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Aura Color test

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
HelloQuizzy.com: What Colour Is Your Aura Test



Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
HelloQuizzy.com: What Colour Is Your Aura Test

Lavender description sounds like Ne function.

Firebird 8118

DJ Phoenix
Sep 22, 2012
Instinctual Variant
36% MentalTan, 64% Violet, 68% Green, 50% Lavender, 54% Magenta, 89% Blue, 68% NurturingTan, 75% Crystal, 29% Orange, 43% PhysicalTan, 46% LovingTan, 82% Indigo, 32% Red and 50% Yellow!


89% Blue!

Blues embody the characteristics of nurturing and caretaking. They are the Personality Spectrums color most concerned with helping other people. Whereas Nurturing Tans find their life's work in the community, Blues find value in being of service to individuals. Service is a form of altruism, a giving of oneself. It is the art of anticipating the needs of other human beings and ministering to those needs while at the same time allowing the individuals to maintain their dignity. In doing a kindness for a neighbor or performing an act of mercy for" patient, Blues feel fulfilled, valued, and of worth; they find ways to live their lives by giving. The greatest challenge for Blues is to know what they need to be happy and then to ask for it. Because they are so caught up in service to others, Blues often spend too little time and attention on their own spiritual and emotional growth activities. They must set limits and boundaries on their emotional, physical, and spiritual resources; they must be able to say no and mean it. Blues need to emulate the wise cook who returns a portion of the starter dough to the yeast pot for another day. In this way, Blues can maintain their personal power. They must learn how to husband their own internal resources by measuring them out and using some of their time and energy to renew themselves.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
36% MentalTan, 64% Violet, 68% Green, 50% Lavender, 54% Magenta, 89% Blue, 68% NurturingTan, 75% Crystal, 29% Orange, 43% PhysicalTan, 46% LovingTan, 82% Indigo, 32% Red and 50% Yellow!


89% Blue!

Blues embody the characteristics of nurturing and caretaking. They are the Personality Spectrums color most concerned with helping other people. Whereas Nurturing Tans find their life's work in the community, Blues find value in being of service to individuals. Service is a form of altruism, a giving of oneself. It is the art of anticipating the needs of other human beings and ministering to those needs while at the same time allowing the individuals to maintain their dignity. In doing a kindness for a neighbor or performing an act of mercy for" patient, Blues feel fulfilled, valued, and of worth; they find ways to live their lives by giving. The greatest challenge for Blues is to know what they need to be happy and then to ask for it. Because they are so caught up in service to others, Blues often spend too little time and attention on their own spiritual and emotional growth activities. They must set limits and boundaries on their emotional, physical, and spiritual resources; they must be able to say no and mean it. Blues need to emulate the wise cook who returns a portion of the starter dough to the yeast pot for another day. In this way, Blues can maintain their personal power. They must learn how to husband their own internal resources by measuring them out and using some of their time and energy to renew themselves.
Blue sounds like Fe aux and enneagram 2.


Building muscle memory in my brain
Mar 29, 2011
Instinctual Variant
You Have More Than One Dominant Aura Colour!

64% MentalTan, 36% Violet, 43% Green, 57% Lavender, 64% Magenta, 57% Blue, 46% NurturingTan, 57% Crystal, 43% Orange, 64% PhysicalTan, 43% LovingTan, 57% Indigo, 46% Red and 25% Yellow!


That didn't help very much.

Firebird 8118

DJ Phoenix
Sep 22, 2012
Instinctual Variant
You Have More Than One Dominant Aura Colour!

64% MentalTan, 36% Violet, 43% Green, 57% Lavender, 64% Magenta, 57% Blue, 46% NurturingTan, 57% Crystal, 43% Orange, 64% PhysicalTan, 43% LovingTan, 57% Indigo, 46% Red and 25% Yellow!


That didn't help very much.

Nice :D I happen to love rainbows!


don't ask me
Jan 16, 2014
Instinctual Variant

54% MentalTan, 43% Violet, 54% Green, 54% Lavender, 61% Magenta, 46% Blue, 54% NurturingTan, 68% Crystal, 36% Orange, 57% PhysicalTan, 36% LovingTan, 46% Indigo, 46% Red and 46% Yellow!

68% Crystal!

Crystals are natural healers. They utilize energy to transform light into healing rays. They become the medium or the conduit through which healing passes. They are able to increase their personal, physical power to the point where they are able to cleanse the minds and souls so that physical healing can follow. Their biggest challenge is learning how to cope with the gift of healing. In order not to attract attention to themselves, Crystals become the chameleons of the spectrum, assimilating other colors into their aura in order to hide or protect themselves. They clutter up their own energy field when they do this, bringing harm to themselves. This act also confuses others. The challenge for Crystals is to learn to know themselves and what their special gifts are so that they do not have to disguise themselves through emotional camouflage.

Very fitting for a 9w1.

Comeback Girl

Ratchet Ass Moon Fairy
Jul 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
You kidding me? Seven pages? Oh well, not that I have anything better to do.

Your result for What Colour Is Your Aura Test ...

54% MentalTan, 36% Violet, 54% Green, 18% Lavender, 79% Magenta, 43% Blue, 50% NurturingTan, 32% Crystal, 43% Orange, 68% PhysicalTan, 57% LovingTan, 68% Indigo, 36% Red and 61% Yellow!

The key to understanding the Magenta Personality Spectrums color is their unwillingness to conform to the expectations and norms set by society. These individuals seek to express their individuality by using, with creativity and flair, the belongings and raw materials at their disposal. Because they look at life through a magenta filter, they tend to be viewed as the nonconformists of the spectrum. The single most difficult thing for a Magenta is to understand the difference between commitment and entrapment. For a Magenta to be locked into a nine-to-five job, to be married and have children, and to run a household would be a form of insanity. They need to learn to create for themselves a life-style that works for them and does not impinge on the sensibilities of others. Magentas revitalize our concept of creativity by offering a new perspective, opening new vistas, and exploring new points of departure.


Rogue heart
Mar 10, 2013
39% MentalTan, 50% Violet, 54% Green, 54% Lavender, 46% Magenta, 43% Blue, 36% NurturingTan, 57% Crystal, 43% Orange, 54% PhysicalTan, 46% LovingTan, 61% Indigo, 36% Red and 39% Yellow!



61% Indigo!

The reality of our world is a shifting, evolving, dynamic energy field. As part of this ecosystem, humanity is growing and developing. As the needs of the whole shift, changes need to be made in the parts that make up that whole. So it is with the auras. Anew color—Indigo—has emerged, with skills, talents, and physical characteristics significantly different from those of the other colors. At this time, most Indigos are still children or young adults. I see Indigo children as a new color invested with new talents and abilities that will be necessary for our evolution. These children have unique characteristics for which we can only guess the purpose. Parents of Indigo children have a special challenge-how to nurture and cultivate their unique children while at the same time helping them exist in the mainstream of contemporary society. The parents of some of these Indigo children will love and support their differences. Other Indigos will not be so lucky. [...] The significant thing about Indigos is that they have leadership capabilities unlike those we have heretofore experienced. They understand what it means to be a fully actualized human being without having been taught that concept. The most difficult thing for an Indigo to develop is patience and forbearance. Because they seem to have already grasped what it means to be authentic, they have little tolerance for others who struggle with this issue. Indigos are not without compassion. However, their form of compassion is to give other human beings time and space enough to find their own answers, to come to their own resolutions.


Symbolic Herald
Feb 2, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Your result for What Colour Is Your Aura Test ...
71% Blue, 68% Crystal, 68% NurturingTan, 64% Lavender, 64% Magenta, 64% PhysicalTan, 57% MentalTan, 54% Green, 50% LovingTan, 50% Yellow, 43% Violet, 39% Red, 32% Indigo, and 29% Orange!​

Blues embody the characteristics of nurturing and caretaking. They are the Personality Spectrums color most concerned with helping other people. Whereas Nurturing Tans find their life's work in the community, Blues find value in being of service to individuals. Service is a form of altruism, a giving of oneself. It is the art of anticipating the needs of other human beings and ministering to those needs while at the same time allowing the individuals to maintain their dignity. In doing a kindness for a neighbor or performing an act of mercy for" patient, Blues feel fulfilled, valued, and of worth; they find ways to live their lives by giving. The greatest challenge for Blues is to know what they need to be happy and then to ask for it. Because they are so caught up in service to others, Blues often spend too little time and attention on their own spiritual and emotional growth activities. They must set limits and boundaries on their emotional, physical, and spiritual resources; they must be able to say no and mean it. Blues need to emulate the wise cook who returns a portion of the starter dough to the yeast pot for another day. In this way, Blues can maintain their personal power. They must learn how to husband their own internal resources by measuring them out and using some of their time and energy to renew themselves.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
57% MentalTan, 50% Violet, 68% Green, 54% Lavender, 57% Magenta, 50% Blue, 21% NurturingTan, 54% Crystal, 39% Orange, 79% PhysicalTan, 61% LovingTan, 64% Indigo, 43% Red and 39% Yellow!


Physical Tans are one of the three Eclipse Colors. An eclipse is different from an overlay. To have an eclipse in the aura means that the individual has two bands of color that completely surround the body, one outside the other. These two colors are interpreted as one color. This distinctive color pairing has its own character and personality style; it is not a marriage of the characteristics of the two colors that make up the combination. The two colors that make up Physical Tan are Mental Tan and Green. While Mental Tan and Green are both in the Mental Family of colors, the eclipse combination or the colors produces personality and character traits similar to those of the Yellow. Therefore, Physical Tan is one of the Physical (body) Personality Spectrums colors. Physical Tans experience themselves as the physical center of the three-dimensional world that surrounds them. Their bodies behave like sonar sensing devices. They are constantly sending out signals and absorbing the echoes, translating the messages physically so that they can then process them mentally. The strength of this color combination is that both components are independent, responsible, and willing to be their own authority. This means that people with this Eclipse Color tend to stand back and observe what is going on before they commit themselves. However, once committed, they are self-starters and initiators. They have a sense of their own individualism, which they hold as sacred. The greatest challenge for a Physical Tan is to develop flexibility. Their experience of life has reinforced their belief that in order to be loved, they must perform according to other people's expectations. To a Physical Tan, this means that they must carry out a task, fulfill an agreement, or deliver a product before they can experience acceptance and love. This tends to make them rigid and inflexible in their expectations of themselves and others. By understanding their own nature, they can come to know that there is a place for them in life, where they will have autonomy within the system.

Meh I don't relate.



perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
21% MentalTan, 39% Violet, 54% Green, 64% Lavender, 64% Magenta, 43% Blue, 39% NurturingTan, 68% Crystal, 39% Orange, 46% PhysicalTan, 36% LovingTan, 57% Indigo, 25% Red and 29% Yellow!

Crystals are natural healers. They utilize energy to transform light into healing rays. They become the medium or the conduit through which healing passes. They are able to increase their personal, physical power to the point where they are able to cleanse the minds and souls so that physical healing can follow. Their biggest challenge is learning how to cope with the gift of healing. In order not to attract attention to themselves, Crystals become the chameleons of the spectrum, assimilating other colors into their aura in order to hide or protect themselves. They clutter up their own energy field when they do this, bringing harm to themselves. This act also confuses others. The challenge for Crystals is to learn to know themselves and what their special gifts are so that they do not have to disguise themselves through emotional camouflage.

i didn't really like this test.


failed poetry slam career
Oct 18, 2013
Instinctual Variant
You Have More Than One Dominant Aura Colour!

54% MentalTan, 64% Violet, 71% Green, 71% Lavender, 68% Magenta, 50% Blue, 32% NurturingTan, 57% Crystal, 39% Orange, 64% PhysicalTan, 46% LovingTan, 50% Indigo, 39% Red and 36% Yellow!


  • You scored 54% on MentalTan, higher than 48% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 64% on Violet, higher than 74% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 71% on Green, higher than 82% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 71% on Lavender, higher than 70% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 68% on Magenta, higher than 68% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 50% on Blue, higher than 33% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 32% on NurturingTan, higher than 12% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 57% on Crystal, higher than 34% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 39% on Orange, higher than 20% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 64% on PhysicalTan, higher than 58% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 46% on LovingTan, higher than 28% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 50% on Indigo, higher than 27% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 39% on Red, higher than 18% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 36% on Yellow, higher than 26% of your peers.



Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Your result for What Colour Is Your Aura Test ...
50% MentalTan, 57% Violet, 79% Green, 68% Lavender, 57% Magenta, 61% Blue, 61% NurturingTan, 57% Crystal, 36% Orange, 43% PhysicalTan, 39% LovingTan, 50% Indigo, 50% Red and 61% Yellow!


79% Green!

Intellectually intense, and able to pare an idea to the bone—these are attributes of an analytical Green. Greens measure their own worth by their ability to be productive, generating countless ideas and projects, and by their creative ability, which allows them to devise innovative, workable solutions to problems. They are the planners, organizers,and strategists of the Personality Spectrums.Their greatest fear is that what they create and produce will not be good enoug hand they will be found lacking. This low sense of self-esteem leads Greens into an emotional box canyon where being perfect is seen as necessary to earn the love and respect of those around them. The major lesson that all Greens must learn is that life can be easy, elegant, and fun, but if they wish to live that kind of life, they must give up their emotional need to be perfect.



bon vivant
Jan 25, 2014
98 questions? This test is obnoxiously long.

anyway, I got Lavender which I would say is fitting.


New member
Jun 21, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Holy hippie, Batman.
Here's what I scored -

82% Crystal, higher than 91% of other test takers. Pretty accurate (3rd?)
79% Green, higher than 92% of other test takers. Most accurate description.
75% NurturingTan, higher than 90% of other test takers. Not particularly accurate at all.
75% Magenta, higher than 82% of other test takers. Second most accurate.
71% Violet, higher than 87% of other test takers. Hell no - guilt riddled? Are you kidding me?
68% PhysicalTan
68% Indigo
61% MentalTan
57% Blue
54% Lavender
50% Orange
29% Yellow!
25% Red
21% LovingTan