Self-Preservation (Need to protect and preserve)
1. Do you tend to save money and are cautious about spending it? no, though I guess I should be
2. Are you security oriented? Ready to protect yourself, those close to you and your resources? not really
3. Are you fairly consistent? Like things known and regular? No big changes? I like changes
4. Do you dislike taking big risks unless it's a "sure" thing? kind of? what kind of risks? Risk if my career depended on it? no. Risk with something else? maybe. It really depends.
5. Are you fairly private? Not revealing too much to strangers? online I guess I have revealed some things, though I do like to write I suppose. In person, it depends. One on one, I can reveal things if I feel like it. Socially/group-wise I am quiet.
6. Do you tend to be introverted? yes
7. Do you understand money? Securities? Investments? not yet
8. Do you tend to plan for the future? Ready for emergencies? no, or a little bit, def. no for emergencies.
9. Are you concerned about health? Safety? Comfort? Home? Hearth? somewhat (health).
10. Are you worried about what may go wrong? Tend to imagine worse case scenarios? yup.
11. Do you like things spelled out? Details? Exact information? Guarantees? details not required but guarantees are nice I suppose.
12. In relationships do you take care of others financially? nope.
Social (Need for Social Validation) - Can show up with strong focus on groups, organizations, family, world, friends, your surroundings, your social image
1. Do you need or really like social validation? what exactly do you mean? I struggle with invalidation (not having as solid of a self-concept due to insecure attachment) so I seek validation in that sense. I don't particularly "need" validation of being a "socially, nice kind, generous person." If I am those things, it's usually a personal choice. But I guess I can have distaste for certain kinds of group public shaming behaviors, react pretty strongly to those.
2. Is social image important to you? barely
3. Do you have desires/fantasies of being rewarded in a social or public arena? a tiny bit
4. Do you think about your affect on others, groups, organizations, and the world? yes
5. Is it very important to you to look good in public, groups, work, and the world? Is name recognition important, either yours or others? name rec. not important though I do have this thing about being able to express my voice, but that's not about whether or not people like that, just that I need to do that. So "recognition" in that sense I guess, but I don't seek recognition or achievement generally speaking.
6. Are you upset if you don't get enough validation, reward for the hard and creative work you do in a social context or for a social cause? no
7. Are you involved in groups, organizations and team oriented activities? no, unless this forum counts
8. Is belonging to special groups or being a leader of a group important to you? no
9. Are you strongly upset if you feel not included or rejected by a group or family or not invited to a social event? i can be a little upset, it depends on what group that is.
10. Do you make your money through your association with groups affecting a large number of people? no
11. Do you get really upset if you make a social faux pas? Do you think about and plan out how you will be or present yourself in public? yeah I can get really easily embarrassed.
12. Are you the social instigator and connector in your family? nope
Relationship (Need for 1 to 1 or Relationship Closeness)
1. Do you define yourself through a romantic or close partnership? Is closeness with another person of paramount importance? yes
2. Do you like intense energy, particularly in relating to people? Are you energized when you have a revealing conversation or engagement with another, particularly a special other? yes
3. Do you tend to focus more attention on close relationships than money? of course
4. Does money relate to how a partner will see you more than security for yourself? i don't think about money currently
5. Are money and resources less for self and more to please an intimate other? see above
6. Does your attention go more to how well you relate to a partner or potential partner than to other concerns? yes
7. Would others describe you as dramatic? Do you like to go deep with things? idk how others would describe me, yes to the second one
8. Do you tend to be in the moment and not think as much about the future or your future security? yes
9. Do you have an urge to merge? Do you "lose yourself" with an important other at times? yup
10. Do you like risk taking? New experiences? Tend to get bored without enough stimulation particularly in the area of relationships? yup
11. Are you focused more on connection with another and forget your own priorities? what do you mean by "your own priorities"; wouldn't the priority be the other person...?
12. Do you focus a lot on sexuality, romantic fantasies or mystical spiritual experiences? second specially.