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Emotional Intelligence?


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Ok let us put aside for a minute the fact that that this has most likely been done to death and let us also put aside the fact that we could argue till the universe implodes or errodes or explodes when it comes to it's definition, or whether it even exists. So let us pretend that we do agree on what it means and that it does exist in a clearly defined manner.

The point is there is a slight consensus ive noticed at times, (not necessarily on here), whereby an F type is naturally considered to be more emotionally intelligent over a T type.

This is a massive simplification I know, but I was wondering what people's thoughts were on this?

Sorry it isn't a more flexible option to discuss. Mainly I wonder this because I consider myself to be an F type, without too much of a doubt and I think most would not disagree. However my emotional intelligence is extremely low, I am never able to manage my negative emotions effectively and it results in a slow build up to an explosion which results in self-defeating tendencies.

This could be in part to my very mild aspergers....or it could just be that im just not intelligent in that manner and perhaps never will be.

The point im wondering on is if there is any correlation at all for this, or whether it is just bullshit thrown out on the breeze?


likes this
Mar 3, 2010
I have heard that there's interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence (between people and within self). I would think maybe Fe more 'naturally' interpersonal and Fi more naturally intrapersonal based on function definitions. Hopefully have used the proper prefixes.

That said, as someone who identifies with Fi strongly, I have had to work very hard on both types of intelligence. I dont know that either came quite naturally. More the result of experiences and a desire to interact with other people better and understand myself better and a lot of effort. Or perhaps that's just part of the difference between a child and an adult.

Still a work in progress obviously.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I have heard that there's interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence (between people and within self). I would think maybe Fe more 'naturally' interpersonal and Fi more naturally intrapersonal based on function definitions. Hopefully have used the proper prefixes.

That said, as someone who identifies with Fi strongly, I have had to work very hard on both types of intelligence. I dont know that either came quite naturally. More the result of experiences and a desire to interact with other people better and understand myself better and a lot of effort. Or perhaps that's just part of the difference between a child and an adult.

Still a work in progress obviously.

Thanks for this. Yeah it must be for me. Ive had to work on it obsessively, but I always find myself back at square one once the shit hits the fan and I never learn anything, but I dont understand what it is I have to learn.

Tenacity didn't work, acceptance didn't work, consideration didn't work and so on....in fact even all together none of them worked. I despise my inability to get along with and understand people in a real life situation.

I dont really grasp why it is important for me to do so either, but im constantly being told it is necessary to do anything in life.....or at least this modern life.


likes this
Mar 3, 2010
How old are you? Do you feel like it is holding you back from what you want in life (career, friendship, relationship, whatever)?


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
EQ, much like IQ, contains a lot of specific skills, some will be more up your alley than others. Interpersonal and intrapersonal is definitely part of this. I also think that this stuff needs training, much like someone with conventional intelligence still needs to work that muscle for it to become a master in that field. The same can be said for EQ.

It took me forever to be just average at the interpersonal field, and I still feel like a fish out of water there sometimes. I prefer intrapersonal, but even there, there are parts that aren't my cup of tea, and that I'm barely starting to get a grip on now (self-assessing, -accepting, -loving, -objectively valuing, anyone?). You're quite a bit younger than me still, so you've got still plenty of time, I'd say ;)


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
How old are you? Do you feel like it is holding you back from what you want in life (career, friendship, relationship, whatever)?

Only 23, so still young and immature....which I imagine is the perception anyhow. It does hold me back because I cannot keep my temper in check and if I do keep it in check it merely builds up and up. Sometimes I can dissapate it but not often.

The trouble is I dont understand social conventions very well and im constantly being told what to do, how to think and what im thinking, because my actions and words dont fit into some pre-conceived notion of what is the correct thing to do. So people annoy the shit out of me and I dont understand them or their points.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Ok let us put aside for a minute the fact that that this has most likely been done to death and let us also put aside the fact that we could argue till the universe implodes or errodes or explodes when it comes to it's definition, or whether it even exists. So let us pretend that we do agree on what it means and that it does exist in a clearly defined manner.

The point is there is a slight consensus ive noticed at times, (not necessarily on here), whereby an F type is naturally considered to be more emotionally intelligent over a T type.

This is a massive simplification I know, but I was wondering what people's thoughts were on this?

Sorry it isn't a more flexible option to discuss. Mainly I wonder this because I consider myself to be an F type, without too much of a doubt and I think most would not disagree. However my emotional intelligence is extremely low, I am never able to manage my negative emotions effectively and it results in a slow build up to an explosion which results in self-defeating tendencies.

This could be in part to my very mild aspergers....or it could just be that im just not intelligent in that manner and perhaps never will be.

The point im wondering on is if there is any correlation at all for this, or whether it is just bullshit thrown out on the breeze?



Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012

Cheers, that might be it, although I will make a point of noting that I have not raised my hand to anyone in anger since i was about....10-11.

It's also rare I smash things up, but I suppose it happens. However my anger never feels disproportionate to what caused it, on the other hand that is exactly what someone with that disorder might say.....I think.

Oh yeah have you made that video yet for my other post? Id be interested in your opinion.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Cheers, that might be it, although I will make a point of noting that I have not raised my hand to anyone in anger since i was about....10-11.

It's also rare I smash things up, but I suppose it happens. However my anger never feels disproportionate to what caused it, on the other hand that is exactly what someone with that disorder might say.....I think.

Oh yeah have you made that video yet for my other post? Id be interested in your opinion.

I haven't had a chance to find the video. I just remember thinking how, in your cosmology ravings, you uncritically assumed that the universe must have a beginning.

Funny how they call the disorder IED, because it also stands for Improvised Explosive Device. It could be called a male disorder, although women are not immune to it by far. And it's not a T or F disorder because that relates more to personality disorders. If you were around cats a lot as a child you may have Toxoplasmosis.
"From one-third to half of the world's human population is estimated to carry a Toxoplasma infection."


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
I haven't had a chance to find the video. I just remember thinking how, in your cosmology ravings, you uncritically assumed that the universe must have a beginning.

Funny how they call the disorder IED, because it also stands for Improvised Explosive Device. It could be called a male disorder, although women are not immune to it by far. And it's not a T or F disorder because that relates more to personality disorders. If you were around cats a lot as a child you may have Toxoplasmosis.
"From one-third to half of the world's human population is estimated to carry a Toxoplasma infection."

Aha good point about the universe, I was just speculating on an already held theory or idea rather than bringing a new one in I was just adapting an old one.

So might you say that the universe just is...without a beginning and an end then? Just endlessly going? Or is it merely our own perceptions as creatures of temporary existance that leads us to believe in beginnings and ends for all things just as we begin and end? Oh well you can elaborate if you want, it wasnt as if id researched anything, just an idle series of thoughts in passing, I would never ask anyone to trust my ramblings. I wasn't really assuming anything really, I generally dont, mainly it's mere speculation.

As for the disorder I see your point and yeah I was exposed to a lot of cats when younger although I rarely dealt with their poo, then again I wont need to go near a litter tray to pick up such a parasite would I? The cat would be enough. This is what I related to from an article by a man who put forth such an idea called Jaroslav Flegr, although you probably already know who it is:

Compared with uninfected men, males who had the parasite were more introverted, suspicious, oblivious to other people’s opinions of them, and inclined to disregard rules.

This is is somewhat true of me, although not entirely.

From the UK NHS website:
Up to a third of the UK population will have a toxoplasmosis infection at some point in their lives. Once infected, a person is immune from further infection for life.

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy and congenital toxoplasmosis are rare, with about three babies in every 100,000 born with the condition in the UK.

See now I dont know what the bolded means, are they saying you are now immune once it goes way, if that is possible, or are they trying to reword something to make it sound more palatable, mainly that in fact once infected, you are never free of it and thus technically you are immune since you cannot be infected by EXACTLY the same parasite?


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Aha good point about the universe, I was just speculating on an already held theory or idea rather than bringing a new one in I was just adapting an old one.

So might you say that the universe just is...without a beginning and an end then? Just endlessly going? Or is it merely our own perceptions as creatures of temporary existance that leads us to believe in beginnings and ends for all things just as we begin and end? Oh well you can elaborate if you want, it wasnt as if id researched anything, just an idle series of thoughts in passing, I would never ask anyone to trust my ramblings. I wasn't really assuming anything really, I generally dont, mainly it's mere speculation.

As for the disorder I see your point and yeah I was exposed to a lot of cats when younger although I rarely dealt with their poo, then again I wont need to go near a litter tray to pick up such a parasite would I? The cat would be enough. This is what I related to from an article by a man who put forth such an idea called Jaroslav Flegr, although you probably already know who it is:

This is is somewhat true of me, although not entirely.

From the UK NHS website:

See now I dont know what the bolded means, are they saying you are now immune once it goes way, if that is possible, or are they trying to reword something to make it sound more palatable, mainly that in fact once infected, you are never free of it and thus technically you are immune since you cannot be infected by EXACTLY the same parasite?

The symptoms of toxoplasmosis are not caused by a parasite in the brain, but by the damage it caused. These are called lesions. It's typical of the immune system to fend off an infection after the damage has already been done, and then secondary infection is prevented for life. But I'm assuming that's the case here, as it is with colds and the flu. Damage to the prefrontal cortex leads to impulsiveness. When combined with damage to the amygdala you have cases of amygdalic hijack. This is a term invented by the author of a book on emotional intelligence, and so we're right back where we started.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
The symptoms of toxoplasmosis are not caused by a parasite in the brain, but by the damage it caused. These are called lesions. It's typical of the immune system to fend off an infection after the damage has already been done, and then secondary infection is prevented for life. But I'm assuming that's the case here, as it is with colds and the flu. Damage to the prefrontal cortex leads to impulsiveness. When combined with damage to the amygdala you have cases of amygdalic hijack. This is a term invented by the author of a book on emotional intelligence, and so we're right back where we started.

Ah right, well im not to know that am I? Thanks for the information.

But when you say impulsive...and I am aware I give that impression with this thread, what do you mean? Because in many ways im extremely self controlled and let very little out unless I want others to see it and then the next I can become overwhelmed in positions of what I consider stressful situations, such as my last job.

Generally I distrust my emotions and see them as an annoying weakness most of the time because they get in the way of rationality, which obviously has nothing to do with either F or T on an MBTI dichotomy as all 4 functions associated with those are rational.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Yes I've seen Jaroslav Flegr in an interview. He claims to have toxoplasmosis based on symptomology. But then he says its presence is really supported by examining groups of people and looking for statistical tendencies.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Ah right, well im not to know that am I? Thanks for the information.

But when you say impulsive...and I am aware I give that impression with this thread, what do you mean? Because in many ways im extremely self controlled and let very little out unless I want others to see it and then the next I can become overwhelmed in positions of what I consider stressful situations, such as my last job.

Generally I distrust my emotions and see them as an annoying weakness most of the time because they get in the way of rationality, which obviously has nothing to do with either F or T on an MBTI dichotomy.

Explosive behavior occurs as an impulse.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Explosive behavior occurs as an impulse.

It does...but the points leading up to the explosion could be built upon step by step, it's not like I go shopping and someone drops a wrapper on my shoes and I go batfuck insane on them.

It's more that sometimes I do let things get to me far more than I believe they ought to. I am painting a picture of touchy intensity, but it's more that I actually appear calm and collected but then I let the walls drop, or maybe im being convinced by the opinions of others who believe my tolerance is not high despite the fact that they have not done the jobs or been in the situtations that caused my outbursts in the first place.

Other times it isn't explosive anger so much as frustrated bemusement of others.

Maybe it is merely me overthinking something...


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
It does...but the points leading up to the explosion could be built upon step by step, it's not like I go shopping and someone drops a wrapper on my shoes and I go batfuck insane on them.

It's more that sometimes I do let things get to me far more than I believe they ought to. I am painting a picture of touchy intensity, but it's more that I actually appear calm and collected but then I let the walls drop, or maybe im being convinced by the opinions of others who believe my tolerance is not high despite the fact that they have not done the jobs or been in the situtations that caused my outbursts in the first place.

Other times it isn't explosive anger so much as frustrated bemusement of others.

Maybe it is merely me overthinking something...

Sounds more like an introverted feeling response.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Sounds more like an introverted feeling response.

It does doesn't it? The whole me and mine thing? Yet people say I demonstrate strong Fe.

I also seem to have a degree of Se....ESFP?

Anyway that's getting off topic.