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The Leadership Thread


Active member
May 23, 2009
Hey guys!

This thread is dedicate to all things leadership related. As open-ended as that is, here are some prompts if you'd like some:

Are you comfortable in a leadership position?

How do YOU lead?

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?

Post cool videos or articles (or recommendations) about leadership.

Open season. Sorry if this thread already exists, I didn't find any threads, but I am awful with the search function.


Apr 24, 2008
Do you mean a leader on the job or a leader in life ?


Are you comfortable in a leadership position?
Meh, only if I care about the people I am leading, if not no I probably wouldn't want to lead/care enough to. Usually I prefer going off alone to either leading or following in regards to the later scenario.

How do YOU lead?
Through example(if I can't/won't do it I would not make you do it) and my weird gentle assertiveness.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?
Don't be an asshole; people have feelings, listen to other's input once in a while multiple perspectives can be helpful, be kind, be understanding and be fair.

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?
No one.

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?
I would follow a leader I felt was genuinely kind, fair, and wise. I hate forced leadership and merciless/cruel leadership, both try to garner respect through fear, which is not something I approve of at all. IMO it's desperate and alludes to weakness as well as insecurity.


Jan 25, 2014
Are you comfortable in a leadership position?

Yup. I quite enjoy it and often seek positions if I become involved in something. Other times it sort of just falls into my lap. I'm naturally a "take charge" person in the vast majority of situations.

How do YOU lead?

Hard to describe really. One thing in particular is I want to make sure all bases are covered, all I's are dotted, all T's are crossed. No loose ends, everything clear and explicit. I try to anticpate all problems and address them before they occur. I often have lots of backups and alternatives should something fail, and they can be implemented quickly.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?

Communicate well! It's essential. Without this, you won't do well. This is not just a matter of disseminating information, but delivering it well. Your audience will have various ways of receiving what you're trying to say, and you have to modulate yourself the best you can to fit that.

Also, let others be themselves. If others don't feel like they can willingly be their own independent person with their own style it will never work. You also need to take the time to personally address individual who do well. This means a lot to them. Know your audience/workers and do the best you can to make them happy. Keeping happiness is paramount.

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?

Teachers I have had in the past mostly. I have wanted to be a leader or the "boss" since I was a small child. When playing games I always wanted to be in charge and run things, crowd heard, etc.

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?

Leaders who are overly harsh and do not forgive I can't work with. There are some who don't give a rats ass about any kind of intent, and to me intent matters a lot. Leaders who expect you to conform to the methods that work best for them, when it doesn't actually have any benefit or reason behind it for everyone else. Leaders who are cold. Meaning, it's all about work work work and nothing else. Never taking the time to enjoy light moments, have fun outside the context of the group, and build friendships and such is a big no no to me, and more often than not causes more harm than good.


Blind Guardian
Apr 26, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I like when everyone gets a chance to lead, we all have our moments where we know more than everyone else. Leadership should be continuously democratic.

How do YOU lead?

Hard to describe really.

I see what you did there.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I prefer a more supportive role, like right hand to the leader.

If I do have to lead though, I tend to select several 'lieutenants' for the specific traits they have that I need to get the job done and delegate to them, effectively making them the 'leader' in their field. Meanwhile, I'll run interference and check what they need to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. I'll also monitor their own minions to make sure everyone can do their job to the best of their ability and might coach here and there.

In essence, I still play support - the leaders just report to me so I can make the puzzle come together in the end.

And trust me, there is nothing quite like tricking those - for instance NTJ minions - who are trying to be respectful to your authority, yet are chomping at the bit to take over into actually stepping up and doing what they're good at without them realising it - or better, with them realising it yet being unable to help themselves :D


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Are you comfortable in a leadership position?

No, never. Leading has and possibly always will be, a quality I do not possess. I don't have a rational, clear head, healthy morality or logical thought process for any situation. In fact the best choice I have ever made in any situation is to get out the way and stay out the way while others do their things.

Ever see those mindless people in movies who run screaming and panicing? I'm fairly sure that would be me in most situations, even those that aren't disastrous.

How do YOU lead?

By immediately delegating to those more responsible, gifted and suited to whatever task the foolish moron who put me in charge decided to make me a leader of.

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?

No one. I haven't actively made much of an effort to be a leader or perfect a leading style from anyone. If there was anyone who resembles my level of competency in leadership though, it would probably be Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones....right up to the part where my dick gets chopped off after I'm betrayed and knocked out by my men.

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?

I enjoy a leader who isn't too hands on and doesn't hover. But leadership is, to me, about knowing what to do in a certain situation, in other words I see decent leadership as a quality of knowledge more than anything else. Too many people get into leadership positions who do not possess any real understanding of what it is they are leading people into.

I suppose that also covers the second question as well, but to add to that; people who deliberately abuse leadership positions for themselves, but who disguise it as some kind of altruistic benefit for the rest. Personal preference over knowing what the knock-on effect of a decision is.

It's not really about being nice, but making difficult decisions and carefully weighing up the odds, even in the heat of a moment where they have to be made quickly. I suppose I echo a point similar to [MENTION=13646]Haven[/MENTION]'s point, though mine is of different levels of knowledge for different situations having the sovereignty over different areas.

Democratic? Maybe, just as long as it's not me. Perhaps that's the issue though...I don't rate myself as some mighty sympathetic, but if I were to lead anyone I'd be incredibly aware of my responsibilities to those I was leading. I tend to think this is why the people who usually do lead aren't so sympathetic, since it gets in the way of decent decision making. Although it could also be the issue as to why so many who end up in such positions aren't suited to it and spend most of their time trying to acquire more power and influence.

In other words...most leaders are dicks...floppy flaccid...penises.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?

Be a dick...no really, caring about people gets them killed. Cold decisions get stuff done. And don't listen to anyone, if they can't follow your orders then they were never being led in the first place. You're at the top, right? Prove it.


Comfortable? Yes and No. Yes because I can pretty much do my own thing which is my favourite thing. No because people do random shit that pisses me off causing me to have to talk to them about it, and for them to just keep doing same thing and pissing me off again. It's a viscious circle. If it wasn't for other people, I'd be perfectly happy in my job. Welcome to management....

How? By example. I'm a big believer in gotta walk the walk. But of course most people have zero conscience these days so they just do whatever the hell they like anyway. It's not like I inspire anyone, or influence anyone, or really have any impact at all. Welcome to management....

Advice? No. I'm not an effective leader, despite pats on the back from higher ups. Beginning to think this whole 'leader' thing is a load of BS. Back in the day if you were the leader and someone did something stupid, you just ran a sword through their gut. Problem solved. Nowadays you've got to stroke ego's and cajole and make friends. So yeah, I totally suck at that. Which should come as a surprise to no-one.

Shaped by? No-one. My favourite leaders are known dicks so I don't try and emulate them. I mean if you're not inventing iPads and making billions you can't get away with well, this is my company so why don't you just fuck the hell off' kind of leadership style.What would be the point except to acquire more hate-mail than I already have and possibly become unemployed.

Enjoy following? Someone competent (go the INTJ stereotype). Of course by competent I mean having the ability to finish a job and achieve a desirable outcome. Most leaders I work for are far more interested in making pals on the job, acquiring networks and doing as little as possible. Which is really hard to appreciate. Mostly I just focus on my own tasks and try and ignore everyone else.

Most people aspire to being in a leadership position because they think it's about motivating, innovating and making a difference. If you are the CEO or similar then hell yeah, that's what it's about. Anywhere between floorsweeper and VIP though and leadership is all about being a mouthpiece for the company, taking the blame when things fuck up and doing a lot more paperwork for no extra pay. It's not all its cracked up to be.


New member
May 9, 2007
To me, good leadership is all about how much you're willing to do to take care of the people under you. In a professional setting, obviously, completion of the job has to come first but, even then, you should do everything you can to make the people under you the best that they can be. IMO, that's the real difference between leadership and just managing. I've seen a lot of people just use their authority to make things happen without trying to justify any "why" and it leads to power tripping and lack of thought. Once people realize that following you is actually better for them, their loyalty and efficacy will make everything easier for you.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Are you comfortable in a leadership position?

Yes. I seem to be less comfortable when I'm not in them.

How do YOU lead?

I set goals and an overall direction and then lead the implementation of small and purposeful tactical steps to achieve the desired end result. I'm not a "bing bang" kind of guy - it's more like a continuous persistent force that I excert. I like to get people's opinions on things and am a pretty collaborative leader. That being said, I will often make decisions and quickly implement them. I get a lot of enjoyment from helping people to develop and progress - seeing them be successful. I think I'm a pretty good mentor. I'm very good at understanding people's strengths and weaknesses and placing them in positions where they will excel and grow. I suck at providing detailed specific directions so when people need that, I have to find someone else to manage them.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?

Be a good listener. Also trust is the single most important thing. You can't lead effectively if you don't trust people or they don't trust you.

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?

The people I've led.

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?

Ones that allow me space and freedom and the the ability to assert initiative. I am not easily led. I have problems with leaders that micromanage especially about stupid things.

Post cool videos or articles (or recommendations) about leadership.

I recommend reading this book.



Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Hey guys!

This thread is dedicate to all things leadership related. As open-ended as that is, here are some prompts if you'd like some:

Are you comfortable in a leadership position?
If it has high visibility - no. If it is a small group working behind the scenes - yes.

How do YOU lead?
As much as possible by example. I will also set broad goals/direction for the group, with input from others, and help people figure out the best way to contribute toward reaching the goals. I prefer then to turn them loose to do their thing, checking in occasionally to help and troubleshoot as necessary. I see one of my main functions as a leader to be enabling the people in my group to do their best, so we can all accomplish something.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?
Figure out what your own personal leadership style is, and how you can adapt it to typical situations, especially those you are likely to face in your life/career. It can be tempting to emulate leaders you respect or like, and while you can probably learn from them (even from poor leaders), you are not them and need to play to your own strengths.

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?
Primarily good leaders who have created the kind of work enviroment I prefer. I see the benefits in getting things done, and want to provide that for people I lead. I have also learned alot by seeing bad leaders, and trying to understand exactly what is bad about what they do. This includes separating any personal dislike or style conflict from things they did that had actual adverse impact on reaching the organization's goals.

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?
One who respects my ability and trusts me to get the job done with mimimal supervision. Also one who fields the politics and marketing of the organization so I don't have to. I don't do well with micromanagers either, but unfortunately have been working for one for the past year or so. Bad enough that I am now looking for another job.


Active member
Aug 16, 2012
Are you comfortable in a leadership position?

It depends on what I'm leading, but in my areas of expertise, yes.

How do YOU lead?
example and inspiration.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?
be the kind of leader you would want to follow.
Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?
Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, Jesus

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following

Those who recognize my gifts and give me the freedom to use them. Those who give me free reign.

Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?
Those who see themselves as better than those they are leading.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
Are you comfortable in a leadership position?
Yes, provided that I have enough expertise in the critical areas to supervise work in that area.

How do YOU lead?
I choose good goals that fullfill our team's purpose in the bigger structure, then direct the team towards that goal. I provide planning and evaluation of team's progress, inspiration, cohesion with the team and clear structure with lots of individual freedoms.

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?
Look for any tasks that the subordinate would wish to be done for them. These are mostly found from areas that require planning, structure, decision making, but also setting up tools and other resources.

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?
I really don't know if there's a one person. One book exemplifies many of the ideas I hold valuable: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?
I like to think myself as a pretty capable person, so I'd rather be treated respectfully and given a lot of freedoms. I like to be given attainable goals and a minimum of restrictions in how to do it. I have problems with leaders who micromanage me, try to influence me emotionally, who seek too much of my time and those who plan sloppily.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Hey guys!

This thread is dedicate to all things leadership related. As open-ended as that is, here are some prompts if you'd like some:

Are you comfortable in a leadership position?

How do YOU lead?

Got any advice on how to be an effective leader?

Who are the people who have shaped your leadership style?

What kind of leader do you enjoy working for/following? Do you have problems with certain types of leadership?

Post cool videos or articles (or recommendations) about leadership.

Open season. Sorry if this thread already exists, I didn't find any threads, but I am awful with the search function.

I am comfortable with leadership, as long as it isn't some sort of routine bureaucratic type of work. I would have to be on my feet and take an active role in all of the happenings. I like problem solving and trouble shooting. I prefer isolation, but if I am working with intelligent, motivated people who share my interest in problem solving, team work can be okay.

I tend to lead by delegating and putting a lot of trust into others' abilities and talents. If someone else can do something better than me, there is no sense in me standing behind their back the whole time. I'd say I'm more Picard or Spock than I am Kirk or Janeway.

I actually learned about leadership from watching my ESFJ dad. Totally different types and styles of leadership, but he's got a knack for ending up in leadership roles without even trying.

I most enjoy leaders who will trust me to do the job and not feel a need to "backseat drive" and micromanage every little task I do.

Azure Flame

Aug 26, 2010
Leadership is about loving your subordinates, and loving them correctly.

That means disciplining them when they're bad, taking things away when they feel entitled, pointing out their weaknesses and helping them get stronger, and listening to what they have to say and giving them respect and treating them like responsible adults.

Bad leadership is when you micromanage, you shout at your subordinates, you use punishment as the motivation to get what you want, and the second you assert your rank is the second you have lost all of their respect.

I was in the military. it was absolutely infuriating to me to watch people talk about "leadership techniques."

Anytime someone uses something other than love, they are a bad leader.

Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Leadership is about loving your subordinates, and loving them correctly.

That means disciplining them when they're bad, taking things away when they feel entitled, pointing out their weaknesses and helping them get stronger, and listening to what they have to say and giving them respect and treating them like responsible adults.

Bad leadership is when you micromanage, you shout at your subordinates, you use punishment as the motivation to get what you want, and the second you assert your rank is the second you have lost all of their respect.
