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stupid people


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
Probably why I didn't use the term.

Other than that, if I were an employer, I would at least want someone who can do the job at hand of filling out a form because some mistakes can be costly to the employer and the employer would not always be there to look after these mistakes. As for job training, that part is understandable if it takes a while for an employee to get it. But again, there comes a point when an employer will just say that the person is not fit for the job.

The role of these things are to sniff out candidates for the job at hand.

I've definitely seen what you're talking about but to be honest by the time peoples fitness is in question they've climbed the ranks and are bosses of some description and well able to argue that it is not them but their junior or subordinate officers which are culpable for the decisions, prevailing practice and culture which has been created by stupid and self-serving decisions.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Maybe it's dyslexia? Or what Viridian said. Way to go ridiculing people you know nothing about.

we're an ADA (americans with disabilities act) compliant company, so if someone DOES have a learning disability it's my job to help them through the test in any way that still lets them think on their own... I must say that I enjoy being judged on that basis when you know little about it yourself though :newwink:

seriously though, it wouldn't annoy me so much if if I didn't have people who ask what comes after step 2 (it's step 3... which we have a clear path and arrows leading to it and I JUST EXPLAINED IT TO THEM!) or if people would look at what they were clicking as opposed to accidentally saying "yes" to "I've committed murder" so that I won't have to go into the system and fix it for them and instruct them on how to click "no" the next time :rolleyes:

if you're applying for a job I would HOPE that you would put some effort into making sure you didn't screw up on something incredibly stupid, but this doesn't seem to be the case :doh:

for an example of the test


who wrote "to kill a mockingbird"?

a. orson wells
b. f. scott fitzgerald
c. harper lee
d. judy blume


  • mockingbird.jpg
    39.7 KB · Views: 0


Nov 17, 2011
Instinctual Variant
we're an ADA (americans with disabilities act) compliant company, so if someone DOES have a learning disability it's my job to help them through the test in any way that still lets them think on their own... I must say that I enjoy being judged on that basis when you know little about it yourself though :newwink:

seriously though, it wouldn't annoy me so much if if I didn't have people who ask what comes after step 2 (it's step 3... which we have a clear path and arrows leading to it and I JUST EXPLAINED IT TO THEM!) or if people would look at what they were clicking as opposed to accidentally saying "yes" to "I've committed murder" so that I won't have to go into the system and fix it for them and instruct them on how to click "no" the next time :rolleyes:

if you're applying for a job I would HOPE that you would put some effort into making sure you didn't screw up on something incredibly stupid, but this doesn't seem to be the case :doh:

for an example of the test


who wrote "to kill a mockingbird"?

a. orson wells
b. f. scott fitzgerald
c. harper lee
d. judy blume

Oh, hell. If that's what it's like, forget my previous post. That's inexcusable. Frankly, you should probably know the answer to that one without a graphic of the book. :laugh:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Oh, hell. If that's what it's like, forget my previous post. That's inexcusable. Frankly, you should probably know the answer to that one without a graphic of the book. :laugh:

ALL of the questions are like that... it's not a test that actually requires knowing anything, only the ability to look at something and identify it... I'm fine with helping learning disabled people figure it out... hell, we have people who don't speak ENGLISH pass the test just fine! to make it worse I explicitly explain the directions first with a lot of examples directly from the test :doh:

I'm not being unreasonable about my bitching here...


New member
Nov 11, 2012
I usually refrain from bitching about people who aren't all that bright because every crayon can't be the sharpest in the box and I've always suspected that even less "sparkly" people mentally have uses and talents... and no, this isn't type related in the least because I've seen dumbasses of every variety :)

I've been working the front end of a staffing agency lately getting people jobs in a warehouse... at the moment there's a high demand for the holidays so we've had at least 150 people a day come through the doors. Because I've been labeled both "high energy" and "not willing to take shit from anyone" I tend to work the front desk and the room where people answer questions on the computer screen and take a skills test. The skills test is constructed so that we can see if people can follow basic instructions, understand english (the job requires that) and can find and sort things.

And people still fail it :shock:

I'm not talking about people who can't speak english, which is a perfectly acceptable reason to fail a test that is designed to sort out those who don't... I'm talking people who have high school diplomas and work histories and such who can't pass a fucking matching test or can't figure out how to fill out a form that instructs you how to fill it out explicitly on it :doh:

Now, I've met a lot of dumb people in my life, but I'm kind of shocked and horrified that I have to turn away at least 50 people a day for not figuring out basic things as they are unable to work in a warehouse...

what do people like this DO with their lives? what goes through their minds? how has this great sub-section of society existed without me being aware of it (at least aware of the number of people who fall into it)? Do these people realize that they hurt normal people's brains with their idiocy? I'm just trying to figure this out... any input? :puppy_dog_eyes:
Two thoughts on this - I have an (adopted) niece. It is very sad. She & her sister lived in cars before the system discovered her. At age 7 she did not know what a book was. Her IQ is in the bottom 3% I believe. You would never know it from talking to her, though. She has a great sense of humor. She is not an "airhead" so to speak. She did graduate from high school with a lot of help from special ed classes. She did work throughout high school in a restaurant. I think she would probably flunk the test you're describing. If you live in the Midwest, you may have helped her. ;)

Having said that, I work in customer service and there are days that the idiots seem to come out in force. I really do feel your pain.:newwink:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Two thoughts on this - I have an (adopted) niece. It is very sad. She & her sister lived in cars before the system discovered her. At age 7 she did not know what a book was. Her IQ is in the bottom 3% I believe. You would never know it from talking to her, though. She has a great sense of humor. She is not an "airhead" so to speak. She did graduate from high school with a lot of help from special ed classes. She did work throughout high school in a restaurant. I think she would probably flunk the test you're describing. If you live in the Midwest, you may have helped her. ;)

Having said that, I work in customer service and there are days that the idiots seem to come out in force. I really do feel your pain.:newwink:

I am in the midwest :newwink:

and I'm willing to help people with learning disabilities... that's quite excusable and they generally thank me... "normal" people who are fucktards are kind of frustrating though... it's like they don't care :doh:


New member
Aug 19, 2009
The US military has a test called the ASVAB for those looking to enlist. To enlist as infantry in the US Army, you have to score at an 8th grade level, at least. The recruiting station where I live had someone with a college degree in psychology take the test and fail to achieve an 8th grade level of comprehension. Because of this, not only can they not enlist, but they aren't mentally qualified to take orders and shoot a gun.

And apparently, this sort of thing happens frequently enough that when someone comes in looking to enlist they "discourage" them from expecting anything about a military career until they have taken the test.

Maybe they're afraid of making a serious mistake, even if they follow the instructions? Sometimes that's what paralyzes me when given simple tasks... :thinking:

Except they are being "tested"; mistakes are expected when being tested. What is there to worry about? You do your best and fail, then you have no regrets. You worry about making mistakes, don't do your best and fail, that's troublesome.

Either way, it still sounds stupid to me.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
we're an ADA (americans with disabilities act) compliant company, so if someone DOES have a learning disability it's my job to help them through the test in any way that still lets them think on their own... I must say that I enjoy being judged on that basis when you know little about it yourself though :newwink:

seriously though, it wouldn't annoy me so much if if I didn't have people who ask what comes after step 2 (it's step 3... which we have a clear path and arrows leading to it and I JUST EXPLAINED IT TO THEM!) or if people would look at what they were clicking as opposed to accidentally saying "yes" to "I've committed murder" so that I won't have to go into the system and fix it for them and instruct them on how to click "no" the next time :rolleyes:

if you're applying for a job I would HOPE that you would put some effort into making sure you didn't screw up on something incredibly stupid, but this doesn't seem to be the case :doh:

for an example of the test


who wrote "to kill a mockingbird"?

a. orson wells
b. f. scott fitzgerald
c. harper lee
d. judy blume

Hey, now. State exams in my country have taught me to eye easy questions with suspicion and fear... ;)

Except they are being "tested"; mistakes are expected when being tested. What is there to worry about? You do your best and fail, then you have no regrets. You worry about making mistakes, don't do your best and fail, that's troublesome.

Either way, it still sounds stupid to me.

I didn't say it excused it...

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
...and so the zombie apocalypse begins...

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I've definitely seen what you're talking about but to be honest by the time peoples fitness is in question they've climbed the ranks and are bosses of some description and well able to argue that it is not them but their junior or subordinate officers which are culpable for the decisions, prevailing practice and culture which has been created by stupid and self-serving decisions.

Don't want to get too far off topic, but the people of Hostess is one of those companies. Since 1980's, it has switched companies 3 times. During that same period, its debt has been rising. At the same time as the CEO switching, the CEO and executive pay has increased by 300% for people I would consider quite useless.

They neither deserved the pay increase nor did they did anything significant to overturn the company besides blaming the people who have been working there for decades. If I were an adviser for the company, I would say the CEO and executives need a pay cut and the workers needed SOME cuts.

...and so the zombie apocalypse begins...

Twinkies might be saved... so we can stash hundreds of them in case an apocalypse does occur. :D

Rail Tracer

Freaking Ratchet
Jun 29, 2010
Instinctual Variant
we're an ADA (americans with disabilities act) compliant company, so if someone DOES have a learning disability it's my job to help them through the test in any way that still lets them think on their own... I must say that I enjoy being judged on that basis when you know little about it yourself though :newwink:

seriously though, it wouldn't annoy me so much if if I didn't have people who ask what comes after step 2 (it's step 3... which we have a clear path and arrows leading to it and I JUST EXPLAINED IT TO THEM!) or if people would look at what they were clicking as opposed to accidentally saying "yes" to "I've committed murder" so that I won't have to go into the system and fix it for them and instruct them on how to click "no" the next time :rolleyes:

if you're applying for a job I would HOPE that you would put some effort into making sure you didn't screw up on something incredibly stupid, but this doesn't seem to be the case :doh:

That is just sad.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
I am in the midwest :newwink:

and I'm willing to help people with learning disabilities... that's quite excusable and they generally thank me... "normal" people who are fucktards are kind of frustrating though... it's like they don't care :doh:
Could they be applying just to satisfy a requirement for unemployment or some type of public assistance and not want to pass?

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Could they be applying just to satisfy a requirement for unemployment or some type of public assistance and not want to pass?

quite possibly... it's all too common and I can't say that I really understand it even though I know that it's pretty common :doh:


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
quite possibly... it's all too common and I can't say that I really understand it even though I know that it's pretty common :doh:
I don't get it either. I mean, I'm as lazy as the next person, but those benefits pay crap and I hate being broke more than most anything else. It would make sense if it's someone who can't afford childcare maybe. Otherwise who wants to be that broke?

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I don't get it either. I mean, I'm as lazy as the next person, but those benefits pay crap and I hate being broke more than most anything else. It would make sense if it's someone who can't afford childcare maybe. Otherwise who wants to be that broke?

or not having something to do... seriously, I went a year without a job right after we moved and though we had no problem affording anything I was teetering into some serious depression out of feeling that I was of no use in life because I wasn't working :shock:

and yet I've known people like that personally, who will happily get their child support and unemployment and spend most of their time having their parents babysit while they go out and party... I don't get it really :unsure:


Jul 5, 2012
I don't get it either. I mean, I'm as lazy as the next person, but those benefits pay crap and I hate being broke more than most anything else. It would make sense if it's someone who can't afford childcare maybe. Otherwise who wants to be that broke?

One valid reason was that for seasonal jobs, unemployment wouldn't accept that you still have a job but are just not able to work for a few months.

I had that once when I was younger and was off for the winter. I was like "I have a job, I'll probably be back on it in February or so" but they couldn't understand that, so I had to pretend to apply for a few jobs.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
or not having something to do... seriously, I went a year without a job right after we moved and though we had no problem affording anything I was teetering into some serious depression out of feeling that I was of no use in life because I wasn't working :shock:

and yet I've known people like that personally, who will happily get their child support and unemployment and spend most of their time having their parents babysit while they go out and party... I don't get it really :unsure:
If I was going to do that, and I might if it didn't make me broke or I didn't have a conscience, I'd totally go to the library instead of partying. I probably would quit doing it after a few days. Even now, I get antsy when I'm away from the kids for more than four hours unless they are at school and I wanted to control how they were raised, which you can't do when you are always dumping them on other people.
One valid reason was that for seasonal jobs, unemployment wouldn't accept that you still have a job but are just not able to work for a few months.

I had that once when I was younger and was off for the winter. I was like "I have a job, I'll probably be back on it in February or so" but they couldn't understand that, so I had to pretend to apply for a few jobs.

They must have changed that since I was a kid. Contractors and the like used to be able to get unemployment during the off-season, I thought. It's stupid to make people in that situation get jobs, especially when they've been paying into unemployment every paycheck.


Jul 5, 2012
They must have changed that since I was a kid. Contractors and the like used to be able to get unemployment during the off-season, I thought. It's stupid to make people in that situation get jobs, especially when they've been paying into unemployment every paycheck.

Yeah this is back when you actually had to wait in lines and before they had the automated phone thing. They did have a provision for being temporarily laid off but there was a limit to how much time off while still 'having a job'.

Maybe they don't do that anymore, luckily.

Edit: actually nope, some places still do this. I don't know about where I live now but in Oregon for example, if you're off for more than 4 weeks you have to do the job search dance.
Jan 30, 2012
Be kind towards people who know less than you. Why? Because you can. And because it helps you from getting stressed out. :newwink: