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How Do You Define the Functions?

Savage Idealist

Aug 17, 2010
Instinctual Variant
In your own words, describe each function and how it works.


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
Se - urge to explore and experience based upon what something directly is.
Ne - Urge to explore and experience based upon what something represents.
Si - Urge to plan ahead, review and asses based upon achieving maximum certainty.
Ni - Urge to plan ahead, review and asses based upon achieving maximum return.
Fi - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of social, moral or emotional worth.
Ti - Urgeto make value judgements based upon ideas of technical or intellectual worth.
Fe - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of social, moral or emotional utility.
Te - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of technical or logistical utility.

And my time at the library is up, so that's all I'll be able to say...


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
S tells you that something is
T tells you what it is
F tells you what it is worth
N tells you where it came from and where it is going

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ne- spiderwebs
Se- ridiculously hot peppers
Ni- icebergs
Si- chicken
Fe- barney
Te- tungsten
Fi- spray paint
Ti- sand



New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Si is about internalizing the details
Se is about observing situational differences
Ni is about internalizing the concepts
Ne is about observing situational patterns

Fe is about group emotional consistancy...lets feel the same
Te is about group thought consistancy...lets think the same
Ti is about individual thought
Fi is about individual feelings


royal member
Mar 7, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Se - in the moment
Si - database
Ne - creative/crazy
Ni - insightful

Fe - warmth
Fi - drama :troll:
Te - execution
Ti - understanding


New member
Apr 11, 2008
Se - Facts and details experienced in the moment through ur senses, directly in your face, without measure and very, very nuance.
Si - Facts and details much like Se but screened for perceptual saliency and compared to what one has experienced before. In a way, SJ's sense twice but their perception of sensing is more shallow with regards to the texture of what is being sensed.

Ti - Either truth or falsehood, binary, when combined becoming more complex structures, such as IF/THEN statements, and so on, I'm sure.
Te - Appealing to externalized array of impersonal data, such as Law, Statistics, Contracts. Very shallow, underspecified and even vague logic that requires special knowledge of the terminology at times to properly understand what they're saying. Much more physical or positional logic. I feel like terms, like 'confluence' and 'coalescence', are very Te. Ti is more contradistinctive in its terminology.

Ne - All over the place, beautiful, mysterious and unique. Useful in its ability to think of a very broad number of hypothetical scenarios.
Ni - Conceptual distinction; I feel like Ni, very often not having a voice of its own, seeks to illustrate these distinctions in a collage-like way, using examples from Se and juxtaposing them. I feel like implication is an Ni concept.

Fe - Accountability to others. A strong, intense focus on others reactions. A desire to do right by everyone. Reciprocity. Schedules of meetings in-person.
Fi - Sometimes overly-sensitive but with an acute and clear understanding of what they enjoy and what makes them them. Perhaps Fi is like Ti in the sense of being binary. Maybe the concepts of 'good' and 'bad', 'favorable'/'unfavorable', originate with this function.

I really like the one-word answer one btw :)

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Se - urge to explore and experience based upon what something directly is.
Ne - Urge to explore and experience based upon what something represents.
Si - Urge to plan ahead, review and asses based upon achieving maximum certainty.
Ni - Urge to plan ahead, review and asses based upon achieving maximum return.
Fi - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of social, moral or emotional worth.
Ti - Urgeto make value judgements based upon ideas of technical or intellectual worth.
Fe - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of social, moral or emotional utility.
Te - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of technical or logistical utility.

And my time at the library is up, so that's all I'll be able to say...

I actually think I identify most with Fi, Si and Ne based on this. Maybe I just don't fully grasp Ti. I certainly intellectualize things, trying to understand their essence but I don't really see myself putting a value judgement on it, which I see as an F thing. On the other hand I do put value judgements on social and moral type things.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Se: I'm Totally In The Zone Right Now
Si: Let Me Pull Up My Excel Spreadsheet
Ne: Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Ni: Dude, It's So Deep, You Have No Idea
Fe: I Just Want You To Be Happy
Fi: I Must Stay True To Myself
Ti: No Detail Is Unnecessary
Te: Git-R-Done!


royal member
Mar 7, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Se: I'm Totally In The Zone Right Now
Si: Let Me Pull Up My Excel Spreadsheet
Ne: Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Ni: Dude, It's So Deep, You Have No Idea
Fe: I Just Want You To Be Happy
Fi: I Must Stay True To Myself
Ti: No Detail Is Unnecessary
Te: Git-R-Done!
Great stuff! :laugh:


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Se - perceiving through physical connection with and experiencing the current moment
Ne - perceiving by taking in massive amounts of information simultaneously, drawing connections and developing possibilities
Si - perceiving by recalling personal memory of experiences and comparing them to the present
Ni - perceiving by considering vast amounts of information and focusing that perception on an idea or single hypothesis
Fi - subjective judging based on personal beliefs or morals
Ti - subjective judging based on careful application of logic
Fe - objective judging based on behavior that has been observed in individuals and groups
Te - objective judging by comparing current situation against well known standards or benchmarks


New member
Dec 18, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Ni: Extracting central meaning that will tell you where the ultimate end is and where things are heading
Si: Extracting central characteristics, making mental units of compact information and mental "books" on topics
Ne: Extrapolating Si "books" to create many possibilities
Se: ?

Ti: Using an internal logic system as the arbiter of truth
Te: Using external facts as the arbiter of truth
Fi: Using an internal moral system as the arbiter of good and bad
Fe: Using external evidence as the arbiter of good and bad


Super Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Here's my latest attempt at it (which will surely change yet again in approx. 10 minutes :laugh: )

Fe: Can I help you? Can you be a little more...?

(outward humane focus, adding something to the 'feeling' of the atmosphere, determines through social dynamics and broad sentiments)

Fi: Can I be true? Can I determine what is meaningful here?

(inward humane focus, taking away personal meaning and working out something based on holistic individual 'feeling')

Ne: Can I fly to the moon? No wait! Can I change this?

(outward focus on context, potential, and the unknown. Broadens context, discovers potentials, and adds where there is unknown)

Se: Can I go? Can I try this?

(outward focus on reality, current dynamics and opportunity. Adds through experience/experimentation and finds what the immediate context requires)

Ni: Can this really be as it seems? Can I understand it as..?

(inward focus on context, potential, and the unknown. Awareness of what is unknown in interpretations, finding one closest potential, finding a fitting context to transform an unknown)

Si: Can this fit into the order? Can I recall when...?

(inward focus on reality, current dynamics, and opportunity. takes away what is reliable from the immediate context, and focuses on a specific opportunity)

Ti: Can this make sense? Can this be true when..?

(inward focus on technicality and function. taking away what works and zones in on specific dysfunctions based on a theory or model)

Te: Can this work as planned? Can this be proven to..?

(outward focus on technicality and function. adds to a systems workings, broadens its efficency, and determines through objective structures)


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Si - About internalising details both in terms of memory and comparing it to everything else. It's like a book-keeping function.

Se - Just experiencing what is with your senses. Living in the moment.

Ne - Jumping from one idea to another with whatever comes to mind. This could be logical, it could be just what something reminds you of, it could be structural similarities etc. Then you jump again, and again, and again, to infinitum.

Ni - Finding one centralising theme or idea that helps unify or explain how lots of different things are connected. I see it kind of like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a mystery. There are lots of clues and your job is to find the one explanation that brings them all together.

Ti - A process used in all things logical. This could be in the form of formal logic (if A then B, not B therefore not A etc.) or through just wanting to know how shit works.

Te - Try to structure the external world in a logical manner. This is usually the 'get shit done' function. I also see Te as the process used when person A tries to get person B to change in some logical way.

Fe - The function that embraces social harmony. It unfolds differently in different social contexts.

Fi - Feeling your own emotions and wanting to express them; looking at someone else and identifying that they these same emotions and understanding them; forming a moral system based on these things.


Sugar Hiccup
Mar 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Se - urge to explore and experience based upon what something directly is.
Ne - Urge to explore and experience based upon what something represents.
Si - Urge to plan ahead, review and asses based upon achieving maximum certainty.
Ni - Urge to plan ahead, review and asses based upon achieving maximum return.
Fi - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of social, moral or emotional worth.
Ti - Urgeto make value judgements based upon ideas of technical or intellectual worth.
Fe - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of social, moral or emotional utility.
Te - Urge to make value judgements based upon ideas of technical or logistical utility.

And my time at the library is up, so that's all I'll be able to say...

The "urge" phrasing is interesting, and I see how it ties into the idea of the dom function being the ego and your general mindset and blah blah blah.

Anyway, so far this is the most accurate description to me.

(I have to say also that it's a minor irritation of mine when people say Fi-dom reason based on personal values.... Where do these personal values come from? They FORM values; it's a PROCESS and values are a RESULT of their reasoning.)


My long-winded stab at it:

Se - focusing on external tangible things via experiences and facts & the opportunities available for more experience; feel compelled to explore tangible experience & create new kinds

Ne - focusing on external intangible connections, relationships, & patterns & the possibilities implied by them; feel compelled to pursue these possibilities & ideas & create new ones

Si - focus on their internal impressions stirred by tangible things experienced/learned, with these impressions formed by ideas from the unconscious; feel compelled to explore/review their impressions, compare them with new ones, & produce familiarities & associations in the process which form a model of reliable experience.

Ni - focus on their internal impressions stirred by intangible connection/patterns/relationships absorbed, with these impressions formed by ideas from the unconscious; feel compelled to mentally explore their impressions & the patterns & relations within them & what they indicate as to the model essence of something

Fe - form lines of reasoning as to what is valuable in regards to being human using interpersonal harmony & connection, effectiveness, community standards & group consensus, emotional effects on people, etc; feel compelled to affect others & allow themselves to be affected by these values so as to create unity of feeling

Te - form lines of reasoning as to what things are and how they logically connect using external impersonal measures, existing structures, effectiveness, facts, commonly held truths, etc; feel compelled to promote and conform to these principles to promote order

Fi - form lines of reasoning as to what is valuable in regards to being human using ideas from the unconscious and the exploration of the self & internalized personal emotions; feel compelled to refine these feelings & to resist external influence so as to maintain purity & protect the vulnerability of their feelings

Ti - form lines of reasoning as to what things are and how they logically connect with internal impersonal measures and structures sourced from ideas in the unconscious & the consistency of the self; feel compelled to refine these thoughts & to resist external influence so as to maintain precision & to protect the validity of their thoughts


Andy wins.

I'm completely halfassing this, but the functions define orientations toward:

Se: obvious instinctual response to external stimuli
Ne: can't flippin' help but make interconnections between ideas and stimuli
Si: comparison to methodologies, recipes, and past experience
Ni: tendency to generalize and synthesize perspectives
Te: comparison to metrics and categorizations
Fe: comparison to 'standards' for social consideration?
Ti: forcing congruency with a set of internal but impersonal mental models; continually refining that set
Fi: forcing congruency with a set of internal, personal set of impressions or values; continually refining that set


Supreme High Commander
Nov 16, 2009
I actually think I identify most with Fi, Si and Ne based on this. Maybe I just don't fully grasp Ti. I certainly intellectualize things, trying to understand their essence but I don't really see myself putting a value judgement on it, which I see as an F thing. On the other hand I do put value judgements on social and moral type things.

You do make yourself sound more INFP than INTP, but I'm not going say any thing definite. Typology can be complex and needs a little more thanone paragraph!

The "urge" phrasing is interesting, and I see how it ties into the idea of the dom function being the ego and your general mindset and blah blah blah.

Anyway, so far this is the most accurate description to me.

(I have to say also that it's a minor irritation of mine when people say Fi-dom reason based on personal values.... Where do these personal values come from? They FORM values; it's a PROCESS and values are a RESULT of their reasoning.)

I used the term 'urge' because it best matches the way i view the functions - as driving force that conflict with and balance each other. I think you have an idea of what I'm driving at. Once again my time is up. i should come here earlier!


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
You do make yourself sound more INFP than INTP, but I'm not going say any thing definite. Typology can be complex and needs a little more thanone paragraph!

I used the term 'urge' because it best matches the way i view the functions - as driving force that conflict with and balance each other. I think you have an idea of what I'm driving at. Once again my time is up. i should come here earlier!

I think urge is totally wrong way of thinking the functions. Urge implies that there is a internal things that demands processing something in a certain way, thus the thing is processed in a certain way. Its infact the opposite of this. Even tho ego prefers information that has been processed in a certain way and neglects conflicting information, its not that ego demands some function to be used, just that it neglects information thats in opposition of more preferred info.

Functions are simply different ways of processing information. This processed information either goes far enough to come into consciousness, which requires certain level of intensity from the source. If the intensity is lacking it stays in the unconsciousness, making it easier for the next thought to come through the same route, thus possibly guiding the next thought.

If you want to put a name for this process, drive would be much better suited. Because it comes from not the direction of ego, but outside the ego towards the ego, guiding the ego.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
In your own words, describe each function and how it works.

f-it. I was going to avoid this, but why not at least let people know what I've currently concluded about the foundation of the types, even if I'm uncertain about its usefulness...

4 types (*All types can be ethically inclined)
NT - Conceptual Logos
NF - Conceptual Pathos
ST - Pragmatic Logos
SF - Pragmatic Pathos
Logos -> Philosophical Logic
Pathos -> Philosophical Communication

extroversion -> evolutionary - actions are intentionally made that have an equal and opposite reaction that causes it to both 'impart' an affect on the external world and at the same time 'take in' new information of that affect.

introversion -> involution - to be without action and thus without incurring any intentional equal and opposite reaction on the world; instead it synthesizes the affects of the world.

*I say "intentional" because technically we affect things whether we choose to or not.

8 functions (preceding from the definitions above)
Te (external director/manager) - creates and deals with the interaction of the parts of the world through a filter of philosophical Logos
Ti (impersonal internal judge) - aims to assess an accurate and overall judgment on the interaction of the parts of the world through a filter of philosophical Logos
Fe (external influence) - creates and deals with the interaction of the parts of the world through a filter of philosophical Pathos
Fi (personal internal judge) - aims to assess an accurate and overall judgment on the interaction of the parts of the world through a filter of philosophical Pathos

Ne (external inventing) - creates and deals with the interaction of the world through a filter of concepts
Ni (internal inventing) - aims to assess an accurate and overall understanding of the interaction of the parts of the world through a filter of concepts
Se (external resonance) - creates and deals with the interaction of the world through a filter of pragmatics
Si (internal resonance) - aims to assess an accurate and overall understanding of the interaction of the parts of the world through a filter of pragmatics

Unconscious Functions to the Eight (Inferior)
I consider this to be described as above, but that its use has to be stimulated or provoked.

Creative Function + Tertiary
Then you can add this too, I guess. But I don't know if it makes sense to say that the tertiary is unconscious. I classify it as conscious with the creative.