows up in a heavily oppressive environment (fear of others, fear of parents, inability to be oneself, etc.), I think it's very possible for the introverted functions to get more practice. If the person is always forced (out of anxiety or survival or desire) to internalize everything, Si is going to replace Se as the primary Sensing way of experiencing the world.

(It's rather like you are taking little souvenirs of everything that happens or that you see and locking them up tight inside your memory case, then retreating inside all the time to take them out of the case and play with them and figure out the world based on them.)

Regarding PM's comments, Si is a fairly solid part of many INTPs. It can also just be pure introversion, but INTPs do have an Si sense. (See the long INTP profile accessible from the main page header of INTPc for many many details.)

And although I am very exploratory and curious, I know that I tend to also want to stick with what I know in regards to food and places and other sensory-based things, rather than try something new that I might not like and thus create an "imperfect evening" rather than the best meal or outing that COULD have been had.

I usually collect a few places and go to them and order the exact same thing. Sometimes I switch between two options.