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A survey for all types


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Going to be taking notes on the ISFP responses to make a profile soon.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?

Listen to Linkin Park loudly. Works wonders.

Nice. I do that when I get really mad to calm myself down (though usually with Tool or Nine Inch Nails, but Linkin Park works too :D). Loud angry music is such a great invention.


New member
May 5, 2008
1.) INTJ
2.) INTP, because I procrastinate and learn for the sake of learning
3.) I: 90-100% N: 60-80% T: 70-80% J: 10-20%
4.) 5, with a wing of 6. My initial result was 5 and with the wing it was 1w9
5.) I am not attracted to particular types, but it could be useful to know more N types.
6.) None.
7.) I don't have much experience, but I imagine introverted sensors would be easy to work with
8.) It is a pretty little cave.
9.) I'm very imaginative. Basically when riding around I imagine everything blown up for fun, but typically my daydreams are your typical RPG game..
10.) Attitudes toward leadership and a "will it work?" skepticism.
11.) INFP, ISFP.
12.) I don't know really, I have a long way to go. (I think.)
13.) Missionary.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
You guys better come up with some good analysis on these answers.

BlackCat's questions:
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
No because I don't need to.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
I forget.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

5.) What types are you attracted for friendship and why?
Probably SJs. I couldn't care less, really.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
Again, I can't pick out specific types, but I like quiet, caring, and emotionally stable girls.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
I enjoy working with people (types if you must) who are organized, responsible, and respects authority.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
My room looks like a room...that someone lives in. Bad question. Anyways, to point out something noticeable, my room is organized and clean.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I'm not very imaginative.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Many things if not all. I'm not going to spend time listing all of them.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
I can relate to any type if I share a common interest...if that is what you're asking.

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
Family, friends, and good grades.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I hope to go into accounting or financial management. I have a part time job at a call centre.

Costrin's questions:
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
Depends on what the stress is...but I guess in general and preferably, I have to eliminate the problem that is causing the stress.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
I don't know the majority of the people and I haven't lived long enough to give a good advice. So I'll pass on this one.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I'd say I usually plan and organize events. Also, I'm someone who my friends can fall back on.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
Depends on the problem...I don't know what you're looking for. I solve the problem to the best of my knowledge.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I do not have pets.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Irresponsibility because you have to responsible.

7. Left or Right?
Your mom. I'm right handed.

8. How do you have fun?
Fun involves drinking with buddies, playing sports, and completing given tasks.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world.
I have an inner world? I honestly don't know...I guess it's structured because I'm constantly organizing what I have to accomplish.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
Sad music makes me sad and energetic music makes me energetic. Pieces that I have played before (I'm a trumpeter) do bring me memories. I don't think music has any personal meanings though.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
I don't know what you're talking about, but you better come up with something good after you've compiled all the answers.

12. What are your "secret desires"?
I don't have any secret desires.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
I've had people tell me I was polite, somewhat reserved, and well mannered.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
I don't like it when they are secretive, unresponsive, and inactive.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I don't like it when they don't listen to others.

16. What do (you) perceive are the differences between males and females of your type?
I don't know because everyone's different and I usually can't type people.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Someone annoyed, but if that is intentional, then I don't mind.

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
I don't know.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
I don't hate anything about myself.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
I love everything about myself...honestly, I've never thought about these things and I don't plan to unless I have to.

22. What is (the) one thing that people don't know about you?
I don't know because I don't read minds.

24. How and why did you pick the avatar (?)

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Through work, classes/school, and introduction from friends.

27. What are some of your most important values?
No comment.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Well after having talked to Costrin for about a month, we have decided to write down our thoughts about typology and make accurate type profiles, function descriptions, how functions tie together with each other, and some other factors on how types will act and much more. We will accomplish this by getting input from the forums when we are finished with them, and we will need EVERYONE'S help on this. In order to get an accurate profile it needs to be written by the type themselves, so if we get input from the types then this will be great, and it will be very descriptive and helpful.

To start this process we have decided to do a survey. We need you guys to answer this, just to get some raw information to start.

ALSO PLEASE ANSWER COSTRIN'S QUESTIONS!!! http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...trices/15427-survey-all-types.html#post597631


1.) What is your MBTI type?
INFP...it seems.
2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I've thought I was almost every single type but XXTJ,ENTP and ESTP. Why? I have this strange tendency to get influenced and relate to almost everything I see. I could relate to many things in various descriptions.
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
I don't know, never took the official. Usually it's rather low on F, maybe 78%, low on P as well, 61%. Moderately high on Introversion and Intuition.
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
Dunno, 6-4.
5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
ISFPs, INTJs. They're pretty laid back and help me "get it together".
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
No preference.
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?

8.) What does your room/house look like?
It's pretty neat when I "feel" like cleaning otherwise it's a bit messy.
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I'm very imaginative. I'm not sure I understand exactly what is meant by "about" but...Here's a bit of information about my imagination:
It used to manifest in constant lying and fiction writing. I still have some seriously polished lying skills. I can make up a story as I go to save my butt or for fun.
Now it's mostly fiction writing and daydreaming. I tend to imagine complex relationships between characters and I make sure that they always have a "story". I kind of picture a web of relationships with "events" as rivets for the characters. (To be honest I re-read a lot of the stuff I wrote and noticed that there's a sort of pattern which made me doubt that I truly was that imaginative to begin with. I hate redundancy and boring people!:cry:)
I'm not too fond of sci-fi, that's not my thing. I can't ever help but add the supernatural element, tragedy, horror, mystery into what I write though. I have a serious morbid fascination with criminals, politics, power, psychology, "group psychology" and relationships between people. There's bound to be a crime in what I write, don't ask. Also, I write a lot of poetry or random "Snapshots" from a memory or mental picture I imagined.
Sometimes, I like to imagine entirely new "organizations" in my head and write with it. There's rarely facts in my writing but you'll always "find yourself" somewhere in it. I like to make people see the other side of a story.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Here are some points I relate to very well:
- INFPs are driven by their deep, personal values on their lifelong quest for meaning and harmony.Sensitive and caring, INFPs are very empathetic and nurturing to their friends, but they are selective about who they allow to get close. They seem cool and a bit apathetic at first and it takes a long time to get to know an INFP. They often take things personally, and their feelings are hurt easily. INFPs also usually keep negative feelings to themselves, and would rather stop talking to a close friend than confront them. They also tend to idealize relationships and become depressed if they don't work out as well as they envisioned. Because INFPs dislike confrontations so much, they are likely to procrastinate until people forget, or just say 'yes' and then go do whatever they want. :)rofl1:). They are often so preoccupied with self-awareness that they fail to notice outside activities, giving them an almost other-worldly quality. INFPs believe strongly in a balance between light and dark, good and evil. Despite this preoccupation with finding evil, they are able to recognize the good in anyone or anything.(Yes...that's very true!)
They tend to rely on themselves for direction and are reticent to ask others for help. They would rather do things themselves, to make sure they are done properly. INFPs have found this to be both a strength and a curse. Depending only on themselves and being careful not to show mistakes to others is important.
As young adults, INFPs may have some difficulty finding the ideal career and the ideal mate, in part because of that very word 'ideal'. They have a vision in mind of what they want, yet reality may not follow suit. They may make several starts and stops in their career until they find a comfortable place for themselves.
In retirement, INFPs need to look back and feel that they have led a worthwhile life that has made a difference. They want time for a variety of activities, including travel. They may also be very attached to their family and enjoy special visits with them.

11.) What other types can you relate to well
ISFPs. They're just more down to earth but they just "get me".
12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
I have a "base". I'm not sure what is going to happen to that base at the moment and honestly it's a bit stressing but I know it's there for me.(aka: emotional support from family and friends.) I do care about money and all but that's really a basic I'm more than happy to have.
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
No career to young. I'm really torn between doing what I would enjoy and finding a "practical" way of doing that. I'm interested in "people, cultures, interactions, writing,[etc..]". I've wanted to be a lot of things. I taking a test to find the "perfect fit job". "0" result were found.:shock::cry:
Ew, I have to compromise...Reality sucks.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
1.) What is your MBTI type?
Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging.

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
After studying all of the types, I think it is blatantly obvious that I am an ISTJ.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
I do not know if this test is worth using or not, but I took it for the fun of it. Seemed accurate to me.
Personality Profile of Erik (Personality Type, Multiple Intelligences)

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
Type 5, I would imagine. I never took the test -- I just looked at the profiles.

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
I've noticed I "prefer" (That word sounds too strong, but will have to suffice) some of my friends over the others. One of them is definitely extroverted and simple-minded. (Not in a negative sense.) He can always get me in a good, or better, mood. Sometimes, though, he goes over the top and does things I find mildly embarrassing in public. (Once he asked the waitress for her phone number, in a joking manner. Seemed a bit....out of place.)

Now, another one of my friends, is as calm as I am. He doesn't get excessively loud, but he can relate to people. I suppose he is a bit more extroverted than myself, but it is really easy to talk to him.

My third friend (I only have need of a couple) is a little different. We are almost exactly opposites. It drives me nuts that he does everything impulsively, with no forethought, and I envy that he can connect with anyone on the fly. Don't misunderstand -- I can put a facade and converse with anyone if it is necessary, but I can't actually form a relationship like that. But nevertheless, I hang out with him all the time.

Those three "types" of friends are the ones I prefer -- regardless of gender. I have more female friends than male friends, but I spend more time with the males. (Probably because they live significantly closer.)

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
I haven't done a ton of studying in this particular field and I do not think I am fit to answer this. When I am ready to find a mate, I will prepare for it and go look.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
I cannot stand working with the P type. I tolerate their presence, and I do work well with them (as well with anyone). I just need things to be done correctly. I am merely a grocery store service clerk, but when the manager wants something done, it needs to be done. And I feel as if....if I don't do it -- it doesn't get done. That bothers me.

Now that I've babbled on there, I guess that means I enjoy working with other J-types.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
My Mom (also an ISTJ) keeps the majority of the house in pristine condition 99% of the time. I keep my room looking orderly and organized.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I don't usually imagine things. I prefer to make it happen. This isn't to say I'm not creative --- I just take the imagined idea and plan it out into the physical world.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
The ISTJ type description is almost scary accurate for me. I relate to 99.99% of what it says.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
The ISFJ seems to be the next one I would relate to, but not much. Only in the sense that I have a little bit of empathy.

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
Nothing yet -- I'm still working on it.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
Ultimately, I want to be in the upper management section of where I work currently. Initially I got the job at sixteen as a way to dump money into my savings account -- but then I discovered that I really like the company.

Now I want to work for 'em.

EDIT: Other Questions

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
It usually doesn't happen right away, but if I can get some "alone time", like five or six hours or a day, with no social contact whatsoever, and nobody complaining about something I did or didn't do, then I can get over it. I periodically have these little "meltdown" periods.

I'm easily upset. Most of my stress comes from myself.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
I'm still a kid -- I don't know a lot. Observation tells me that irresponsible people end up in debt and have tons of problems....so I would say, in general, the world's population should strive to be more responsible.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
It seems that if I do not take initiative and plan the event, my friends don't do anything. Or rather, if they *do* get around to doing something, it's spontaneous, not nearly as fun, and generally a mess....

In general, I am the planner of the events, but I only plan when I need social contact. Which is rare.

My friends have also taken a liking to calling me "The Walking Dictionary", on occasion. I'm not sure if it's a complement or a cut down, but I like it. ; )

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
I wait for a short amount of time, to see other people's input. If they succeed, which is rare, then my input was unnecessary and I saved myself energy. If they fail, which is somewhat common, then I put forth my opinion on how to do it and it generally works. Of course, I've had ample time to think about it before hand, and I've watched what doesn't work. ; )

If I'm alone, I research the problem in depth and solve it in due time. If I cannot solve it, I find someone who can.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I have two dogs. Cocker Spaniels. One is twelve years old, the other is only three months old or so. I love them both, but I usually do not fawn over them and shower them with attention. They get enough of that from my Mom and my sister.

Don't really have time for that, either.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Irresponsibility, lack of decisiveness, lack of cleanliness, lack of organization. Those aren't necessarily in order of how much.

When people are irresponsible, (and I feel as if I'm surrounded by those people at work and at school), it forces me to not only be responsible for myself, but for them as well. At work, if I don't do it, it simply doesn't get done. And then nobody is happy.

I hate it when people cannot make up their mind. I'm the guy that made his mind up last week, and isn't planning to change it. (Unless an emergency came up.) For example, choosing where to go to eat. I'm not picky -- food is food. I was taking my friends to lunch, and told them they could pick this time, and they kept changing their minds and I passed four or five different restaurants. After being fed up with it, I told 'em we were going to the burger joint because we haven't been there in a while. They were completely okay with that.

The last one is simple, really. I like things clean and in order. If you mess up my order, I get upset. Don't do it, please. ; )

7. Left or Right?
Handed? I'm right handed. I'm also conservative. (Right-winged, some call it? I'm not radical though.) I do like to go left though, when playing RPGs where you have to choose which walkway to explore first. I don't know why.

8. How do you have fun?
Fun involves completing self-given tasks. I get a sense of joy when I start something and actually finish it. I enjoy a good ending. I'm not overly concerned with the journey. I'm more concerned with what happens at the end of the journey.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world.
I do. My mind works like a computer. I retrieve and store information at will, and can recall that information as needed. This makes me appear to be arrogant to some -- by trying to "outsmart" them, or some such nonsense. I just want to help people out.

Although, I do suffer from "I think I'm right most of the time" disease. ; )

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
Music doesn't usually effect my emotional state. It does help me out when I'm stressed out, which happens a lot. I usually listen to the same style of music all of the time, with little or no deviation. (Progressive/Symphonic metal. Nightwish, Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Serenity, and Within Temptation are just a few examples. My iPod's library is almost entirely bands like that.)

I do tie memories and music together. I don't know why. My sister ruined the Lost Odyssey game for me in this manner. The entire time I played that game, she was in this phase where she would continually listen to Gavin DeGraw's In Love With A Girl, and it drove me nuts. Now whenever I hear that song, or worse, play the game, I hear the other.

If I was listening to a song at a time when something upset me....whenever I hear that song afterwards, I get upset all over again, even if I don't remember what the initial upset was.

Music doesn't really have a "meaning" to me. It just sounds good. ; )

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Personally, I wouldn't want to post something unless my data collection of it was complete, but being a user of RPG Maker XP, I do know why you would post something that is incomplete. I posted my incomplete game so it could be critiqued and the like. It's a way of gathering data. I get that.

12. What are your "secret desires"?
I don't have any secret desires.... Everything is pretty straightforward with me.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
Positive reactions I get from people:
Polite, Good posture, Good manners.

Negative reactions I get from people:
Insensitive, anti-social, pessimistic.

I'm also sarcastic. This is perceived in both ways -- some people view my sarcasm like I do, they think it is funny. Others, however, find it distasteful and sometimes rude.

My friends also tell me that they like my jokes, but usually have to think about it before they get it. Once I received a text from a friend, saying he was laughing. At the inquiry of why he was laughing, he explained he had "just now got the funny".


14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
Because I am one, I find that coexistence is very easy. I communicate with other introverts easily. I think this is due to the common ground we all share.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
I usually either love, or loathe, these people. I enjoy my extroverted friends, and family, but others....ugh. I feel as if sometimes, extroverts exist just to mess up my internal peace. I know that idea is outright messed up, but that's the way I feel.

16. What do (you) perceive are the differences between males and females of your type?
The only other ISTJ I know closely enough is my Mom. Our main difference is emotional level -- I tend to react to situations slowly and carefully. Not too long ago, some boneheaded teenager rear-ended me on the way to church, and after being plowed up the road and into a sign, I never said a word. My expression, (as was told to me by my sister) was blank. My main thoughts were along the lines of "Wonderful....now I have to fix this. I suppose the first thing to do is call the police, and then my parents, and figure this out from there. After the event was over, I was somewhat surprised at how calm my reaction was.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Not particularly. I understand that you are trying to gather data. It is difficult to ask precise questions when you are dealing with multiple types.

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
People usually think I am anti-social and therefore cold-blooded. It's not that I do not want to talk to other people.... It's just, unless I have a reason to be talking to them, I see little point in doing so. I hate, and avoid using except when necessary, "pleasantries".

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
I worry far too much about things I cannot control. So much that I bring further stress upon myself.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
I love order, cleanliness, planned events, etc. Those traits are directly related to my personality. Therefore, I love myself. ; )

22. What is (the) one thing that people don't know about you?
I would imagine lots of things. I do not open myself up to people unless I deem it necessary. That logic shows that my traits would appear to be a mystery to most.

24. How and why did you pick the avatar (?)
My avatar is a personally-recolored picture of the "Vault Boy", from Fallout 3. I like the game, and the mascot design. That's all. There isn't a deep hidden meaning behind it.

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Usually through forced introduction. I do not go out and look for friends, usually. I end up making friends with the people I'm stuck with. (That sounds negative, but I don't mean it that way.)

27. What are some of your most important values?
Responsibility, Honesty, Character.
Last edited:


EvanTheClown (ETC)
Sep 2, 2008
So not like you guys need another ENFP perspective :p, but what the hell. i want to.

BlackCat's questions:
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
Not once.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
100% E, i remember that one. Low N, High F, High P

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

5.) What types are you attracted for friendship and why?
ENFPs for sure, Hexis and Kyuuei are awesome irl.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
Sane ones. That's the only requirement.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
Any type that can converse well without sacrificing efficiency, but I tend to enjoy working with N's.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
My room was a guest bedroom at one point, and I never took the time to really make it my own. Previous places i've lived, all my guests would just write stuff on the walls with markers. Right now, this room has a few stuffed animals :doh: and pink curtains. Subject change, please. :p

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I'm quite imaginative, and I completely visualize my own fantasy world with its individual adventures and story arcs and characters. Mix a book with a comic with an anime and throw it into medieval fantasy with The Clown's personal spins on it and you have what rests in my brain.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
They seem for the most part, accurate. A few things from the ESFP profile fit in for me, though.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
I'm a conversation god, with a god complex xD. I get along with everybody, but ENTPs can annoy me the easiest (though I have a number of ENTP friends)

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
My friends, my brother, my future

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
Right now i'm applying at random locations that are willing to pay someone with a criminal record.
But i'm going to college under Computer Information Systems, for a bachelors.

Costrin's questions:
1. What do you do when you get stressed to get unstressed?
its in my nature to run from my problems, but I have been fighting this urge for the past few months. When I'm stressed, I reluctantly but forcefully meet whatever challenge/culprit it is that has me stressed.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Stop watching TV, Raise your kids, Drugs are bad

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I'm the entertainer. I'm good friends with everyone involved, and help tie the conversations together.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
Depends on the problem

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I wish I owned a dog, but I don't want the responsibility of a dog.

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Lies. If you can't be credible about what you are saying, add a disclaimer. I'm tired of looking up things I've been told about only to find they were full of shit. I shouldn't have to double check. And in relationships, lies are little packaged catastrophes.

7. Left or Right?

8. How do you have fun?
I don't have fun. Fun has me, and others flock around the Funmachine and we parade around smiling and joking.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world.
Idealist with a misguided youth. In other words, Hurricane Ike is in my inner world. But I'm in the reconstruction phase, so all is well.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
No personal meaning, and I don't really listen to certain music in certain moods. I can be having the best day of my life and throw on a song about necrophilia, and sing along.

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
N/A not annoyed.

12. What are your "secret desires"?
To succeed in life.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
I usually get bragged about behind my back right after the first impression, and from what I'm told, its always that I'm a rather cool person who seems fun to hang out with.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
I <3 introverts. They're mysterious, which is hot.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
They keep the conversation moving, but they compete for the spotlight. So I likes 'em.

16. What do (you) perceive are the differences between males and females of your type?
Estrogen amplifies the Feeling aspect, whereas testosterone limits it.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Honestly, its more annoying that you ask questions about your own questions. You should stop that.

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
People who don't know me well think that because I'm outgoing and a jester that I'm not intelligent. I typically have better GPA's than these people :yes:
Otherwise, people misconceive that I'm irresponsible since they hear me telling stories from a drug-induced phase of my life where I threw caution to the wind.

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
My checkered past.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
My honesty and credibility.

22. What is (the) one thing that people don't know about you?
No idea

24. How and why did you pick the avatar (?)
When you turn a smiley upside-down, technically its a frown. So basically I'm saying that I've been through a lot of shit, and am coming out smiling in the long run.

26. How do you generally meet new friends?
I'm not afraid to approach people and make friends, so I make them everywhere.

27. What are some of your most important values?
Honesty, Loyalty, Credibility, Intelligence


Apr 30, 2008
Thanks. Yourwelcome

1.) What is your MBTI type? INTJ
2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why. I was depressed and started making decisions based on feellings rather than logic and rationality. I noticed somewhere in there that it was just a state of depression and my mind primarily works in a fashion where logic overides emotions. Things need to make sense to feel correct.
3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale? IN avg. 90% T 70% J 65%
4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)? not a clue
5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why? Anytime because I believe in equality. But the ones that are least likely to end up as friends are SJ's because a lot of times their fondness for rules ruins things.
6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why? INFP, ENTP, ESFP, INTJ, INTP, ESTP, INFJ.
INFJ and INFP because the quality I value most is when someone cares about other people.
INTJ's because I'm rarely misunderstood and life is more fun that way.
INTP They're very amusingly fun and care free.
ENTP's Are so funny and easy to get along with and randomly intelligent
ESFP's Are very childlike and playful and I love that.
ESTP's Just want to have fun and are very resourceful and inspire me to come up with great ideas.
7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why? ENTP are my favorite. We seem to work really well as a team, and I hate working in teams except with this type.
8.) What does your room/house look like? Small, one room apartment, messy.
9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about? Extremely imaginative, but I don't compare it to anything else. My imagination works well when I organize or improve ideas that are already there, as in reinventing or making plans. I'm not afraid to step outside the lines when I create something, whatever works, works.

Uncunventional best describes it.
10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions? Contingency plans, organizational skills, A desire for logic.
11.) What other types can you relate to well? INFP's desire to protect and save the world, INFJ's desire to stand up for the weak, ESFP's desire to have fun and be carefree, ENTP's desire to invent, ENTJ's skill to command and organize groups of people without being questioned [I know it's mostly the tone in my voice, but I wouldn't be able to teach others how to do it, then it has a lot to do with what I say making sense]. Those are qualities I have.

The rest of them I do my best to try and understand where they're coming from and look at things from their perspective as if I were them.
12.) What are you satisfied about in life? ........not much
13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career? Chemical engineer, going to school.


Active member
Feb 10, 2009
Well after having talked to Costrin for about a month, we have decided to write down our thoughts about typology and make accurate type profiles, function descriptions, how functions tie together with each other, and some other factors on how types will act and much more. We will accomplish this by getting input from the forums when we are finished with them, and we will need EVERYONE'S help on this. In order to get an accurate profile it needs to be written by the type themselves, so if we get input from the types then this will be great, and it will be very descriptive and helpful.

To start this process we have decided to do a survey. We need you guys to answer this, just to get some raw information to start.

ALSO PLEASE ANSWER COSTRIN'S QUESTIONS!!! http://www.typologycentral.com/foru...trices/15427-survey-all-types.html#post597631


1.) What is your MBTI type?


2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.

When I was a teen, I tested as INTP, but I was heavily influenced by my INTJ brother at that time. Later, I tested as ENFP, but I think it was because I was trying to break away from my INTP lifestyle internally.
Eventually, it was all sorted out...

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?

No idea!

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?

I relate to 6w7 but I've been typed as a 4 before, too.

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?

I like I-FJ's a lot, but other SP's attract me, too. ES-P's can overwhelm me, though.

I think I'm drawn to I-FJ's because they seem so kind and nice, tend to have good style, and have interesting interests and hobbies. I suppose I should love hanging out with INFPs since I'm so close in type, and I have in the past been friends with a couple, but they can frustrate me due to their lack of action at times. My favorite NT is the INTJ, but ENTJ is a close second. I once had an ESTJ best friend who pursued me as a friend. I liked her but when our values (religion) changed, she dropped me cold.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?

ISTP - sexy as hell, charisma without having to try. shared interests and I admire their T. i still regret in the back of my mind that i never got to at least make out with my ISTP teenage crush. *sigh*

ISFP - playmate from heaven, lots of charm and humor, lots in common. "doing" partner - cook together, climb trees together, camp together, go on adventures together.

ISFJ - perfect companion for life, type I admire most, lots of humor and sweetness, very traditionally masculine (in my male ISFJ) which I find sexy. great bodies, great dressers.

INFJ - intriguing personality, lots of chemistry between my type and male
INFJ's, drama which draws me and my lust for adventure (but in the end turns me off romantically for its bottomless pit of melancholy)

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?

ISFP's because they will slack off with me and go explore, say, the supply closet with me. Plus, we can talk about how fun it would be to make a tent under our desks... hehe, I hate regular work (that's not something I enjoy doing), so anyone who helps distract me from that is a good work companion.

Really, I prefer to work alone, unless I'm teaching others or something.

8.) What does your room/house look like?

House is far from being ideal, but I'm working towards getting it the way I want (one little bit at a time).

It's a hundred-year-old two-story farm house. Paint and drapes and furniture in both neutral and warm, varied colors (in an arrangement that is pleasing, of course). Very comfortable. As clean as I have the time to make it, which usually means some rooms are very clean, some rooms are messy but I'm sure I'll get to them. I try to bring in fresh flowers from the yard or put out ones my ISFJ boyfriend gets me sometimes.

I'm concerned with the weight and balance of a room and I don't like it when too many pieces of furniture look too cluttered or out of place or when colors are too bland with no warmth to stand out.

I like antique and old furniture, and modern (but even the modern stuff I like to look old fashioned in style) -- a mix -- but I don't like when things get so shabby as to look "trashy" or unkempt to the point of looking dirty.

I like a pleasant, sunny feeling in my house.

Bedroom has wood floors, blue and white walls, hardwood window frames in a dark stain, a nice Persian rug, and a blue bedspread.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?

My daydreams consist of pleasurable flashbacks to enjoyable physical experiences, and sometimes my mind mills over things that have happened to me. When I was little I used to sometimes act out spontaneous stories I'd make up, like I'd do the voices of all the characters to keep myself busy if I was alone.

I've heard of people who see someone and then imagine a whole scenario around dating them and breaking up, years down the road. I don't do anything like that. If I see someone I am attracted to, I might have a quick flash in my mind of what they are like/what sex would be like with that person, but I don't imagine elaborate stories.

My INFJ mom tells me about how when she was little she would imagine she was a princess, and sometimes really believed it. I couldn't and can't relate to that at all.

The most imaginative I am happens when I'm creating a new dish, drawing something out of the blue, creating something new that wasn't really pre-planned. But I don't think it out that well first. It just happens.

I will say I don't think I have the best imagination (based on the kind of stereotyped "N" description of imagination I've heard about a lot), except to imagine possibilities for my own fun. I do like to imagine little scenarios involving my pets. I like writing, too, and I like making up ideas for children's stories. My only problem with stories is that I often start out great but have trouble with a good plot/ending.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?

I relate to the descriptions about ISFP's that talk about us being in search of fun, wanting to do things for others to show our love, being spontaneous, being overly apologetic at times, being sensitive, etc.

I think that what they don't say about ISFP's is that we are quite talkative once we are comfortable with people (otherwise, sure, you could call us quiet), and that we can get angry and loud and abrasive at times, just like anyone can (most profiles make ISFP's look like saints, which isn't quite right!). It is true though that we hardly hold grudges and the anger does not last.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?

I can mostly relate to SP's, and after that it would be ISFJ's, INFJ's, and ESFJ's.

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?

The love I have for those I care about. My living situation. My points of view, for the most part.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?

I've been working very little in the last year, as I have really bad migraines but I've done so many different things. Performed music, taught music, taught art, done a lot of office work, bookkeeping, child care, consulting.

I'd like to become a French teacher and also to be successful playing music in my boyfriend's band, as well as to continue writing my own music.


Active member
Feb 10, 2009
Feel free to be as concise or verbose as you wish, though, the more information you can provide, the better. However you interpret the questions is fine, and part of the survey. I'LL BE ANALYZING YOUR WRITING STYLE.

I'm ISFP...

1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?

Something physical if it's anxiety -- cook, play music, have sex, exercise, clean, etc. (Whatever I'm in the mood for.)

If it's stress stress, I like to just veg out, watch TV, or read a book. Sometimes nap in bed with a book... lovely.

2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)

Stop expecting things of other people, it will only lead to disappointment. If you accept people as they are then yes, you may be accepting many flaws, but everybody has them and this way you will not spend time/energy on worrying about changing other people. You can enjoy everybody for who they are.

3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?

Hostess, at the moment. (I moved away a year ago, and only have one friend here whom I recently met and don't know that well yet.) So when I say "caretaker" I'm only talking about my boyfriend's friends. When they come over I try to be a really good hostess and make sure they feel really comfortable and happy being in our house.

4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?

Sometimes things like that frustrate me to the point that I can't look at it. But then I'll get in the mood to solve it and I'll come back and take it apart, piece by piece, simplify it, and then figure out my options. Then I just pick the most feasible one.

But what am I saying? Usually, my response to a problem is to do nothing, or to act abruptly, depending on the weight of the issue.

5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?

I have a kitty and a puppy. My cat is a 6 year-old abyssinian and she's gorgeous and squirrel-colored. My dog is a 1 year-old chihuahua (deerhead) and is absolutely adorable. They are our babies. We talk baby talk, give them a million nicknames, spend lots of time scritching, cuddling, talking to, and petting them. We make up stories about things they might do or say. We are obsessed.

But, I'm also a pretty consistent teacher with my pets -- I taught them (including the cat) to do tricks from a young age and don't allow them to steal food or anything. They both know what "NO" means, too. Then again, I admit, I get lax sometimes... :cheese:

6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?

Cruelty and ignorance.

7. Left or Right?

LEFT. Big time.

8. How do you have fun?

I do anything I want to... hehe. I dunno. I watch TV (yep), usually while I'm doing something else. I draw, play piano, listen to music and cook, read, garden, dance with my boyfriend to romantic Sam Cooke songs in the living room, go to the movies, take drives (when we can afford it) to the coast or to Southern California to visit my parents or to San Francisco. I would camp more if I still had the supplies... Spend time with my boyfriend's family... hmm. Lots of things.

9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).

I don't know. Sometimes my mind is very specific, like if I think of a future goal I want to have happen, my mind structures this pyramid-shaped list filled with exactly what needs to happen to make my goal happen. Though... I almost never follow through. But I know what I need to do if only I could ever finish what I start. I spend a lot of time doing stuff and sometimes I'm not aware of my "mentalese" at all (my thoughts are not being translated into words in a way that I can remember and log).

Sometimes my mind hops from thing to thing and that's largely based upon my physical feelings at the moment.

I'm really unsure about how to answer a question like this, to be honest.

10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?

I love music and I love to turn up songs I like so loud that I can feel the experience in my body.

I can listen to anything that I find pleasing. To explain, I even like very sad music if it's beautiful, and, unless I'm particularly sad at that moment, a sad song won't depress me at all. Its beauty will uplift me.

I can listen to music I like over and over and over, if it's something I enjoy.

I like variety, too, though.

I love music I can sing along to.

A lot of music I like is somewhat nostalgic because I got into that music at a young age or something, but I don't necessarily spend my time thinking about the past when I hear it. I just know I really like it.

As a musician, sometimes I analyze what I hear, but usually I can just listen for pleasure.

There are certain songs that hurt too much to play, like the one I used to sing to my little cat who died in December. :cry:

11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?

It's fine. When a long list is boring, I sometimes go to the end, work backwards, then jump to the middle or something. Right now, it's okay because I'm also distracting myself with other things while I fill it out.

But if you mean for me to comment on it's un-structured-ness... in a way that's irritating to me but I wouldn't have thought about it if you hadn't asked. This might be because I assume everyone has their own posting style and that's okay with me.

12. What are your "secret desires"?

Honestly, I want to have sex with an ISTP. Never gonna happen though, and not worth it. I love my life now.

13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?

I have trouble figuring this out. Sometimes I think they see me as quiet and pleasant, other times I think they see me as too silly, other times I think they see me as pleasant and fun.

14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?

They're good.

15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?

They're good too, only I don't like it when they expect that everyone else is just as needy for human contact as they are. :D And, the only reason I don't like it is because this expectation could put unwanted demands on me and my time. Otherwise, I find both I and E approaches to be equally good.

16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?

The male ISFP's are often a lot more confident than the females, I have noticed. This is hugely charming, though, in my opinion.

17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?

Not really annoyed. I don't know how to answer some of them, simply put, but that's your problem (haha).

18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?

1. That I am too silly and not that intellectual.
2. That I am capable of keeping a schedule. ;)

19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?

Having so many loose ends and having so much trouble finishing what I start. Also, that I have not accomplished more by now.

20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?

That I can relax and enjoy a good time. Also, that I excel at any instrument or physical sport (like gymnastics/ballet, etc.) I try, very quickly.

21. What questions would you ask for this?

Oh my god, my brain is starting to hurt from answering all of these, so by now I have no idea. Ask me at the top next time... :huh:

22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?

1. How flawed I am.
2. How much I like sex.

23. Would you date Costrin?


24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?

I can't remember which one I'm using... oh yeah! Umm, just a change of pace. I change 'em all the time. I usually put up nature or an animal or pictures of me or my boyfriend.



26. How do you generally meet new friends?

I seldom do. :p But they usually pursue me. I don't know what it is.

27. What are some of your most important values?

Love, caring, trust, generosity, loyalty.


^ BAD COSTRIN!!! :newwink:

29. What are your mornings generally like?

I wake up early because that's what my clock says to do. Then I make coffee for my boyfriend so he can enjoy his morning easier and do the dishes (or not)... other than that, I figure it out as I go. I often take naps in the afternoon, though.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
djeez this feels like homework :alttongue:
ENFPs are no longer required though, right?
Should turn out interesting results though :yes:


Mar 2, 2009
What is your MBTI type?

If you have ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I can relate to some items in the description of the INTP and the ISTJ. When I first got acquainted with Jung's types I did not take a test right away. This probably wasn't very wise, since the descriptions I read were not very good, or at any rate are quite different from the ones that are usually available with the myriad of tests. For example, I often can be very passive, which is not something that would be said of an INTJ, and would be consistent with what I have read about the ISTJ type. On the other hand, I have also read that introverted sensation types, and also sensation types in general, perceive sensations in detail, or the subjective perception of things, but that is something I have never had. Also, some of the descriptions of introverted intuition and introverted intuitives are quite "out there", painting them as mystics or artists, which I am not. Thomson's description made much more sense, meaning that I could relate to it better, in fact, better than any of the other descriptions of the functions. Keirsey's description of the INTJ I think focus more on extraverted thinking than on intuition, and I do not relate very much to it either. I don't feel like my extraverted thinking is very strong, and I think that I am better at introverted thinking than extraverted. And hence the aspects of the INTP description to which I relate. Sorry for going at this at length.

What are your percentages?






What is your Enneagram type (if known)?
In the tests I have taken I have gotten: an even score between 4 and 5, and 5 followed by 6.

What type you are attracted for friendship and why?
I don't really relate very much to people outside my closest relatives. I did use to have a small group of friends, whose types I can only guess: INFJ or INFP, INTP, INTJ, and ENFP or ENFJ. I can't say we related very well with each other. I was closest to the first two. Our friendship developed into a love triangle and as a consequence I withdrew completely from it and into myself. My other friend, the INTJ, I didn't see him very much, and our relationship was more collegial. The only one with whom I am (occasionally) on speaking terms, is my ENFX acquaintance and not due to any effort on my part.

What types are you attracted to for romanitc relations and why?
I think my ideal mate (and imagination is all that I can do for now) would be INFX. Perhaps this has a lot to do with my own experience, but coming from a family of IXTJs and INTPs, I say that I am too set in my introverted ways to be truly happy with an extravert, and too put off by thinking.

What types do you generall enjoy working with and why?
I like to work/study by myself. I never study in a group. When I must work with other people I like to be given something to do and work on it alone.

What does your room look like?
Nothing fancy, just a desk with a computer and books, keys, etc., a bed, a window, a closet, a bathroom, and stacks of books, paper everywhere.

How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I don't know, I spend a lot of time in my head, but how do you distinguish genuine thought or sensation from imagination and intuition? And how do you distinguish developed intuition from undeveloped, inferior intuition? Anyway, I usually imagine the (my) future, and I also imagine how my past could have been better. My imagination is also fed by novels. Sometimes I can get pessimistic about the future.

What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
-- "...once a decision is made, the INTJ is at rest.", Keirsey & Bates.
-- "If an idea or position makes sense to an INTJ, it will be adopted; if it doesn't, it won't, regardless of who took the position or generated the idea.", Keirsey & Bates.
-- "...(INTJs) will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know." typelogic.com/intj.html
-- "...many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals..." typelogic.com/intj.html

-- "They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them." typelogic.com/intp.html
-- "A major concern for INTPs is the haunting sense of impending failure. They spend considerable time second-guessing themselves. The open-endedness (from Perceiving) conjoined with the need for competence (NT) is expressed in a sense that one's conclusion may well be met by an equally plausible alternative solution, and that, after all, one may very well have overlooked some critical bit of data." typelogic.com/intp.html

-- "There is something a little vague and passive about them.", van der Hoop, Conscious Orientation.
-- "They have a keen sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest and/or responsibility. They are noted for devotion to duty. Punctuality is a watchword of the ISTJ." typelogic.com/istj.html
-- "ISTJs are easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when the second parties don't keep their commitments. But they usually keep their feelings to themselves unless they are asked." typelogic.com/istj.html
-- "...interested in security and peaceful living." personalitypage.com/ISTJ.html
-- "They place a great importance on honesty and integrity." personalitypage.com/ISTJ.html

What are you satisfied about in life?
I think I have it pretty good, to be able to pursue things I like at the University, and to have people take care of many (practical) things I would be terrible in handling. Although, I am always looking towards my ideal, and sometimes I can get very pessimistic about it and the present.

What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
I am an undergraduate economics student, and hopefully I will be able to proceed to graduate school and doctorate to try my luck in acamedia.

What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed? I lie down and calm down, or watch some pointless and vulgar comedy on television.

What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them?
I have nothing.

How would you describe your "social role" in you group of friends?
I don't have a group of friends.

When presented with a somewhat challenging problem, how do you solve it?
I try to stop dealing with it before I get angry. Then, when I calm down, I spend some time doing other things to distract me. Sometimes I come up with a solution then. If no solution is to be had by then, I try to get some background information on the problem (I'm thinking with problems at school), usually go over the relevant topic. If definitely no solution is to be had, I make up some patched-up solution (I'm thinking of exams) and leave the problem alone. If dealing with intellectual problems outside school, I give up. If dealing with an emotional problem, I withdraw and avoid.

Do you have pets? No.

What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
When people insist in talking to me when I want to be alone.

Left or Right?

How do you have fun?
I like to do nothing, not that I don't like to do anything, but that I like doing nothing. I need to relax by lying down.

Basically, describe your inner world.
I don't think my inner world is structured. Sometimes I will be thinking about something, and then I switch to something else, and then have a hard time remembering what was it I was thinking before.

How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
I tend to wander off (mentallY) when I listen to music, so I miss most of it. In traffic it can be reassuring (I get angry in traffic). I used to get very sad when I listened to the opening of Così fan tutte, because it became associated to a disagreeable event that happened to me. But since it was so long ago, I can't feel the effect anymore.

How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Indifferent. Suum cuique, To each his own.

What are your secret desires?
I have a very strong and inconspicuous desire to meet my ideal mate.

How do think people view you when they first meet you?
Serious, I guess.

What do you feel about introverts and why?
I suppose I judge them on a case by case basis. A good trait of the introverts I know is that they back off when I want to be alone.

What do you feel about extraverts and why?
I don't understand extraverts. I have a hard time conceiving how theyu are possible. I like them in small doses.

What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
I don't know females of my type.

How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
To each his own.

What is the most common misconception people have of you?
I am so out of touch with what the people around me think, that I don't know the answer.

What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
My extreme shyness, my perfectionism, and anger.

What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
I love that when I don't know something, I answer "I don't know."

What questions would you ask for this?
I don't know.

What is one thing that people don't know about you?
A lot of things. I am an extremely private person. Perhaps it is that I have a large collection of music downloaded from the Internet.

Would you date Costrin? No.

How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
It is the name of a minor character in The Republic. His position is I think somewhat positivistic, and was dismissed quite early, but I think that it has some merit.

He who runs away lives to fight another day.

How do you generally meet new friends?
I don't.

What are your most important values?
Intelligence, integrity.

What are your mornings genrally like?
I wake up, I get dressed, I eat, and I go to school.
Or I just sleep until I can't do it any more and must get up and slack off all day.

Queen Kat

The Duchess of Oddity
Apr 3, 2009
1. What do you when you get stressed to get unstressed?
When I'm stressed, I NEED to do idiotic, crazy stuff. Like sending weird text messages to people I don't know.
2. What advice would you give to the majority of people that would make life easier for them? (Try to be somewhat specific)
Just don't worry and don't let other people tell you what to do.
3. How would you describe your "social role" in your group of friends?
I need to be the leader because I just can't follow. Following drives me crazy. So I always think of things we can do. Mostly weird things. I just can't stand doing "normal" stuff, that bores me.
4. When presented with a (somewhat challenging) problem, how do you solve it?
I let other people solve them. I'm just to messed up.
5. Do you have pets? If so, what n' how many? AND, how do you treat your pets?
I have a cat. I call her Patsy (named her after Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous) and I treat her like she is my babysister.
6. What's one thing that really annoys you in other people, and why?
Most people are so predictable! They never do something you don't expect and that becomes exhausting. The worst kind of people? Those who are proud of being dull and boring and who get agressive when they get into a non-boring situation.
7. Left or Right?
8. How do you have fun?
Writing, partying, pampering people I like.
9. Do you consider your inner world structured, and if so, how? Basically, describe your inner world (or die!).
Not at all! It's just like my head is a carnival. My thoughts are like bumper cars, they are just bumping around. And my feelings are cotton candy. They are sticky and mess everything up. Sort of.
10. How does music affect your emotional state? Do you listen to specific music in certain moods, is it especially nostalgic for you, etc. Do you consider music as having a personal meaning assigned by you, or a universal meaning that you figure out?
I get annoyed by sad ballads and happy eighties pop music. But that's about it.
11. How annoyed are you at the positioning of my post, and the work-in-progressness of it?
Not at all.
12. What are your "secret desires"?
They're secret? Dohh?
13. How do think people view you when they first meet you?
They usualy think I'm hyperactive.
14. What do you feel about introverts, and why?
Some of them are cool, some of them are boring. Just like extraverts. They just talk less.
15. What do you feel about extr(a/o)verts, and why?
Some of them are awesome, some of them suck.
16. What do perceive are the differences between male and females of your type?
I don't know that much male ENFPs. Or I must be mistaking them of something else. :S
17. How annoyed are you at the vagueness of my questions?
Nope. I like vagueness. Sometimes.
18. What is the most common misconception people have of you?
They think I'm always happy and that I'm a genius. But'I'm not always happy and I'm definately NOT a genius. In fact, I'm pretty average when it comes to geniosity (is that a word?).
19. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you hate?
My lack of freedom. But that's not my mistake!
20. What is the biggest thing about yourself that you love?
I'm pretty positive. Usualy. I guess.
21. What questions would you ask for this?
I don't know.
22. What is one thing that people don't know about you?
I totally hate eating at fancy restaurants. It's a waste of money and they even serve better stuff at MacDonald's.
23. Would you date Costrin?
24. How and why did you pick the avatar that you did?
I just thought it looked cool.
I'm from Holland.
26. How do you generally meet new friends?
Whenever I get to do new fun things.
27. What are some of your most important values?
Fun. Freedom. Err...
29. What are your mornings generally like?
Horrible. I'm not a morning person.


Retired Member
Jan 14, 2009
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I once thought I was INFP, because I often tested as one.

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?

E 59% N 65% F 65% P 78%

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?


5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?

NFs, NTs, SPs, SFs---all types---because they all have different gifts that I enjoy and admire.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why? NFs, because there is generally a natural sympathy and understanding between myself and other NFs.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?

SFs, because they're helpful, knowledgable, and dependable -----and SPs, because they make work fun

8.) What does your room/house look like?

Like a tornado hit it. Yeah. That bad. ;)

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?

Very imaginative. Mostly about people, and imagining what kinds of lives they lead. (Sounds a little creepy, but people fascinate me--what can I say? ;) )

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?

Everything, basically.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?

Frankly, I'm not satisfied, and don't particularly want to be satisfied, because it sounds so final. On the other hand I am extremely thankful for the many good people and things in my life.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?

I'd like a career in something to do with psychology, but I can't seem to narrow it down. ---Currently I'm an office assistant in a state job.


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
INTP- that was what I scored as
INFP- when i realized that I'm not an INTP
ENFP- when I noticed how similar we are, but then solved the issue in about an hour

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
F/T and E/I are leaning slightly towards the edge, but it depends on what test I take

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
3w2 maybe? Charmer sounds about right

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
Fs, because I like 'em

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
Any type

8.) What does your room/house look like?
there's shit everywhere, and I refuse to clean it up

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
fairly, I tend to just spout out random nonsense every now and again for amusement purposes

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
ENTPs are charming, outgoing (Not particularly), friendly people who make good first impressions and are good at getting other people excited about their ideas and projects. They are very perceptive and good at communication with people and noticing trends. ENTPs have very good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything. They have a need to please people and be liked, and are happy to be the focus of attention. ENTPs are good at telling stories and enjoy demonstrating their intelligence through their use of sophisticated language. They love bending rules to get what they want and enjoy getting away with things just because they can. ENTPs are very clever and observant , but procrastinate a lot so they may never show their true intelligence in school or other structured environments. They are at their best when improvising.
Their speech is filled with puns, jokes, plays-on-words and stories. They are the best of all the Thinkers at showing emotion, but it is hard to tell if they are faking it or not. In dress, ENTPs try to impress people, and will often surround themselves with as much luxury as they can afford. They have a reputation for being untrustworthy, which may come from their tendency to forget birthdays and planned gatherings.
Charismatic and flirtatious, ENTPs love challenges and being around people. They are aggressive and opportunistic and perform best when trying to win. ENTPs have short attention spans and leave many projects unfinished and goals unreached. They dislike people who try to control them and they hate hierarchies of power.
It's pretty well all good, and I'm quite well known for being argumentative...

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
None? I'm pretty unique :D, but I can relate to some ENTPs I think... not to sure

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
It's not bad

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
^^^ Why are you calling yourself an ESTJ? Just curious.


Senior Thread Terminator
May 18, 2008
1.) What is your MBTI type?

2.) If you ever thought you were a different type, explain why.
I originally tested as INFJ, so I thought I was that for a while, until I realized how un-F I am, which lead me to believe I was INTJ. Then I realized I was getting Ni and Ne confused, and it kinda clicked into place, so I wound up as the ENTP I am today. I know, fascinating, right?

3.) What are your percents? Are they on a 0-100% scale or 50-100% scale?
Heh, this is the amusing thing. I routinely score INTJ on percentage tests, so my percentages are almost always incorrect. I could invent my own, though. Hmm... I'd say, E: 58%, N: 82%, T: 78%, P: 67% on a 0-100% scale.

4.) What is your enneagram type (if known)?
7w8 SP. This is mostly a best-fit through testing. I also identify with 3 and 5.

5.) What types are you attracted for for friendship and why?
Mostly N types, though I can get along with S types as well. I just need my Ns there for when I completely dork out.

6.) What types are you attracted to for romantic relations and why?
INXJs, though INFJs more than INTJs. I love their senses of humour and their general quirkiness. Plus, they're fun.

7.) What types do you generally enjoy working with and why?
Any type is fine, though I tend to get more done around Js.

8.) What does your room/house look like?
Right now, like absolute crap. That tends to have more to do with the fact that it's getting repainted than anything else. Normally, it'd look fine if I cleaned it, but it never does get cleaned.

9.) How imaginative do you consider yourself and what are you typically imaginative about?
I'm fairly imaginative, I think. I love to imagine worlds where really futuristic things exist, and then I like to create random functions for things that could exist in those worlds. If I were at all productive, I'd probably have a bunch of random sci-fi fanfics out there at the moment.

10.) What can you relate to about your type descriptions?
Mostly all of it, actually, now that I think of it.

11.) What other types can you relate to well?
I apparently can somewhat relate to INTJs, as when I thought I was one there were a few who agreed with what I was saying. Aside from that, INTPs and, to an extent, XNFPs.

12.) What are you satisfied about in life?
Heh, you know, I'd probably be very satisfied with where I am, if I didn't keep getting so bored with everything.

13.) What do you want to do as a career/what are you currently doing as a career?
Well, I'm a student at the moment, but I'm trying for a degree in mathematics. I'm not entirely clear on what I want to do, specifically, but I've decided to aim for cryptography. It's one of those ones where, if I don't entirely make it, there's still tons I could do if I wanted to.