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[MBTI General] An MBTI Test Binge Extravaganza/Ranking Some Tests


Active member
May 22, 2021
As a serial test taker, I figured I should put my skills to use and see if I could find any interesting patterns between the results, as well as give my opinion on the individual tests.

12. Keys2Cognition

Test Style: Cognitive Functions
Result: INTP
Score: 3/10


I don't like this test. The scoring method is dubious, the yellow background is garish, and it asks you to answer based on 'how often you skilfully do xyz' when MBTI is clearly defined about preference, not competence.

+ It's only 48 questions, so I don't have to bear the pain for too long.
- The methodology is questionable; it was reversed by some people in INTPCentral back in the day, and some questions correlate to two cognitive functions when in reality they shouldn't even be on the test at all, please tell me how 'freely enjoying doing what you want for your own personal happiness' is an Fi+Se thing specifically, and while you're at it, tell me how it can be done 'skilfully'.
- I just hate looking at this test, it's not aesthetic in the slightest, and being based on the Grant stack just makes it all worse.

11. 16Personalities

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INxP-T
Score: 4/10


The OG Bad Boiâ„¢ , 16P is notorious in pretty much all typology communities. While I personally don't think it's the worst test out there, it certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

+ It got my type pretty much nailed down, strong INP preferences and unclear on thinking and feeling, as well as being high in Neuroticism in Big 5.
- Choosing disagree for all questions gives me ISTP (I: 61%, S: 66%, T: 61%, P: 58%), which is troubling.
- Some of the questions are unnecessary or poor imo: 'You think the world would be a better place if people relied more on rationality and less on their feelings', 'You enjoy watching people argue', and 'When someone thinks highly of you, you wonder how long it will take them to feel disappointed in you' are some of the ones that come to mind.

10. MichaelCaloz

Test Style: Other
Result: INFP
Score: 4/10


This test is an odd one imo, and not in a good way. I get what it's going for (I think), but the execution of its idea isn't well done, and mixing the dichotomies and cognitive functions can run you into trouble quickly if not done properly.

+ The results page provides a lot of information for each type, not just your highest scoring one.
- The test feels as though it's trying to do too much all at once and loses consistency in the process. I know that it takes more than just the cognitive functions into account but in the interpretation of results section it states that they're the things that should be focused on most; if that's the case then I don't see what I'm supposed to view my type as when I prefer Ti, Fi, and Ni, and it assesses preference in terms of extraversion and introversion than in terms of functions between each other. I may greatly prefer Fe over Fi and have less of a preference between Ti and Te, and still be a T type.
- Promotion of the Grant stack immediately loses points for me, that's just how it goes.

9. Sakinorva Cognitive Functions Test

Test Style: Cognitive Functions
Result: INTP
Score: 5/10


I don't have many thoughts on this one to be honest, as cognitive functions tests go it's one of the better ones.

+ Has in depth descriptions of each type in the analysis and the results themselves are pleasant on the eyes.
- Owo what's this? The Grant Stack? No higher than a 5/10 for you.

8. Veralyn Sage's Three-Dimensional MBTI

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INtP
Score: 5/10


An interesting test with a cool gimmick; it not only tells you what your preferences are, but how strongly you feel your preferences define you. However, this doesn't make up for the test's problems.

+ Puts a new spin on the generic test taking format, and the sliders allow for more precise results, not to mention the presentation of the results is aesthetic.
- It's fairly short, which would be fine if the questions were really well done, but they aren't; questions like 'When in a tough situation, is it more important to keep your head cool or keep your heart warm?' for example are very context specific, as not every tough situation will require a cool head or a warm heart.

7. 123Test

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INFP
Score: 5/10


There isn't much to say about this test, it's not particularly amazing or interesting, nor is it horrendous, it's just your standard MBTI dichotomy test.

+ It mirrors the Form M (the official MBTI test) in that it's forced choice, which is arguably better when trying to get a concrete answer for each preference.
- The results are pretty uninspiring; I don't even get to know the clarity of each preference, all I get is INFP and a little description for each letter.

6. TypologyCentral Jung Test

Test Style: Other
Result: INTP
Score: 6/10


Not the best test I've ever taken, not the worst either. It does what the MichaelCaloz test tries to do but better; I still think that there are improvements to be made though.

+ I appreciate that the functions aren't forced into a predetermined stack and are instead just listed from most positive to least positive, though I'm not sure if this is in terms of strength or preference.
- The option order of disagree to agree changes often and can be disorienting, also don't think that I didn't notice that the link in the results takes you to a description of the type based upon the Grant stack, tut tut tut.

5. Humanmetrics

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INtP
Score: 6/10


One of the better tests out there, however it has a few caveats that lower its overall score. I'd still recommend it to people as a starting point if they're trying to find their type though.

+ Simple to understand, not overly long, and provides the strength of each preference in the result (while I'm here, I should explain that a bit since it can be misleading. If I take my 19% in Thinking for example, I'm pretty sure this means there's a difference of 19% between my Thinking and Feeling, not that I got 19% for Thinking as a whole. This means that 0% would be equal to an even split between T/F, or 50/50. Therefore, 19% Thinking in this test actually means 59.5%T and 40.5%F, giving that difference of 19%. Translating all my scores into raw values as opposed to differences: I: 94%, N: 90.5%, T: 59.5%, P: 65.5%).

- A few of the questions conflate Feeling with 'feelings' and emotionality as opposed to seeing it as its own form of logic that prioritises ethics when forming to conclusions.

4. John's Personality Test

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INFP
Score: 6/10


I'd consider this to be one of the better short tests out there and likely the best choice for a quick test to give to a friend that doesn't know anything about typology to get them started.

+ A masterclass in simplicity, does what it needs to do without any added bells or whistles, and is generally accurate in its final assessment.
+ The option to skip questions is a handy one, and it also asks additional questions if the results are too close after the initial 25.
- The results page is just a percentage score for each type; listen here John, I want to know the clarity of each preference and also know a little bit about the type rather than have to open a new tab and google these things myself.

3. Sakinorva Form Q

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INTP
Score: 7/10


It may be the closest thing we get to the official test for a while and even comes with facets for each preference; I still wouldn't consider it my favourite overall though.

+ It's the Form Q, what else is there to say.
- 145 questions is a pretty hefty amount and is unlikely to appeal to the average test taker.

2. Truity TypeFinder

Test Style: Other
Result: INFP
Score: 7/10


I have this test in the 'other' category since I'm not quite sure how it works (INFP was my best match, yet I scored 68% for Thinking in my dichotomies. What I do know though is that it tends to be pretty solid in its results and is worth taking.

+ One of the frontrunners in terms of having comprehensive questions that do well in actually assessing differences in preferences.
+ Manages to make 130 questions feel like nothing, which is nice for those that may feel apprehensive about taking longer tests.
- All the juicy result details are locked behind a paywall, which is understandable but sad all the same.

1. OpenPsychometrics

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INxP
Score: 7/10


I'm a fan of this test overall; the questions show a solid understanding of the system rather than an over-reliance on stereotypes, and it hits a good balance regarding the number of questions I think a test should have.

+ The results offer a solid description of the type, not to mention a neat visual representation of the clarity of each preference, and each dichotomy has a small description at the bottom detailing what it's about.
+ The questions are relevant to the system while being relatively simple to understand.
- There are some grammatical issues in certain questions that can be off-putting for some.

0. Koto's Test

Test Style: Dichotomy
Result: INFP
Score: 10/10


It's my test and I can give it whatever score I want. I coded it in Python but I'm not sure how to make it more accessible in general; if anyone is interested I could post the questions (I may do so anyway), plug in your answers to the code and then just hand you back your results.

+ It's my test.
+ No Grant in sight.
+ It's my test.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
FWIW, I find you closer to INFP based on your political stance.

Where do you see yourself on this chart?



Active member
May 22, 2021
FWIW, I find you closer to INFP based on your political stance.

Where do you see yourself on this chart?


I don't want to talk about politics, especially not with you, as anything I say is liable to be misinterpreted and I don't consider myself well-informed enough on politics as a whole anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant


Active member
May 22, 2021
The sequel is here (sans my own test):











