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[MBTI General] Here is a really cool test dealing with symbolisms.


Rubber Nipple Salesperson
Jul 19, 2007
I love learning about things and understanding myself and the world through symbolisms and archetypes and thought that this was a really interesting test that a friend of mine introduced me to and thought maybe you all might like to take it and share your results.

test= Jungian-Archetypes

how to interpret answers= Archetypal Healing Dream Symbols

Here are my answers as part of the sharing experience,lol.

Favorite wild animal and why:
White Wolf, they are loyal to their packs and have a playful nature about them. They are beautiful, strong, wild, and vulnerable to the outside world but have a rich inner world with their own society. They are vagabonds and nomads and are versatile. I have nightmares about them sometimes but they fascinate me in a good way as well and I have respect for them.

Domestic animal:
Dog. They are loyal, playful, and are almost symbiotic companions. They are in tune with their owners, humble, and are true blue friends. They are comforting and loving and are able to be protective of and vulnerable with their owners. Not many animals would give their life for you, but a dog would and that to me is very amazing and beautiful.

Pine. It is very consistant and has so much life that not even the cold winter can take away its color and vibrance. It is simple but superbly resiliant and is a symbol of perseverance.

The yellow and orange-ish Ranuncula's. I love their many layers and vibrance. I love how they are so fragile that they die within a few hours of being picked. They are so rich, full, and delicate. They look like little bursts of sunshine.

Body of water:
Ocean. I love how the ocean affects the whole world above it and has a whole world below it. It is like a whole alien world under the ocean. I love how vast and powerful it is. Being alone in the middle of the ocean would have the same effect to me as being alone in the middle of outer space. I love how it seems tempermental and can go from calm to stormy in a matter of minutes. It is mysterious, nurturing, and uncontrollable. God's divinity seems a kindred dynamic to the ocean.

Green. It is just very calming and yet vibrant. I love pink and green together especially. It is cheerful, reflective, calming and energetic all at the same time to me. It just has a profoundness to it and simple complexity.

Favorite food:
7 layer burritos and sweet and sour chicken. I don't know why but they go together like peanut butter and jelly. I like how the flavors interact and how there are plenty of sauces that really seem to go together. The spicyness of the taco bell with the sweetness of the cherry like sauce of the sweet and sour chicken. Everything just goes together so well and there is a plethura of textures and sauces and spices.

Describe what you would do in a white room, if you could do anything or bring anything into it you want:

I would paint every bit of it probably with murals or really detailed stenciled work and just cover everything. I would have a different theme for every wall. I would bring in different furniture and decor that coincided with each theme with each wall. I would hang out with my closest friends and family and show them what I did and the meaning behind everything and just hang out and play games and have fun.

Describe how you would feel if you were locked in a white room with nothing in it but a simple wooden bench on which you were sitting naked, waiting:

I would pace back and forth for one thing and would feel very insecure and uncomfortable and scared, I wouldn't like being naked and alone like that.
I would probably try taking apart the bench as a way of occupying or distracting my mind and making possible weapons,lol. I would probably be thinking of every possible scenario of how to react to whoever walked through the door and what or who to prepare for as well.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
Favorite wild animal:
I like the Monkey, because he is clever and mischievious and quick and cunning. Also the monkey's habitat could be either land or air. He is a land mammal that can swing through the trees thereby overcoming the natural limitations of other animals. They live in the air but not like birds or other animals. Monkeys do their own thing. Also they fling poo at others which can be a lot of fun.

Favorite domestic animal
A horse is useful and can do so many things. A strong horse can pull a plow. It can run fast. It is effective by itself or in a team. Horses are strong and loyal while being smart enough to not run off a cliff. Horses appear strong, majestic, valuable and desirable.

Favorite tree:
I have a gigantic oak tree in my front yard. It's ancient, strong and huge. I like to wonder about when it was formed and what was surrounding it instead of my house when it first sprouted. I like to hug my tree. Something that old should be cherished. I don't want to see it ever torn down.

Favorite Body of Water:
Rivers are fast and strong. Rivers are useful providing hydroelectric power to people. The current of a river can be powerful, and yet it is still gentle enough to hold a complex multitude of life. River water is beautiful because it is clean. The constant flowing removes impurities. A river can be overpowering while still maleable enough to go around unmoving objects.

Favorite color:
Green is moderate. It is full of life, while not being overpowering like red. Green is energetic while still being cool and peaceful. Green is like the forest which can provide life and shelter to a wide variety of animals. Green has room to include everyone and everything.

Favorite Food:
My wife's chicken pot pie is the best. It has all the different kinds of food in it blended together in a delicious way. She has also discovered just the right spices and way to cook the crust to make it just perfect. Also the food is better because I know that she made it just for me from her love for me.

Favorite Flower:
I like roses because they are beautiful to look at. Regardless of color red, white, lavender, etc... I find them to be beautiful.

What I'd do to a white room:
I'd bring in a computer or entertainment center. I could play lots of different video games and invite people over to play with me. It would be endless fun.

What I'd do while waiting naked:
I'd feel something like, "Ah well, since I have nothing better to do I should go back to thinking about what I was considering before." That would be the best way to entertain myself until the thing I was waiting for came through the door.


New member
Jul 22, 2007
i checked off monkey, tiger, and other. the other was a bird. monkey bc theyre fun and mischievous, tiger because you just don't fuck with tigers, and a bird becausee they have freedom.

my habitat was the sea. it's freeing like air but more substance

domestic animal - bird, they're freeing and beautiful

favorite tree - a maple...because it makes syrup..

ocean - big and fun but secretive and i love the sound

color - green...creative, calming, natural, fresh

food - sushi, simple yet complex and delicious

white room - repaint it, bring in games, tv, a bed, trampoline, whatever else it needs but it would be fun

white room naked - i would feel bored and a bit silly.


Strongly Ambivalent
Apr 18, 2007
Very cool test! My answers (evidently I want friends who self-regulate their food intake):

Favorite wild animal: elephant. Elephants are wise, gentle, thoughtful. They bury their dead. They think. They feel. Elephant mothers care well for their children, and for a long time. I feel a kinship to elephants because there seems to be more going on than meets the eye. They rely on each other. I think elephants love. But they are also brave and not afraid to take care of business. The elephant is the strong, silent thinker.

Favorite domestic animal: cat. Cats know about boundaries. Cats take care of themselves and ask for what they need. Cats are affectionate but not clingy or needy. Cats self-regulate their food intake. Cats are often playful well into old-age. Cats have a good grasp on the absurd.

Favorite tree: willow. The willow forms a shelter. I used to play under willow trees as a child. The underneath of the willow tree was my home in my play. The willow is flexible. It guards what lies underneath its branches. Willow leaves are long and slender.

Favorite body of water: the river. The river is dynamic. It is always moving and flowing and changing. But it has an identity and always stays the same in another way. The Eno river that I look at is the same Eno river that the Occoneechee saw hundreds and maybe thousands of years ago. Without the rivers there would be no water cycle and life would cease. Rivers carry life.

Favorite color: violet. Violet is a lush, deeply beautiful color. It makes me think of the soft petals of a violet flower. It seems like a kind and loving color. When I was a child I loved purple and loving purple as an adult reminds me of what it was like to be a child.

Favorite flower: the calla lily. It has clean, elegant lines. I love the way the green of the stem blends into the color of the petals, instead of there being a line where the colors change. The calla lily seems dignified and serene. You can't see the very inside of a calla lily so there is some mystery and unknown.

Favorite food: salmon. My favorite food is salmon. When I eat salmon I feel as if I am bringing healthy proteins and fats to every cell of my body. I think of the fish that swam upstream to spawn the fish I am eating. That fish's instincts caused it to give birth to my dinner. I feel grateful to salmon for being so delicious and nutritious. Salmon is a pleasing shade of pink. You can marinate salmon in whatever you want to give it a different flavor each time you eat it.

What I would do in the white room: I would paint the room a light shade of purple, perhaps lavender. I would hang art on the walls, but only a few pieces. I would put in a window on the sunny side, and a daybed by the window with a bookshelf beside it with all of the books I want to read. I would read and nap on the daybed. When I got tired of reading and napping I would do yoga on a mat on the floor.

The white room with the wooden bench and me naked: I would feel exposed to the world, and nervous about what I was waiting for. I would wonder why I needed to be naked for what happens next. I would shift uncomfortably on the wooden bench.
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Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Favorite Animal:
I like ravens. I love the size and black color of the birds. I like how intelligent they are, how perceptive they seem to be, how they fly, how they speak. I think of an "eye" when I think of ravens, and I think of perception and wisdom. The power to fly above everything and see all of it at once is also appealing.

(My other favorite animal is the bear: It is large, powerful, smart, furry, low-key, and has autonomy to go and do whatever it likes. Nothing has power over it; it has total freedom.)

Favorite Domestic animal
I like cats. I love how they are very autonomous, calm, cool, and collected. Very self-contained, sly. They are balanced, poised, can slip around without being heard or noticed if they so desire. Yet they are also beautiful to the eye, furry, and affectionate when they want to be. They can slip through the dark, pad silently about. They can see well in the dark. They always land on their feet. on the outside, they seem to be one way ... but internally there seems to be another whole world that outsiders only occasionally glimpse.

Favorite Tree
Sycamore tree, I love how tall and thick they get, I love how their bark peels off and the texture of the tree, I love how often the first 20-30 feet will go up without branches and then the whole thing just flowers.

Favorite Body of Water:
Probably a waterfall of any type, I love to watch the water as it flutters through the air, the torrent and drops flinging about in chaotic-seeming patterns all at once -- and hearing the roar of it and coolness of the breeze pushed outwards by it. There is just so much there to grasp, right beyond my reach.

Favorite color
I like the deepest darkest colors that seem vibrant with hidden life. (Blue is my overall favorite, but any color that is DEEP -- red, green, purple, even yellow -- attracts my interest.)

Blue is calm, meditative, it has secrets that you can soak yourself in and lose yourself in.

Favorite Food
Pizza. Variety, a mix of tastes, lots of cheese and zing, and a good tasty chewy crust...

What would I do in a white room?
Part of me would be inclined to bring in paints and pens, to draw and color the walls with whatever comes to mind. ANother part of me would be tempted to sit and "rest" within the pristine nature of the room.

What would I do naked in a white room, waiting?
Would feel a bit cold, "clean," empty (in the positive sense), purified, able to imagine anything without the distractions, calm.


Jul 23, 2007
What is your favorite wild animal?
Tiger - Because it's Powerful, feared and esthetically pleasing.

What is your favorite domestic animal?
Bird - Because it's cute.

What is your favorite tree?
Pine - Makes good furniture.

What is your favorite body of water?
Stream - It's always changing and flowing.

Favorite flower
Rose - Looks and smells nice.

What is your favorite color?
Blue -

What is your favorite food? Describe why.

Chicken - Chicken it tastes nice.

Describe what you would do in a white room, if you could do anything or bring anything into it you want.

Walk around in it, bring a woman into it, and alcohol, get pissed and have lots of sex to pass time.

Describe how you would feel if you were locked in a white room with nothing in it but a simple wooden bench on which you were sitting naked, waiting.

I would feel nervous, fear - but after a while I would ratonialze myself into not fearing anything, and just telling myself something will happen sooner or later lets just wait for it, because fear makes; false expectations appear real.


New member
Jul 17, 2007
Thanks for posting this! This is so interesting. Here's what I wrote --

Favorite animal
Wolves are so majestic, and free, and beautiful. I have liked them for a long time, probably since I was ten years old. There is something so magical and mysterious about a wolf. They are aggressive only when need be -- they put up a front to show dominance instead -- and are often misunderstood for it. While they live in a pack and are sociable and friendly, there is something also solitary and independent about them. To me, the wolf represents power. They are powerful, strong animals. And besides all that, they are absolutely gorgeous.

Favorite domestic animal
While I own two cats, and I adore them, they are not my absolute favorite domestic animal. The horse represents strength, beauty, and freedom, and the horse can also be very affectionate. Riding them gives me a feeling of freedom that not much else does. It makes me feel connected to history -- another thing that I love -- and nature. If I could own a horse, I would in a heartbeat. Riding a horse makes me feel like I can be in another world for awhile. The horse is also harder to have than a cat or a dog, but they are so rewarding.

Favorite tree
I love willows mainly for their beauty. Their branches break a lot and they often have a lot of bugs in them, but they are so beautiful. They almost seem exotic, since not many people have them. I love the way the fronds hang and sway gently in the wind. I also love their size, but I'm not sure why.

Favorite flower
I love the hibiscus because it is so pretty and colorful. I don't live anywhere near Hawaii, so it is exotic as well. It's not like any flower that grows where I live.

Favorite body of water
I don't live near the ocean, so the ocean seems exotic to me. I've always wanted to see a sunset or sunrise over the ocean, but I've never gotten to. The ocean is so expansive, and I suppose that seeing a sunset over it must make one feel closer to the sky and sun in the distance (compared to seeing it over land, that is). The ocean also seems romantic to me, both in the literal "romance" sense and the nonliteral "exciting, different yet familiar" sense. The one time in my life that I've been in the ocean was pure heaven for me.

Favorite color
I love pink a lot, but violet seems exotic because it used to be the color of royals, and it just isn't used as often as red or most other colors are. It's also very pretty.

Favorite food
My mom's marinated chicken. It tastes like nothing else I've ever tasted because of the marinade, and it is delicious. Plus, I'll eat almost anything with chicken, since it's my favorite meat. And I love meat. And it's my mom's home cooking, which is always good.

What I would do in a white room if I could do anything
I would bring in every kind of drawing/painting/art utensil I could find (paintbrushes and paints, crayons, colored pencils, markers, chalk, pastels, etc.). I would cover all the walls -- and ceiling if I could manage it -- in art of all kinds; anything I could think to draw or paint. It would be my special room, and I would bring in a big, comfy armchair to sit in and lots of books to read while sitting in it. I would bring in a pretty floor lamp for lighting by the chair, and I would bring in tools to make huge windows in the walls so I could see outdoors. I would decorate the room and make it as decadent as I could. I would make sure that there was some way of playing music in the room, because I can't imagine life without music.

What I would do if locked in a white room sitting on a wooden bench, naked and waiting
I would be sweating from nervousness or fear or discomfort or stress or some emotion like that. I might be shaking. Of course, I might also just be sitting there, enjoying being free from the constraints of clothing or anyone seeing me. But I wouldn't be comfortable with being locked in a blank room with no windows and no decoration. That would be where the discomfort would set in. I would feel trapped, no matter how big the room. And what would I be waiting for? That's the question that might scare me, especially if I didn't even know the answer myself.

When looking back on my answers, I realize that I used the word "exotic" quite a lot, but that's mainly because there wasn't a better word to use, and it perfectly captured the emotion I felt. Anyway, this was a fascinating test.

dissolved girl

New member
Aug 3, 2007
I managed to lose my answers. I was interested to know I answered the last question (What I would do if locked in a white room sitting on a wooden bench, naked and waiting) by saying that I'd feel confused but at the same time strangely peaceful and accepting.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
so.. i deleted them because i though 'start again' might mean the exact opposite of what i know it to mean.... oops...erased everything...

wild animal:
i wanted to be an air tiger. a predator of grandeur that could escape the atmosphere once it developed a breathing apparatus of sorts.

domesticated animal:
i want friends like cats. in fact. i don't even need humans. just me and a colony of cats would be alright :)

body of water:
i said i loved all bodies of water. funny that i don't have questions about my sexuality any longer, like i did in the past at least. I just kind of... love everyone :)

a birch tree because the bark is so smooth. sturdy. it's white and black and stands apart from other trees. incredibly easy to scale with it's branching pattern. a very good resource as well. i could live in it. as well as construct all materials necessary for my survival.

couldn't pick just one.
i'm just completely awed by any larger-than-life seeming flowers. those that grow in the deep deep depths of the deep deep forests.

i chose blue because i know the pigment to no naturally occur (in nature). close to the UV end of the spectrum, not quite radiation emitting. it's the sky. also, it's the color of the planet from far far away.

pizza (or anything italian for that matter. pastas difinitely) because i love cheese and tomatoes. and the endless combinations of pizza toppings. tomatoes can be made into a pulpy paste. or juiced, thin and runny. you can pick them when they're green and fry them breaded in bacon grease and it's an entirely different flavor experience.

white room:
i would wonder why/how i got there in the first place. was it my choice? i said i would depress/emboss different areas of the walls, make a construction project out of it, until the room no longer appeared uniformly white. i like shelves, and depth, and a stark white room sounds like a great place to express this. i don't know if i would paint it. i would have to have a rather inspiring, poetic reason for that. not because that's the only circumstance in which i'd allow myself to add colors, but because this specific room seems special and unique to me. a lot of considering would be happening in the space-altered white room. when i've finally prepared everything the way i like it and i'm feeling 100% comfortable, i'd probably find some more people to come in.

naked on a bench:
i would take the opportunity to get to know my body better, while i'm there and all. i'd be wondering why i'm there, how i got there. also wondering what others would be doing if presented with the same scenario.

this was all very, very informative.
a lot of things to think about. kind of gives me tools to correct things i may have believed before but never really had a deep, soulful opinion of.
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Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Favorite wild animal: Leopard
I like leopards because they are mysterious, stealthy, powerful, elegant in movement, lithe, have a gorgeous and distinctive coat, and solitary and quiet.
Yeah, I am exotic and quiet :cool:

Domestic animal: Cat
Really, aren't most INFPs going to answer cat on this? :tongue:
Although, I prefer friends who are more consistent, outgoing, and friendly than a cat, I also associate cats with sincerity, loyalty, independence, intelligence, quirky personalities, dark "humor", and elegance. I definitely would like friends like that.

Water: Ocean

I like the ocean because it has that salty smell, vivid and changing color and transparency, the movement is varied & almost whimsical & romantic, yet it's consistent, it's vast and deep and powerful :eek:, and it's filled with all kinds of amazing lifeforms. Not sure how this all relates to my view on sex :D

Favorite Food: Quiche, but I like too many things to have one favorite.
I am very much a mood eater. I chose quiche because it is has a nice texture, is filling and satisfying without being heavy, it's got a decent balance of food groups (dairy, protein, grain, vegetables), a rich flavor & comforting smell, and there's something kind of sophisticated and charming about quiche (even the word).

Favorite Tree: Palm Tree
They make for a cool silhouette on the horizon. They are unique and almost iconographic. They remind me of home (CA), and the beach.

Favorite Color: Red
I also like purple and pink a lot. I like red because it's bold and intense and eye-catching.

Flower: Giant Sunflower
I like how they are almost exaggeratedly large and surreal. The bright yellow color is nice too. I also like red sunflowers a lot.

White Room:
I would paint it red and bring in some antique furniture and set up a creative space for myself. I might take photos in it while it's still empty and red, since I like the lighting and space in empty rooms.

Locked in a white room, naked: I'd feel vulnerable, anxious to get out or get dressed, frightened of what may happen, and embarrassed.


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
What is your favorite wild animal? Other (don't know too many animals!)
Habitat: Sea
Jellyfish or eel, they can go to the bottom of the ocean that is unexplored. They can be at the surface of the sea. They live in the ocean which is vast and covers the surface of the earth.

What is your favorite domestic animal? Dog
Nothing really, I find dogs friendly but they're a lot of hassle to take care of. For less hassle but less friendly then I'd say cat. I need an animal with fur and that can be petted because they are close to humans.

What is your favorite tree? Other
I don't know much about trees. Maybe a Redwood because they look so strong and tall and they live for hundreds of years.

What is your favorite flower? Orchids and proteas

What is your favorite body of water? Oceans
Water is cool but also intimidating. Water is powerful, destructive, and beautiful. It's a beautiful blue planet from outer space and that's because of the water. The ocean is scary and intimidating and powerful and overwhelming and vast and unexplored.

What is your favorite color? Blue
A very calming and relaxing color. I also like green.

What is your favorite food? Describe why. Why? What other reasons do you have for choosing this?
No clue. French fries are my favorite food. They're comforting and salty.

Describe what you would do in a white room, if you could do anything or bring anything into it you want.
throw paint all over it.
Oh gawd, does this mean I'm going to destroy my marriage!:cry:

Describe how you would feel if you were locked in a white room with nothing in it but a simple wooden bench on which you were sitting naked, waiting.
i'd close my legs and huddle together. or i'd sit on the floor. it really depends on the temperature of the room and if I thought anyone could see me. I'd feel exposed.

One Day

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Favorite Wild Animal:
Elephant - Very wise and gentle yet seem so intimidating on the outside due to their size.

Favorite Domestic Animal:
Dogs are loyal and playful animals. They'll stick by your side no matter what but they'll make sure you have fun the whole way through.

Favorite Tree:
Willow Tree - Not sure...I just like how the leaves droop down. It also makes it look like it's trying to 'hide' itself or something.

Favorite Flower:
Don't really pay attention to flowers...but I would choose Plumerias. Beautiful shades of color.

Favorite Water:
Pond - Still, quiet and gentle. (This is my attitude towards sex? :shock:)

Favorite Color:
Blue - It's just a nice color. My second choice would be green.

Favorite Food:
Any sort of pasta. It just tastes good.

White Room:
I would bring my ipod and a computer. I would basically just listen to music or amuse myself with pc games or the internet. Not sure I would do much with the walls like everyone else seems to be doing.

Locked in White Room:
I would just let my mind wander. Might get a little self conscious from the fact that I'm naked though.


Sep 11, 2007
I've taken this test before or similar ones but some of the questions were new (or I forgot what they were supposed to be lol)

Thanks LadyPink, I was bored. :D

Favorite Animal: Horse --> How I See Me

It's powerful and intelligent and wild. It's a social animal and passionate. It's not a predator but can defend itself. It's strong and able. It's very useful. It's the archetype of freedom and passion and beauty.

{editor's note: :laugh: Very true about the 'not a predator' thing - I would like to be someone who is strong and someone to be reckoned with but not a bully, rather someone who is righteous and 'right' with the natural world and order of things. Definitely see myself as independent but very social}

Favorite Domesticated Animal: Dog --> What I look for in friends

Dogs are adorable and loyal and they are wo/man's best friend. They are intelligent and have personalities and unique souls. They feel things and feel things for you.

{editor's note: ohmygawd I am a quintessential NF apparently i want to hug and squeeze my friends and have them lay on my chest licking my face and then teach them tricks...wow that sounds wrong}

Favorite tree: Birch --> My Attitude towards Life

it's beautiful and graceful and unique looking

{editor's note: ummm...}

Favorite Color: Fuschia/Bright Pink --> Emotional attunement

It is the color of life, it's fun, it's feminine, it's classy, it's vibrant. It's not shy and is happy to be vibrant and bold.

{editor's note: the idea of having bright fuschia emotional energy makes me happy :D}

Favorite Food: Sekret --> How I Feel about S-E-X

It's hot and spicy and sweet and filling and it's homey and reminds me of home. It's messy and simple and unpretentious and delicious, just like all good street food.

{Editor's note: No, "sex" doesn't remind me of "home" literally you sick pervs - it means sex is a comfortable place for me, it's re/connecting with myself and some else in their 'home'/natural/comfortable/true state..actually...that all ^^ sounds real dirty}

Body of Water: Ocean --> How I See Sexuality

It's huge and roiling and active and alive. You can't tame it but it's not dangerous either. It's exciting and changeable, slightly dangerous but full of life.

{editor's note: ^^ yes I contradicted myself there. Blame it on Victorian and Puritanical influence...or something...and yes I do see sexuality like the ocean - you can never tell what is under the surface and there is always something moving and going on}

White Room Do Anything You Like --> Attitude Towards Marriage

I would bring my laptop, a movie projector, movies, a sound system, music, books, a canvas and paint and brushes. I would surf the net, watch movies, listen to music, read, and paint and make art. And snacks, tasty snacks and drinks.

{editor's note: this is cute, basically I like marriage and see it as a comfy place to settle in and have fun and make myself comforable and basically live. the analogy works}

White Room Naked and Waiting --> How I Would Respond Awaiting Death

I would feel peaceful then anxious. I would probably feel comfortable, it's a beautiful day outside and the sun is shining through the window basking the bench in light. I might be sleepy but have to wake myself up again thinking the person is coming to get me. If I had to wait too long I would start feeling a bit anxious but then probably just fall asleep. I think when the person came I would probably be embarassed because I was caught unprepared.

{editor's note: yes i know creepy after the fact. i kinda thought this room analogy was the one for death. irl, i do not fear death, i would welcome it as a natural process and meaning it's my time to go. death is not scary, the process of death can be scary if it is filled with shock, trauma, or pain and you are conscious of it. life is much, much scarier than death.}


Jul 3, 2008
Favorite Wild Animal
I think the owl would be it. Owls are subtle and generally not thought about, but seen as mysterious in their noctournal nature. Particularly the barn owl. Its mysterious, ghostly features give off an aura of mystery while still being jacketed in an earthiness.
Bingo. I guess Ive always thought of myself as the mysterious, yet somewhat simple in a way, person. The person on the edge of thought and crowd and time. the one that hides in the shadow between the days.

Domestic Animal
Theyre loyal and always there when I need them. Many have a lot of positive energy which helps me immensly in down times. They arent too daunted by setbacks either. Low maintenance until their antics makes a mess. Then its either a distraction from menial tasks. Or fcking annoying when in the middle of something important.
Loyal people who have interesting personalities. Seems like ENFPs and INFJs to me. I do have an ISFJ friend, but the different wavelengths of personality are offputting, even if I adore his loyalty and heart. I think all my friends fit the above description well, too. Wow, accurate.

I enjoy willow trees because they arent so straightforward like other trees. Their branches end in long strands that veil them and turn them into a sort of haven. I could see myself camping under their branches without a tent, as if the tree itself was a living home. I guess the tree seems more poetic and romantic than other trees. The maple is too proud, and the Oak seems too stout and dominates its location.
From this, I suppose I view life as something poetic and a living home. A unique thing while I have it. I am not the master of this domain and dont want to change it, but I do want to turn it into something of poetic beauty of some kind, reclusive or not. I would bring someone else into it, but not too many or it would be crowded.

My favorite flower... I dont think often about flowers, but I think the tulip or apple blossoms are my favorite. They are gorgeous in abundance and provide a simple prettiness to the landscape or tree they are in. They arent complicated and barbed like a rose or over-mystic like a lotus, either.
Makes sense, I like straightforward, simple, and pleasing flowers. Same for religion. Catholic and Lutheran churches seem too mired in tradition and aescetics to be interesting to me.

Body of Water
I would say it would be a lake with a few islands in it. I would pitch my lawn chair on the beach and listen to the waves- or calm music like jazz- and contemplate things. It is so relaxing and soothing for the mind. If I felt like it, I would take a canoe or kayak and go to one of the islands. A motorboat would kill the adventure of getting there under my own power.

My attitude toward sexuality must be a semi-pasive, yet curious nature. I'm a virgin, so maybe the islands in the lake represent the actual act, and using my own power could mean not liking the simple ways to get it, like finding a hooker or something. The contemplation bit is probably the virgin-waiting. I can wait for the first time, but I want to make sure I'm ready and want it, and that the situation is right.

That leads back to the way to get there. I want to be able to get there on my own power and the power of the lake. It would ruin the meaning if I could get it anytime.

It is a utility color. It doesnt show off, but when used too much it is depressing. That makes it fun to use because it deepens the impressions made by other colors if used correctly. Black is also like space and the void between stars. The place between thoughts, and the veil which hides secrets that are revealed when light dispells it.

I'm not quite sure how this is interpereted to emotional state. Maybe it is my darker, mysterious mood that when coupled with a different state of emotion makes the other emotion seem more resonant on deeper things rather than straight forward and reactive

I wouldnt know but right now it is bread, butter, and cheese all in a simple stack. Its filling, but not overwhelming with taste. My favorite food could change to good burritos, though, since I enjoy spicey food, but it cant be complicated or exotic. I kind of like turkey gravey and potatoes. Filling, simple, and not overwhelming.

Looks like my attitude toward sex is about simple satiation without a lot of experimenting. I think it makes a lot of sense, actually. I was always the 'vanilla' one.

White Room
I would bring a variety of things to spend my time with. Books, notebooks, a computer- if there were outlets in the room- and a musical instrument. Since the white room likely doesnt have outside responsibilities, I would focus on expressing myself in it. I may wonder what could be in other rooms, but this room is mine. It has my stuff.

I guess I view marriage as the most intimate place of expression. I am not a person that can easily show my inner self to a lot of people so maybe I connect relationships with expression, one of my needs in life. This makes me search more longingly for someone to be intimate with, intimate emotionally, so that I can express myself truly.

Naked on a Bench
I dont have much idea. I would be uncomfortable, I suppose, since I would be naked. I would hope the bench was well made because I wouldnt want splinters. I guess if it wasnt I would hope I get a towel to sit on. I would stare blandly at the wall, thinking on things. I would be kind of bored.

Makes sense, I just wait and try and fill my time until the string is cut by Atropos. No use in dwelling on it either, since I cant control it much

All in all I found the test quite neat and accurate, describing things in a way that made more sense than the understanding I had. Now I feel profound and poetic, but its time for bed.


Self sustaining supernova
Feb 12, 2009
Favorite Animal: Snowy Owl - the solitude, changing with the seasons in terms of colour, the blending perfectly with a stark background... predators, but efficiently so, only doing it to survive. Primarily a night creature, or during twilight hours, strong in body with a dense core of muscle over which fluffy feathers and down reside. Keen eyesight in the dark, and made for the true cold and snow.

Domestic Animal: Dogs are wonderful companions, bred and trained for the purpose (among others) over the years. I have three, love them so much, and will be devastated when the oldest dies. They have shown me what it means to truly care for someone who is dependent on you, and how responsibility comes with perks (i.e., love).

Tree: Willow trees bend to the wind, never breaking, simply leaning into the force and letting it flow past them as time itself. Their branches can be used for whips (so awesome when I was a kid to play with) and they usually reside next to water, making them perfect nap and meditation locations.

Flower: This didn't show up in my form, but I all ready know the answer: Stargazer Lilies and Sterling Roses. The former for its uncommon occurrence, beautifully sculpted form and "clean" scent; the latter because of its simple beauty, rarity, and how it has an amazing fragrance.

Body of Water: Streams lead one through the mountains to the sea, to towns and ports and sources of life. They stem from glacier meltwater or original springs, indicating a purity of beginning. They are the most fun to hike up and often are the source of a waterfall, which I also love.

Colour: Black may be the absence of actual colour, but without it I would not be able to appreciate light, which is important to me. I dislike bright, blinding light, so the moon is perfect illumination to me - nightscapes are just as beautiful to me as anything the Earth is capable of in the daylight hours. Black complements any colour, which is how I would like to be, and represents the darker portions of self, which is absolutely required for light to truly shine - the contrast that is necessary. I want to be a flame in the darkness, and this is needed to achieve that goal.

Food: Depends on the meal and mood, but strawberries and dark chocolate are both very high on the list. Strawberries are tart and sweet, a lovely combination, and go with chocolate (70% cocoa or above, please) - and the dark substance itself is linked to pleasure, sensuality, and licking stuff off of someone's body. Oh, and pure simplicity. (Mental imagery.)

White Room: I'd paint it cobalt blue on the walls, with bright white trim and hardwood floors. A huge white fireplace would dominate one wall, a bed the opposite one - one with four posts and those mosquito-netting curtains that give the feeling of privacy, of being your own world within a larger one, hidden from time.

I'd have a huge bookcase built into another wall, with a ladder that rolls along it and reaches the ceiling because I wouldn't be able to get to all the books otherwise. A large, plush wingback chair with an ottoman in front would sit next to the fireplace, and at night the light would come from candles and the glow of the fireplace. The view from a large window (floor to ceiling, on the far wall opposite the bookcase) would be of snowy mountainscapes and at night the stars and moon would illuminate everything once the flames flickered their last...

Naked on a Bench: Horrible. Clinical surroundings, no physical comfort of any kind, and prepped to knock out whoever came in first because I refuse to be caged like an animal. Get ready for pain, mothafucka'.

Hm. :ninja:


Jun 2, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Favorite Animal

deer - gentle, graceful, quick, agile, tender, protective, alert, connected to the forest / to nature, youthful, maternal..i think of a noble buck, a caring doe, and a bumbling fawn..deer have a serene appearance yet they are very aware with their antlers like antennae to the heavens..

Domestic Animal

cat - intelligent, nimble, capable of being both gentle and ferocious when they need to, funny, endearing, have integrity, provide a sense of equal companionship (rather than subordinate), strong personality, playful when young, tranquil when old. a nice mix of serious and fun traits!


japanese maple - the leaves are beautiful; the way light passes through them, the shape, the colors..the tree seems very serene to me overall. it has a still, quiet beauty.


white orchid

Body of Water

ocean - vastness. tides, calmness. depth. a sense of timelessness and life.


teal/blue-green (phthalocyanine green!)- a medium between thought (cool tones) and feeling (warm tones). the color of water.


vanilla ice cream. soothing, sweet, cool and relaxing!

White Room

i would paint the walls with a big, bold, floor to ceiling mural. i would definitely bring mood lighting!

Naked on a Bench

i would be curious as to why i was there. i would probably consider both positive and negative reasons why i might be, and of course some reasons that would be essentially good nor bad... i would look at the walls and imagine possible color, decoration, furnishing, lighting.. i wouldn't mind being naked, as long as it wasn't too cold! i just hope the bench is long enough for me to lie down on so i can look at the ceiling and let my imagination run wild...

wow. all i have to say is that the whole vanilla ice cream thing is not entirely what it seems! otherwise this was very interesting, and true by and large


No Cigar
Oct 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Favorite wild animal: Grey wolf - proud and fearless. Lives in a pack without unnecessarily confronting social hierarchy, but able to live and fight alone, though it's not the strongest animal in the neighborhood.

Favorite domestic animal: Chaffinch - quick, small and cute. Bursts through the sky without worries.

Favorite water: Ocean - deep and endless, fearsome yet peaceful.

Favorite food: Fondue - uh, I totally love it :D Hot, creamy... can't get enough of it.

Favorite Tree: Makassar Ebony - strong and rare. High quality wood.

Favorite Color: Red and black - mysterious and passionate, it burns with a quiet flame.

Flower: Iris - the vision of hope. Beautiful and cunning, yet tender and innocent.

White Room 1 - I'd escape immediately to the outside. I couldn't stand it (a computer with online connection could help though).

White Room 2 - I'd try to escape, then become anxious + frightened and search for a hidden enemy. I'd try to divert my attention with a book, without much effort.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Favorite Food:
My wife's chicken pot pie is the best. It has all the different kinds of food in it blended together in a delicious way. She has also discovered just the right spices and way to cook the crust to make it just perfect. Also the food is better because I know that she made it just for me from her love for me.

i laughed really hard at the first sentence, knowing what it's said to symbolize.
after reading the whole paragraph i realized it's even more perfect than i'd initially thought it was.

that is a loving relationship.

maybe i'll have one some day?
ah, well.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
favorite wild animal: monkey
they're like us and imitate us closer then any other animal in existence, also you can learn alot about human behavior by observing monkey behavior, i believe it be how we would act if we did not ahve social constraints in society. But I also admire the elephant as well since they seem to be intelligent as well, but I have to choose the monkey over that in the end since I have a chance of understanding the monkey's psyche in the future.

favorite domestic animal cat:
Independent stubborn can't train easily but can be affectionate plus, they don't depend on you as much as dogs.

favorite tree:willow
I don't know don't really have a favorite tree but this would be the closest with the drooping branches, also my favorite character in buffy, whom i relate to quite well, her and anya anyways, but at the end of the day it's still just a tree a place to get some shade or chop up for fire wood or lumber

favorite body of water:eek:cean

Love the smell always feel more at home in the ocean then anywhere else, though the mountains are a close 2nd also so much we haven't discovered in the ocean I could explore the ocean my whole life and still see only a tenth of the creatures in it, which means the newness will never end.

favorite color:violet

it's calming and not too in your face like the brighter colors i don't feel any real connections to colors

favorite food:cheese

Cheese it's good it's milk when it reaches nirvana in my mind

in a white room:
CLose my eyes and then get bored look at the walls see colors appear begin to get a head ache and feel like I'm going insane

in a white room naked with a bench:
Embarrassed if other people were looking if not then probably the same if I was clothed unless I was cold then I'd be cold

ok so i read the thing but i don't get how this reflects my attitude on those things


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Wow, this is accurate. o_O

Tiger: They're beautiful, rare, elusive, cute, unique, playful, intelligent, aloof, deep, forethought, strong, fast, and they can swim.
I guess that's how I'd describe myself, if you took out the general silliness/klutziness. I don't think that is what is transmitted to other people, though.

Dog: Loyalty, friendliness, smiling, playfulness, cuddliness, furriness, lovableness, intuitive.
Other than the furriness, this describes it on the dot. XD

Oak: They're beautiful, classic, timeless

Flower: CACTUS! :D Easier to take care of than other plants. I'm not able to kill it. XD I adore my cactus.
I have a pet cactus. :3

Ocean: Summer waves, vigilance with the waves, predicting course with the waves, being knowledgeable about the waves and sealife, knowing how to handle the waves, inspirational setting
Applies because I like finding ways to improve.

Purple: Beautiful/pretty/stylish/interesting.
Don't see what this has to do with my emotions...

Food: Mexican food. Tastes good. What I've always had. Eat it obsessively until I get full. XD
Yep... XD

Room: Color the walls/decorate the room so it isn't so boring! Maybe turn it into a place for someone to live or play in.
Describes my view towards marriage exactly. "OOHHHH let's do this to make it better!!!!!!" I'm not married, yet, though.

Death room: Trapped, bored, awkward, out of place. Anxious, because I wouldn't know what I would be waiting for. I'd lose myself in my thoughts.