Hey 359 team,
Just bumping in with a question in case anyone sees it. Anyone know where our growth points are?
I don't expect to see replies here for awhile, but will put add in a few anecdotes in case other fellow 359s are curious.
I'd suppose that actually participating is the first step, lol. Find the most participatory way by at least establishing anchors somewhere. This may be actually sticking around discussion forums and replying to people.
So the question is, how to not be so "hidden"? This is, I consider - an Achilles' heel of our tritype. And to be fair, this hidden-ness has a tendency of being extreme to the point that even saying "I" or "me" too much becomes a chore and a source of discomfort to acknowledge it. It is a skill that I picked up in very early years, and thus almost effectively erased from dialogue with others. Rarely have people caught onto this tendency, but when they do, I purposely use it more to thwart anyone's suspicion. 359s are incredibly self aware, that's for sure. Onlookers may mistake this for emotional intensity (as Fi is very inner directed), but... 359s have a mental intensity which can be confused for intense emotion (and may externalize as such). They are hidden and also very skilled mirrors. Their dry cool wit (lol, if ENTP) and initial friendliness is masked with its contrary extremes underneath.
To give a picture of how a 359 in action is like:
I will draw from my example. I have been incredibly drawn to debates and discourses, but while I may be equipped with the knowledge of both points (and how to destroy the debate), this 359 stops at once from getting involved. In some cases, I have silenced myself to the point that by the time there is an opportunity to speak, my mind is ineffectively blank. And nothing is there anymore. There is a very constant sense of self and group alienation. 3 wants to maintain the image, 5 wants to dish the truth out there for everyone to hear, 9 is good at compromising and understanding other points of view but has its own explosive moments of anger. This in nature, reminds me of 8w9's behavior in terms of their anger coping mechanism.
I suspect that 359s are also "universal appealers", as in... in the midst of a discourse, they may not attack the person, but stay extremely focused on the universal issue. This may awe the opposing party, as it seems that we are taking in consideration of their point, but the 359 simply ignores the fact that it is a person, and decides to focus on the person as the "thought", not the ego. This is what makes them so adept at discourse. A few that pointed out to me they admired my method of breaking down arguments to the very essence, and not breaking down someone else for the thought they are "responsible" for. But let's be real. In a way, we really couldn't care any less. Because if you focus so much on pleasing them (dom- or tert- Fe), you'll be paralyzed from ever participating. The only way I can find myself bypass this issue is by erasing everyone's ego and analyzing the issue as if it were an object.
I would go so far to say that learning about MBTI / Enneagram / Socionics can turn a 359 less authentic as they are pressured more to live up to the descriptions of their type. Others who are knowledgeable about mbti have a tendency to scrutinize each other and "confirm" each other's typing. In this case, ENTP. As I lack the stereotypical 7w8 traits that seem to define their behavior, I may even purposely mimic 7w8 tendencies as to not rouse doubt of others. I myself have no doubt in how I metabolize information and process it (ENTP), but can be strangely concerned about how others may see it.
Finding other 1s or 8s can be quite beneficial. Observing 8s trip me up all the time, they're very straightforward in a way that I am in private, just not publicly.
There are many other facets to 359, not just thinking or discourse, but the key question remains in how you guys experience. Tell me how you do it and see it.
Will update this post if there are other important mentions to be made, but am curious how you guys go about with breaking from being "triple hidden", as we are known... and finally just jump into being real as hell and living to the totality of your potential.
Just bumping in with a question in case anyone sees it. Anyone know where our growth points are?
I don't expect to see replies here for awhile, but will put add in a few anecdotes in case other fellow 359s are curious.
I'd suppose that actually participating is the first step, lol. Find the most participatory way by at least establishing anchors somewhere. This may be actually sticking around discussion forums and replying to people.
So the question is, how to not be so "hidden"? This is, I consider - an Achilles' heel of our tritype. And to be fair, this hidden-ness has a tendency of being extreme to the point that even saying "I" or "me" too much becomes a chore and a source of discomfort to acknowledge it. It is a skill that I picked up in very early years, and thus almost effectively erased from dialogue with others. Rarely have people caught onto this tendency, but when they do, I purposely use it more to thwart anyone's suspicion. 359s are incredibly self aware, that's for sure. Onlookers may mistake this for emotional intensity (as Fi is very inner directed), but... 359s have a mental intensity which can be confused for intense emotion (and may externalize as such). They are hidden and also very skilled mirrors. Their dry cool wit (lol, if ENTP) and initial friendliness is masked with its contrary extremes underneath.
To give a picture of how a 359 in action is like:
I will draw from my example. I have been incredibly drawn to debates and discourses, but while I may be equipped with the knowledge of both points (and how to destroy the debate), this 359 stops at once from getting involved. In some cases, I have silenced myself to the point that by the time there is an opportunity to speak, my mind is ineffectively blank. And nothing is there anymore. There is a very constant sense of self and group alienation. 3 wants to maintain the image, 5 wants to dish the truth out there for everyone to hear, 9 is good at compromising and understanding other points of view but has its own explosive moments of anger. This in nature, reminds me of 8w9's behavior in terms of their anger coping mechanism.
I suspect that 359s are also "universal appealers", as in... in the midst of a discourse, they may not attack the person, but stay extremely focused on the universal issue. This may awe the opposing party, as it seems that we are taking in consideration of their point, but the 359 simply ignores the fact that it is a person, and decides to focus on the person as the "thought", not the ego. This is what makes them so adept at discourse. A few that pointed out to me they admired my method of breaking down arguments to the very essence, and not breaking down someone else for the thought they are "responsible" for. But let's be real. In a way, we really couldn't care any less. Because if you focus so much on pleasing them (dom- or tert- Fe), you'll be paralyzed from ever participating. The only way I can find myself bypass this issue is by erasing everyone's ego and analyzing the issue as if it were an object.
I would go so far to say that learning about MBTI / Enneagram / Socionics can turn a 359 less authentic as they are pressured more to live up to the descriptions of their type. Others who are knowledgeable about mbti have a tendency to scrutinize each other and "confirm" each other's typing. In this case, ENTP. As I lack the stereotypical 7w8 traits that seem to define their behavior, I may even purposely mimic 7w8 tendencies as to not rouse doubt of others. I myself have no doubt in how I metabolize information and process it (ENTP), but can be strangely concerned about how others may see it.
Finding other 1s or 8s can be quite beneficial. Observing 8s trip me up all the time, they're very straightforward in a way that I am in private, just not publicly.
There are many other facets to 359, not just thinking or discourse, but the key question remains in how you guys experience. Tell me how you do it and see it.
Will update this post if there are other important mentions to be made, but am curious how you guys go about with breaking from being "triple hidden", as we are known... and finally just jump into being real as hell and living to the totality of your potential.