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Multiple Enneagram Subtypes/Instincts Write a description of your instinctual stacking based off your own experience


Aug 29, 2012
I thought this would be interesting to see how our instincts affect us differently based on our enneagram/mbti.


Relationships to things and people need to be built on a strong connective charge and excitement. If a relationship to a person or thing moves too much toward a normal stable SP relationship or a shallow SO relationship restlessness sets in. This is where the wanderer effect happens. Always searching for that connective charge in people or with things or places and never truly belonging to the community at large. Although it is not a true wanderer like an SX/SO. SX/SP is more rooted. There is a sense of expanding forward all the time and conquering new land. More experience expands the comfort zone adding to our world.

edit: some additional stuff

sx/sp is very all or nothing. It's like turning a light switch on and off constantly. There is either a complete electric charge for something or there is absolutely nothing at all. Things are either part of you or they are vehemently opposed. This gives a very hot and cold burst effect. It is also quite territorial.
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Blind Guardian
Apr 26, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I like where this is going



Relationships must be meaningful and stimulating in order to be seen as worthy of pursuit.Loves the thrill of the chase,whether they fill the role of the chaser or the chased is of infinitesimal concern for the sx/sp. Romantic relationships seen as preferable over friendships,very little interest towards forming casual acquaintance-ships.Basks in the intensity of their own emotions.In constant search for someone to give all of themselves over to,prone to leaving relationships when their partner does not fulfill their expectations of love as well as when emotional/physical intensity becomes scarce.Epitomize the expression “the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”Becomes unusually confident and daring as well as tangibly more reckless than ordinary, in love. Jealous and possessive of their lover.Aggressive and passionate;not one to do anything half way.May be prone to violent outbursts when unhealthy.


Interesting concept for a thread.
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So she did.
Feb 8, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I am unsure of what my second instinct is, I've been trying to pin it down for some time. I am Sx first.

I find enjoyment in unusual circumstances, anything that bends the norm-- I tend to flow easily in emergency situations, reacting quickly and calmly and even getting a high off of them to some degree. This includes getting stuck somewhere, evacuations, someone gets hurt, you name it. I like to climb out windows and sit on rooftops, drive with my windows down in violent thunderstorms and meander without direction to discover something new. I don't shy away from new experiences in general, unless they are solely social. I strongly desire a (very specific) individual to do those things alongside me, but haven't found them yet. I need to be met strength for strength and tend to become disappointed and disgruntled with individuals who can't fulfill that. I want direct communication, apparently to a socially weird degree (going off of experience and reactions once others realize I really mean that). I desire to know others fully and deeply, if they do not open up or allow that I grow disinterested and move on. I think that freaks people out sometimes, which is unfortunate. :dry: Shallow social interaction annoys me unless there's a good deal of chemistry beneath.


While I'm not the best representative of my stacking, the social-instinct is a lot like this.


Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I currently type as sx/soc. To be honest, I am not overly fond of what I read about this stacking on the internet. You'd think I was some sort of maniacal sex goddess powering through my glorious Olympian existence on champagne fumes and caviar.

About time to clear that up:
I am a rootless wanderer and loner more than anything, moving from one society to the next. I have no home, no permanent friends or family, and no particular ambition to set down roots anywhere for too long. I'm simply too inclined to follow my interests and obsessions wherever they might lead me, and I have many distinct chapters in my life. On the rare occasion that I actually do feel bonded to a group--or more accurately, "personally immersed in social affairs"--I tend to wreak havok. I question, I raise rebellion, I challenge convention and assumptions, I protest conditions. And I do so publicly. I'm willing to stand out in rain, snow, sleet, and hail to publicize my cause, even if it brings the whole world against me. I am quietly exhibitionistic--I keep political blogs, write (and cartoon!) about my personal life, dress flamboyantly, and otherwise embarrass myself for kicks. Performance art appeals to me a lot.

My personal day-to-day (lack of) upkeep of my domestic realm goes well beyond what you'd expect to see from an ENxP; I am horrible at remembering to eat, I misplace money, and my self-neglect is, at times, appalling. I'd just sooner focus on my own interests than bother to maintain myself. Likewise, I am not materialistic in the slightest, not motivated solely by the acquisition of money; I'm one of those white men who mocks "the ways of the white man". The thought of owning a house in the US suburbs terrifies me, and I believe in socialized healthcare, too (NOTE: this last point may depend on individual sx/socs).

That's what it's like for me.

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✿ڿڰۣஇღ♥ wut ♥ღஇڿڰۣ✿
Apr 24, 2007
What the hell are they so happy about?


Unapologetic being
Jul 1, 2011
Instinctual Variant
While I'm not the best representative of my stacking, the social-instinct is a lot like this.


This actually makes sense to me though.

And I wouldn't say that you aren't a good representative. I think you stand out, but without having to stir the pot. It's a good thing ;)

I currently type as sx/soc. To be honest, I am not overly fond of what I read about this stacking on the internet. You'd think I was some sort of maniacal sex goddess powering through my glorious Olympian existence on champagne fumes and caviar.


About time to clear that up:
I am a rootless wanderer and loner more than anything, moving from one society to the next. I have no home, no permanent friends or family, and no particular ambition to set down roots anywhere for too long. I'm simply too inclined to follow my interests and obsessions wherever they might lead me, and I have many distinct chapters in my life. On the rare occasion that I actually do feel bonded to a group--or more accurately, "personally immersed in social affairs"--I tend to wreak havok. I question, I raise rebellion, I challenge convention and assumptions, I protest conditions. And I do so publicly. I'm willing to stand out in rain, snow, sleet, and hail to publicize my cause, even if it brings the whole world against me. I am quietly exhibitionistic--I keep political blogs, write (and cartoon!) about my personal life, dress flamboyantly, and otherwise embarrass myself for kicks. Performance art appeals to me a lot.

My personal day-to-day (lack of) upkeep of my domestic realm goes well beyond what you'd expect to see from an ENxP; I am horrible at remembering to eat, I misplace money, and my self-neglect is, at times, appalling. I'd just sooner focus on my own interests than bother to maintain myself. Likewise, I am not materialistic in the slightest, not motivated solely by the acquisition of money; I'm one of those white men who mocks "the ways of the white man". The thought of owning a house in the US suburbs terrifies me, and I believe in socialized healthcare, too (NOTE: this last point may depend on individual sx/socs).

That's what it's like for me.

So interesting. The way that you type is so eloquently written. I always think that you're so dom.

And I would never have guessed any of these things, if you weren't to flat out tell us lol

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
So interesting. The way that you type is so eloquently written. I always think that you're so dom.

And I would never have guessed any of these things, if you weren't to flat out tell us lol

Thanks. I may not even be social second. Most people don't guess my wilder side IRL, too.


I hate everything about this video. I'm guessing SO has to do with tolerance and I have none of that.

No. It's because you're an ISTP. :D

Yes, I would never behave in this way, but I appreciate the social instinct, especially so/sx. They tend to be pleasant, fun, energizing people. It can feel like too much at times, but I'm glad people like this exist.


As far as the OP goes, I would put my instincts like this:

My sexual instinct is my default state, where I go if I don't work at being a more well-rounded, better person. I can tell when I'm getting too sexual heavy because I am an unhealthy one dimensional being, whose one desire is to fill the void. All of my borderline personality traits are pronounced. I'm inconsistent, erratic, volatile, clingy, addictive, obsessed. I am empty without the charge from someone or something else.

I use my self preservation instinct to get out of this place. I start to pay attention to what really matters to me, what are my priorities, what will make me be healthier and more balanced. Self preservation for me is all about reminding myself of my values and making a point of honoring them, making them manifest. I start to get to work and establish a foundation, something to grow from, build upon. I feel solid, stable, more consistent.

The social instinct is the last step, but one that still matters. It helps me be less self absorbed. I will read the paper on a regular basis, make a point of responding to emails, begrudgingly attend social events. I will make a point of being more connected to the world at large, what's going on, who's doing what. I think it's incredibly important to develop the last instinct, but it definitely feels like the hardest work.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=18576]Sanjuro[/MENTION] Did a fantastic job of expressing the sx/so dynamic so well, I will add the following for myself:

There are periods in my life that are defined by a particular cause or political action that I immersed myself in, all revolving around social justice issues and equity. I am driven by my passions that it permeates my professional and private life. People are bewildered by me because I have no problem going against the flow if there is an injustice, yet I have a very calm, steady demeanor. My sx dom has also resulted in a non-sexual exploration of sensuality (if that makes sense) and delving into expressions of sex vs. love vs. sensuality. I can become obsessed by books, ideas, theories, artists, music until I am satiated and then don't touch them for months because I have gone onto something else. I cannot imagine anything more fulfilling than to be completely immersed on an intellectual and physical sense with my partner and kissing is the ultimate expression of that connection and intoxication. (Notice my avatar.)

Sp is definitely last for me as I have no desire to acquire any material wealth, only to contribute. I am not into staus, nor could I be with someone romantically that valued that as it is completely foreign to me. I lived several years with no running water or electrictity or phone and didn't find it to be a hardship, rather I valued the simplicity and purity of living that way. I can pay my bills on time, but don't really think about my financial situation that often. I do love certain types of foods but it is more of a sensual experience; people always comment on how slowly I eat, lol.



I have zero desire to acquire material wealth and I could care less about status (status seems more like a social thing, honestly). Living in a simple/pure way appeals to me as well. I pay attention to health and nutrition to an extent but I also find it quite boring, like when people talk about it or I have to pay attention to it too much I want to slam my head against a brick wall. But I am self pres second. (See what I say about self pres above your post.) What preserves the self is going to vary depending on the person (not to mention their MBTI type and enneatype). Regardless, though, it will give a sense of groundedness/stability when it's in use.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
^Thanks for the feedback...perhaps my stacking is switched for the last two, though I really, really relate to all of Sanjuro's description. I do find that my passion for political activism is very grounding and necessary for my sense of well-being so maybe there is some sense in looking at sx/sp for me.

My sense of my so is based on joining groups to accomplish goals, but I am not outwardly social. I consider myself soc moreso from looking at world and local politics, economics and how I fit into those realms and how I can contribute toward a greater good (sounds cheesy, I know, lol). I will have to look into this further....


^Thanks for the feedback...perhaps my stacking is switched for the last two, though I really, really relate to all of Sanjuro's description. I do find that my passion for political activism is very grounding and necessary for my sense of well-being so maybe there is some sense in looking at sx/sp for me.

My sense of my so is based on joining groups to accomplish goals, but I am not outwardly social. I consider myself soc moreso from looking at world and local politics, economics and how I fit into those realms and how I can contribute toward a greater good (sounds cheesy, I know, lol). I will have to look into this further....

I definitely wasn't saying you aren't sx/so. What you say about the social instinct definitely makes it sound like it's one of your top two. I was just saying that what you saw as self pres qualifiers are not universal self pres qualities.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Instinctual Variant
^Ok, thank you for sharing that description of sp qualities which is much deeper than my previous understanding. Whenever I have taken tests to look at instinctual stackings they always bring up physical/safety aspects vs. your deeper description. When I read about the various stackings for e9 I was actually torn between sx/so or so/sx.


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I'm an So/Sp
So: The way I use So is that I have manifested an image that I want society to view me through, the image is awesomeness. The top traits society wants in a person (as I have perceived it) are 1. Confidence 2. Wit 3. Style 4. Intelligence 5. The ability to improvise 6. Caring 7. Calm/Chill 8. Good Hearted 9. Independent 10. Out-Spoken 11. Funny 12. Indifference towards rules, I have used these 12 since I was a child to create the person that I'm today and to climb up the social ladder.
Sp: Money plays an important role in my life in that I need it to enjoy myself. My hobbies include Video Gaming, Racing, Laser Tagging, going to the gym, and partying and without cash I can't accomplish these goals, I also use Sp in that I like taking care of myself by going to the gym, looking stylish and making sure that my surroundings are clean or messy (Creative disorganization).

Day-To Day conversations- Consist of politics, humorous jabs on systems in society (satire), sarcasm, making fun of others (I'm an Asshole) and theories i.e For a man to be a great president the man needs to be horny prospects of this working are Bill Clinton and FDR and the prude George W Bush helps solidify this claim so go Horny for 2016 and Putin deserves to be hanged by testicles for the shit he's doing in Eastern Europe and for the fact that he can't just inject his poisons and call it good he is the grown as Joffrey Lannister.


Blind Guardian
Apr 26, 2011
Instinctual Variant
So/sp here
I see the world as a big web with all the people and their connections with the rest of the world. I see events happening and how they echo across the web, affecting us all in some small way. Navigating it is very challenging, but the more connections I make, the more aware I become, and the easier it gets. The best thing for me is getting ahead of the trends, and seeing what the next big thing is before it happens.

So I'm trying to navigate all this craziness, and I don't want to get wrecked, so I try to keep my things in order. That's where sp comes in. Money makes the world go round, health is not replaceable, and food is delicious. I just can't focus on that stuff all the time. i really just don't want my lack of money, health, or fitness to prevent me from doing anything.

So I feel like kind of a permanent outsider because I never want to slow down long enough to become one of the group, though I might be part of several groups at once. If I ever get stuck in one scene too long I become restless, like the world is slipping away and all these things are happening that I won't be in a position to deal with because I'm too much of an outsider and I can't count on anyone's support.

I have no patience for people and things that try to command my attention, limit my awareness, or take up all my time. That doesn't mean I never relax or spend one on one time with anyone, it just depends on how much these people and things are aligned with my current trajectory.

I think social climber works for so/sp, but I would sooner call it The Navigator.

Chad of the OttomanEmpire

Give me a fourth dot.
Jun 9, 2013
Instinctual Variant
^Thanks for the feedback...perhaps my stacking is switched for the last two, though I really, really relate to all of Sanjuro's description. I do find that my passion for political activism is very grounding and necessary for my sense of well-being so maybe there is some sense in looking at sx/sp for me.

My sense of my so is based on joining groups to accomplish goals, but I am not outwardly social. I consider myself soc moreso from looking at world and local politics, economics and how I fit into those realms and how I can contribute toward a greater good (sounds cheesy, I know, lol). I will have to look into this further....
Hey no guarantees I am sp-last, either. In terms of how I currently type, though, I'd say I have a very high likelihood of being so, though. You want to examine what self-pres would mean to a core 9 and determine what role that plays in your life. Like [MENTION=7140]brainheart[/MENTION] says, some types are going to be less materialistic than others due to their focus. If you are heavily involved in socialy things though, it sounds like social is not your last instinct. It's not generally about being "sociable" for any type.