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[INTJ] INTJs - Do you think by way of images more than words?

INTJs - Do you think more in images than words?

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"It is often said that human beings rely more heavily on vision than any of our other senses. This seems particularly true of INJs, who often report a strong visual element associated with their Ni. Many INTJs report thinking by way of images more than words. Their intuitions may emerge in the form of symbols, images, dreams, or patterns. This is consistent with Jung’s characterization of the Ni type as the dreamer or seer. There is a distinct visual character to these notions, which is why vision-related terms—foresight, insight, seer, visionary, etc.—are invariably used in describing INJs. The visual nature of Ni might also tie into their inferior function, Extraverted Sensing (Se), which is also a visual function. The difference is that Se is attuned to the specifics and details of the environment, whereas Ni is more concerned with forming an impression or theory of what is happening based on the totality of incoming sensory information."


Does this resonate with you? Do you think more of images vs. words?

I think this is great. I've always been a highly visual thinker with extremely detailed, heavily symbolic dreams.

That said, when I'm doing visual art obscure words or phrases or strings of musical notes will pop into my head. I don't even necessarily know what they mean. For example, the other day I was doing this drawing of an expression on a man's face and I heard the word 'saturnine' in my brain. I looked it up- an archaic word which means excessively gloomy or depressed- and it fit his facial expression- and my mood while creating- incredibly well.

Conversely, when I am writing, especially fiction or poetry I will see scenes- like film scenes or tableaux and then I need to try and describe them into words. It can be difficult because I've never felt like words are my native language- internal images are. I never even know what I'm necessarily trying to express- these pictures will just come to me. And then when I look at them in retrospect, I can see how it relates to me. It's like my brain creates these instant metaphors to help me understand what is going on with me.


New member
Sep 16, 2013
I believe this is something familiar to me. Inside my head, I first see patterns and images, and then I translate them into appropriate words. When I' m tired or distracted, I can even confuse words or it may take a long time for me to find an appropriate word for a thought.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I'm not an INTJ but this is an interesting topic and I'd like to see it expanded to other types.

Personally, I go back and forth between verbal and visual thinking. I would say that my default state is thinking in words, and I think it is best described as a sort of dialogue I hold with myself, in my head. Sometimes I can have entire debates and discussions with myself, if that makes any sense and doesn't make me sound completely insane. This is how I come to a better understanding of particular subjects or ideas. Sometimes it can lead to a very cathartic realization, almost like an "Aha!" although not in the sense that Ni doms describe such moments. Also, I have a tendency to second guess, so after those "Aha" moments, my dialogue might tangent off in another direction "what about this, did you consider this variable or perspective?" at which point I'm back to square one, working forward with new variables to refine and solidify my understanding yet again. I'm not sure it's ever something that's a completed, done deal for me. This probably explains why I might seem to contradict myself at times, why I might say something today that doesn't necessarily line up with what I said 3 months ago. It's one reason I don't like to speak up until I am fairly certain of something.

However, when I am in certain modes, i.e. applied problem solving, particularly if working with my hands, or creating music and art, then I think more along visual lines. I can certainly produce vivid imagery and visualize concepts in my mind, I just wouldn't say it's the default or first mode.


Mar 19, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Describing one's own thought process is challenging since the only thought process we can possibly understand is our own... maybe.

I suppose I think in visuals. But the visuals are often associated with (or assigned to) some type of meaning: an objective, a strategy, a moral or whatever. Saying it that way makes it seem like a McDonald's picture menu or something but that's about the best way I can put it.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
I'm not an INTJ but this is an interesting topic and I'd like to see it expanded to other types.

Personally, I go back and forth between verbal and visual thinking. I would say that my default state is thinking in words, and I think it is best described as a sort of dialogue I hold with myself, in my head. Sometimes I can have entire debates and discussions with myself, if that makes any sense and doesn't make me sound completely insane. This is how I come to a better understanding of particular subjects or ideas. Sometimes it can lead to a very cathartic realization, almost like an "Aha!" although not in the sense that Ni doms describe such moments. Also, I have a tendency to second guess, so after those "Aha" moments, my dialogue might tangent off in another direction "what about this, did you consider this variable or perspective?" at which point I'm back to square one, working forward with new variables to refine and solidify my understanding yet again. I'm not sure it's ever something that's a completed, done deal for me. This probably explains why I might seem to contradict myself at times, why I might say something today that doesn't necessarily line up with what I said 3 months ago. It's one reason I don't like to speak up until I am fairly certain of something.

However, when I am in certain modes, i.e. applied problem solving, particularly if working with my hands, or creating music and art, then I think more along visual lines. I can certainly produce vivid imagery and visualize concepts in my mind, I just wouldn't say it's the default or first mode.

Oddly enough, this is what I do too, but there are visuals to accompany the dialogue. I will imagine myself talking to the person or envision sometimes wild scenarios. The "impressions" I get probably have more to do with analyzing/recognizing the internal workings of others almost in a cause and effect manner, but not at all detached from emotions (their emotions, not mine - I basically theorize about why people react the way they do from a deep root level that may involve tying unseen things into the bigger picture, like childhood trauma and lingering adult fears, etc).

That was a bit of a tangent but accurately describes the two main ways I exert mental energy.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
I wouldn't say its entirely visual, but rather multi-dimensional understanding. It is hard to explain. Its like understanding the infinity of pi, while visualizing it as a whole. Its just hard to focus on the finer details of the visualuzation. I don't know if its subconscious or not. I just understand, without being aware of the details of the calculation.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
Nither for the most part.
Since my mind just throws out the conclusions that are usable. Plus just by looking at something I right a way see the potential flaw or a way how to twist the whole thing.
But if I have to choose I would say that I think in the terms of images/maps and timetables.


New member
Sep 21, 2019
Its incredible the way all of you have explained the images/fogs/unsteady impressions and I totally relate. Sometimes I feel all solutions are floating around in my head and it's just a matter of needing them. I like to think that my only job is to scan through my eyes, hearing and also by smelling and my brain will handle the data in the back end making it effortless to my conscience. There are days when I can't sleep and feel strange like something worries me and feel tiny on the bed (horrible sensation) and my head begins to perceive a huge traffic of data; I can't understand but only feel and when the night is over and I fall a sleep, I wake up knowing so many things and days of unwrapping understandings are to come. This only happens when facing a huge challenge that requires finding patterns in vast amount of unstructured information (I manage technology teams)
During school I had such a bad time with learning because for some reason everything seemed horrible and boring. I remember I used to skip about 80% of the year but felt so bad for my mom. Sometimes I would just read not caring about understanding but I knew the understanding would come either when needed or later in random moments like peeing, sleeping or anytime.
I have learned many things while sleeping also.
Sorry for my English. I am actually Latin American.


New member
Sep 21, 2019
Its incredible the way all of you have explained the images/fogs/unsteady impressions and I totally relate. Sometimes I feel all solutions are floating around in my head and it's just a matter of needing them. I like to think that my only job is to scan through my eyes, hearing and also by smelling and my brain will handle the data in the back end making it effortless to my conscience. There are days when I can't sleep and feel strange like something worries me and feel tiny on the bed (horrible sensation) and my head begins to perceive a huge traffic of data; I can't understand but only feel and when the night is over and I fall a sleep, I wake up knowing so many things and days of unwrapping understandings are to come. This only happens when facing a huge challenge that requires finding patterns in vast amount of unstructured information (I manage technology teams) During school I had such a bad time with learning because for some reason everything seemed horrible and boring. I remember I used to skip about 80% of the year but felt so bad for my mom. Sometimes I would just read not caring about understanding but I knew the understanding would come either when needed or later in random moments like peeing, sleeping or anytime. I have learned many things while sleeping also. Sorry for my English. I am actually Latin American.
How do you guys manage to articulate your ideas? I always need a marker but still feel that I barely touch the surface. Generally I have to speak in parable


New member
Sep 21, 2019
I wouldn't say its entirely visual, but rather multi-dimensional understanding. It is hard to explain. Its like understanding the infinity of pi, while visualizing it as a whole. Its just hard to focus on the finer details of the visualuzation. I don't know if its subconscious or not. I just understand, without being aware of the details of the calculation.

Yeah! Multidimensional is a great way to say it. It's like you check inside of your mind and see that it all looks legit and leave very satisfied. You didn't see anything but you know it's all good. :)
About a year ago I woke up and told my wife I now understand the neural network and explained everything before I forgot. I know I didn't explain everything cause not even I know what I know sometimes. But that's why I use Google keep and write everything down.