The human psyche, the human soul, mind, or spirit, innermost self, has a working structure a fixed design. Psychometrics is a science based discipline that seeks to map this complex structure.
The enneagram of personality describes nine distinct divides within a working unity, that unity being the sum of parts working in unison within the human mind. Each of these nine differing expressive perspective view point are mapped on a working symbol called the enneagram. The Nine Points evenly arranged around the circle of the enneagram have connecting lines denoting fixed activity flows be all nine Points.
So what do I mean by "Point six" and "Point three" is, psyche as a palpable quanta experienced and witnessed by self and other can be described as a unity that has mechanical like divides that human personality the energy expressed by humans though fixed design draws its activity from the structure a structure that has nine divides representative the working structure of the nine pointed symbol entitled the enneagram. Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are all part of this system used to help describe fundamental structures of human personality.
The enneagram of personality is a metaphysical science and a practical science of what has been reasonably observed from observations of the human condition human personality.
The question what would an evil 9w8 antagonist look like is a question that involves the hole enneagram as a model for understanding the human condition and also involves other knowledge that does not involve the body of knowledge that the enneagram touches upon while describing the human condition from the perspective of minds workings.
My response to the question wondered and I failed to stick to what I set out to discuss and got side tracked by an example of an evil ISFP.
ISFP expression stems from Point:6 6w7 isfp does not stem from Point:9 9w8 although the 9w8 under stress draws upon Point:6 the 6w7. I realise know that I could have drafted my reply with much more care.
These are my observations of the structure as a mean for the working model of the eighteen egoic mind sets operating within the human psyche I have not included the operations of the six instinctual variants. Since you are curious about what I mean by "Point six" and "Point three" my meaning stems from my observations and understandings of the fixed operation of enneagram of personality. Please understand all eighteen types can and do utilise all eighteen MBTI expressions including e.g. a 5w4 can utilise INFP but when returning to its core it's mean the 5w4 expresses itself as INTP. The 5w4 in its tri type will express one subtype from doth the feeling triad and the relating triad so if the tri-type is 5w4, 9w1, 2w1 observable will be INTP, INFP, ENFJ If thisiddividual is a Social sexual Instinctual variant type this person is likely to be an interesting, socially warm person with possibly, strong views pertaining to heart biased social justice and strong biases pertaining to excessive lideral of dislike that can leading to a rejection of expressions of the self preservation social instinctual variant via the sub conches usage of the self preservation social instinctual within themselves and depression can be a lifelong consequence of this neurotic lock. If reasonably healthy the same person maybe free of such basis and express a health ternary function between the So/sx, Sx/sp, Sp/so. The point is the enneagram is complex but quite simple to understand. The hard part is generating sufficient Presence to turn the multiplicity between Points Six and Three from an egoic mind set lead experiential focus to a Presence lead Higher Mind Higher Emotion Lead multiplicity. Those two Shocks at Points three and six are strongly resisted so strongly resisted that they are not discussed or celebrated within our contemporary cloture.
The pain experienced from the two shocks is no more severe than experiencing two spaced jabs to the gut. It's a Shock and it is painful but it is nothing fear.
The 18 egoic mind set's.
The Feeling Triad
Two with one wing.
Subtype: two with one-wing; ENFJ
Auxiliary wing: one with nine-wing; ExTJ (Ambidextrous S and N) (agenda focused)
Second/wing: three with two-wing; ISTJ (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: eight with nine-wing; ESFJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: four with five-wing; ENTP
Two with three wing.
Subtype: two with three-wing; ISFJ
Auxiliary wing: three with four-wing; ISTP (agenda focused)
Second wing: one with nine-wing; ESTJ (agenda focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: eight with seven-wing; ESTP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: four with three-wing; ENFP
Three with two wing.
Subtype: three with two-wing; ISTJ
Auxiliary wing: two with one-wing; ENFJ (agenda)
Second wing: four with three-wing; ENFP (mood focused)
Subsidiary wing: one with two-wing; ESTJ
Subsidiary wing: five with Six-wing; INxP (Ambidextrous T and F)
Point of stress/disintegration: nine with one-wing; INFP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: six with five-wing; INTJ
Three with four wing.
Subtype: three with four-wing; ISTP
Auxiliary wing: four with-five-wing; ENTP (agenda)
Second wing: two with three-wing; ISFJ (mood)
Subsidiary wing: five with four-wing; INTP
Subsidiary wing: one with nine-wing; ExTJ (Ambidextrous S and N)
Point of stress/disintegration: nine with eight-wing; INFJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: six with seven-wing; ISFP
Four with three wing.
Subtype: four with three-wing; ENFP
Auxiliary/wing: three with two-wing; ISTJ (agenda focused)
Second/wing: five with four-wing; INTP (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: two with three-wing; ISFJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: one with two-wing; ESTJ
Four with five wing.
Subtype: four with five wing; ENTP
Auxiliary wing: five with six-wing; INxP (Ambidextrous T and F) (agenda focused)
Second wing: three with four-wing; ISTP (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: two with one-wing; ENFJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: one with nine-wing; ExTJ (Ambidextrous S and N)
The Doing Triad/Thinking Triad
Five with four-wing.
Subtype: five with four-wing; INTP
Auxiliary wing: four with three-wing; ENFP (agenda focused)
Second wing: six with five-wing; INTJ (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: seven with six-wing; ESFP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: eight with nine-wing; ESFJ
Five with six-wing.
Subtype: five with six-wing; INxP (Ambidextrous T and F)
Auxiliary wing: six with seven-wing; ISFP (agenda focused)
Second wing: eight with nine-wing; ENTP (Mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: seven with eight-wing; ENTJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: eight with seven-wing; ESTP
Six with five-wing.
Subtype: six with five-wing; INTJ
Auxiliary wing: five with four-wing; INTP (agenda focused)
Second wing: seven with six-wing; ESFP (mood focused)
Subsidiary wing: four with three-wing; ENFP
Subsidiary wing: eight with nine-wing; ESFJ
Point of stress/disintegration: three with two-wing; ISTJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: nine with one-wing; INFP
Six with seven-wing.
Subtype: six with seven-wing; ISFP
Auxiliary wing: seven with eight-wing; ENTJ (agenda focused)
Second wing: five with six-wing; INFTP (mood focused)
Subsidiary wing: four with five-wing; ENTP
Subsidiary wing: eight with seven-wing; ESTP
Point of stress/disintegration: three with four-wing; ISTP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: nine with eight-wing; INFJ
Seven with six-wing.
Subtype: seven with six-wing; ESFP
Auxiliary wing: six with five-wing; INTJ (agenda focused)
Second wing: eight with nine-wing; ESTP (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: one with nine-wing; ExTJ (Ambidextrous S and N)
Point of Integration/Neurosis: five with four-wing; INTP
Seven with eight-wing.
Subtype: seven with eight wing; ENTJ
Auxiliary wing: eight with nine wing; ESFJ (agenda focused)
Second wing: six with seven-wing; ISFP (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: one with two wing; ESTJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: five with six wing; INxP(Ambidextrous T and F)
The Relating Triad/Instinctive Triad
Eight with seven-wing.
Subtype: eight with seven-wing; ESTP
Auxiliary wing: seven with six-wing; ESFP (agenda focused)
Second wing: nine with one-wing; INFP (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: five with six-wing; INxP (Ambidextrous T and F)
Point of Integration/Neurosis: two with three-wing; ISFJ
Eight with nine-wing.
Subtype: eight with nine-wing; ESFJ
Auxiliary wing: nine with-eight; INFJ (agenda focused)
Second wing: eight with nine-wing; ENTJ (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: five with four-wing; INTP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: two with one-wing; ENFJ
Nine with eight-wing.
Sub-type: nine with eight-wing; INFJ
Auxiliary wing: eight with seven-wing; ESTP (agenda focused)
Second wing: one with nine-wing; ESNTJ (mood focused)
Subsidiary wing: seven with eight-wing; ENTJ
Subsidiary wing: two with three-wing; ISFJ
Point of stress/disintegration: six with seven-wing; ISFP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: three with four-wing; ISTP
Nine with one-wing.
Subtype: nine with one-wing; INFP
Auxiliary wing: one with two-wing; ESTJ (agenda focused)
Second wing: eight with nine-wing; ESFJ (mood focused)
Subsidiary wing: two with one-wing; ENFJ
Subsidiary wing: seven with six-wing; ESFP
Point of stress/disintegration: six with five-wing; INTJ
Point of Integration/Neurosis: three with two-wing; ISTJ
One with nine-wing.
Subtype: one with nine-wing; ExTJ (Ambidextrous S and N)
Auxiliary wing: nine with one-wing; INFP (agenda focused)
Second wing: two with one-wing; ENFJ (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: four with five-wing; ENTP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: seven with six-wing; ESFP
One with two-wing.
Sub-type: one with two-wing; ESTJ
Auxiliary wing: two with three-wing; ISFJ (agenda focused)
Second wing: nine with eight-wing; INFJ (mood focused)
Point of stress/disintegration: four with three-wing; ENFP
Point of Integration/Neurosis: seven with eight-wing; ENTJ
Mark Anthony Rockliff 9w1 INFP Sx/Sp/So 1221 D type.