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Tess Mercer + Oliver Queen = soulmates?


A Benign Tumor
Nov 7, 2009
Perhaps people will disagree with me on this but I believe Tess is a INFP who tries to hide it. Possibly INTP. Oliver Queen is the most obvious ENFJ I've seen. I think they're quite compatible and if it wasn't for all the stupid Smallvillian angst they'd be soulmates. They both obviously have feelings for each other. Tess is a romantic somewhere under that shell. Oliver's one of the few people who genuinely cares for her. And understands her. Maybe the show's trying to stick to the Green Arrow story but they've already screwed up Superman so much that it doesn't really matter anymore:doh:. Oh well. I must be tired - I'm ranting.


New member
May 22, 2009
Interesting typing of them! I'm curious, why do you type Tess as INxP and Ollie as ENFJ? I always thought Tess was the ENFJ (or maybe INxJ) and that Ollie was ESTP but with a lot of tertiary-Fe. I agree that Tess seems like a broken NF/romantic, but Ollie always struck me as being very T-like: practical and means-justify-the-ends-to-some-extent.

I don't think I ever saw them as soulmates, but the romantic/sexual tension between them is pretty darn delicious. :)


Dreaming the life
Jun 29, 2009
The comic book Green Arrow is as ENFP as the day is long.


A Benign Tumor
Nov 7, 2009
Oliver just seems very ENFJ over all. He fits the profile, and most superheroes are F. Oliver's one of them - most of his decisions seem to be feeling-ish. He's seems quite iNtuitive. He's obviously E. J or P is harder to decide for him. Tess? Tess just strikes me as an NF, and when she gives speeches she just doesn't seem as comfortable as, say, Martha Kent or Oliver does. She is quite the idealist - just like Lex, she's convinced herself she can make the world better with her harsh, sometimes murderous ways. P because - welll, I can't describe how I arrived at that one. She just seems more Perceiving.

In response to Rhapsody.


New member
May 22, 2009
Smallville warps all comic book characters.

Amen to that. Although I actually think, against all odds, that they nailed Lois's character (and Lex wasn't done too badly either). That might just be me, though ...

Oliver just seems very ENFJ over all. He fits the profile, and most superheroes are F. Oliver's one of them - most of his decisions seem to be feeling-ish.

I could see Ollie as an F, especially since he did do the whole emo self-destruct thing at the start of this season. ;) Do you have some examples of his feeling based decisions? (I'm genuinely curious! I've missed quite a few pivotal episodes, especially the ones surrounding the whole he-killed-Lex-thing, or whatever was going on there, so my Ollie-personality knowledge is definitely not complete.) I was thinking he was a T because he always seems to balance out Clark's feeling-based decisions (for instance, when Clark wanted to save Davis Bloome and Ollie saw that it was necessary to kill Davis).

Although, to go off on a digression, I disagree about most superheroes being F. I think they're pretty evenly split down the middle between Ts and Fs. For instance, the Batclan are mostly Ts, and about half the characters are Ts on Justice League Animated. I usually see Superman typed as a T (although on Smallville I think Clark is an F).

He's seems quite iNtuitive.

Again, do you have examples? He seems to engage in a lot of stereotypical S behavior like drinking or fighting at those, er, fight club places, or driving around fast on motorcycles. I could see how his Se-indulgence could fit the ENFJ hypothesis (i.e. he's falling back on Se for relief when he's stressed.) but I can't think of times when he's come across as an N.

He's obviously E. J or P is harder to decide for him.

Definitely agree on the E. :) Yeah, I have no solid evidence for either J or P. He gives off a P vibe to me, but that's not really much to go on.

Tess? Tess just strikes me as an NF, and when she gives speeches she just doesn't seem as comfortable as, say, Martha Kent or Oliver does. She is quite the idealist - just like Lex, she's convinced herself she can make the world better with her harsh, sometimes murderous ways. P because - welll, I can't describe how I arrived at that one. She just seems more Perceiving.

Yeah, I can definitely see the NF in Tess, especially since she's so idealistic when Ollie first meets her on that island. I can see her as an introvert, too. She seems pretty reserved and guarded. I guess I see her as a J because she's so good at the long term scheming and chess mastering and manipulation and intimidation thing. I have a really hard time seeing an INFP being able to intentionally pull that off (although I might be projecting too much here because I suck at long term strategizing ... if I tried to control a situation the way Tess does I would get pwned :cheese:). She also doesn't seem to have that much Fi. She seems more driven by an internal vision than internal values.

But I definitely agree with the INF.


New member
May 22, 2009
While we're here, what do you (and other peeps) think the other characters' types are? I don't think there's a Smallville thread anywhere on TypoC (not that I could find by searching anyway). Here are my guesses:

Clark - (kind of unhealthy/annoying) INFP. Possibly ISTJ. Fi and Si seem to be his most prominent functions. Leaning towards INFP because of stuff like when he idealizes people (like Lana) then has trouble dealing with their flaws.

Lana - InFJ. She might've started as ISFJ, but by the end she seems like an INFJ over-relying on tertiary Ti.

Chloe - INFJ
Lois - ESTP. Maybe ENTP.
Jimmy - ISFP?
Lex - INTJ
Lionel - INTJ, maybe ENTJ
Jonathan - ISTJ
Martha - isFJ. Definite FJ. Unsure about the first two letters.
Pete - ISFP maybe? (I don't remember him that well.)

Err ... anyone else I'm forgetting?


A Benign Tumor
Nov 7, 2009
While we're here, what do you (and other peeps) think the other characters' types are? I don't think there's a Smallville thread anywhere on TypoC (not that I could find by searching anyway). Here are my guesses:

Clark - (kind of unhealthy/annoying) INFP. Possibly ISTJ. Fi and Si seem to be his most prominent functions. Leaning towards INFP because of stuff like when he idealizes people (like Lana) then has trouble dealing with their flaws.

Lana - InFJ. She might've started as ISFJ, but by the end she seems like an INFJ over-relying on tertiary Ti.

Chloe - INFJ
Lois - ESTP. Maybe ENTP.
Jimmy - ISFP?
Lex - INTJ
Lionel - INTJ, maybe ENTJ
Jonathan - ISTJ
Martha - isFJ. Definite FJ. Unsure about the first two letters.
Pete - ISFP maybe? (I don't remember him that well.)

Err ... anyone else I'm forgetting?

Good idea.

I agree with Chloe on the INFJ, now I think about it. I placed her with the INTJs in my little character albums on my profile - I'll have to move her.

Jimmy - I think he's an ISFJ. SJs are guardians. In the comics he seems more ISFP, though...oh wait! I keep forgetting, he was never who we thought he was, damn you Smallville writers and your Henry James Olsen!

I pretty much agree with you on Lana.

Lois? ENTP? I'd say ENFP with very developed T.
Lex I'd say is INTJ, yeah. Possibly INFJ, but I doubt it.
Lionel - ENTJ to ENFJ by the end of his days.
Jonathan - ISTJ, yeah.
Martha - ExFJ
Pete - I don't remember him either.
Clark I'd say is unhealthy alien ISFJ or INFJ.


A Benign Tumor
Nov 7, 2009
Amen to that. Although I actually think, against all odds, that they nailed Lois's character (and Lex wasn't done too badly either). That might just be me, though ...

I could see Ollie as an F, especially since he did do the whole emo self-destruct thing at the start of this season. ;) Do you have some examples of his feeling based decisions? (I'm genuinely curious! I've missed quite a few pivotal episodes, especially the ones surrounding the whole he-killed-Lex-thing, or whatever was going on there, so my Ollie-personality knowledge is definitely not complete.) I was thinking he was a T because he always seems to balance out Clark's feeling-based decisions (for instance, when Clark wanted to save Davis Bloome and Ollie saw that it was necessary to kill Davis).

Although, to go off on a digression, I disagree about most superheroes being F. I think they're pretty evenly split down the middle between Ts and Fs. For instance, the Batclan are mostly Ts, and about half the characters are Ts on Justice League Animated. I usually see Superman typed as a T (although on Smallville I think Clark is an F).

Again, do you have examples? He seems to engage in a lot of stereotypical S behavior like drinking or fighting at those, er, fight club places, or driving around fast on motorcycles. I could see how his Se-indulgence could fit the ENFJ hypothesis (i.e. he's falling back on Se for relief when he's stressed.) but I can't think of times when he's come across as an N.

Definitely agree on the E. :) Yeah, I have no solid evidence for either J or P. He gives off a P vibe to me, but that's not really much to go on.

Yeah, I can definitely see the NF in Tess, especially since she's so idealistic when Ollie first meets her on that island. I can see her as an introvert, too. She seems pretty reserved and guarded. I guess I see her as a J because she's so good at the long term scheming and chess mastering and manipulation and intimidation thing. I have a really hard time seeing an INFP being able to intentionally pull that off (although I might be projecting too much here because I suck at long term strategizing ... if I tried to control a situation the way Tess does I would get pwned :cheese:). She also doesn't seem to have that much Fi. She seems more driven by an internal vision than internal values.

But I definitely agree with the INF.

Yes, they did nail Lois and Lex.
Their Clark sucks):
And, yup, Tess is very INF-ish reserved and guarded. She lives in her head.
When she met Oliver, she was very INFP, but I think the event developed her J.
As for Oliver? Maybe P. Definite Ni and Fe going on. Dominant functions of ENFJ. He reads people. Have you seen the latest episode? Clark, in his SFJ-ness, wants to run off to confront Tess but Oliver realizes it would be better for him to confront Tess because Tess would open up to him and Clark would likely reveal his secret and be dangerous to Tess. That could be read as Fe or Ni.
Of course stupid old Clark doesn't listen.


New member
Oct 15, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Oliver is poster boy for ESTP.

Tess is some sort of Ni dom. No way is she an INFP.

Chloe is ENFP.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Wow, old thread.

Anyway, just had a look at interviews, and from what I can tell, Stephen Amell is an ENTJ and Cassidy Freeman is an INTJ.

The reasoning being vocal analysis - Amell seems to have a rather monotone way of speaking (Te), with a bit of emotion done on a personal level in response to things he says (Fi), together with a presenting emphaticness (Se), and overall forward (J) approach.

Freeman has a stronger reactive emoting (Fi) but it still doesn't seem totally natural, as well as a rather leading manner of speech when she seems more natural (Ni).

I thought Freeman was an INFP from pictures, but the interviews suggest INTJ to me.