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Reincarnation and Past Life Regression


New member
Nov 28, 2018
I think we all know what reincarnation is.

Past Life Regression, for those who don't know, is a type of therapy where the therapist hypnotizes the patient. Once under hypnosis, the patient recalls memories from past lives. Proponents of this type of therapy claim in can help relieve anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues such as irrational phobias. The act of recalling trauma from past lives helps alleviate the symptomatic oppression of those traumas in this life.

I'm just curious what everyone's thoughts on these topics are. Has anyone tried past life regression therapy? Stories Please!!

My own views: I believe in reincarnation, I believe our souls come back to learn lessons or with specific missions (i.e. to help others). I believe our souls can recognize other souls, all of that mumbo jumbo.

I have never done past life regression, I am interested in the possibility of recalling past lives but I do think there are people out there who may take advantage of the naivete of others, so the type of therapy as a whole could be fraudulent or there just may be fraudulent individuals within. Which is why I am asking for others experience with this. :)
May 19, 2017
Not sure I believe in past lives but a collective memory passed on through genetic material sounds interesting. Are memories consigned to dwell only in the brain? Could your genes be a carrier of experiences of past relatives? Is there a very scientific reason someone may feel they lived in a rural area as a farmer in the 1800’s? There’s a good chance an ancestor of their’s did live that life. There’s so much we don’t understand- yet.


in dreamland
Oct 27, 2013
The great thing about regression therapy is that it doesn't take many sessions for the benefits to show up (In many cases, a single session is enough.), so even if you are ripped off, it'd be only hundreds of dollars and not thousands.

I've only read about regression therapy in Brian Weiss' books; as far as afterlife theories go, reincarnation does seem to have the most evidence (thousands of regression therapy cases including some with corroborating evidence). I'd like to believe in reincarnation because it explains why most people on the planet are flawed. If we think of physical bodies as avatars and this existence as a simulation to teach lessons of morality, then it makes sense that most people are deeply flawed.

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I've experienced some such "memories" so I am honestly open to it (I'm not the only one). Like, I think do to all the accounts it's obviously something. So why not entertain it.

Whether that something is genetic memory or actual past lives is kinda hard to say. But I wouldn't be surprised at either of them. Kinda reminds of assassins creed with the whole "genetic memory" thing.

I have my reasons for heavily suspecting reincarnation might actually be the case, though. Like all the lookalike (sometimes exact alike) from the past of certain celebrities, and also how I feel drawn to Britain and have a british accent that comes and goes naturally when I'm excited, while having never been born in Britain or having any reason to have that, and it has been uncontrollable at times in the past. So either I was british in the past or it's genetic roots I don't know about (tempted to take a dna test now) or it's just a coincidence but that just feels like too basic and easy of an answer. It also explains things like gender-fluid/gender neutrality which I also have, and the feeling of being stuck in the wrong body. Because they use to be in the opposite sex. It would at least explain a lot. Why I don't feel fully male or female rather than just a disorder. Some are likely disorders, but some might not be.


Sep 29, 2016
I want to say that the idea is ridiculous. I don't believe in reincarnation. I believe that energy cannot be created or destroyed thus it must go somewhere but after death all consciousness and memory ceases to exist. If there is a "soul" it returns to...the stuff of the universe but everything that made us who we were is gone forever.

Yet actual experience insist that it should not be dismissed entirely.
When I was very young I would dream of things I could not possibly be aware of.
Namely lotus flowers and the number 9. I would lotus flowers obsessively. When my Mother saw these drawings she complimented my "Beautiful water lilies" which confused me greatly because as far as I knew, they didn't exist in real life.
I'd tell her
" These are the magic flowers in my dreams. They aren't real! Flowers can't float on water!"

I'd often dream of war too; not any war, the same war. Sometimes, every night for weeks at a time. I STILL do to this day. The thing is that over the years they have gotten more vague but the themes, people and feelings are still the same. What I find most odd about is that while I've dreamed of them thousands of times I can never remember them. I remember that it was "the dream" but the details are still lost to me.

Sometimes in the real world I will see something that will cause me to feel very strong emotions that are similar to nostalgia, like I know I've experienced it before.

Still...it feels utterly absurd to entertain the idea that these feelings may have to do with a "past life" there must be some other explanation.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Yeah I am hesitant to believe in reincarnation as much as I want to. But the idea of energy carrying on is fascinating. Not to mention we just do not know.

I too have had unexplainable memory-like dreams. While the dreams change settings, the roles I played in the dreams are always the same. I was some rich prince, who died a horrible tragic death. Ive had some so realistic, I thought I actually died when I woke up. Or overcome with grief because I was never going to see my wife again. Its weird because gender bending.

Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence~

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I've experienced past life memories. They are intensely emotional memories with glimpses of images and sounds. I hope to one day verify one of these past life memories by remembering where the person left something important. It would change everything if I could remember, and I might. I just remember she placed the documents in a library type of building with leather-bound books. One day I will remember more specifics.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
It feels more like an answer we're fishing around for data for.

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant

I'm agnostic as to everything, and that includes reincarnation. I know exactly jack shit about the universe, so I'm not making any proclamations. However, I'm open to the possibility that reincarnation exists.

I took an online class one time and one of the things you could do was a mini past-life regression. So I did. I just laid down on the sofa and followed her voice, and eventually a vision just started to unfold in front of me. Long story short, I was in a battle and I eventually got that I was a knight...I'm not saying like anything glamorous, just some guy in chainmail and a simple helmet. It wasn't as cheesy as this is probably coming across; it seemed incredibly realistic to me.

I thought it over after I came to...I have no serious interest in the middle ages and hadn't been watching any historical stuff recently. It seemed to have a relatively coherent narrative (I wasn't dreaming) and I saw a couple things I later verified through research. So idk wtf that was about. I had a couple of dreams about it later on, one where I was instructing my son. Beats me.

Interested, I tried a few other regressions on YouTube (though most of it is pretty loser-quality stuff, be warned). One time I got that I was a Viking woman (I mean a woman of that place and era, not that I did combat or anything. I was just a housewife) and another time I got that I was a young man living in St Petersburg at the time of the Russian Revolution, with super-pretentious middle class parents, and I wound up getting executed for reasons that evade me but had to do with political involvement (name Vasily, but no surname came to me SO I CAN'T VERIFY IT). Also I was gay, so take that Vladimir Putin.

One other time I kinda got that I was Native American, within the last 500 years (there was a horse involved). The last two I mentioned would explain a lot about my current orientation towards the world's economic system--of course it's also possible that my orientation toward the world's economic system explains my visions lol.

So I'm not saying "This stuff is totally real guyzzzzz", but at the same time I can't really explain WHY that shit happened as it did. Reincarnation? Transference? Epigenetic memory? I had no particular underlying interest in ANY of these places/eras and didn't have them in mind when I started. I have a strong imagination, but I know my mind well enough to tell you, that's not what I was experiencing...it was just unfolding, like a dream but coherent.

Anyway, in direct response to the OP, you can always practice these regressions with YouTube videos. They're free, and may yield insights. You don't have to worry about legitimacy--just find what works for you. There are some frauds in the New Age community, but there are also people who just have alternate ways of looking at life. Just use your best discernment. Btw, I'm not sure how someone can fake hypnotising you--I think the worst that would happen is nothing, and a legit place would have a policy in place re: refunds or re-tries.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
It could be the case, I've had memories of such, but it could be the mind creating a narrative.

Plenty of explanations for bizarre appearances outside the realm of plausibility without invoking such a representation, though nonetheless possible.


Sep 29, 2016
The more I hear stories of people who believe, the more I disbelieve;= everyone was some sort of knight or royalty who in died honorably in battle.
No one ever tells a story of a miserable, nameless peasant who died a pitiful inquisition-ey death or an infected wound but that was the majority of human history.
How many years of human history even had Knights? We all just happened to exist in that short period but no other? And what about people from other cultures? Do you think people in Asia are told they were Knights, or Samurai? Are we to believe that reincarnated souls are always reborn in the same place?

It makes perfect sense that when people who have feelings of grief or are struggling in life they would unanimously paint images of valiant knights dying in battle.

In this way I can easily see these regression therapists as charlatans much like psychics, or mediums; they study unconscious symbolism and associations which they use to guide their clients into any desired vision based on that persons own inner struggles using imagery of death or loss and battle.

Have a desire to be seen as a strong person against a mountain troubles ( who doesn't?) ?
Feel like life is constant struggle? Do you often worry about being unable to protect and provide for your family?
You're a valiant knight who was overwhelmed in battle.

Are you in a leadership role and feel like people resent you no matter what you do?
Do you have to make a tough decision between what is right and what will make people you love happy?
Ruler executed during a revolt.

Do you often feel unsure about your place in life, where you stand on a morality scale?
Do you feel like you have made a grave error and hurt those close to you?
Infamous and skilled assassin, sold out by allies.

Feeling like you cannot keep up with expectations?
Want to give up on your responsibilities and have support in this?
Prince/Princess runaway from a wedding and drowned, alone, in a freezing lake.
( Drowning is a common theme when we feel overwhelmed and alone. Adding the royalty part just makes it more appealing to the client.)

These are common themes when we talk about our pats-selves because these are all common examples of the human condition which can apply to just about every human being at some point in our lives.

It could be the case, I've had memories of such, but it could be the mind creating a narrative.

Plenty of explanations for bizarre appearances outside the realm of plausibility without invoking such a representation, though nonetheless possible.

Yeah, exactly this.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
The more I hear stories of people who believe, the more I disbelieve;= everyone was some sort of knight or royalty who in died honorably in battle.
No one ever tells a story of a miserable, nameless peasant who died a pitiful inquisition-ey death or an infected wound but that was the majority of human history.
How many years of human history even had Knights? We all just happened to exist in that short period but no other? And what about people from other cultures? Do you think people in Asia are told they were Knights, or Samurai? Are we to believe that reincarnated souls are always reborn in the same place?

It makes perfect sense that when people who have feelings of grief or are struggling in life they would unanimously paint images of valiant knights dying in battle.

In this way I can easily see these regression therapists as charlatans much like psychics, or mediums; they study unconscious symbolism and associations which they use to guide their clients into any desired vision based on that persons own inner struggles using imagery of death or loss and battle.

Have a desire to be seen as a strong person against a mountain troubles ( who doesn't?) ?
Feel like life is constant struggle? Do you often worry about being unable to protect and provide for your family?
You're a valiant knight who was overwhelmed in battle.

Are you in a leadership role and feel like people resent you no matter what you do?
Do you have to make a tough decision between what is right and what will make people you love happy?
Ruler executed during a revolt.

Do you often feel unsure about your place in life, where you stand on a morality scale?
Do you feel like you have made a grave error and hurt those close to you?
Infamous and skilled assassin, sold out by allies.

Feeling like you cannot keep up with expectations?
Want to give up on your responsibilities and have support in this?
Prince/Princess runaway from a wedding and drowned, alone, in a freezing lake.
( Drowning is a common theme when we feel overwhelmed and alone. Adding the royalty part just makes it more appealing to the client.)

These are common themes when we talk about our pats-selves because these are all common examples of the human condition which can apply to just about every human being at some point in our lives.

Yeah, exactly this.

You are probably right. People romantisize things all the time, this might just be a manifestation of the subconscious imagination/associations that were internalized.

Dreams are the same way, and I know dreams very well. So with this it might not be so important to put much weight into what you see, but you should look closer at the emotions involved see how it affects you. It could just be your subconscious making associations, but youre awake and caught a glimpse of how your mind creates dreams but you just happen to be conscious.

Or there is no history and everything is a simulation of "now" and we were all knights abducted by aliens and being experimented on.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Exvoluntur said:
Or there is no history and everything is a simulation of "now" and we were all knights abducted by aliens and being experimented on.

:rly???: Hmm, you may be right.

I shall venture forth and investigate!



Kanra Jest

Av'ent'Gar'de ~
Jun 30, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I saw one that I committed suicide in. So that was a pretty sweet outcome. I believe it was because my wife at the time died. In the early to mid 1900's..? I think

I remember feeling intense pain about the witch trials as well... And that's the thing really, that sometimes a lot of emotions come in and it's like wtf why am I feeling it if it's just a figment of my imagination?

I have contemplated that it might still be the mind getting tricked kind of like how VR tricks the mind quite well. But I won't say that's an answer. Just another possibility. I don't 'feel' intuitively it's the answer, as it felt too real to me. Things eliciting emotional reactions with no known connection to it while other stuff not eliciting any likelihood of me giving a damn. But even that isn't external proof... but personal evidence.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
In a way the reality is perfect irony when compared with what people want for thousands of years. Since in reality the mind dies in death and the body gets reincarnated, since the chemical components in it become parts of other lifeforms.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
I don't even arrive at the question of past lives. It's just another form of living in the past.