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[sp] You know you're self preservation when


Dec 8, 2010
Instinctual Variant
You smear Vaseline on your face where you'll be seen in public? Good way to look like a hungry sex predator. All you need to do now is grow a scraggly mountain man beard, lose a few teeth and grin at any teen girls wearing skirts.

hem hem please do not make assumptions especially if you don't have facts to back it up with. I merely mentioned I carry it in my bag, doesn't mean I smear it all over my face for that matter.


Jan 3, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I could think of a number of reasons actually
- you referenced being compared to draco malfoy
- your username is mrcockburn
- your humor is extremely perverted (much more common of men than women)
- I don't know what your actual job is (it's clearly business related) but your speaking style is what I picture a 40 year old man who quit corporate to start their own firm would sound like. extremely assertive and you can definitely hear the corporate background, but more perverted and more entrepreneural "I do what I want bitch!" in the speaking style
- on a more shallow note, ESTPs and 3s are both far more likely to be men

I don't mean any offense by this, the misconception is just easy to make :yes:

lmao! a perverted 40 year old corporate man. x)

hem hem please do not make assumptions especially if you don't have facts to back it up with. I merely mentioned I carry it in my bag, doesn't mean I smear it all over my face for that matter.

lol, relax. Just messin


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hmm. Maybe. Well I'm not sure that you're a 8w9, though, so...
I'm not either (definitely 8w9, 9w8 or 1w9) if I am 9w8 though, I make the same point.


I have an enfp 8w9 friend and we have much in common. The differences arise in us more with instinctual variants; I'd say she's sp/so or so/sp.

I don't think I'll be basing my type on your type, but thanks.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I have an enfp 8w9 friend and we have much in common. The differences arise in us more with instinctual variants; I'd say she's sp/so or so/sp.

I don't think I'll be basing my type on your type, but thanks.

that wasn't really my point. you just give off a very 4 vibe to me for some reason


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
yeah and I don't get that from you. I kind of doubt it's in your tritype.

I agree, it's probably 3 (I have 3-ish moments every once is a while like wanting to be an attention whore for a few minutes or bragging about something cool that happened to me). the heart center is definite the last number in my trifix (assuming trifixes are real to begin with).
one thing that might help if you're trying to decide between 9, 5 and 4 is what your core need is.
Heart Center needs Appreciation
Head Center needs Support and Reassurance
Gut Center needs Acceptance/people not bothering them
for me this is why I know I'm Gut-Head-Heart. I could go without appreciation for my entire life and be fine, but I demand that people accept me without imposing their agendas or feelings on me


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an sp-dom when...

You sit with your back to the wall facing doors and windows in case of ninja attacks.
You can't really can't watch sitcoms because people enter homes and never close the door behind them.
You have an all around preoccupation with doors.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
You take a water bottle with you *everywhere* you go.


Honeyed Water
May 20, 2013
Initially, I didn't think I was an SP-dom. Apparently, I could be! I am bad with personality typing anyway ...so if I am wrong... then I volunteer as a tribute...

I don't tell people my birthday because I don't really like to be emotionally "connected" with people like that. I secretly feel proud when I log onto facebook on my birthday and I see no happy birthday messages. I also like it when my parents forget my birthday. My last year of college, my friends decided to set an arbitrary date and call it my birthday so they could throw a party for me. Everyone made a big deal about how no one knows my birthday, and a friend practically threatened me into telling her ...I eventually told her because she followed me into my dorm room ...but I hope she forgets :) I accidentally told my friend my birthday month yesterday, though :(

In college, my friends called me a cat. I come and go as I please, they say. So if they are having a get-together or something, I am likely to skip out. It’s a combination of not being interested in interacting with the people (I tended to find my “group” boring) and …feeling like the focus is so broad that the “fun” is diluted and I don’t feel like I am connecting with anyone. And embarrassingly, I get extremely moody when I don’t connect with at least one person in a group …so I know I need to avoid feeling that way to avoid causing external drama.

A friend of mine said I was “grounded” than she is. Idk what that means… I mean, I flip a shit too and internally, there is always a storm going on and I overcomplicate life… so I don’t feel grounded. But I guess it doesn’t show on the outside much. Like, my life has more external drama in it BECAUSE of said friend …she gets into so much trouble with people compared to me and I don’t attract much attention compared to her. She doesn’t know how to leave people alone even though she makes a big deal about being introverted. If I do attract attention… it’s more the playful/flirty kind. Another friend of mine said that I flirt a lot with people at times even though she sees me as reserved.

I LOVE going to friend’s home dwellings. I’d rather chill at a friend’s house and sit on their couch with me all day long than go to a bar/club or the mall. The mall sucks as a hang-out place as a high schooler, in my opinion. I like window-shopping and all, but that’s not my idea of having a good time with a friend. At the same time, I enjoy being dragged around places by someone else so I will go to a bar/club/mall if that pops up. I love doing unplanned/spontaneous things/not knowing where we are going. I am a “traveler” in that way. I just don’t do it on a regular basis because I am a couch potato.

Underwear. Enough said… I always pack at least one underwear with me wherever I go… just in case of unexpected periods (TMI, I know). My periods ARE regular… but I am still pretty forgetful/paranoid that it’ll just pop up whenever it wants to …so I just bring underwear and pads around no matter what, so I don’t forget when it is time. If you’re a female and you don’t do this… then I don’t know what to tell you…

I also like to pack things that I’ll need such a tissue papers, lotion… I used to use hand-sanitizer, but now I have this strange habit of simply washing my hands for 20 seconds WAY too many times in the day. I have eczema, so I shouldn’t do that but I do. I even bring light jackets around with me during the summer time …just in case, I guess. My doctor always wonders why I am always so “cold” since I am always with a jacket. In elementary school I wore long sleeves often because it was could in the buildings even though it was hot outside.

I even bring extra things that I don’t need. Professors at my university would make fun of me because I would bring my textbooks back and forth, whereas most students bring… a tiny notebook and a pen. They would often say joke with me saying “are you carrying a dead body in your backpack?”

As a kid, I was very organized. In elementary school, I loved school supplies and preparing for the first day of school. In high school, I would sometimes vacuum my room and organize my bookshelves before I started my homework. At the same, time, I do have a tendency to ignore/not notice/not do anything about messy things if it’s not in my way/outlandishly noticeable and my sisters would complain about how lazy I am and how much I hate physical labor/can’t do things (such as cooking and cleaning and whatever) efficiently. They also make a big deal about how awkward I am at maintenance tasks since I have strange habits.

Oh and I do appreciate people who are conscious about things like parking the car in a location where it's easy to get out after a big event, people who remember to bring bug spray, and people who take of their shoes. I really like it when I have a friend who is cautious like that, but I don't like it when it gets in the way of things, meaning I hate party poopers who want to leave a fireworks ceremony just so we can beat the rush or people who don't want to talk about certain things because it is too sad or unpleasant (I am totally okay with over-emotional people and stuff.... the only thing i am not in the mood to talk about are spiders... you can keep that away from me, please. :) )


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
Edit: How many of you carry a little extra money just in case? Like when you're heading to the grocery store and you want to buy a shaver that costs like $5 and you bring an extra $2? Just in case.

There is always, ALWAYS some cash in the house (in a safe). I don't usually carry it on me, I have plenty of credit cards just in case.

you know you're sp/sx when
- during your teen years, you were astonished at the utterly moronic things people would do at the expense of personal safety, comfort and health. examples include drugs, joining gangs and doing things that were illegal without any sort of plan or escape strategy

Ehhh...no not to extreme levels.

- peer pressure does not effect you at all

Not at all. Never has, never will.

- people make fun of you for being high maintenance and taking good care of yourself
Somewhat, yes. I don't care what people say though.

- you can't stand being around people who don't take care of themselves
If you mean - you are disgusting, take a shower - then yes.

- you find people poor hospitality distasteful and downright unacceptable
Only if it's real hospitality. If it's fake, don't bother.

- you are offended by people who don't give you any friggin personally space
Offended, no.

- when people say things like "a simple life is a full life" or "money isn't important" you think to yourself 'nigga you crazy'
I think they are lying to varying degrees.

- it is important that your work time and your leisure time seperate.
Mostly. I do have some good friends that are also co-workers although I work from home so there isn't a lot of in person mixing.

- when someone tells you to do something productive when you're relaxing you say "I am doing something productive."
Or when you tell people you're doing nothing and they say - Oh yeah, you can go to XYZ with meeeeee!!
Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time. I'm doing nothing. That means I have actually planned ahead and I plan to do nothing.

- you are amazed at how people can work themselves to the point of compromising their health and not notice
No not amazed. What amazes me is people who walk around hacking a lung up for a week, constantly complaining that they're sick and not see a doctor. Then being shocked that they end up with pneumonia. These are people with health coverage and the money to see the doctor so it's not a lack of resources.

- you enjoy shopping, either by yourself or with 1-3 friends who are good company
By myself, thank you.

- you are polite, but you only stay stick around if the company is good and unintrusive. if they're not, you simply leave (unless you have some other obligation)

- you don't like going to sports games because you're constantly thinking "what the fuck is everyone doing?"
No, I love sports. Love. And I know exactly what everyone is doing.


New member
Oct 12, 2015
- the idea of altruism (placing the needs of others before your own) is quite puzzling to you

Ok, I know this is a several freaking year old post...but can someone just...explain altruism to me? I have never understood it.

But let me clarify...I have always loved doing things for people I enjoy. I just don't understand people who do it for people with which they have no connection.


New member
Dec 10, 2015
Instinctual Variant
- your parents die and your first thoughts are "how am I going to survive now. how soon do I get my inheritance money so I can get back to my current lifestyle" even if you did love your parents and are sad that they're dead
I'm most likely going to cry over the fact that I cannot go to them for advice and I cannot live the same lifestyle I've always lived.
- the idea of altruism (placing the needs of others before your own) is quite puzzling to you
I have to do this because of how I live: but I despise it. I don't like doing this at all.
- you're willing to do socially unacceptable things to get money and survive
To be honest, I would like to say that I wouldn't; but if I were in that moment I would probably do the opposite. I'm very anxious when it comes to financial stability, I take life seriously.
- your friend dies of a drug overdose and your first thoughts are "I need to find a way to get rid of the body so the police don't link the drugs to me" you will mourn his loss once you are out of harms way legally
I would just leave the scene. In fact, why would I hang out with a drug addict in close proximity in the first place?
- when asked why you didn't join the military, your response was "well, I don't want to die" (no disrespect to people who are in the military, but it's sho as hell not something I would do)
- if you are forced into the military via draft, you disert. patriotism is one thing, dying for your country is something else entirely
I'm more patriotic. I won't die for a country that could give two shits about me.
- you would never fight someone head on unless you were cornered or had proper training in advance. if someone offends you enough for you to want to inflict harm on them, you sneak up on them and use a weapon of some sort
I hurt people with my words.
- getting financially stable is your number 1 priority
This is very true.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
I don't understand volunteering for the sake of volunteering. If I volunteer to do something it's either because I enjoy whatever activity it is or because I have a personal connection to whoever it is I am helping. I'm sorry, but I really have no desire to help out random groups of people/animals/whatever that I have zero connection to.


This is a test.
Aug 31, 2014
I'm sp/so, but:

- during your teen years, you were astonished at the utterly moronic things people would do at the expense of personal safety, comfort and health. examples include drugs, joining gangs and doing things that were illegal without any sort of plan or escape strategy

Nope. I was just astonished at moronic behavior in general.

- peer pressure does not effect you at all

Nope, I've been affected by peer pressure before. It's not common, but it has happened.

- people make fun of you for being high maintenance and taking good care of yourself

I'm not high maintenance.

- you can't stand being around people who don't take care of themselves

Don't care provided you at least shower and wear clothes.

- you find people poor hospitality distasteful and downright unacceptable

Nope. I suck at hospitality, so I'm not going to judge.

- you are offended by people who don't give you any friggin personally space

Can't say I've had this happen. People just naturally give me space?

- when people say things like "a simple life is a full life" or "money isn't important" you think to yourself 'nigga you crazy'

Nope. Never said any of those.

- it is important that your work time and your leisure time seperate.

Not always.

- when someone tells you to do something productive when you're relaxing you say "I am doing something productive."

Ehhhh, this has never happened and probably never will happen. I'm an ESTJ. If anything, people tell me to relax.

- you are amazed at how people can work themselves to the point of compromising their health and not notice

Nope, I've done it before.

- you enjoy shopping, either by yourself or with 1-3 friends who are good company

If I'm in it for efficiency, yes. If I'm doing it as an activity, no.

- you are polite, but you only stay stick around if the company is good and unintrusive. if they're not, you simply leave (unless you have some other obligation)

Not sure what unintrusive means in this context, or where I'm sticking around at, so no answer.

- you don't like going to sports games because you're constantly thinking "what the fuck is everyone doing?"

I can enjoy a good sports game. They're about winding down and enjoying the company.

Froody Blue Gem

Necromancing Scapelamb
Dec 19, 2018
Instinctual Variant
You know you're an sp-dom when you see a person in public who you know and you hope they won't spot you.

When you like to curl up with a blanket with book and hug your stuffed animals.

Getting wrapped up in the tastes of foods you enjoy and become obsessed if you know you have a certain food in the house.

Struggling between what tastes good and wanting to have a decent body.

When you hear a ring on your doorbell and you don't recognize the person, you hide and duck down hoping the person won't see you.

When you would prefer to spend time with pets than people.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
- during your teen years, you were astonished at the utterly moronic things people would do at the expense of personal safety, comfort and health. examples include drugs, joining gangs and doing things that were illegal without any sort of plan or escape strategy

Yes, but then being my SX-dom dumbass self ignored my own self-preserving instincts to do moronic shit as well. XD

- peer pressure does not effect you at all

Depends. When I was young, it affected me a great deal more than now. Now if you peer pressure me in any way I assume we are not friends because if you were my friend you wouldn't pressure me based upon what everyone else does.

- people make fun of you for being high maintenance and taking good care of yourself

I don't take good care of myself - I get made fun of for being a prude who is a virgin and hasn't worn a bikini. XD

- you can't stand being around people who don't take care of themselves

if you have hygiene you're okay. I'm more pissed off if you have talent and waste it being a lazy idiot.

- you find people poor hospitality distasteful and downright unacceptable

If you invite someone to your home you should treat them with great respect. I try to be as hospitable as possible and I expect the same from others.

- you are offended by people who don't give you any friggin personally space

Depends my mood honestly.

- when people say things like "a simple life is a full life" or "money isn't important" you think to yourself 'nigga you crazy'

Actually I have said money should not come before your true purpose. Honestly, there is a difference between enough money to LIVE and money to act like a rich fool. We need money to survive yes, but we shouldn't settle into something we positively hate just to be a rich lad. I believe in having enough to survive but doing what you love.

- it is important that your work time and your leisure time seperate.


- when someone tells you to do something productive when you're relaxing you say "I am doing something productive."

...relax? I've...only been told to loosen up in my life. XD

- you are amazed at how people can work themselves to the point of compromising their health and not notice

Sometimes. When it is physical absolutely.

- you enjoy shopping, either by yourself or with 1-3 friends who are good company

I actually prefer shopping alone because I can take as much time as I desire. My brother hates going to the store with me because I spend like 2 hours there.

- you are polite, but you only stay stick around if the company is good and unintrusive. if they're not, you simply leave (unless you have some other obligation)

Depends. If you're all smoking weed I'm leaving anyway. XD

- you don't like going to sports games because you're constantly thinking "what the fuck is everyone doing?"
I watch sports at home. I wouldn't find myself in a stadium, my anxiety disorder makes it hard enough to go to a movie theater without freaking out. XD

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I don't understand volunteering for the sake of volunteering. If I volunteer to do something it's either because I enjoy whatever activity it is or because I have a personal connection to whoever it is I am helping. I'm sorry, but I really have no desire to help out random groups of people/animals/whatever that I have zero connection to.

In my personal view, I don't think anyone really volunteers JUST for the sake of volunteering. Usually it still involves some personal feeling, religious view, etc. None of the populations I've worked with I did just because I should volunteer - but because something about that thing brings a fire to my heart. If you asked me to volunteer with a group of teenagers I'd say hell no, and walk out most likely. Unless these are some angelic teenagers. I've never gotten along with teenagers. XD

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
When you dont joke about sickness and get viscerally disgusted with creatures that do.
When you've seriously agonized about whether you'd rather be dead or lose a limb.
You have more than one bug out bag.
whenever the power goes out on the grid, you go immediately start prepping for an incoming attack of SOME kind
You've given serious research into what it would take to successfully fake your own death if you needed to.
You associate defensibility with comfort.

Also [MENTION=38541]Froody Blue Gem[/MENTION] is spot on about recognizing people in public and hoping they dont recognize you.